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The First 60 Days


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The First Sixty Days

How to Care for your Sisterlocks/Brotherlocks

By Moyosafi Ajabu

The first sixty days of your Sisterlocks are the most critical. Special care must be used to enable successful development. It’s difficult to think of caring for you hair in ways that you haven’t until now, but you must re-aquaint yourself with your natural hair. This reacquainting will take some time and a lot of patience.

In order to allow the development of your locs to take place as quickly as your hair texture will allow, following the advice and recommendations of your consultant will ensure that it does. Your consultant is experienced in the development of Sisterlocks and your particular hair type. She/he only has your ultimate satisfaction and success in mind when recommendations are made. However, not following your consultant’s recommendations will result in conditions that can be difficult to correct and will prolong the ultimate development of beautiful, uniform and strong Sisterlocks or Brotherlocks.

With this in mind, I have developed the following guidelines to assist you during the critical 60-day period.
bulletDon't use greasy or other "dreadlock" aiding products on your Sisterlocks.  It’s best to use the Sisterlocks Tea Water or Salon Treatment shampoos, along with Sisterlocks Moisture Treatment and Reconstructor Conditioners. Your scalp will relearn to generate all the moisture it needs with proper cleansing and conditioning.

bulletDo minimize styling, i.e., rolling, curling irons etc. Wet setting you locs will generate a stronger holding hairstyle while eliminating harsh styling techniques. Twisting or braiding several of your locs together will give you even more styling options while creating volume and texture.

bulletDo wash you hair only once (my opinion only), the day prior to your very first retightening and with one finger direction on your scalp. This will give your consultant an opportunity to see how much slippage is likely to take place after shampooing, how well you’ve handled your locs and if "separation" was done properly etc. Your consultant will be able to guide you through any modifications you may need to make. Washing just prior to retightenings will also reduce the time it takes to complete retightenings, minimize disturbance of your locs as well as giving your locs an opportunity to settle in. You can increase the frequency of washing to at lease once a week soon thereafter.

bulletDo cleanse your scalp with a lint free cloth and witch hazel as often as you like between shampooings. (Seabreeze contains a lot of alcohol and can be very drying to the scalp and hair.) Soak the lint free cloth in witch hazel and dab your scalp with the cloth in between the parts. This will cleanse your scalp without disturbing your locs.

bulletDo sleep with a silk or other sleeping cap with lots of room for your locs to breathe. This will help to hold you style, maintain moisture in your locs, and keep lint and other debris from becoming a permanent part of your locs.

bulletYour locs will be rather unruly after a retightening. They may not go in the direction you want, or lay the way you want. Don’t pull or tug on your locs. Position them gently in the direction you want them to go and tie with a silk scarf overnight.

bulletDon’t color or dye your hair for the first few months of locs development. (My opinion only.) The excessive lathering and rinsing required to remove the dye from your hair will greatly disturb your locs. Additionally, when you are ready to color after getting the locks, be aware that you will need to saturate your locs with the dye and will have to leave on longer than usual. Because of the density of your locks the dye will need time to penetrate.  If you want to color your hair, consider doing so prior to having the locks put in. Thereafter you will only need to touch up new growth and will more likely get even color distribution.

bulletIf you hair is relaxed at the ends. Wait until you locs have settled prior to cutting the relaxed hair off. Doing so before the locks settle can cause the ends to unravel.

bulletAlways wash your hair prior to retightenings instead of after. This enables the retightening to last a lot longer.

bulletIf your hair is all natural, use pure aloe Vera gel periodically to tame fuzzy ends.

bulletDo use your washing bands, especially if your hair is relaxed. Banding the ends of your locs during washing helps to minimize disturbance and bunching.

bulletDo contact your consultant if you have ANY questions. Especially those concerning dying, cutting, hair styling or the development of your locs.

bulletIf your consultant has "split" some of your locs don’t pull them apart. Once locking has begun, your consultant will be able to take them apart without the locs completely unraveling.

bulletAfter a few months you may notice small tight balls of hair that appear on the ends of your locks after washing. Don’t remove them. These are crucial to the settling phase and are the beginning of the locking process.

The transition period can be pleasurable or difficult. Your mental and emotional attitude, self-image, and patience, hand in hand with following your consultant’s advice and recommendations, will enable the transition to be an easier and more pleasurable one.

Not following your Consultant’s advice will prolong the locking process, create unflattering locs, and ultimately longer and costlier retightening visits.

Remember to love your Sisterlocks, and they will love you back!

Peace and Blessings!

Copyright Moyosafi Ajabu 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2001 Devon Austin
Last updated January 1, 2002
Questions & comments welcome


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