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The Life of Us

This site is a place for those of us within: a place for us to create, write, vent, and bare our soul.. If someone chooses to read it, you are welcomed. Just know that it was created for us as an avenue to share our thoughts,and feelings as we live a life of a multiple.

I am a multiple, as to date, we know of over 30 of us all living inside the same body. Hard to believe you say? I understand, I had a hard time believing it too. But sadly, it does exist.. and it is a fact. We are a product of abuse.....pure and simple. If the abuse didn't happen, then there would not have been a need for the mind to separate as it did, to keep us all alive. "No one wants to believe that such horrors exist in the world." (that causes the mind to separate and cause DID) "To accept DID is to accept the fact of the horror. I struggle with that idea when I look at my own life. If DID is true, then the rest must be true too. I would rather not have DID because I would rather not own up to the fact that I have lived the kind of life that I have."

If you would like to read more about the life of a multiple, here are some links:

What is DID?

To meet the rest of those that share this body The Crew

To read some stories from others with DID Funny Stories
