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5 years ago my life and mere existence changed, because of a 15 year old co-star. Let me explain.

The year was 1998, I was on my way to FOX network to star in a brand-new television series, “That 70’s Show” upon my arrival, while checking in, there was a small-framed, brown hair girl sitting as if awaiting for some sort of an appointment, maybe it was a representative for all I knew. Maybe she was a stand in actress on that show, “Seinfeld”? Maybe she was a new secretary? All I knew was that she was the sweetest thing I’d envisioned all that day. Her cheeks were a soft crimson color. Then I noticed her holding a transcript. Her hands were shaking, she seemed nervous, so I walked over, looked down at her half nervous myself, and asked, “Can I help you?” She responded in a soft timid voice, “Maybe, do you know where I can find the studio for, “That 70’s Show”? Right then it struck me, she seemed awfully familiar to the role of Jackie Burkhart, would that mean she would be my characters love interest? God, I hoped so. So I asked her, “I’m actually starring in that show as Michael Kelso.” I must have sparked an interest because her soft voice suddenly became clearer. “I’m supposed to play Jackie.” She said in a gentle manner, while biting her lip afterwards. I didn’t want to frighten her. I talked with her for a while longer. I just wanted to relieve her of all her tension and reassure her the best I could. I asked her name with caution, “It’s Mila.” She blushed softly. I nodded and answered, “I’m Ashton.” and blushed as well. Why was it that I was becoming so fond of this girl, in such a short time span? Even after a few brief personal questions.

Because, after our very first encounter in the waiting room of a major television studio, 5 years ago, she’s still my best friend. The best person I’ve known in my life, and the one girl that has shown me the true value of what it means to be a friend. There aren’t enough words in all of an eternity that could describe how Milena Markovna Kunis, has changed my life. She has been my guiding light through damn near everything in my life, except my 4 other best friends. Mila and myself have always had a bonding kindred spirit. I don’t want to understand why she came into my world all I can say is that she is an amazing, beautiful, and loving woman. She’s given me inspiration through all the trails and tribulations of my life. She’s given me hope, joy, confidence, and even tears. She has bestowed so many natural and extraordinary gifts to my life. I could never be able to repay her for everything, but then again friendship isn’t something you repay it’s something you cherish with all your heart. So, in a true definition of friendship, Milena Kunis, is and always will be the strength, courage, and love I cherish in my heart.

We’ve had some amazing and not so amazing times in our lives through the course of 5 years, but I’d never change them or her for a single solitary minute. We’ve spent laughter and tears together, more kissing scenes than should be allowed, but no matter what obstacles we both endure in our lives, and we've went through a few, Jackie and Kelso will always remain our one true love together.

I love you baby girl, I have loved protecting you, shielding you, and being your best friend. I have loved all of our conversations, and every experience we’ve shared together on and off camera. Thank you so very much Mila for being my one and only, Jackie Burkhart. Forever.

She always knows when I'm down, she always knows all the right and appropriate things to say. Call it telepathy if you will, I call it friendship.

Happy 20th Birthday Milena.

Love always,

Ashton aka: Michael Kelso

P.S. My best memories will always be the ones I’ve spent with you. You’re priceless and perfect to me. Please don’t ever stop being who you are.

I leave you with a poem. I finally found a way I could thank you for everything after all. Love you babygirl.

For All The Times

For all the times you made me smile, thank you.

For all the times you held my hand, thank you.

For all the times you smiled at me, thank you.

For all the times you listened to me when no one else would, thank you.

For all the times you encouraged me, thank you.

For all the times you hugged me, thank you.

For all the times you shared a part of yourself with me, thank you.

For all the times you kissed me on the cheek, thank you.

For all the times you gave me a ride somewhere, thank you.

For all the times you asked to spend time with me, thank you.

For all the times you trusted me, thank you.

For all the times you complimented me, thank you.

For all the times you cared about my well being, thank you.

For all the times you said "I love you", thank you.

For all the times you thought of me, thank you.

For all the times you brought me joy, thank you.

For all the times you were there when I needed you, thank you.

For all the times you missed me, thank you.

For all the times you gave me comfort, thank you.

For all the times you looked in my eyes and filled my heart with a song, thank you.

For all of this:

Never forget that when I smile at you, I'm saying "I love you."

Never forget that my hand is always outstretched toward you.

Never forget that I am always here to listen to you.

Never forget that I will always stand behind you.

Never forget that I plan to hug you at least twice everyday.

Never forget that I am an open book to you.

Never forget that I wish I was still riding with you.

Never forget that you need only ask me for anything, and it's yours.

Never forget that I want to spend time with you.

Never forget that I completely trust you.

Never forget that I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

Never forget that I care about you more than anything else in the world.

Never forget that I do love you, weather I say it or not.

Never forget that I'm thinking of you right now.

Never forget that you bring me joy, especially when you smile.

Never forget that I am always here for you.

Never forget that I missed you too.

Never forget that I am here anytime you need omforting.

Never forget that I still get lost in your eyes.

as Michael. ;)