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News that the Government and Media Don't want you to know

This is just incredible. We expect mass panic in U.S. major cities soon.

This just in...

The city of Lincolnton, PA just has been attacked by a flying saucer. That's right, a space ship.

Several residents survived and this is the testimony of one man:

Harry Smith of Lincolnton, PA

"It was terrible. Me and my wife were on our front porch after dinner when I saw this object flying in with blinking lights. It was like watching Star Trek or something. The ship came closer and zapped the neighbors house. They came running out as the house began to burn with a huge laser beam hole in the roof. The neighbors ran screaming down the street and we heard laughing voices being transmitted from the ship. They were of middle eastern descent. The ship then disintagrated our neighbors.

The ship then turned toward us. But if I hadn't read the article from I wouldn't be alive. I had bought 2 Bible powered force fields and got one for free. So me, my dog and cat were saved. It's too bad I didn't have one for my wife."

According to estimates, 147 people have been disintagrated. There also is a message burned into the High School foot ball field stating "Long Live El-Quida".

The article mentioned above is found here:

Nanny Nanny Boo-boo Denis !!!!