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Just Me

Have you ever wanted something so badly that your life was basically consumed by that one desire? All you can do is think of the day that you might achieve that long awaited goal. You have placed that one objective above all others- it's almost out of reach. You have made yourself to believe that once you reach that high point, all of your other obstacles will somehow vanish and the rest of you life will just fall into place. Perfection. Have you ever wanted something so badly, but once you get, it's not what you expected it to be? You realize that you have spent years of your life consumed by the ultimate goal, which you have basically fabricated within your own mind, only to find that that goal is not even existant. Not only do you find yourself without the perfection you envisioned, but you realize that you are now without hope. It seems you are left empty, hollow, a broken shell with nothing to look forward to any longer, and since the past few years of your life were focused on that one ambition, you don't want to look backward either. You don't know what you want anymore, and you have forgotten how to dream. You feel as if you have been dropped in the middle of the ocean and you are struggling just enough to keep your head above water. You want to focus on finding help or swimming towards shore, but you find yourself stricken with the desire to dream again of that unattainable perfection. Now, do you create the new goal of getting to safety so that you may be with loved ones again, or do you die with a dream?

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