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What's pissing me off today

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OK, this is my first website, and frankly, i dont understand this crap at all. HTML? What is that supposed to be? Hotmail? Anyway, screw that. Just easy stuff... _____________________________________________________ I was watching TV the other day, and I stumbled upon some retarded show about retarded people who help each other throughout their retarded lives. *cough* bullcrap *cough*. Anyway, the topic of that particular episode that I watched: a racist neighbor moves in next door to a black family (or African-American as they said, so as to not offend anyone) and a Jewish family. At the end of the show, they all end up loving each other, with the new neighbor being cured of his racism. nice! But the plot (and the whole series) is horse-crap! That'll never happen in real life and they know it! But they have to make it end like that to make all the queers at home watching feel happy. I'd rather watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy with Richard Simmons! The thing that rrreeeaaaallllyyyy ticked me off, though, is the closing line. The racist neighbor said, "You know what? This world would be a lot better if everybody thought of each other as people, and not as different races." What is wrong with them?! THIS - THIS is the reason I support war. Instead of dropping bombs in Iraq, we should drop off the cast of this show. It would save money by not paying for the paychecks of the loser actors on this show, and I would sleep well at night knowing that somewhere, those people were being held as P.O.W.s and right now, and that they no longer think of people as just "people" but as different races. Then I would be happy. ____________________________________________________ Well, that was my first entry. I hope that you will e-mail me and tell me how much it offended you. Bye!
