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By Heidi Lam

The Story of Good and Evil
Coming 2007

Every year, a few people disappear mysteriously. One day, they’re here and the next day, all records of them are gone. No one inquires after them, except maybe for the police, when bills go unpaid. The police doesn’t even bother to follow through—no one misses those people. They quietly file a report for legal purposes, put it in a file in an unmarked box in back corner of the storage room, and never look at it again. None of them have reappeared, so why bother checking the reports?What no one realizes are the stories of these people. These people are invisible to society in their own minds. Their family is gone and they live a solitary existence. They’re lonely, but their loneliness doesn’t stand out, because they try to hide their loneliness. They try to be non-descript, so that no one would seek them out. They’re afraid to be identified; in their minds, it is better to be nameless and anonymous. They have not learned to name themselves. They suffer, because they try and they still fall…alone. It is a long and hard fall if one falls alone...

The story here is written by me. Please do not appropriate content from this page. © 2005

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