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Nyssa's Chaos

My name is Nyssa. I am 5 years old. I enjoy playing outside, watching cartoons, and fighting mommy at nap time. What I want more than anything is a pet dog. I love Japanese Chins. As you can see from the picture above I have my very own sense of fashion. Daddy hates how I dress. Mommy just puts up with it. She figures at least she got me into a dress of some kind. Previously considered an Impossibility.

I love animals and I have several pets. I have 4 guinea pigs named Zaphie, Snowflake, Mocha, and Ginger. There are two hamsters Sagebrush and Tumbleweeds. My grandpa bought me a tiny red ear slider that I named Hedwig. Then there is also my fishy friends. 2 Boy Bettas Flame and Bootzidoodles and one killie fish baby named Rainbow. She was a baby from Mommy's breeding pair of Biassa. She is my favorite fishy girl.

My mommy also has several fish tanks in her bedroom but discussing them could take entire webpages. My favorites are Mommy's two Angelfish Angel and Buffy and her fat goldfish Bertha.

My Favorite Foods

My Favorite Web Sites

Nick Jr

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