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Wednesday, 9 November 2005
Gay Marriages
Topic: Gays and Civil liberties
I am firmly against gay marriages. However, I do not think that a government should waste its time, energy, and effort in the constitution of any marriage. There should not be a law that states that one person has the right to marry another. I believe that it should wholly be left up to the church. It should not be up to our government to oversee any type of marriages. Marriage was founded by the church, thus it should be left up to the church whether a person gets married. I think that the government should oversee all religious outlets and their ministers. Yes, I said it. You have to apply at other jobs. Why not have psych evaluations for ministers OF ALL DENOMINATIONS and religions. If the government had to sign off on all ministers, then there would not be any problems with gay marriages. No marriage would be recognized unless it was through an approved reverend. This seems a little far fetched, but I do not want to step on anyone's rights by outlawing a particular marriage. That's what it boils down to. The US Constitution. There should not be a seperation between church and government. Our nation was founded by religion and religious freedom; thus, religion is in our life line. By having preachers, ministers, rabbis, and any other head of church approved through our government, allows the church to marry whom they please, without goverment interference. There should not be any justice of the peace marriages. There should not be any marriages carried by judges. A marriage is a sacred union held by the church and blessed by God.

Posted by journal2/politicalblog at 3:31 PM CST
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Tuesday, 8 November 2005
The Not-So-Standard Political Blog
You can post how you feel on a variety of topics. This is open to the public. If you feel the need to post on animal rights, you are more than welcome to do so. There are numerous topics for you to choose from that are already available to you. Please keep in mind that all the blogs that you read do not express how I feel personally. I will not be held liable for anything that is written in these blogs. Have fun and come back again.

Posted by journal2/politicalblog at 1:56 AM CST
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Speak For Yourself
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Black America
I am so sick and tired of so-called black "leaders" speaking on behalf of the entire black community. As a black man, I would like to see a more black spokesmen step up to the plate and talk about what it takes to move forward. I still here these black leaders talk about oppression in the black communities. I believe that the only way, in today's society, that any person can feel oppressed is if they ALLOW themselves to be oppressed. I here these black leaders talk about poverty like it is only the black community that live in poverty. I firmly believe that if a person wants to be rich or wealthy or even better themselves and their lifestyles, then they must take initiative and strive to build a better life. I believe that people become complacent and content. It is this mind set that leads to oppression. When a person, or group of people, feel like that there is nothing to look forward to then they have oppressed themself, not their government... if you live in a free, democratic society such as the US. I also here OUR black leaders talk about the lack of resources that are made available for lower income, poverty stricken communities. They say that without the knowledge being made available to them, then how will they equip themselves to prepare for a better life? I happen to know that the resources are made available to all. It is up to an individual to make up their own mind if they want to put themself in a better situation. If they truly seek for the knowledge then they will find it. It is out there. Especially now with the internet, the information is readily available.

This is very personal to me. I happen to come from an environment that was of low income. A place where apathy grew on fruit-bearing trees. I sought information on how to better my standard of living. I looked at the many ways that I could successfully remove myself from the ghetto that did not involve jail or a pine box. I am still not where I want to be in my life, but with all the knowledge that I have gained, I am more prepared now to take the steps necessary to get me where I want to be.

I say speak for yourself. You are already in a place of betterment. If you are going to complain about the government, why don't you do more than say empty words. Actions speak alot louder than words. I know that is cliche, but it is also truth. You are distraction, how about trying to be about finding a resolution? I am going to tell you why you are not looking for a resolution. You already know what you should be telling people. but you are not saying it. I also know why you are not saying it. You think that you will just simply be a voice buried in the sand. You think that once people know the answer, there will be no use for you. That is where you are wrong. After they know the answer, a little guidance does not hurt. Your place is to lead to victory. You should not be trying to lead your people down a road of despair and desperation. MLK Jr. decided to walk his people to the mountain side. You are just pulling us back down. Just tell everyone what you have learned... that is JUST DO IT. Tell them to not be afraid of what someone says or thinks. Do what it takes to reach the top. Tell them that if they seek for the knowledge, it will be given to them. That is how you all got to where you are. You had questions. You looked for the answers, vigorously and tirelessly. You finally found it. Now teach that message. Once you teach that message, then help along the way. "Ask and thou shalt recieve" The message that you should be sending to better our people is, "A little more elbow grease and you will have what you want. Don't settle if you demand more from yourself, then you too will work tirelessly and vigorously to get it. I am here to help you stay on task." But if you continue to preach the same tired message and continue to gripe and complain, then don't speak on behalf of the black community...SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

Posted by journal2/politicalblog at 1:53 AM CST
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