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More Interesting Than Anything!!
Wednesday, 25 August 2004
Fuck all 52 States
So, I moved up to Brentwood. It's way better than where ever you live, even if that place also happens to be Brentwood. Now even though I'm gone I want all of you to not cry, cuz I'm never going back and there's nothing you can do about. If it makes you feel better though, you see my apartment whenever you want. No, you can't come here, unless you are an attractive lady. But you can see these pictures I have right here and now

I bet your aweso-meter just maxed out when you saw those pictures, I know mine did.

In other news I started at my new work yesterday. It's Starbucks, just like my old work, but this one is in LA. Everyone at my new work was like "Ryan we love you, I'm so glad you came to us" and I was all "I love you too... people whose name's I haven't learned yet"

Also! I bought 36 Avenger comics the other day, and some more comics on top of that. They were all the best ever. Iron man is the man! The man made of iron that is... well not so much made of iron but deffinitely surrounded by a suit made of iron. I don't care if he is an alcoholic.

Oh, by the way, you can check me out onmy space if you want. (it's called my space cuz I invented it, you should call it "your space").

I think I'm all tapped out on the ol' i-net today.

By the by,

Ryan "Five Marlboro Miles" Davis

Posted by journal2/sett at 9:11 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 9:29 PM PDT
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