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My contact information such as telephone no, email & address Home Page My c.v. which I cherish Links to my favourite websites My life story so far Portfolio of my works and past and present projects I have done Description of the services I provide to clients


Hi welcome to my website, My name is Michael Leon Joseph and I am a Software developer and just finished my Bsc Computer Science degree (2:2) at The London Metropolitan University. Here is where I am trying to showcase my applications and help anyone out there who needs advice. I am currently constructing this web page which means that I am trying to transfer my work and upload my work onto this web page. The links are not working at the moment but one by one they will be linked and working. This will constantly change over the next few weeks, with working examples and explanations wherever I can provide them. I plan to include various issues with regards to the computer programming and applications, from Artificial Intelligence to Network, Games, Mobile, Databases, Security, Testing and other programming projects.


JSIG talk 24th June : Cloud Database & Hermes Java Messaging Service (JMS)

POS / Bank system uploaded

Java & MS Access / MySQL database Tutorial uploaded


Michael Joseph, Software Developer with skills in ASP, .NET, C++, JAVA, J2EE, J2ME, WINSOCK Programming, DirectX and OpenGl Games programming, XML, HTML and other technologies.

Any enquiries email me

This is a link to the Java Servlet / Jsp website I developed with my group at university