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ANIF CASTLE Photos of 3D puzzle
Anif01 While building the Anif Castle 3D puzzle I had trouble finding photos that show certain angles - not included with the color pics on the box or on the web. Especially frustrating was the lack of pics of the north side of the west tower. I decided to share pics of my finished version in case they help others. Click a pic to see it full sized and download for your reference.

You'll notice that my puzzle pieces aren't fitted together as neatly as in the pics on the box, probably because my hands are short, fat & clumsy. Also worth noting that the instructions say to remove the extra bits with pink dots but DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY. This is good advice because at the end I searched through my box of extra bits to fine one tower-top spire that tried to escape.

It took me a month to build this model but for 2 weeks I was working ten-hour days and paid no attention to the puzzle. I had 4 days off work for the 4th of July and spent all 4 days sorting the pieces by color & pattern. Altogether, a good puzzle, although ridiculously expensive. Good luck with yours.
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Email: Randy at redscott77092-at-yahoo-dot-com