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Sara's Site

Hi everyone, welcome to my page. I got bored, so i decided to make one! Well, my name is sara, and i'm 14, almost 15. I'm about to start high school, yippy. I listen to punk and emo music, because its the best to get you through hard times. I have the best friends in the world. Especially jessie, pattie, and matt. They rock, and i heart them forever. My other friends kick ass too though.......................... Jacob, you mean a lot to me, and i'm glad i met you. Its sucks that you're leaving at the end of the summer. What am i going to do without you? But i hope we keep in touch, because i think our friendship, or more, is worth keeping......................... Now, a little advice. Love isn't fair. It makes you feel so happy, but then breaks your heart. It hurts when you give your heart to someone, but they reject it. I've been there before. But just because you can get hurt, that doens't mean to give up on finding that special person, because you never know what will happen. Just keep faith, and good things will come to you. Plus, ice cream, cake, and chocolate, are good remedies to fix a broken heart. :).................... Here's a poem I like a lot: lost in the silence of your voice, a hundred years could pass, and still I'd be here, slowly time ticks by, and as i sit, watching, tears start to slide down my cheeks, i could fight them for an eternity, but the emotion would still be inside, we can't help the way we feel, but it sure does hurt sometimes, to be immortalized in the darkness of your eyes, to feel as though nothing could go wrong, though i know in my mind nothing is right, you stand and walk away, leaving me, i collapse in my sorrow, my eyes now black, there is no kiss, or hug, no happy goodbye, just an empty walk of pain, you leave no hidden message, to tend the anguish in my heart, but words need not be spoken, when i know everything you'd say, how your love for me just fell away, how its your fault, not mine, you could speak those words forever, say it a thousand times, but i'd never understand, there's no fixing a broken heart, it can never completely mend, there's always some little part of you, to exist until the very end, but as the days fly by, and the pain softens, into tiny memories of us, i will grow strong, and the sadness that has engulfed me, will diminish, and will be at peace......................... Ok, well, that's my page, hope you liked it. I'll try to update it often! Love Sara

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