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Welcome to my Glowsticking Video Section. Please Right-Click and Save-as to use less bandwidth (free account here...). I perform in both vids, which were made over a year ago. Useful site: Home of Poi
You can also IM me at BBAznStorm (AIM).

AznStorm 04.04.03v1
Celestine 08.13.03v2
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Getting Started
Q: What type of equipment do you use for stringing?
A: 6 inch glowsticks and shoelaces. Will uses 45 inch black shoelaces, I think I use something longer.

Q: How should I tie/hold my strings?
A: It really depends on the person. I personally double the string over and tie a knot so that the whole thing is a huge loop. Next, slide the double string through the hole then slipknot the glowstick. On holding the strings, I personally prefer just looping one end of the strings around my index finger. I know that Will loops it around his fifth finger and holds the strings in his hands. All in all, it's completely up to you as there is no "right" or "wrong" way to hold/tie the strings.

Q: Am I expected to experience pain and such?
A: It really depends on your innate skill and your reflexes. I didn't get hurt too much because my reflexes are pretty good, so I usually dodge anything which comes my way. I stopped hitting myself about 2-3 days after practicing. I'd estimate that to about...4 hours of practice.

Q: Do you expect a lot of time put into this?
A: It took me those 4 hours to get all of the basic poi moves down, but I didn't have any teachers or videos. I taught myself, but you have videos from Will, Wes, me (if you can find it), and countless other people.

Basic Moves
Q: Which moves would you consider to be "basic"?
A: Well I'd say that the weave (forward and reverse), butterfly (all forms), and windmill are the most basic poi moves. As far as wraps go, I'd say that single neck wraps, single arm wraps, single bicep wraps, and single leg wraps are easiest.

Q: I am having trouble with windmill...anyone help?
A: The hand movement for windmills are the same as the movements for the helicoptors in freehanding. Perhaps you know how to do the figure eight. In that case, try doing a flat figure eight where the two loops of the eight are in front and in back of your wrists. Now try this with strings over your head. When the strings are in front, move your hands forward a little bit so that they don't hit your head. When they're moving back, move your hands back to avoid hitting your back. Further questions? Please ask.

Q: Okay, so I've got all of those down. What should I do now?
A: Move on to the next section. posticon

Medium Level Moves
Q: Which moves would you consider to be "medium"?
A: Spirals (all versions), butterfly cuff wraps, alternate arm wraps, alternate bicep wraps, btb weave, btb butterfly, air wraps, some basic combos would probably qualify. I may have left a few out.

Q: Can you offer any tips for spirals?
A: Sure thing. Keep your hands parallel and don't let the strings cross and tangle. Relax and make sure the strings are perpendicular to the top of your hands.

Q: How about alternate arm wraps?
A: There's not much to this. Stay focused, and concentrate on where the strings are. Make sure that they don't tangle, and if they do, try doing the wraps a little slower.

Q: Is there anything important to watch for in alternate bicep wraps?
A: Yeah, there is. Don't let the strings tangle, and watch where the glowstick wraps around the arm. Make sure the glowstick doesn't get stuck around your arm. If it does, try wrapping it either more or less around the biceps to fix the situation.

Q: How do airwraps work?!
A: Try doing it in slow motion. The strings tangle, then both glowsticks cross over the tangle and unwrap. You should try it slowly. Don't worry if it tangles, just untie the strings and try again. It takes some time to learn and develop this skill.

Q: Those btb moves are harder than they look! I need a few hints here.
A: Stretch your arms out as far back as you can, then bring them in just a little bit. This will make sure you don't stress your arms too much. Make sure that you use your wrists a lot since this will make most moves easier.

Advanced Moves
Q: How do I do orbitals?
A: Practice, obviously, but here's my way of doing orbitals. It's split into two parts to help you learn how to do them easily.

Part 1:
Let the strings tangle once so that you have two "V"s that are hooked on to each other in the middle. Below's a description of how to get there slowly:
Hold up one hand with the glowstick hanging vertical (string 1).
Using your left hand, put the glowstick from string 1 into your right hand to form a loop with string 1.
Take string 2 and put it through the loop made by string 1.
Hold the glowstick from string 2 in the hand holding string 2.
Rotate your hands so that they're parallel to the ground and at the same level.
At this point, side views should be symmetrical.

Part 2:
Rotate (again) your hands while keeping the strings taught so that one hand's right under your chin and the other one's pointing down and away from you.
Throw the glowsticks in a motion so that the top of the circle is going away from you.
Quickly move your hands to points perpendicular to the middle of the circle of the point of contact in the strings while keeping the strings taught.

Obviously, Part 1 isn't practical for actual stringing right now. What you should eventually be able to do is let the strings tangle/cross once, then catch them in the position described at the end of part 1. 
For more information, please use the contact information given above.