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Biggest Carmen's theft!

Nobody has even notice. 'till now.

After months of intensive work, reporters from Europe have discovered the truth: "Carmen Sandiego has stolen entire Europe". At first it was a shocking discover. But after that first impression, every piece of the puzzle has occupied its place.

It all begun years ago. When ministers of every country of what were known as EEC (European Economic Community) were taken the first steps in what is actually known as European Union (EU), a set of Europe countries, determined to reunificate old Europe in a vast and consolidated major World block. These ministers were persuaded by an infiltrated Carmen, to lead efforts into an "unique currency" union that will bring enormous benefits to all members.

The idea was good enough, so all agendas and meetings worked in order to achieve this objective. But Carmen did not work for the purpose of a great Europe. Her plans were others. So, always working in second plane, persuading, and lying, she conducted every effort into a big lie, at last, a big theft: the currency of every Europe country will be substituted with a unique one: the "Euro", the future official currency of every member. But in the process, all Europe's money will be transfered to hide bank accounts, in fact owned in the shadow by Carmen Sandiego, and substitued by a currency that will exist only by name.

Carmen was intelligent enough so no one notice this in the process. A process that lasted many years. And even after the Euro was effectively adopted, after months or even years (as it's been the case), no one'd notice that something was wrong. But progressively, the building of lies and misinformations would fall... in fact it necessary will, it's just a matter of time.

It's been the most talented and imaginative theft ever made. 'cause Carmen has not only thieved all Europe money, but also every building, every plane, every car, every object. In fact, she has thieved every Europe citizen. Moreover, she has thieved whole Europe continent.

But now that we know the truth, what can we do?
We all know that Carmen won't be able to do a thing with all this money. In fact, she didn't look for richness, but for acknowledgment.

Ok, Carmen.
You're the greatest and most intelligent of all thieves over the World. But now, please returns Europe goverments the money before an economic World disaster take place.