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Rayna Amelia Taylor Bentley
Born Sunday, April 30th, 2000; 4:01 a.m.
Six pounds, fouteen ounces; nineteen and a half inches long.

Throughout my pregnancy with Rayna, I kept this journal. I printed out every entry and bound it in a book for Rayna, which I will give to her on her sixteenth birthday. Pregnancy is such a special time, the only true miracle most people will ever experience. Birth is something sacred and beautiful. I wanted to preserve these memories, for myself and for my daughter. And since I decided to post my journal online, you can share my experience with me as well. I hope you enjoy reading it, I enjoyed writing it.

Weekly Journal.
My Prenatal Check-ups.
Ultrasound Photos.
My Growing Belly.
Names We Considered.
My Labor Bag.
My Birth Plan.
My Baby Shower.
Pregnancy and Parenting Links.

View My Book
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