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I Am Like So In Control Right Now [other journalz|my site|hourglass|IM me|email me]

[ name | hmmm ]
[ age | 20 ]
[ sex | gurl ]

lil miss pissy pants [7 4 03|8:28am]
[ mood | i'm a cranky gurl ]
[ music | it's 8am and my mom is blasting country :( ]

Grrrr, I am so cranky right now, didn't get to bed till 3am and got up at seven. R. got home all high and I was jealous but later we'll do stuff so hopefully it will put me in a better mood. Blah, I got up all quiet so I could go online this morning and my mother fuckin gets up too and blasts Michael Bolton and country crap....who the fuck wants to hear that at seven in the fucking morning, bro. I can't take this shit. LOL ya this is the extent of my problems- Michael Bolton in the morning. *BuRp* Ok, so I added some more nifty diaries....I have like fifteen there so far. How special am I? I so wanna post that foot pimp email....funny shit. I tried to explain it to R last night but I can't do it justice. I'm gonna ask M if I can I.M him, doubt she'll go for it but it might be funny. Yay I get to go back to work on Monday which means I get an actual weekend. sux how they went about letting us know but I guess I can deal with not getting up at 9am to call people who don't care. Completely off topic, I got this cataloge for bras for chicks with big boobies so I can finally get a pretty bra. It's damnnnnn hard to find something nice when ur over then a C-cup. The only shitty thing is it's all on sale and the one I want is like 22 dollars plus tax soooo i have to get one with my next check and that's gonna dip into the chilling money I have for Friday. That's alright though....I'll have enough for the main shit we wanna do, it's just the overnight stay at the Inn that may not happen. Of course, it could happen if we don't go to the Hello Kitty store so I could buy pens that cost like thirteen dollars but I need my cute crap fix. I'm like a junky. Anywayzzzz, I just found out last night that when R and his cousins IMed me everyone was there watching it and laughing at me. LoL that's horrible. Nah, I'm not mad or was kinda funny. R got embarrased over the cute little name I put for him in my profile. LOLOLOLOL I think that's precious. I wanna go see a movie but nothing good is out...actually, I've had my eye on 28 days later but R doesn't wanna see it. Poo head. He wants to see that terminator crap. Ewwwwww. Arnold Schwartzewnagor is so gay. Gay head. Anyways, I have to go and get pretty soon....oh! that reminds me. I was talking to M and I go "R is comming over so I have to get all pretty cos I might be getting butt today." Then later I was like "Guess what I'm wearing." And she goes "I don't know but I hope it's clothes." LOLOLOLOL I almost cried. Ok, enough tomfoolery. I'm outti like a belly button!

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oops i *giggle* did it again *giggle* *giggle* [7 4 03|1:15am]
[ mood | i'm actually feelin kinda uncomfortable ]
[ music | i seriously can't think of the name ]

I dunno...shitty day at work. They just told us today that we don't have work on Saturday. That does me no fuckin good cos me a R were supposed to go to six flags with this other couple but now it's too late. That's so fucked up, I was like screaming at work about. Well, not screaming but talking very very loud. Dude, since I officially don't have plans for the time I was gonna work I should just be able to go and get paid for it. They're not even giving us pay for that day. This is so last minute. I guess that's how Eversafe treats their employees. Anyway, tomorow at around noon R and I are gonna go by his cusins house. He bought like ten pounds of ribs or something and said he was making the infamous cucumber salad. I dunno, I'm lookin forward to seeing the kids again then getting stoned. LoL. That's where my priorities are. Him and J tried to fuck with me on instant message....they were saying they hacked into my account and that they saw me in this one chatroom. It was very amusing :) M. sent me these emails she had with this guy called the foot pimp. It was the funnnnniest thing I've ever read. I have to post some parts of it here someday...and of course at her discretion. Blah, yesterday I talked to this girl who's diary I used to read online years ago. It was nice. Such a kewl thing to talk to people you haven't spoken to in forever. Hmmmm....I don't really have anything more interesting to say except tomorrow or the next day (I forget which) my mom is going on her vacation to florida. Yayyyyy, whole house to myself. R is sleeping over I think Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday- in my bed of course ::wink wink:: When she comes back on Friday me and R are gonna go to the mall, get chinese and hopefully (depending on my $ situation) get an overnight room. If not, we'll just get a room with a jacuzzi for three hours like always. I love days like that. So much fun. Oh, the recent updates on this is I finally found time and energy to add some diaries in my other diaries link thingy. They're mostly dark. Mines a little perkier so don't expect the same. Those are just what I find interesting. So blah, I'm out....

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pickled me [7 3 03|2:46pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | blah, I got nothin ]

Yayyyy I finally got the note section up and the main page up. So I'm excited about that...leaving and viewing notes on these entries can now be found at the bottom of each one. More will be aded but I'm too lazy to do it right now. Besides I have to get ready for work....oh damn it! I missed blind date and ship mates. Poo. Well, there goes my day, lol.

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who's yo daddy? [7 3 03|1:44am]
[ mood | it's been a long day ]
[ music | "you're somebody else round everyone else" ]

Soooo the monitor I had on this kinda died for some reason so I replaced it with the one from my old comp that died more then a year ago. It's so convenient things turned out that way. Saved time and money by just switching them. I still can't get the speakers to work and I tried everything. Oh well. Who needs speakers anywayz. So I went to work and got all stressed out. Not from the job itself but from a conversation (and by conversation I mean argument) I had with some coworkers. L. was reading the paper and mentioned that some principal guy had a seventeen year old boy living in his house for awhile and now he's saying he was molested. So C. goes "That fuckin faget." I was immediately offended by that. First off, this is a corporate building, we all have ways we need to conduct ourselves which includes watching what we say. Secondly, who's to say someone I'm related to isn't homosexual, which would automatically put me in an uncomfortable situation. Anyways, blah, I said that someones sexual preference has nothing to do with whether they're a child molester or not. Then they started saying that the kid was gay and probably enjoyed it because he took so long to say what was going on. So I said it was most likely because he was afraid people like them would assume something like that. But, whatever. I just can't believe some people. So angry. R. took the test today and thinks he did really well. That's so nice. I forgot to call him at break and ran to the phone soon as I got in to find out. I'm such a geek. We must have talked on the phone for two hours or something. A record :) It's so silly, I have our eighth anniversary card he gave me on the monitor so everytime I'm in here I can be reminded of him. Heheheh. Beyond corny. But anyway. Todays been kind of hectic, I was rushing around all day and tomorrow I get to do nothing but relax, show up for work, then come home and do nothing. Yay. I should start looking for a full time job soon. I'd like to have something by I might check out that monster dot com thing and see what happens. My ultimate dream job is phone sex operator. Seriously. Once I get established somewhere and have enough training I could just create an nine hundred number thingy and work from home. Most times the people that call are either looking for relationship advice or just need someone to talk to. And if they're just looking for phone sex then all I have to do is moan for as long as I can to keep them on the line. LoL. Sounds good to me. I was watching Ricky Lake or something and they were interviewing people who do that. These guys make tons a fuckin money. Who doesn't want tons a fuckin money? I dunno. My second dream job is telemarketing manager. I was assistant manager full time for a few months where I work part time now. It was nice. I don't think I was ready for it then but a few years down the line I would like to give it another shot. I don't know when I'll start work on my self injury site. I'm not sure I mentioned it in the last entry but I have the intro all written out. I'm trying not to do information search on it every day because it's too triggering. Can't sit there and look at all these pictures and not just need to do it. I'll admit that I started again. Five on my sucks but maybe if I admit it I'll stop? I don't know. It's such a complicated thing. I haven't done it since I was maybe in late seventeen and I'm twenty now so that's a good two and a half years at least. Blah, haven't told anyone I started again but when I chilled with M. today I forgot to wear the bandaides and she said something like "I think you were sitting on that chair weird cause now you have some red marks on your ankle." She didn't see it that close. Everyone has their own vices I guess, right? I don't tell anyone directly or like to show them because I don't want to be judged. I'm a person like everyone else, I have my own issues and I really am happy. This is just like when you wash a dish and there's that one stuck on thing that won't get off. I don't know how else to explain it. Wow, I didn't plan on putting all that in here. Ick, I always hated making depressing entries so I'll just stop now.

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what? chicken buttox [7 2 03|12:30pm]
[ mood | no particular emotion ]
[ music | i must not chase the boyz *play* ]

Went to bed at fuckin three in the morning last night. I wasn't planning that but I got caught up in some self injury sites and felt some inspiration for the one I wanna make. It was a little triggering though....anyway I woke up at twelve, called M. to make sure we were still chillin then called R. to wish him luck before he takes the test. Mom left me a note saying something about her fiance and his friend comming up here after work to hook up our surround sound which makes me worried because she didn't leave a time and I have a feeling they're gonna just walk right in and I'll still be in my underwear or something LoL. Blah, I don't feel like going to work today. I haven't made an appointment in two days...they said something about trying to convince the boss to give us the saturday after fourth of july off because no one is gonna wanna come in and it'll be impossible to get in touch with anyone. R. wants me to go to six flags with his friend and his friends girlfriend and believe me I wanna go but if I have to work that day I can't. Blah, all I'm happy about is my upcomming check next week. It's gonna be larger then my others because I had three solds in one week and I'm showing up for two weeks strait. So next Friday we're gonna get up early, go cash it, get chinese food, go to the mall, then (hopefuly) get an overnight room at Kenilworth Inn. If not we'll just get a jacuzzi room for a few hours. We did something like that last Friday and it was so nice. I love days like that. Makes the week go by quick. I don't even know what we're doing for this friday though. Something about going by his cousins and maybe seeing the fireworks. I hope we see them. I'm such a kid with that, I need to see the fireworks every year LoL. Ok, well I must be going.

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meow [7 1 03|11:16pm]
[ mood | feelin' goooooood baby ]
[ music | that "i said hey, whats goin on" song ]

Work is a huge pain in my little ass. I swear the whole time I must have spoken to maybe fifteen people. Fifteen people the entire night, which isn't particularly bad but you don't wanna shoot for that either. It makes the day drag. And to top it off I had B. screaming in my ear about every last thing that bothers her, amuses her, or makes her feel indifferent. I'm not even sure if that's just her regular speaking voice or she honestly goes out of her way to make my left eye twitch. ::shrug:: I could go on forever about this but I should save something for future entries, right? R.'s having a lot of stress on him since we slightly argued today and he's gonna take the transit test tomorrow. And whatever he's feeling I feel it too. Just want him to be happy and satisfied with everything. Not put so much pressure on himself, but we all do that sometimes. And, completely off topic, I would like to say that I am still a firm believer that passionate "love making" right before work is the best thing in the world. Annnddd I've noticed that my eyes tear during "consumation". I wonder if that's normal....blah, I wanna make a website about cutting. A few years back I had an open journal on it where people would leave notes asking questions or sharing their own experiences. It turned out to be a very positive thing. Unfortunatly, that was right before my precious computer got the virus that killed it. I tried to keep up with it through friends computers but that's never a very reliable thing. And I think I was getting on their nerves. Things I have yet to do to this site here is....add journals to my little list thingy, then I'm gonna look at this one site that's got all these rad things to put on your page. I don't wanna go overboard though. It's like makeup: a little code goes a long way. God that was geeky. Well, tomorrow I'm gonna chill with M. for a little. Along with inheriting the computer we also got a shit load of DVD's so we're gonna watch one tomorrow then gossip about stuff that's none of our buisness. I look forward to days like that. LoL. Okies, that's it for me tonight.

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yippeee peanut butter! [7 1 03|10:35am]
[ mood | feelin' quite perky ]
[ music | the donnas. hell yah. ]

Ok, so I finally finished work on this site (still deciding what diaries to put up in the linx, though). Yippe. I can stop now. LoL. My original idea was to continue having a diary on OD but soon as I got it I remembered why I hated it in the first place. Slow, crappy, and kicks you off every twenty minutes. Sooo, I took a look around and decided I could make a cuter online journal then everyone else :) so I did. Enjoy.

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