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Movable Type User Manual: WEBLOGS

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The Movable Type system supports multiple weblogs. A weblog is simply a collection of entries, templates, and everything else you see on the weblog Editing Menu.

You can create a new weblog (if you have weblog-creation privileges, that is) by logging in to Movable Type, then clicking Create New Weblog. Fill in the configuration information, then press SAVE; you will automatically be assigned full permissions for this new weblog.

You can edit the configuration of an existing weblog by logging in to Movable Type, selecting the weblog you wish to configure from Your existing weblogs, then clicking Weblog Config.

Creating a New Weblog

When creating a new weblog, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create the directory where your weblog will be stored. If you wish to store your archive files in a directory other than your main weblog directory, create a directory to hold your archives, as well. Set the permissions (CHMOD) of both directories to 777 (unless you are running Movable Type under cgiwrap or suexec).

  2. In the Main Menu, click Create New Weblog; then configure the required settings in the weblog creation screen--name your weblog, set up the paths and URLs, and select a timezone for the weblog. When you are done with your weblog configuration, press SAVE.

  3. By default your weblog will be created with a complete set of working templates; you can customize these now in the List & Edit Templates screen, if you'd like.

  4. Test your weblog by creating an entry, then commenting on it. You can also rebuild all of your files to test out the rebuild features.

  5. Tell everyone about your new weblog!

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