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Postpartum Depression

It is not unusual to have these feelings come and go, "good" days alternating with "bad" days. I was once told that if we were to sit and write a book together our stories would be similar yet different because we are all unique individuals experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: · Sad or hopeless feelings. · Crying for "no" reason. · Inability to enjoy things you once found pleasurable. · Sleep problems (not related to caring for the baby). · Thoughts of harming the baby or yourself. · Nervousness, anxiety and / or panic attacks. · Chest pain. · Overconcern or no feelings for the baby. · Irritable "feeling out of control". · Anger. · Unable to concentrate. · Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope. · Hot or cold flashes. · Fear of being alone. · Nausea. · Frightening feelings and thought. · Obsessive, weird thoughts that won't go away. · Constant thought of not wanting the baby. · Hatred of husband, self or baby. · Withdrawal or isolation from family and friends. · Desire to leave family (feel if gone all would be better off). · Want life back the way it used to be. · Dark hole or cloud. I am an advocate for PPD (Postpartum Depression). I help mother's seek treatment through a facility before it's too late. Like Susan Smith and Andrea Yates, too many children die by the hands of their own parents. Please help protect these innocent children by making a small donation so that mother's can get the help they need.

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