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This is the main page for "The Journals of Sephai Rith". This page will be the site of my journals while I am travelling next year on the single largest journey of the modern world: three men, each adept and strong-willed, a backpack trip across Canada - and no hitching rides. In this site, there will be our thoughts and experiences. There will be a site listing all the equipment being brought with us, and where we got it. Most of the equipment will be special ordered from Wheeler Accessories of Fredericton, New Brunswick. Their "Canadian Peacekeeper" line of equipment had stood a great test of time with myself, and I trust the brand implicitly. To my knowledge no one from Wheeler Accessories is reading this, and I was not paid for that last statement. I received a wallet from a friend one Christmas with a label reading Canadian Peacekeeper. That wallet is eight years old, and has never fallen apart, despite what hell it has been through.

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