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15 July 2004

I've finally made some long overdue updates to my site - including fixing the navigation, which is probably the most technical thing I've done in over 10 months, and took me quite some time to figure out. Thank you to angelfire for including code in their lovely webads code to remove the source location on any script tags that aren't their own.

Apart from what's here, I have a lot of news. I have recently, and I do mean very recently, made even more changes to my lifestyle by quitting full-time work. I am now doing weekend work for Mayfair Specialist Nurses from home, leaving me with Monday to Friday to myself. I am desperately trying to register for my Psychology degree, but UNISA are currently winning the battle on that one. They appear to have misplaced my original matric certificate and ID book. For those of you who remember the 3-year battle I had to get my certificate out of the KZN Department of Education and Culture, you will understand why I am rapidly losing my sense of humour about this.

 In the meantime, I have still got a writing course to finish, and I am now a qualified TEFL teacher, so I am not going to be lounging in front of the T.V. all week. Damned well can't afford to, seeing that my salary has now halved, despite the fact that my weekend hours are actually longer than a normal English working week.

The whole halved salary thing means that what you see on this site is probably going to be as exciting as its going to get for a little while, since I'm not going to be able to afford to do ANYTHING, never mind actually get onto mainland Europe, but everything has a price, and, the other opportunities it is going to afford me are simply too important for me to feel any doubt.

If you do have a look, do drop me an email and let me know how you are doing.