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For those of you who have been faithfully keeping up with all the latest Jen news via my Deadjournal (links are below), good for you! *gives readers a cookie* And for those who haven't...well...I don't know what kinda slack train you've been on lately, but I won't hold it against you. Much.

Anyway, Chapter One of the new Casey Felix series, The Things They Can't Tell You In High School, is now posted under the Writing and Rambling section. And the new Dell is waaaaay better than the old laptop, so I can write and do pictures and all sorts of other fun stuff now without it crashing every time I try to save. So look for some big changes around here over Christmas break.

I'll also try to remember to get a new picture up here pretty soon, too. The rainbow cowgirl look is just...creepy.

Ciao for now,

~Jen :)

This page last updated November 19, 2004

Jen Kalgren can be reached at

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