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Hello, and welcome to Boko Boko! Here, we've got some eyecandy we are sure you will enjoy immensely, as well as find incredibly pleasure-filled. Also, we'd love to know what you think of our little webpage! Please boko-boko yourself over to our guestbook at the bottom of the page; your comments make us smile, and smiles are happy and being happy is good and good is boko boko!

*OtHeR PhOtOs*

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*OtHeR LiNkS*

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good evening, folks! holy shit, it's been a long time. a lot has happened in the life of moi since our last update (which was 7 months ago) and it's really all too much to be posted on this site through the uploading of pictures... unless of course i blow up angelfire's server, which believe me, i really would love to do. =] so for that reason, this update covers the time from may up until two days ago! please enjoy.<3 ps: there has been a new link added to the top list; it's my beloved little livejournal. boko boko is linked from there, so i decided it's only fair to link back to it from here.

awww, here is rainbow and moi, just resting on my bed... relaxing... because my putty rainbow is better than yours!! rainbow is such a cuddley, furry, sweet, precious, adorable, horny, destructive, loud, fat, perverted little kitty... and hurr at boko boko, yes, HURR, we love him just the way he is.

second semester, i had the honor of being in video ii. it was one of the best experiences of my life, because i was one of the 7 girls out of a group of about 30+ and i got to flirt it all up. that meant skirt-lifting, deep-throating popsicles, ass-slapping, and of course, pizza-picnics before we had to actually get to work and film the school's drama, choir, and dance productions. so here is a guy, moi, another guy, and moi's sister! we were the whores of video ii, always flirting it up! because of course, hurr at boko boko, we firmly believe in that sort of thing.<33

here we have pinky, (who moi recently wed and became wives with) in her grandfather's electric scooter-chair thing. we rode it up and down the street, making all the neighbors think we had down syndrome! because well, in all reality... we do. hurr at boko boko, we love the special people of the world, and pay special attention to their special needs. that are special. =]

after that weekend of excitement, my wife pinky and i decided to head off to lake havasu, arizona. for all the idiots out there that don't know, havasu is known world-wide for wild partying, for the fucking hawt guys, for the pasties, and of course, for just simply being the erotic desert wasteland it is!! here we have pinky's niece, a random stranger who we asked to take a picture with, and moi. now i know what you're thinking... "WTF BITCH, HE'S FUCKING UGLIER THAN YOUR MOM!!" yes, i know. he was one of the luckier ones to get a picture with us, do to his red-headed, confused, unshaven, retarded and basically overall greasy appearance. hurr at boko boko, we suggest you go get a fucking make over at plastica fantasica, because being a girl might work out better for you.<3

a litte while later, we all decided to have a holy friends movie night. moi is the holy spirit, pinky is jesus, and our other wonderfully lithuanian friend is the one and only.. can i get a drumroll please... G O D ! yes, and in the photo above, god&the holy spirit have their almighty holy asses touching. i'm sure it makes you want to cum all over yourself, but please try to refrain from getting off to our strictly-PG13 website. hurr at boko boko, it's H.F.F.L. =]

next was the fourth of july, aka, independence day! this was much fun, and i went with my good good friend who cannot be named to watch the fire works behind one of the highschools here in town. this is one of the illegal firecrackers that her stepbrothers were setting off in the street. hurr at boko boko, we love to tease the cops. ::wink::

afterwards, a little trip to good old sin city was in store!! we saw two wonderful shows, and i even got my picture with the hottest elvis impersonater to ever walk this planet. the only bad thing is that he kissed my mom on the cheek. i mean... fucking sick. other than that, i want him in my pants. hurr at boko boko, we want to fuck elvis!!<33

here we have rainbow again, everyone's favorite little homosexually gay putty!!! he's cleaning his ass in this picture, in case you are blind or something and cannot tell. hurr at boko boko... we like it when gay kitties are clean.

awwww, here is rainbow's brother, promise!! now promise is a good putty, cause he's not A FUCKING FAGGOT like this brother. he's a very playful kitty, and was playing with ribbon!!!!!!!!!hehehehehehe!!!!!! he was very entertained by it, and was having the time of his life biting it up and trying to catch the ends of it when i'd pull it away. it was so exciting. hurr at boko boko, we like cheese.

HAH. yeah, i bet you thought you weren't gonna see him! huh, yeah! didn't you!! DIDN'T YOU!! i knwe it. THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!! ::sings:: hahahahaha. here's my little brother, everyone's favorite hyper-active-nine-year-old, coming into my room at midnight, screaming "AHHHHH!! I WAS THIS CLOSE!!! THIS CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BEATING SPIDERMAN2 ON THE PS2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" hurr at boko boko, we love spiderman and wouldn't mind a threesome with him and elvis!! =]]

next, i went to disneyland with my sister and our cousin. we saw how gorgeous the castle looked, and i jumped in for a photo!! actually, they're remodeling it for the 50th anniversary of disneyland, and frank's family was also very excited that we dropped in on them to visit. they were also excited to meet mr. jack skellington... my baby. hurr at boko boko, we love disneyland like mother effing woah.

and here we are!! my baby, jack (jacques) and me. we match!! we both know that we're totally hawt, and we're currently working on recording a duet together.. it's called WHAT'S THIS?!
"What's this? What's this?
There's color everywhere
What's this?
There's white things in the air
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair
What's this?!?!?!
yes. hurr at boko boko, we love singing WHAT'S THIS!?!"

just the other day, it was my wife's birthday party! we all had a blast in her backyard, with the slip&slide. yes, even 15 year olds can have fun with a good old slip&slide. in the photo above, god and i are having some fun, sliding on our knees in all the mud and grass!! it was very messy, but hilarious and tons of fun. hurr at boko boko, we love slip&slides, and we love getting muddy and covered in grass. i mean, come on.. who doesn't?

that's all for this update, folks. we really hope you enjoyed our pictures, because they're all from our hearts to yours. =]]

Thanks for checking back with us! We hope you enjoyed our newest arrivals from the handy dandy Boko-Boko-Cam, and soon we will have more, so stay tunned, folks! Again, please do us and yourselves a favor and sign the guestbook. Thank you!

Thanks for visiting, and have a boko boko day! (^_^)

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