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My Life According To Me

You wanna know about me huh? Well, my name is Robin and I'm 16 years old. I'm very happily taken by a guy named Chad and he's totally perfect. I've had a rough life as you'll read in my story. I live in the small town of Blue Earth in Minnesota. I attend Blue Earth Area High School and lovin it all. I was born on January 15, 1987, and some of my nicknames are Punk Ass, Lil' Shit, and Shorty. My newest one is Geekers, that one is from my boyfriend. Anything else you wanna know, e-mail me!!!
Quote Of Life “Life isn’t about keeping score. It’s not about how many people call you and it’s not about who you’ve dated, are dating or haven’t dated at all. It isn’t about who you’ve kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you. It’s not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it’s not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn’t about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn’t about that. But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It’s about how you feel about yourself. It’s about trust, happiness and compassion. It’s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. It’s about what you say and what you mean. It’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, it is about choosing to use your life to touch someone else’s in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life’s about."
Text Here

I'm in love and loving every minute of it. He's my life, my world, my hopes, and dreams. He'll never realize how much I love him and all I can do is hope time will go faster so I can be with him forever!!! Every minute I spend with him is perfect and every second I'm away from him is like hell. Every moment that I'm awake and without him, I'm missing him like crazy. I love you Chad!!!
The story is no where near a lie. It's the truth that people should learn and enjoy to read. Everyone loves knowing about other peoples' lives and i'm deciding to share mine with you. Aside from the poems that I write. There's reasons for the way I feel and act, but don't judge me because i'm different. And remember, God doesn't put hardships in front of you if he knows you won't make it. So just stay strong in Him and keep your head up cause there's great times comin'!!!
-:- My Life Story -:-
This is the story about my life, whether you like it or not is not gonna bother me, it's just here for people who like reading about other people's lives. If anyone that knows me personally reads this, I hope that it won't change anything between us. Anyways, I was born in 29 Palms, California and lived there most of my life. My mom had me at about 5 P.M. when she was 18. I had my very first birthday in Okinawa, Japan, and I honestly can't remember a damn thing, so don't ask me what it was like. My dad was never a drunk, but he did have a problem with abuse and I've had to deal with it my entire life. Lcukily, my mom divorced him in time to get herself out of pain, but since she couldn't take care of me on her own, I was stuck with my dad. As life went on, I had a horrible time living with my dad. He would abuse me for no reason whatsoever, sometimes he said he had reasons for it, other times he made 'em up. The main explanation for why he did it though, was that it was disciplin(sp?). When I was 5 years old, he took matters even further, my dad raped me. I have marks from putting up a fight with him cause he had a knife thinking it would scare me into calming down so he could have his way with me. He only did it once and from there on after, he just abused me and sometimes I can still here his yells and I still feel pain inside. I came to Minnesota for 3rd grade. I met 3 great friends who are now my best buds, Nicole, Angel, and Luke. The reason I came to Minnesota that year was because my dad was stationed out in Japan and he wanted me stay here. For some reason I thought that when he got back he would have changed, but i was wrong, he was still the same man and yet, i moved back in with him when he came home. I lived with him for another 3 years and then my dad got restationed again to New York City. Before he got restationed, a big life-changing event happened. I had a best friend nmed Holly and we were born in the same hospital and grew up on the same street together all our lives. When I was 13 though, she committed suicide right in front of me on my birthday. To this day, I still blame myself cause I feel if I had done something, she'd still be alive.Back to my dad, he said that it isn't a place for a girl like me to be growing up, New York Coty that is, so I moved back with my mom in 7th grade. I met up with my buds from 3rd grade and we still talk all the time just like before. They're all great and we're closer than close. Anyways, so then I lived in Spring Lake Park, MN, I thought I was in love with a guy named Terry, but I was wrong. I dated him for about a year and a half and he ended it because i wouldn't have sex with him. To make the life story faster, I lost my virginity December of 2002. I regret it, I could have read the most boring book in the world and been more interested than the sex, that's how bad it was. LOL. Anyways, mom got a store manager job in Blue Earth, MN, which is obviously where I live now. I like it out here a lot, I can actually take time to breathe and think about life, which is a big step for me since I lived near the cities and stuff. but I'm glad I moved, otherwise, I wouldn't have the friends now, or the best boyfriend in the world. OMG, I love this man so much, he does everything so perfect and he makes me wanna smile just looking at him. That's all for now, I'll continue this laterz!!! Bye Byez For Now!

Whatever you want hereWhatever you want hereWhatever you want here



Chad+Robin=True Luv
