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My Home Page

Hi there! My website^0^Yaaaaaaaay! Under construction of course though........Very random website, I'll fill it with lots of random stuff though. So ummmmmm I guess this is Randonessia, the country of randomness! All I ever do is wander. I don't know anything. Who I truly am, Who all these people in this crowd around me are, What I'm supposed to be doing, Why I don't just stop. My ignorance is endless, So much like a sea that That I was tossed into And it's sink or swim. I keep going on and on for no apparent reason. It must be instinct, no thought invovled, that makes me continue along my wayward rambling. I just go with the current, Follow where my feet lead me, No questions asked. If it were a dream, I'd never find myself crying As I wander along. That's how I know This is life.


Ayumi mp3s!!!!!!