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January 25, 2001

Ease On Down The Road

I've had my Sisterlocks  now for about 2 1/2 months and I've grown so much.  Each day I  am becoming more comfortable with myself and my  hair.   I didn't mention in my previous pages that I had been  wearing a wig.   Let me explain.  I accepted a corporate position in September (at that  time I was wearing my hair in the 1 in comb twists, and was also discontinuing the coloring my hair).   Which means I was turning  I knew that I was going to eventually transition to locks but I didn't know when and how.  I figured it would be in January.  So, I decided that during the interim I would don a more traditional hair style by wearing a wig and at the same time protect myself from the  comments of those who I did not yet know all that well.   In other words I was "chicken". But, I knew that way I could make my hair decisions in peace.  As it turned out  I ended up getting my Sisterlocks in November.   Since they were new, short and I didn't know how to handle them I continued to wear the wig to work but sported my locks proudly on the weekends.  One morning in December I awoke and decided that this was the day.  I put the wig away and wore my Sisterlocks to work although I did tie a scarf around the front to hide the gray.    I got so many compliments it amazed me.  My African American sisters, along with white women (and a few men) stopped me in the hallway to talk about my hair.  Since then I have "released" the scarf (although I still wear them for fashion variety) and I get compliments everywhere I go!  I even have people stop me to tell me they love the color.  (the 3 different colors are now described as "interesting")




Re maintenance, I has my first re-tightening at 4 weeks.  It took about 2 hours.  My consultant said my hair was doing great.  The second re tightening was scheduled for 6 weeks.   That one took 2 1/2 hours.  I've had no slippage to speak of.  I have had a few of the soft gray hair around my crown come loose.  However that hair was very short.  We have added an additional row around the front.  My consultant has said that there is  usually  a problem area and that will probably be mine.   My routine is to wash every 2 weeks.  I braid and band the hair before washing.  I set my hair and go!  I do have  some  little  parts showing but not really enough to be of concern.  Within a week or so my hair is back to looking full and glorious. My hair has not started to lock but my consultant says the main thing is for the Sisterlocks to hold and that they're doing.  Locking will come..... eventually.... 





On a personal level, I feel much more in tune with myself as a spiritual being.   For the first time I feel like I am truly myself.  I have become active on the internet in the yahoo groups for natural hair.  I comment from time to time but mostly I love to read the comments of other natural hair wearing sisters.  I am an advocate of Sisterlocks!  I'm looking forward to Homecoming and I even plan to take the consultants training in July 2001.  I don't think I'll actually do hair but I would love to learn the technique and want the camaraderie of other sisters.



 R e f l e c t i o n s

Take a real risk this month.  It will jumpstart a glorious transformation: start thinking of your life as a work-in-progress. 

                                 Sarah Ban Breathnach-Simple Abundance

See You Soon!



Copyright © 2001 Devon Austin
Last updated January 1. 2002
Questions and  comments welcome






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