My Pets

Here are some pictures of all my pets (dead or alive). Since i mention them enough in my dreams, it might be nice if i could share cute they are!

Info: Alive-13 years old-We found her a cats cage at the petstore-Named by me after Punkey Brewster-Nicknames: Punk, Punker

Info: Alive-5 years old-Named by my dad after Figaro on Pinnochio-Nicknames: Fig, Figgy, Pig, Piggy

Info: Ranaway around 5 years ago-Named by me and I have no clue how i cam up with Chay-Chay-Nicknames: Chay

Info: Deceased, liver failure, hid in the basement shortly before she died, my other cat Mitten pointed her out to my dad pointing out how Abby was really sick-Named by my dad

Info-Alive-6 years old-Named by my old friend Samantha on our way home from the pet store cuz she has little mittens on her feet (didnt want to call her Mittens uz almost everyone used Mittens)-Nicknames: Mitt-Mitt, Mitteny

Info: Alive-1 year old-Named by my sisters after a kanagroo on a movie named Joey-Nicknames: Joseph-Talents: not many, hes extremely lazy so he will lay down next to the water bowl stick his paw in i then drink off his hand, obsessed with drinking milk out of a small bowl

Info: Alive-5 years old-Named by my mom after Wolfgang Amadaeus Mozart-Nicknames: Wolfy-Talents: Rings a bell when he wants to go out, Jumps up, skilled at attacking bugs and other small animals, knows how to hug (literally and its so cute!)

*~*Rock Handsome*~*
Info-Alive-2 years old-Named by original owner-Nicknames: Rock-Talents: Can say: Hi Rock and make a kissy sound

Info:Deceased around 9 years ago-Named by my mom i dont where she got it-Nicknames: i called him Bow

*~*Other Pets*~*
No pictures: Teddy: my hamster, died 5 years ago, was a pain in the butt is buried next to abby. Named after my uncle Teddy. He was almost eaten by Chay-Chay.

*Amadaeus*: deceased 3 years ago. an all black cat. He was poisoned by some freak. he was Wolfys best friend tho at fisrt wolfy was mad cuz he thought he was king of the house and now theres another little kittne moving in on his spotlight. He was only 2 years old. He was named after Wolfgang Amadeaus Mozart

*Merlin*: deceased 6 years ago, he was only 2 or 3 years old. He was hit by a car and taken to the hospital and my mom told me he died there (NOTE: what my mother didnt tell me and my dad a few months ago: Merlin might still b alive, my mom refused to pay his huge hospital bill so she had them take him away) My mom's other black cat, he was named after the sorcerer Merlin. I'll never forget the day i met him, i came home from school and my mom told me to look behind the pillows on the couch. I did and i saw the tiniest little black kitten, Merlin.