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Welcome to our little Cyber Home

This page is being created to record, share, and organize our activities and educational links. We're a homeschooling family, with a variety of hobbies and interests. This page is sure to be as ecclectic as our lives in general. I hope that others will find inspiration and creative ideas here. I know that with the resources to be found online there is no limit to what we can offer our children today, for homeschoolers and afterschoolers a like:)

What we're doing for History right now.

Where you can find the guide we're using for American History right now.
American History @
The History Channel
National Museum of American History
National Geographic online, find maps and all sorts of treasures here ;)
Portrait Gallary, images to use for projects.
The Corporation for National Archives and Records Administration
A Chronology of US Historical Documents

Sites we've found useful.

Highland Heritage-pure inspiration!
An AMAZING collection of links:)

Still more Angelfire Services

Free Web Building Help