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Love Quotes - Last Updated February 21, 2003

Warning: Do not read this page if heartbroken or afraid of the "r" word (relationship).. okay read on.. but dont say I didnt warn you! Sorry if some of the quotes are repeated!

"There comes a time in your life when everything falls apart and you need someone to put it back together again, because you can't do it yourself. To be put back together is to find peace of mind with your heart again. Once that is done, you are functioning as a whole again. Don't ever let go of the person that put you together, they are more important than you know."

Heres my Love Quote Page.. thanks for visiting.. many more quotes to come!

* "Ama me fideliter! Fidem meam noto: De corde totaliter Et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter Absens in remota." Lat: "Love me faithfully!/See how I am faithful:/With all my heart/And all my soul/I am with you/Though I am far away."

* "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." -James Baldwin

* "Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." -James Baldwin

* "Where there is great love, there are always wishes." -Willa Cather

* "You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love." -Henry Drummond

* "I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it." -Kyle Schmidt

* You say that love is nonsense....I tell you it is no such thing. For weeks and months it is a steady physical pain, an ache about the heart, never leaving one, by night or by day; a long strain on one's nerves like toothache orrheumatism, not intolerable at any one instant, but exhausting by its steady drain on the strength. (Henry Adams)

* When you love someone all your saved-up wishes start coming out. (Elizabeth Bowen)

* "Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole." -Samuel Taylor Coleridge

* "I want to be remembered as the one who always smiles, the one who would brighten your day even if she couldn't brighten her own

* * “People so seldom say ‘I love you’ and then it’s either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, it doesn’t mean I know you’ll never go, only that I wish you didn’t have to.”

* There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes me mad, Is the one thing that I had, I knew I'd lose you. You'll always be special to me....--Dolores O’Riordan (No Need to Argue)

* "In case you ever run out of gift ideas, here's a little tip: give me your laugh. Whether it's mischievous, tender, loud, or quiet, simply give me a laugh from your heart. Your laughter brings me never-ending joy."--Helmut Walch from Your Laughter Is Like Sunshine: Messages of Friendship

* "Sometimes "No one sees you the way I do. Not many know the things I do. Not many know the things you do. Too many hear, but only you choose to listen. I hear. I listen. I know. Everyone knows the image. I know the heart."--Dorothy-Ann Parent (untitled © 1996)

' * “Just holding hands is holding on to everything.”

* "If I could have one lifetime wish, One dream that would come true. I would pray to God, With all my heart, For yesterday and you."

* "I get this feeling we'll be together again. No straight lines make up my life. All roads have bends. No clear cut beginnings and so far no dead ends."-- Harry Chapi

* "All through the night I'll be standing over you. All through the night I'll be watching over you. And through bad dreams, I'll be right there...Holding your hand, telling you everything is all right. And when you cry I'll be right there telling you you were never anything less than beautiful. So don't you worry. I'm your angel standing by...."--Jewel (Angel Standing By)

* "When somebody knows you well, well there's no comfort like. And when somebody needs you, there's no drug like that...."--Heather Nova (London Rain)

* "I don't need you in my life, but I do want you there. That's why these feelings are so amazing. You're a part of me because that's what I want, not what I need. You're not the oxygen essential to my survival, but rather the Starbucks Rich Italian Roast Ice Cream that makes my survival so much more fun."—

* "Hey your glass is empty. It's a hell of a long way home. Why don't you let me take you? It's no good to go alone. I never would have opened up, but you seemed so real to me... I'll show you why you're so much more than good enough. "--Sarah McLachlan (Good Enough)

* "You and I will always be close. And you deserve to know that you always have - and always will - hold a very special place in my heart. Along with my favorite memories and right beside my highest hopes, I keep a very precious reminder that ...we'll never be apart." --Jenn Davids

* * “I’ve loved you all my life, even before we met; even when it was just the promise of you. You’ve kept your promise. How could you lose me?”—unknown

* “Holding you, I held everything.”--Garth Brooks (the Dance)

* Kelly: I always knew you were alive, I knew it! Everybody said that I had to let you go! I love you. You're the love of my life! Chuck: I love you too, Kelly. More than you'll ever know. (Cast Away)

* Josie: Sometime you'll kiss someone and know that's the person you're suppose to kiss for the rest of your life. (never been kissed)

* Sam: I'm sorry I'm late. It took me forever to get here. Josie: I know what you mean. (never been kissed)

* Wanting to be with you is like trying to touch a star. You know you'll never accomplish it, but you just keep on trying.

* Maybe the reason why I haven't found who I've been searching for is because I know that I've already found him. It's just up to him to say whether I am who he has been waiting for..

* "What if I could give you your life back; pluck out the pain; and give you a world of unimaginable beauty that would be for all time." (Interview with a Vampire)

* Sophie: It's a perfect ending. Dowager Empress Marie: No. It's a perfect beginning. (Anastasia)

* Wallace: Why do you help me? Isabelle: Because of the way you are looking at me now. (Brave heart)

*It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone if your heart still does.

*If I never met you, I wouldn't love you. If I never liked you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.

*Just because someone doesn't love you the way that you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they got.

*Love is when you look back on all the great memories, and find out that the one you least expected to fall in love with, becomes the one of your dreams.

* Every man is afraid of losing something. That's how you know he loves you. When he's afraid of losing you.

* What kind of love is this that keeps me hanging on despite everything's it's doing to me? (Sarah Mclachlan)

*Don't say we're not right for each other, cause the way I see it we may not be right for anyone else.

*I could look into his eyes and be forever enchanted

*I think I dreamed you into life (from Savage Garden)

*When I saw you I fell in love, And you smiled because you knew.

* It doesn't bother me to say this isn't love becuz if you don't want to talk about it, then this isn't love. And I guess I'm going to have to live with that, but I'm sure there's something in a shade of gray...something in between.

* "You can tell me anything. I'll remember. I'll listen. I'll be there, forever and always."


"On a rosebed and secrets, I promise."

"I was so mistrusting, I never said anything to anybody like this until now."

"I won't breathe another word."

"I love you"

* The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.

* It's funny how big of an impact you have on me. It's like when i see you, you don't even have to speak..all you do is smile, and it can make my day, and that's how I remember my reason's for loving you.

* You're always in my dreams..even when I'm awake.

* It was a million tiny things like that, when you add them all up, it means we were suppossed to be together and I knew it. (Sleepless in Seattle)

* Gravitation cannot be blamed for people falling in love

* It's not telling you how I feel that scares me, its what you might say back.

* When I met you I was afraid to like you,then I liked you and was afraid to love you,and now i love you and I'm afraid to lose you

* I wanna stay with you forever
I wanna spend all my life with only you

I wanna stay, lets stay together

Chasing forever, with only you

(From "Chasing Forever")

* Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts" - Einstein

* You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot live without.

* True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.

* Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all

* "True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away." -Alicia Barnhart

* "Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less." -Will Moss

* We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

* "How many angels are there? One - who transforms our live - is plenty." -Traditional saying

* "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true."-Richard Bach

* One-half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it.

* I dont have the words to make you feel better but i do have the arms to hug you, i have ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about and i have a heart that is aching to see you smile again.

*"You're gonna wake up to find- I'm your desire, my intentions are true. Hey babe I know in time, your gonna see what you mean to me, so open up your eyes, I can love you better than that...I can love you.."*~ Dixie Chicks

* I can't remember when you weren't there, When I didn't care for anyone but you, I swear we've been through everything there is, Can't imagine anything we've missed, Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do.

* I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh, or how you enjoy you're two hour bath, or how you convince me to dance in the rain, with everyone watching like we were insane. But I love the way you love me!

* Once in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

* Never frown because you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile!

* "Everytime I kiss you, you take my breath away"

* No guy is worth your tears, but when you find the one who is he wont make you cry.

* I go crazy then will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well will you be there just holding my hand?" - 3DoorsDown

* You know its love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of that happiness - Jean Zheng

* If he loves me only in his dreams, let me be asleep forever

* "If I tell you I love you can I keep you forever " (From "Casper")

* I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time. (Calvin and Hobbes)

* Why do I have to climb 100 mountains to get to you but all you have to do is smile to get me?

* Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw. I'm scared of what I did, who I am. I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling for the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you." (Dirty Dancing)

* Love is not what we become, but what we alreay are. (Stephen Levine)

* The course of true love never did run smooth (Shakespeare)

* Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give- which is everything.

* We spend most of our time talking about nothing, but I just want to let you know that all of these nothings have meant so much more to me than so many somethings. - "You've Got Mail"

* I would rather have one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than an eternity "City Of Angels"

* The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender, because this kiss already has within it that surrender. - Emil Ludwig

* The way you looked at me last night, was so magical...just when i thought i couldnt love you more, once again you proved me wrong.

* True love doesn't have a happy ending...true love has no ending

* The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in•

* I never said it would be easy-i said it would be worth it

* You ask me "how could someone as beautiful and sweet love me" well It's easy I dont see how anyone couldn't love you. I look into your eyes and I am happy, I feel your arms around me and I feel peace, I hear your voice and everything is perfect. I think of the next time I get to see you and I immediatly smile, You say "I love you" and my heart skips a beat, But I just kiss you on the cheek and simply reply "how could I not" (NoLeSy11200 )

* Do you want me to tell you something really subverse? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more.•-Erica Jong

* " Kiss me and I will see the stars. Love me and I will give them to you."

* Don't hate me for what I'm not, love me for what I am."

* You can love someone in a day, and then take forever to forget them...and how they changed you as a person..

* When you love someone you will sacrafice, you'll give it everything you got and you wont think twice you'd risk it all no matter what...when you love someone (Bryan Adams)

* I will love you forever and a day

* When you find some one you love keep her,trust her,and care for her

* You don't love a girl because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because you love her

* When a match made in heaven arrive's, eternity is never enough

* The best gift a girl can give is her heart (love)

* What is it that seeks the truth? Is it our minds or is it our hearts?

* Love goes deeper than the surface, it goes DEEP into the soul

* To love someone is to find a miracle in them that no one else sees

* Love isn't like a reservoir. You'll never drain it dry. Its much more like a natural spring the longer and farther it flows the stronger and deeper and clearer it becomes

* When you love someone don't let them get away because if you do, you will regret it forever.

* If I could be anything, it would be one of your tears...I would be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die in your lips.

* Too early seen unknown, and known too late (From "Romeo And Juliet)

* Tonight I'll ask the stars above, how did I ever win your love, what did I do, what did I say, to turn your angel eyes my way? -The Jeff Healey Band

* Something in your eyes captured my soul, and every night I see you in my dreams. You're all I know...I can't let go. -Mariah Carey

* Falling in love is exactly that.. falling. You dont have much control over it. -Party of Five

* Sometimes you meet that special somebody, and you know that whatever you did before, whatever your life was before, it must have been right, nothing could've been too bad, or gone too wrong, because it led you to that person.

* Blue eyed boy meets brown eyed girl, oh oh oh, the sweetest thing. -U2

* I know about safe sex..... safe love is the hard thing, I wish they made that kind of protection. -Seventeen

* So said Juliet to her Romeo, but sad as that tale of forbidden love is, it was. -Romeo and Juliet

* You just can't make someone fall in love with you, you know. You just can't make them... it's just gotta happen. -The Wonder Years

* In all my years chasing guys I don't think I've gotten any of the ones I truly wanted... and so I desperately want you to be the first one.

* So I guess you can't hurt someone unless you really mean something to them?

* Now that I've reached this point in my life where I feel that no one can solve my problems.. I take a glance at you and your sweet smile.. and all of a sudden my problems just fade away.

* One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't speak. -James Earl Jones

* It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

* Love? I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to hurt so bad. -Childrens thoughts on love

* If you say my eyes are beautiful... it's because they're looking at you.

* I wonder if you think about me half as much as I think about you. -Untamed Heart

* Love cannot be measured in days or time. It can only be measured in the kisses you give him while he's there...or the tears you cry when he's not.

* You spend all your time looking for love, yet you feel nothing even when its staring you in the face, and you spend all your time preaching about love...Well here it is, right in front of you and you're gonna turn your back on it. I will love again, but you will spend all your life knowing you turned your back on love... -Cruel Intentions

* I love you because I can't remember what life was like before I had you.

* Some people live their whole lives without falling in love...I lived my life, I fell in love. -Here on Earth

* Its weird how you can wish for something so long, and then once its here you can feel all mixed up about it.

* But remember, I'm also just a girl, standing in front a boy, asking him to love her. -Notting Hill

* ..cause baby I got something to stand for... I got somewhere we can go... I just need someone to stand with... it ain't no good this being alone. -Amy Ray

* This is true love...Do you think it happens every day? -The Princess Bride

* Remember when I told you that I didn't love you? I lied. I love you and it's the only thing in life I've ever really known...I don't even know whether it's right or wrong...but it's real...I do love you. -General Hospital

* Some people make the world a better place, just by being in it.

* Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. -The Land Before Time

* Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... anger, tears, laughter. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another, I'm sure of it. -Keiichi Morisata

* Each day I am with you, it is better than the last, and the first day I was with you was the best day of my life.

* What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. -Romeo and Juliet

* No one knows how easy it is that with one glance a boy can break through into a girl's heart.

* So you could give me wings to fly and catch me if I fall, or pull the stars down from the sky, so I could wish on them all, but I couldn't ask for more, because your love is the greatest gift of all.

* The gray sky was romantic because you were holding my hand, the time between meeting and leaving is sometimes called.. falling in love.

* It is the only real thing I have ever felt. -Roswell

* You know it's love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is better than dreaming. * Do you know what its like to be lost in someone else's life? To speak to someone close at heart, but being lost in her?

* Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

* Falling in Love is when he/she lays in your arms and wakes up in your dreams.

* We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness- and call it love- true love.

* The human heart sees what the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.

* It takes a moment to tell someone you love them, but it takes a lifetime to prove it.

* If I gave you flowers as often as I thought of you, the world would be covered in roses.

* If I had wings and I could fly I would still walk with you.

* Don't try and fix something that isn't broken but if it does break, and you stay to fix it, be there for the duration or don't stay at all.

* It still feels like our first night together, feels like our first kiss, nothing can be better than this. Still holding on, you're still the one. Every time our eyes met, I get this feeling inside me, only every time it gets stronger and I want to love you just a little longer.

* Everything I have ever done has been for you ... everything in me is you. ~UnKnown~

* If you love someone you say it,... you say it right then, out loud,... or the moment just... passes you by. ~My Best Friend's Wedding~

* The best gift you can give is a hug: one size fits all and no one ever minds if you return it. ~UnKnown~

* Are you afraid no one loves you? Because my mom says that people really do love each other. They just get confused sometimes and forget how to let each other know. ~Francine Pascal~

* When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go. ~UnKnown~

* "I want you to find someone
Who makes you deliriously happy,

Someone who will sweep you away,

Someone who will levitate you,

And make you sing with rapture,

Love is passion, obsession,

Someone you can't live without...

Fall head over heals & vice-versa....

Find someone u can love like crazy....

How do u find them...?

Well forget your head & listen to your heart;

There is no sense living without this...

To make the journey and not fall DEEPLY in love,

You haven't lived at all,

And who knows one day

Out of no where


(from "Meet Joe Black")

* You know you're in love when you can't imagine living without that person, and can't figure how did you live before you knew them.

* When you feel you've found that special person, never let them slip away, because once you lose them, they may never come back, and you may have lost the greatest thing you ever had.

* Love hurts the most when you know you've hurt the person that means the world to you.

* He knows I want him with my heart and soul.. I only want him and it will always be like that, so Im asking for one last chance to prove my love for you...

* They say heaven is a place on earth.. I say heaven is any place with him.

* Sometimes I know it's hard for you, wondering if we'll make it through but if you give me time I'll show you that you're mine.

* Have you ever hated someone so much that you wanted nothing from them but to go away, yet you still loved them so much that you would die if they did?

* We were together, I have forgotten the rest. -Walt Whitman

* Dreams..... without them we are nothing, we are not sure what causes them, but when we wake up in the morning, we hope that one day they will eventually come true.

* Everytime I see him I get this sick feeling in my stomach, but it's the kind of sick feeling I love to feel.

* I've got dreams in hidden places, extra smiles for when I'm blue, but that special place in my heart.. Im saving it just for you.

* You know you really like someone, when you sit the painful way in your chair just to get a better look at them.

* Dreaming is like walking on air, feeling a millions things in one second...kissing that one person you love more than anything in the world...dreams are dancing under the stars while the silver moon shines down on you...dreams can be real, but only if you make them...they can sometimes make the dark empty nights a little easier to deal with...because dreams aren't scary unless you make them that way. -Luna

* You don't choose, you just fall... and you end up with someone in front of you who is so wrong, yet so incredibly right.

* When you smile at me.. when you reach for my hand.. when you take me gently into your arms.. that same breathless feeling I felt from the start.. comes over me once more.. and I know.. that I want to spend the rest of my life endlessly falling in love with you.

* My love for you is a journey, starting at forever.. and ending at never.

* Sometimes I wonder who he sees when he looks at me and smiles.

* I don't regret the things I have done or the things I havent done.. I mean the way I look at it.. I must have done something right.. because I ended up with you.

* When you find that person you've been looking for...the one you can laugh, talk, cry have this feeling...and you'll never let that feeling go. -Crackle4

* You make me smile for no reason, you make me laugh at the dumbest things, but most of all you make me love you when I shouldn't at all.

* For there I shall love you, I am yours and you are mine, inside a dream or daylights glow, we will live forever all through time.

* What would it be like to swing on a star, or walk on a cloud, would it be anything like what I feel whenever you are near?

* You make me want to love you and not just want you, all the doubts I have in my mind, of us being together, wash away when you are next to me, you just make me so happy, I don't want to think of what will never be.

* You just don't realize how much I really love you.

* And when it comes to you, I wish I didn't care so much, because it would make things so much easier, but I do care... I really really do.

* And it just happened, no discussion needed, we just both knew that very moment we wanted to be together. -Allison Mosher

* You can tell me anything... I'll listen... I'll remember... I'll be there, forever and always.

* The very first time I saw you, I knew it was true, that I'd love you forever, and that's what I'll do, You don't know what you do to me, you don't have a clue, you don't know what it's like to be me, looking at you.

* No matter how ugly you think you are, that special person that loves you believes you are the most beautiful and irresistible thing on earth and nothing can ever change that.

* Sometimes I have to question love, everyone wants to be in love, and to have that means the world to you, someone to hold you, dry your tears from your eyes, to know you belong to that someone is to realize that you are falling.. falling in love.

* Last night I matched each and every star with a reason for loving you.. it was going fine until I ran out of stars.

* Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help but fall in love with you. -Elvis Presley

* Of all the guys I've ever met, you're the one I won't forget, I know for now we are just friends, but to me our love will never end, if I had one dream tonight, it would be of me and you, and if I had one wish, I'd wish that you loved me too.

* Love me when I least deserve it, because thats when I need it most.

* The way I see it is that fate brought us together, fate tore us apart, fate made you love another, and fate left me crushed. But my heart makes me want you back, my heart tells me I love you, and my heart makes me hold on to you.. hoping you'll come back to me. And no matter what fate has in store for me, no one gets in the way of a girl with a broken heart.

* I love you because I know you're always there, to catch me when I fall, to listen when I need you, and to hold me when I feel alone.

* If I know what love is, it is because of you.

* They say that love is worth fighting for, but if it's true love why do you have to fight for it?

* One day I'll know if love can move a mountain, one day I'll know why the sky is blue, one day I'll know why Im the one for you, one day I'll know why Samson loved Delilah, one day l'll go dancing on the moon, one day you'll realize that l was meant for you...

* I'm afraid of loving you for the rest of my life, but I'm also afraid of losing you for the rest of my life.

* Our love is like a rainbow, beautiful, misty, and sometimes hard to see. Never ending, forever reaching into eternity. Hopeful and forgiving, yet not without some pain, for you can never find a rainbow without a little rain.

* I realized how much I loved him last night when I was lying in bed thinking he didn't love me.

* Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. -Les Miserabeles

* You cant go beyond my thoughts, or leave my love behind, because I keep you in my heart, and forever in my mind. Though I may not tell you, I think you know its true, I find happiness in every thought of you.

* When it comes down to it...we all just want to be loved.

* It is okay to part with thoughts of love, but you should never forget the lessons that they have taught you about yourself.

* Describing love.. is like describing the taste of water.

* Baby when Im with you, I wish the day would never end, each time we see each other, I can't help but fall in love with you, all over again.

* Never deny what your heart truly feels.

* Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

* I live to be around you.. you take my breath away.. I can't help but think about you.. every night and every day.

* A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love, a hug is just a hug until you find the one you're thinking of, a dream is just a dream until you make it come true, love is just a word until it's proven to you.

* Every time you tell me you love me, I just love you even more.

* I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for.

*You never lose by loving, you lose by holding back.

* Nearly all human beings love, but nearly none know how to love

* The hardest thing in the world is to reveal a hidden love

* Between the distance that I fear, and the heartache of you not being here, our love is strong enough to make it through - because there is only enough space in my heart for one, and I'm giving that space to you

* True love never leaves the heart...So, if you don't love me now, you didn't love me then

* No matter how many times I tell you she'll break your heart, or how many times she does it, you'll never give up, why you ask?...Because you love her

* If you never open the doors to your heart, no one will ever find their way in

* Take time to love her or someone else will

* Love is patient, love is kind, love is gentle, and hard to find. Love is beautiful and never lies then there is true love which never dies

* Your heart decides who it likes and who it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on it's own when you least expect it, or even if you don't want it to. It loves who it wants to love, and there's nothing you can do about it.

* I've learned that guys make the best friends. My best friend is a guy and I can tell him anything... except for the fact that I'm absolutely crazy for him, I always seem to leave that part out of the conversation.

* People can just be best friends, but at one point or another, one will fall for the other. Maybe it's temporary, maybe it's at the wrong time, maybe it's too late, or maybe...just's forever.

* Everyday that goes by, it seems like I discover something new about you to love. It's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life. You touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reasons to smile. I've never been so happy...and I've never been so in love.

* I think that if two people are meant to be together, when they see each other they get this feeling like none other, a special feeling and they know they're supposed to spend the rest of their life with that person...and you just know, and that's really love.

* The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much. -Amelia Barr

* Love is the best thing in the world, and the thing that lives the longest. -Henry Van Dyke

* The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other. -Ashleigh Brilliant

* A life without love is like a year without summer. -Swedish Proverb

* Love speaks even when the lips are closed.

* Sometimes I wonder if life is really worth it... then I look at your smile and I know it is.

* The soul that can speak through the eyes, can also kiss with a gaze. -Gustav Adolfo Becquer

* The best kiss between two people is not the kiss of their lips, but the kiss of their tears.

* Once you've felt love, you know it's love because you don't want to let it go. -Jean Zheng

* You said just the thing I wished you to say, and you made me believe that you meant it. -Grace Stricker Dawson

* Did my heart love till now? For swear it's sight, for I have never saw true beauty until this night. -Romeo and Juliet

* I always say that there is no greater act of courage than to be the one who kisses first. -Mad About You

* Each morning I wake are the reason I are the reason I love. -Jerry Burton

* Why did you let your eyes rest on me like that...and smile at me with that smile...and speak to me in that voice? Now nothing can ever be the same again. -Michele Louvric

* When I see you, I think that if I would die that I have already been to heaven, just seeing you. I know that things can only get worse....because you are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. -John W. Myers

* You're the one who makes me feels so safe...the way you hold me holds my heart in place.

* And in the end, the love we take is equal to the love we make. -The Beatles

* Happiness is looking into the eyes of someone you love and realizing that the look in their eyes is the same one you have in yours.

* Fate has it's way of changing things...just when you don't want it to.

* I don't care what anyone else says. We may not live near each other, but our love has helped us through so much, and it is stupid to think it won't last. Just because we happen to be apart most of the year doesn't mean we can't love each other. You mean so much to me and I wouldn't dream of wanting it any other way.

* Here in your arms I found my paradise, my only chance for happiness, and if I lose you now...I think I would die. -Bee Gees

* When I first kissed you, that's when I knew that I was in love. -Extreme

* I don't know how I ever lived before, you are my life, my mean everything to me. -Neil Sedaka

* Every word that he says is a dagger in me. -Les Miserables

* There are times when I think that I have seen it all....nothing else can awe me. Then you look in my eyes and smile, and I am awed once again.

* The meaning of life is to be happy.. try not to hurt people.. and to hope that you fall in love. -Mallory Keaton

* She drives me crazy ooh ooh... like noone else does ooh ooh.. she drives me crazy.. and I cant help myself..

* I don't even know you that well, but I do know that I like everything I know, and I want to know even more.

* Only together for an hour and he sent me home with an everlasting smile.

* Love has no age limit.

* Falling in love with you is something I do over and over again...

* Sooner or later it comes down to fate.. always listen to your heart.

* Don't give up on love, because there is always someone who loves you...even if it's not the person you were hoping for.

* The best things come to those who wait.

* "Why did he never do anything to hurt you?" she asked him. "He did....he knew the worst thing for me would be to stay alive in a world without you," he answered. -I Know What You Did Last Summer

* You have a way about you... I dont know what it is, but I know I cant live without you.

* No request is too extreme, when you wish upon a star as dreamers do, like a boat out of the blue, fate comes in and sees you through, when you wish upon a star.. your dreams come true.

* Dont get me wrong, cause I want you more than you know, but let me get to know you, make my heart show what my feelings show.

* Indescribable has different meanings to different people... but to me... all it means is you.

* One precious moment changed my life.. one little kiss made everything right.. it was in your arms where I found forever..

* I dont know exactly where I stand with you.. I dont know what I mean to you.. or what it is I see in you.. but I know the only thing I dream of is you..

* Ill lean on you.. and youll lean on me.. and well be okay. -Dave Matthews Band

* You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need. -The Rolling Stones

* Being with you is the most amazing feeling in the world...every time I see you, I start to get the most incredible feeling in my stomach. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have you.

* Angels may not always come to you when you call them, but they come when you need them.

* Love is a strange thing.. you don't get it right until the last time you try.

* And I will take you in my arms, and hold you right where you belong. For everything you do, for everything that's true, I turn to you. Lay down, lay down beside me, you can wake up beside me forever.

* If I woke up tomorrow and my eyes couldn't see in darkness.. there'd be beauty of the love you've shown to me. If tomorrow for some reason, I could not hear.. in silence there'd be music of a love that's always here. And if I woke up in heaven and I couldn't feel your touch.. then I'd want to be your angel and I'd love you just as much. I've been loved more than I deserve.. we've been through so much and all I can say is thank you...and apologize. Things will be right someday.

* Love can make the wildest spirit tame, and the tamest spirit wild.

* How can I hold a part of me that only you can carry? -Toad the wet sprocket

* If you have someone who loves you, don't pass it up. Give it a chance... because you may never have someone love you like that again, and you have nothing to lose.

* I just want you to know that I would rather have only a little bit of you, than all of anyone else.

* Most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love them and never know exactly when it happened...looking back on things now, I know I fell for you way before I ever thought I had.

* I will not drag you along, I will not leave you alone...I will stand by you and have my hand there for you to hold when you need to.

* For hearing my thoughts, understanding my dreams and being my best friend...for filling my life with joy and loving me without end...I do.

* One summer night.. we ran way for awhile.. laughing.. we hurried beneath the sky.. looking for a place to hide.. that no one else could find..

* "Who was this love of yours? Another prince like this one... ugly, rich, and scabby?" "No! A farm boy, poor, and perfect, with eyes like the sea after a storm...." -The Princess Bride

* I'm telling you now..I may devote my heart all to you, but I promise you this, if you keep shutting me out.. I wont be there the next time you want me.

* Journeys end in lovers meeting. -William Shakespeare

* Likely or not, it's a dream that we keep, and at odds with our senses, we'll find that if love is the answer, we've already reached it.. and it's only a matter of time.

*You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love;the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.

*."For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."--Judy Garland

* If you live to be one hundred, I want to live to be one hundred minus one day, so I never have to live my life without you

* It's like trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists, that love is like falling.. and falling is like this.

* I do believe that not everything is gonna be the way you think it ought to be. It seems like every time I try to make it right it all comes down on me, please say honestly you won't give up on me and I shall believe.

* Maybe love is like water, and when you find out you need it, who cares where it comes from, or maybe everyone is just a well, waiting for me to send my ladle down.

* If I would have known that the stars always died beautiful, I would have run towards the sky...

* One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night.

* You know youre in love when he just smiles and it warms you inside. You know youre in love when his happiness is more important than your own. You know youre in love when you can be yourself in front of him and not feel embarrassed. Most of all, you know youre in love when you can be without him for days and still have feelings only for him...when no one else matters..when no one else makes you feel that same special way...that is love.

* I love this spot, it's like heaven right here on earth. Maybe that's what heaven really is.. we go through life collecting people and places we love, and then they become heaven. -Here on Earth

* Looking in your eyes is like a mirror.. every single joy and tear.. all for one.. and one for all.. yea we did it all..

* Before you find your handsome prince.. you may have to kiss a lot of toads.

* There's a place inside of us that no one can take away from me and you...

* When you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love.

* Love can't make you strong... until it's made you weak.

* I want someone to look into my eyes, peer beyond the mist, go further than the lens, and gaze so steadily that I go blind.

* Touch me baby, can't you see that I'm not afraid? I'm gonna love you till the heavens start to rain, I'm gonna love you till the stars fall from the sky for you and I.

* Two are better than one. If one falls, the other will lift up his companion. -The Bible

* We're best friends, and I tell you everything and you understand. You like to call me right before you go to sleep, and you say it's because "you want to talk to someone special before you go to sleep." We talk in school, regardless of everyone you're my best friend. Oh no, now my heart is racing and I don't think it's going to stop.

* All of us need to be loved and be lovable. Love was never in question, but over time our certainty was clouded.

* Our love isn't about what "they" see. It's about you and me, and what we feel. You don't need to see me smile to know I love you more than anything, and I don't need to see you cry to know you feel it too. -Alexis Eggleton

* Love is friendship that has caught fire

* When I fall in love it will be forever, or I'll never fall in love.

* Do you think that you and I are right for eachother? Cause if we're not, then they're wrong.-Sky1302

* When I close my eyes, you're all I see.- Kenny Chesney

* As long as forever, whatever the weather, we'll always be together.

* You broke down the barriers and built up my hopes.-Sky1302

* Getting through life and growing up, you tend to get hurt, and your heart gets broken...but what you have to realize is...if you two are supposed to be together, love will find a way...but if you don't end up with one another, that just means there is someone out there that is more perfect waiting for you.

* I'd give anything to hold you close.. to make you smile.. to hear you say you love me.. if you only knew.. if you could only watch my dreams.. then youd know..

* Love is an adventure that is worth the risk.

* We laughed until we had to cry, we loved right down to our last goodbye.

* I know I love him with all my heart because the feeling I get when I am with him is unlike anything Ive ever felt before. But why cant I tell him I love him? I could say it to anyone but him. Is it because I know when I say it to him, it will be the first time Ive ever really meant it? Three words.. I Love You, so easy to feel, yet so hard to say... even when you mean it more than anything in the world.

* Believe in yourself and trust him to love you as you really are. -Cinderella

* I wanna fix your heart, I brought along some glue.. we could patch it up.. it shouldnt be in two.

* Why is it that everyone looks at him and doesn't see how wonderful he is? Because I saw it the first time I laid eyes on him. I guess that's why you call it falling in love...

* Youre my other half.. without you.. I'm the dance without the song.. without you.. I'm a heart without a soul.. you mean so much to me. Words could never express how much I care about you.. and how much I need you in my life.. youre not just my best friend.. my listener.. youre my everything.

* There's something about you, when youre around, baby, I have found I get lost in you.

* Im scared that this will ruin what we have, but at this moment it seems like the best thing to do.

* The last thing I want to feel before I go to bed is the touch of your lips to mine... and the last words I want to hear are I love you...

* So maybe it all happened for a reason, you going with her, me going with him, and in the end you and I going back to each other. And no matter what happens, in the end we always end up running back to each other. -Allison Mosher

* "Pooh, promise me you won't forget about me, ever. Not even when I am 100.' Pooh thought for a little. 'How old shall I be then?' '99.' Pooh nodded. 'I promise,' he said."

* When I'm with him I actually feel beautiful...

* Havent you ever had a hug so warm that you felt like you'd never be cold or alone again?

* From the moment he looked me in my eyes and saw what no one else did... I loved him.

* True love cannot be found where it does not exist...and it cannot be hidden where it does.

* Just thinking of you brings a smile upon my face.

* I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved... the rest is up to them.

* She slipped on a kiss and stumbled into love.

* Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, but the point is.... that they lived. -Ever After

* Why do we love the ones that hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us?

* Nothing is worth more than this day. -Goeth

* kiss \'kis\ vb [ME kissen, fr. OE cyssan; akin to OHG kussen to kiss] 1: to touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting 2: to place your lips against someone else's lips or body in an attempt to curl his/her toes

* You can tell you're in love when you miss someone before theyre gone.

* Why is it that hate comes out so easily, yet gets trapped inside?

* "Fool! Don't you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times.. had I been able to live without you?" -Cleopatra

* Well things are so terrible and everything is coming apart.. and this was...this is the best night of my life. -Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

* Some people care too much, I think it's called love. -Winnie the Pooh

* Wish on everything...stars of course, first stars, and shooting stars, pennies in wishing wells, cross your fingers, rabbits feet, wish bones, four-leaf clovers, birthday candles, baby teeth, wish in tunnels holding your breath and lifting your feet off the ground...

* I remember the time.. the moment when my life changed forever...

* Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?

* I want somebody who can hold my interest, hold it and never let it fall. Somebody who can flatten me with a kiss, or utter a sentence that stops me like a brick wall.

* It takes a lot to know what love's not the big things, but the little things that can mean enough.

* You never forget the one kiss that means the most...and that kiss is yours, if only you knew.

* And in your eyes I see what's on my mind...

* When you fall on somebody, it's not enough to say you didn't mean to, after all... he probably didn't mean to be beneath you. -Winnie the Pooh

* "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." --When Harry Met Sally

* "Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect."

* "The magic of first love, is our ignorance that it can never end."

* "Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." --robert frost

* Love is knowing someone completely just by looking into there eyes.

* Love is like a butterfly, chase it and it will fly out of your no attention and it will linger around forever.

* A life with love has thorns...but then a life without love cant have roses

* when love isnt going well just remember that everything has its ups and downs....even the most beautiful rose has thorns, just like love.

* love doesnt make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwile.

* the math of love is one plus one equels everything, and two minus one equels nothing

* if i said i loved you as much as life itself...death would prove me a liar. i love you more than anything including life.

* you know your inlove when you cant go to sleep, cus you know your reality is better then your dreams could ever be.

* is he there in your dreams?*i dont know i cant sleep.*is he breaking your heart?*ya but isnt it sweet!

* people say its hard to watch the ones you love cry, that must be why you just walked away when i was crying and told you i felt like i wanted to die.

* "If I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love"-Mother Theresa

* Love is when sitting in complete silence and u still know everything they are thinking

* Your love is the the nightime sky ~ it slowly takes my breath away

* Love wondered inside
stronger than you

stronger than I

and now that it had begun we cannot turn back

we can only turn into one

* I'd give my all to have just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel your body next to mine, cause I can't go on, living in the memory of or song, I'd give my all for your love tonight.

* Your the only one I want
Your the only one I need

You the only one I cannot have and the only thing I see

*ThE haRDeST thInG TO fiNd iS LOve ITseLf, bUt aS sOON aS yOU stOp lOOkinG...iT fiNds a wAy tO fiNd yOu*~

* "Take me as i am, and i will take you as you are and we can be our selfs together" - Way2Bad311

* If i said i love you would you walk away, or would you love me, would you stay?

* I think I was dreaming up some thoughts that were seemingly possible...with you.... When we get there We're gonna fly so far away, making sure to laugh while we experience anti~gravity

* I can hear your voice whispering with the wind and it seeps into my heart knocking down walls as it streams through. What a beautiful thing.

* I found myself - when I found you. I found the closest thing to heaven - next to you. I found the deepest love I knew. I believe - yes it's true. I found myself - when I found you.

* If I had nothing in this world except you, I'd still have everything

* Don't look so hard for the happy may miss the best part of the story. (thanks alloy2772!)

* Now baby the days, and the weeks, and the years will roll by.. but nothing will change the love I have inside.. and baby I'll never find any words that could explain.. just how much my heart, my life, my soul you've changed. ~Eric Benet & Tamia "Spend My Life With You"

* We weren't promised days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but we were promised strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

* Deep within, I'm shaken by the violence of existing for only you... ~Sarah Mclachlan

* Listen I know we've had our ups and downs, our fights, our good times, and our bad times.. but through it all, nothing compares to the way I love you.. so baby, let's stay in love, let's stay together, let's stay devoted, let's stay forever. ~Blackstreet "Let's Stay In Love"

* Love will take you where your heart belongs...

* Trust your heart and let fate decide.

* I'll be your shelter from the storm, I'll be the fire that keeps you warm, I'll be your light in the dark, and you'll always be in my heart. ~98 Degrees "Still"

* My heart only has you in it...and you know that baby...

* I could lose you's now or never...

* You drive me crazy… don't know what to do… you got me baby.. I'm so hooked on you... you drive me crazy… with the things you do.. you got me baby. ~Immature "Crazy"

* It's funny, most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love them and never know exactly when it happened. ~Fried Green Tomatoes

* Just when I feel like I lost it all.. I think of you and realize I have it all.. * How do you describe someone who completely changes your life. He comes in and nothing but light shines where it used to be dark. The one who, no matter how bad you feel, can always make you smile. Not because he told a joke, but because you're filled with happiness just with his presence. When every waking moment without him is torture, and every moment wasted in sleep is dull, because your reality is better than any dream. I don't know how, but I've been blessed...he's perfect.

* I need to tell you, how you light up every second of my day

* You mean everything to me.... you are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and my last thought before I go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams. When you are sad, I feel sad. And when I see your smile, I feel like there is no other thing around, and all I can see is you.

* His whole body seemed to be consumed in one great frown.. and I just wanted to hug him and say "I love you.. don't be sad."

* You were that missing piece from my life, and now that I have you I am complete.

* What you want, may not be what's right for you. Look at all your options and choose what's right in your heart.

* Loving someone is easy, the challenge is learning how to love. ~Michelle

* He's not like the others. Nobody wants to see it, they don't even want to try. Judge a book by its cover and you'll never know the story. There's so much more than meets the eye. You'll see.

* The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn
Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return.

* Sometimes the perfect one for you is standing too close for you to see.

* We came together ounderneath the stars above.. what started out as liking soon turned to love.. I sensed a certain something.. that in my heart was true.. I knew I waited all my life.. to fall in love with you...

* The words you say take my breath away.. cus every day seems like yesterday.. so love me now and leave me never.. cus I wanna be with you forever.

* Baby you mean more to me than anything, no other guy has ever treated me as good as you do. Even though we don't get to see each other as much as we want, I know I still love you, and that you feel the same way about me too. I'm so glad you came into my life, and made things so much better. I used to think that whoever I wanted the most - I couldn't have. But now I know that isn't true, because I have you. I hope this relationship lasts for a long time, because I don't ever want to think about losing you. I Love You

* There's a thousand words that I could just say.. but only three I really mean *I Love You*

* The day I met you my life changed, you make me smile in a special way, you make me fall deeper in love every day, you look in my eyes and I know it's true, there's no one in this world for me, but you.

* We've been through the best, and even the worst.. and in my world, you'll always come first.

* When all the wishes in your heart, all the dreams you've ever had, and all the things you've ever hoped for, are relected in someone else's eyes...then you've found your destiny.

* We may not have it all together...but when we're together, we have it all.

* You know my love for you will always stay true.. because there's no me, without you.

* The twinkle in your eye makes my day.. your smile makes my week.. your laugh makes my month.. your sweetness makes my year.. and your love makes my life.

* There'll always be sunshine when I look at you.. it's something I can't explain..

* I hope time will never change or break us.. no matter where life takes us..

* Boy wrap your arms around me, and let me hold you tight, in the middle of the evening, I'll make you feel alright.

* You're the only one for me and I know it's meant to be, what can I do to make you see, my love will carry on. So listen to my heart and know, you'll find out where my love will go, the future lies between us boy, oh babe I love you so. -Faith Evans, "I Love You"

* I believe that wishes do come true.. because I now see my whole world.. and I see it all in you.

* If you be sugar, I'll be spice.. if you be fire, I'll be ice.. if you're cold, I'll make you hot.. as long as you give me all you've got!

* They say the person you love is the one you die for... but the one I love is the one I live my life for.

* Supposedly in time, all things grow old and weak, but my love for you only grows stronger and better with each passing second of every single day.

* All the hard times I survived, it's because you were by my side.

* The only people that can hurt you are the ones you love, because if it wasn't love, you wouldn't care...

* The heart is the happiest when it beats for others.

* No one else comes close to you, no one makes me feel the way you do, boy with just a touch, you can do so much

* Some may call it extacy, some may call it destiny, some may call it mean to be, but I just call it you and me

* I went against my word, which was to never love again. But everything about him just made my thoughts bend. So I did it, like I said I wouldn't. Gave out my heart, I knew I shouldn't. He has it now, it's his to bend and break. But I hope he knows, he also holds my entire life at stake. He's all I think about each minute of every day. So baby please I'm begging you, just don't go away.

* I would die for you..walk the mile for you..the reason I smile is you..when you cry..I'll be there..when you lie..I'll be there..every time you try..I'll be there..and through everything..I'll always be there

* You had me the moment your eyes met mine.. it was over from the start, you completely stole my heart.. and now I never want to let you go.. I never told you how *you had me at hello*

* When you're feeling lost in the night, when you feel your world just ain't right, call on me, I will be waiting, count on me, I will be there, anytime the times get too tough, anytime your best ain't enough, I'll be the one to make it better. ~Monica

* Those who really love you don't mean to hurt you, and if they do.. you can see it in their eyes that it hurts them too.

* I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No...not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening. But love that...over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love, like there has never been in a play. ~Shakespeare In Love

* In your eyes I see and me always together.

* are the...
...sun you are...

you are my light and

you are the last thing

on my mind before I go to sleep at night

youre always around when im in need when

trouble's on my mind you put my soul

at ease there is no one in this world

who can love me like you do so

many reasons that I want

to spend forever

with you

* Time may take us apart, that's true, but I will always be there for you.

* I just wanna hold you close, Feel your heart so close to mine. And just stay here in this moment, For all the rest of time."

where you are is where I want to be, And through your eyes all the things I want to see, And in the night you are my dream, You're everything to me ~Dave Matthews Band

* ~°You know we're having good days, and we hope they're gonna last. Our future still looks brighter than our past.°~ --Rush, "Making Memories

* I dont ever wanna feel like I did that day. Take me to the place I love, take me all the way.

* Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin', Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',(LeeAnn Womack "I Hope You Dance")

* "How do you do it, make me feel like i do, how do you do it it's better than i ever knew"...-Incubus

* "I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know

Wherever you may go

No matter where you are

I never will be far away"

* It might have appeared to go unnoticed, But I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth...I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero, And everything I would like to be?

I can fly higher than an eagle, For you are the wind beneath my wings.

*Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler*

* Like a miracle out of the blue, you rescued me like the angels do. You shook the heavens and cracked the sky, when you walked into my life.*~

* When you hold me like this, so many memories fill my eyes. The first time we kissed, the times we nearly said good-bye. But still here we are, tested and tried and still true... And stronger than we ever knew."

* I promised I would never leave you + you should always know..wherever u may go, no matter where u are..I never will be far away

* Thats your problem, you don't want to be in love.. you want to be in love in a movie -Sleepless in Seattle

* "When you go through the day and you think about that person in situations that don't have anything to do with them, that's when you know you're in love."

* "For my wedding, I don't want violins or sentemental songs about thick and thin. I want a moment of silence and a moment of prayer. For the love we'll need to make it in the world out there."

* If your blood could save my heart, I'd ask for no more than one drop. If your lungs could save my soul, I'd ask for no more than one breath. But if your tears could save my life, I'd rather meet my death...for I'd much rather just wilt and die, then see a single tear drop from your eye

* Someday when we have been together for a very long time, we'll turn out the lights and slow dance on the porch in out bathrobes. I'll write you love notes in large print and tape them to the fridge. You'll finish my stories and I'll borrow your glasses. We'll wonder where the time went. And each night we'll roll to the middle of our old bed, into one anothers arms, where we'll kiss and touch and dream the secrets that only old lovers know.

* Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you..But trusting them not to.

* If i know what love is..its because of you.

* Everyone has their own reason for waking up in the morning. Mine, is you

* Its like my english teacher said "more guys than you know, go to bed wishing they could just hold one girl in there arms until they fall asleep"(OnEeYeDfiReMaN)

* Put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that its not so bad."

* "Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.

I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars

I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms."

-- Ataris

* "I wish you could put your ear up to my heart , and hear how much I love you"

* And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation - Kahlil Gibran

* "Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell." ... Joan Crawford

* "Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." ...Leo Buscagli

* Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,

too long for those who grieve,

too short for those who rejoice,

but for those who love, time is eternity.

... Henry Van Dyke

* Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.

* For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. ...Rainer Maria Rilke

* "The heart has reasons that reason does not understand." ...Jacques Benigne Bossuel

* "It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love."
Source Unknown

* "What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the lover? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in a instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have."
Source Unknown

* "If I love you this much, and I'm not the one for you, then the one for you will be everything I am; and everything I'm not."
Source Unknown

* The first time my heart was broken I thought I was threw; I swore I'd never love again and believe me this was true, but when you walked into my life the second your eyes met mine, I knew you were worth loving, just like before, just like the first time."

* "But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing, I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for."
Sally, from the movie "Practical Magic"

* "Guys always seem to wonder what it takes to get a girl. Like, what do they have to do to make a girl notice them? Guys have to realize that they have to be sweet, caring, gentle, honest and still have that sweet little thing about them that drives any girl crazy: and that's reaching her heart. No matter how much you try, if you don't reach her heart, it won't ever be worth-while."

* "I'll surrender my world to you if that is the only way I could become a part of yours."
Source Unknown

* "I may not be your first, but to be your last would be perfect!"

* "Something very magical takes place in our relationships; our hearts are filled with the warm glow of forgiveness and inspired by a new sense of power to realize our hopes and dreams." - John Gray

* "The heart knows when the search is over." - Source Unknown

* "You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will never fade until you die, your heart."

* "Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with that someone, because sometimes Fate plays a fool on us and we are not meant to be together. But still, there is love between us."

* "Life: Forget yesterday, live today, and worry about tomorrow. Then love will come all on its own."

* "Saying I love you isn't hard; saying I love you and meaning it is."

* "Look into my eyes and hear what I'm not saying, for my eyes speak louder than my voice ever will." - Marielou S. Florendo

* "Your voice makes me tremble inside and your smile is an invitation for my imagination to go wild." - Claudia Chin, Algarve - Portugal

* "I hear the words, and then I get to thinking. I don't wanna think, I wanna feel." - Pearl Jam

* "A man wants to be a woman's first, while a woman wants to be a man's last." - Jennifer Wilkinson

* "I know it's right, because you were the guy I was writing poems about and dreaming of when I was 14. It took 22 years to find you, and it was well worth the wait." - Auntie Deb

* "Two people can create a love all their own, but without God's love, there's nothing to be created."

* "When I say I love you, I mean I accept you the way you are and I expect the same from you."

* "No one can ever promise you they will never hurt you, because at one time or another it will happen. The real promise is if the time you spent together will be worth the pain in the end."

* "It was a simple crush, done and over with, then you looked at me."

* "How dare you come along this way and turn my hardened heart to clay?"

* "Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

* I don't love anyone, but there's always the dream of someone."

* "You will never forget your first love. That's what makes it so special. You love so hard, so deeply, and so intensely because you don’t know any different. It's the best until it is over. Then you hurt like you've never been hurt before. Eventually you love again, but you love differently. You will love more carefully, more cautiously. Just know that there is so much more love waiting for you, but there will always only be one first."

* “Anytime that you have doubt, go back to what’s true…starting with I love you.”

* “Love – it’s after ignorant and right before stupid” (From “The Brothers”)

* “You want to know if a man really loves you, there’s one true way. If you’re sitting there on the couch, you know cuddling, eating, and watching tv and then if he will give you the very last piece of food from his plate, the very last bite – then you know he’s in love. It’s a subconscious thing, but it works. (From “The Brothers”)

* I didn’t breathe as you talked, I was afraid I’d miss the words.

* I want to look into your eyes, get lost, and never find my way out.

* "When you're in love with someone it inspires you and gives you hope. You have faith that even if you can't be with them on earth, that if God wills, you will be with them one day in heaven."

* "In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be." (Venturer)

* "No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it."

* "The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever."

* "See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."

* "Time will prove my love to you and cement my place in your heart forever. For time will give me the credibility and the believability that I need to convince you to want to spend the rest of your life with me. That I am worthy of such a commitment from you."

* "I don't know how you do it but you make me want to live forever!" (Joey Rivett)

* "If I die before you then my love will linger forever around you. And when you change your mind, and wish to be with me, I will greet you at heaven's gates with the same love and the same loving arms we knew in life."

* "One night, the moon said to me, 'If he makes you cry..why don't you leave him?' I looked at the moon and said, 'Moon, would you ever leave your sky?'"

* "I will always love you and when I love you I start to realize that you were meant for me." (MxPx)

* "As food is needed for the body, them same way love is needed for the soul. Food strengthens the body while love strengths the soul. A person is incomplete without love."

* "Your first love is not always your truest love." (Source Unknown)

* "If the world ended today, would you be at peace with the amount of love you shared?"

* "Take a look at what you have. Think of all you did to get it. Remember it only takes one second to lose."

* "Once you love, you cannot take it back, cannot undo it. What you felt may have changed, shifted slightly, yet still remains love." (Whitney Otto)

* "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love; although you've maybe been told you're too young. For those who tell you that, that don't know what love is."

* "The best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true love really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will love be perfected in pain." (Marvin Jay M. Torres)

* "Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special. To know that you can feel what love really is; to know, to feel, to love."

* "I've loved you all my life. Even before there was you there was the promise of you, and now that we've met, I'll never be the same!"

* No one understands why I love you, but that's ok, I don't want them to understand, because then they would love you too.

* All I want to say is that I love you, and that no one or anything can get between us. My love for you is for now and forever.

* I love the way that you hold me, so tight in your arms, the way that you look in my eyes, there's no one that loves me the way that you do, you make everything feel so right.

* Baby, let's plan on forever and watch all our dreams come true, you're what I live for, who I can give forever to, my destiny is you

* It's a good thing if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.

* You look at me, my knees get weak, I can barely even speak, what can I do, what can I say, no one has ever made me feel this way.

* ...and because of you, I'm not alone

* I never thought something this amazing could happen to me.. and it has taken me all this time to realize that it has...

* In my life you're all that matters.. in my eyes you're the truth I see.. when my hopes and dreams are shattered.. you're the one who's always there for me.

* Even if the sun refused to shine, even if romance ran out of rhyme, you would still have my heart, until the end of time, you're all I need, my love, my valentine

* If a hug represented how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever.

* There will never come a day.. you will ever hear me say.. that I want or need to be without you.. I wanna give my all.. baby just hold me.. simply control me.. your arms keep away the loneliness.. when I look into your eyes.. then I realize.. all I need is you..

* My life is changing every day, in every posible way, then I open up and see, the person falling here is me, a diferent way to be and now I tell you openly, you have my heart open, so don't hurt me, you're what I couldn't find, a totally amazing mind, so understanding and so kind, you're everything to me.

* Never be afraid to be who you are. The one that truly loves will love you for exactly that reason. -William Thackery

* When I first saw you, I already knew...

* You had me the first time, you smiled that smile at me, the moment you looked in my eyes, it was over from the start, you completely stole my heart.

* You changed my life... just by being a part of it.

** There comes a time in your life when everything falls apart and you need someone to put it back together again, because you can't do it yourself. To be put back together is to find peace of mind with your heart again. Once that is done, you are functioning as a whole again. Don't ever let go of the person that put you together, they are more important than you know.

* I hate it cus I've waited so long for someone like you...should I say it...should I tell you how I feel...oh I want you to know...but then again I don''s so complicated

* My mind is blind at times, I can't see anyone but you.. those other guys don't matter, they can't spoil my view.. I must make you understand.. I wanna be your girl..

* Romeo and Juliet.. they never felt this way I bet..

* Not ready to let go, I'll hold on forever, will you stay with me?

* Trust never came between us.. and that's just the way that we are.. it's the little things we do.. that manage to break both our hearts.. but I believe that we can survive through anything.. if we'd only try. -Babyface "I Love You Babe"

* Don't ask if I need you.. don't ask if I care.. I promise you baby.. I'll always be there.. from now until always.. forever and a day.. you know that I love you.. and it'll always be that way

* If the world is goin crazy and the sky is fallin down.. one thing you can depend on is I'll always be around.. if the rain outside is pouring, I'll make the sun shine through.. I'll do everything I can, cus I'm in love with you.

* I never thought that I would find somebody as special as you are..someone so perfect for me.. being with you makes me feel like I am the luckiest girl on earth. I always look forward to being able to spend time with you..I love being with you. You make every day worth living. You are not just another guy in my are everything to me! I love you!

* You keep looking at what you can't get, and you can't even see what's right in front of you...what's ALWAYS been right in front of you...

* Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile.. thinking of you always makes me smile.. I love the moments when we're together.. and baby you know I'll love you forever!!

* And there will be a time when you shine as bright as the stars.. but there won't be a, his or hers, just ours.. then you'll see what I've been tryin to show you, all these years.. do the right thing, cus after the tears, come the cheers. -Dmx

* Promise me you'll give fate a fighting chance.

* When you think you've found that special person, never let them slip away. Because it's amazing how quickly they can be taken away.

* Telling you how much I love you, is like trying to capture a shooting star.... impossible.

* Baby don't you know.. that you are eVeRyThiNg gOoD iN mY LiFe...

* The opposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there, but the high is unlike anything else.

* When I try to describe how I feel when you hold me.. I get butterflies.. lullabies, its hard to explain.. like the scent of a rose.. or the sound of the rain.. its too precious and too wonderful to give it a name.. it's *ToO BeAuTiFuL FoR WoRdS*

* Why are old lovers able to become friends? Two reasons: they never really loved each other, or they love each other still.

* I took one look at you.. and it was plain to see you were my destiny.. with you I spend my time.. I'll dedicate my life.. Ill sacrifice for you.. dedicate my life for you.. -Mary J. Blige "You're All I Need"

* William Wallace: I love you. Always have. I want to marry you. (From "Braveheart")

* William Wallace's father: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. (From "Braveheart")

* Angelique (Jessica Lange) Do you believe in love?

Joe Gideon I believe in saying "I love you."(From "All That Jazz")

* I won’t pretend that I intend to stop living. I wont pretend I’m good at forgiving, but I cant hate you...although I have tried, I still really love you. Love is stronger than pride.

* I know who you are. You are so much a part of me that if I don't love you, I won't exist.

* Yes, I do love you. I may not love you like everyone else does. But the difference is that I love you completely...with all my soul and heart. And that is something that no one could ever replace nor ever love you like I do. So, say good-bye and I shall whisper "sweet dreams" just always remember when you're holding her, you'll be loving me.

* Could be tomorrow, maybe a little farther down the road. Your heart will know my love is timeless and you're gonna find it's true. And no matter how long it takes...If it means holding you I can wait.

* "I'm not talking 'bout a year, no not three or four. That's not my kind of forever; in my life I want more. Forever always seems to be around when things begin, but forever never ever seems to be around when it ends. So give me your forever." (Ben Harper)

* "It will be you until the end with me, always." (Dave Matthews Band)

* "I could never love again so much as I love you. Where you end, where I begin is like a river flowing through. Take my heart, take my eyes, I need them no more if never again they fall upon the one I so adore." (Dave Matthews Band)

* "I believe in love, but I believe it's love that keeps beating me down. I believe in love; I think it's just fine, the sweet up and down." (Dave Matthews Band)

* "I tried so hard not to love you."

"How'd you make out?"

"Terrible." (From "Phenomenon")

* "I feel as though someone has handed me the moon, and I don't know exactly what to do with it." (From "Anne of Avonlea")

* He's not perfect...Your not perfect...The question is, are you perfect for eachother?

* I loved you before i met you, I'll love you until the day I die

* True love burns the brightest, but the biggest flames leave the deepest scars

* Love::Is when sitting in complete silence, you know exactly what the other person is thinking

* In your eyes I see myself, I know myself, I feel myself

* Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.~Iris Murdoch

* You had me at hello....-Jerry Maguire

* Treat me like an angel and i'll show you Heaven

* Sometimes we ignore the people who love us and adore the people who ignore us

* When I'm with you i feel like i can do anything...I don't know if I need you to keep that feeling but I know I want you!!

"You were the one, who taught me what I don't need. And I thank you - I thank you for that. You were the one, who brought me to my senses. And I thank you." - Sister Hazel

* She's in love, she's got that fire in her eyes. She's in love, how her smile lights up the sky, she walking on air and she's been set free.

* You know what .. there is a place you can touch on a woman that'll drive her crazy . Where? ... Her heart (from "Milk Money)

* I love how you hold me close.. how you look me in the eyes and kiss me.. but most of all I love how you make me feel so beautiful when I am with you...

* I never could explain why I loved anybody or anything... -Walt Whitman

* You should be kissed often and by someone who knows how. -Gone With the Wind

* You will never know happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.

* I love you, and not in a friendly way, although I think we're great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure that's what you call it. And it's not because you're unattainable. I love you, very simply, very truly. You have all the qualities I've every looked for in someone. I know you think of me as a friend, and that crossing that line is the last thing you'd ever want to do, but I just had to say it. I can't take it anymore.. I can't stand next to you without wanting to hold you, I can't look into your eyes without wanting to kiss you, and I can't talk to you without wanting to say I love you. I know this will probably ruin our friendship, but I've never felt this way before. And if telling you this means we can't be friends anymore, then I guess that hurts me. But I couldn't let another day go by without telling you, regardless of what happens. I know some part of you is hesitating for a moment, and if there is a moment of hesitation, that means you feel something too. All that I ask is that you realize that... atleast for a second. There isn't anyone, anywhere, who's ever made me half the person I am when I'm with you, and I would risk our whole friendship for the chance to take it to something more... because it's there between you and me, you can't deny that. Even if we never speak again after tonight, please know that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me. -Chasing Amy

* And we're all so strong when nothing's wrong and the world is at our feet... but we are very small when our love is far away, and all I need is you. -K's Choice

* Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy. -Louisa May Alcott

* Let me tear down into your heart.. let me take a seat and stay awhile.. let me steal a glimpse from your eyes.. let me pin it up and stare awhile.. let me have a half of your whole.. let me keep it for myself awhile.. let me take the words from your mouth.. let me swallow them and speak awhile... -The Connells

* From the beginning of time.. I thought.. that pain meant I was not loved.. it really meant I loved. -Louise Gluck

* A moment in the soul can last forever, didnt we almost have it all? Loving you makes life worth living... the more things change... the more they stay the same.

* When I stand here taking every breath with you..youre the only one who ever really knew me at all...

* You know you're in love when you can still feel their arms holding you tight... long after they are gone.

* After someone breaks your heart... there is usually someone that comes around to pick up the pieces and put your heart back together...but the cracks caused by being hurt so much...will always show through.

* I'll do my dreaming with my eyes wide open, and I'll do my looking back with my eyes closed. -Tony Arata

* Stolen kisses are always sweetest. -Leigh Hunt

* The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched..they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller

* If it is true love, than it has to be worth waiting for...

* And in my life, there has been no one like him anywhere. Anywhere, where he is. If he asked, I'd be his. -Les Miserables

* Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. -H. Jackson Brown Jr.

* Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so. -David Grayson

* You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. -Henry Drummond

* Love means never having to say you're sorry. -Erich Segal

* I never wanted the stars, I never shot for the moon, I like them right where they are..all I wanted was you. -Bon Jovi

* I am going to fall in love with you... you don't have to love me back... I am going to give you my heart. -Untamed Heart

* All my love, all my kissing,you don't know what you've been missing. When you're with me the world can see that you were meant for me. All my life, I've been waiting, tonight there'll be no hesitating . Stars are peering, shadows falling you can hear my heart calling A little bit of loving makes everything right I'm gonna see my baby tonight

* "Don't wonder or ask questions....just kiss....just that will tell it all".--Renny Mendez

* Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides who it likes and who it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own...when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.

* Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or at all.

* Have you ever loved someone and they had absolutely no idea whatsoever? Or fell for your best-friend in the entire world, and then sat around and watched him/her fall for someone else?

* Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?

* I tried so hard to reach you but you're falling anyway & you know I see right through you cuz the world gets in your way.

* I don't want too much love... Just a steady supply

* Why do I have to climb 100 mountains to get to you but all you have to do is smile to get me?

* Love is like a butterfly, chase it and it will fly out of your no attention and it will linger around forever.

* You only hate me because you love me, you only talk about me because you wanna be with me.therefore if my name stays in your mouth, I must stay in your mind.

* Falling in love is just that - falling. Sometimes you merely trip and stub your toe. Sometimes you stumble to your hands and knees. But sometimes you fall and never do find the ground after that.

* I really think there's a reason that I like him so much. Like something is telling me not to let him go. Everytime I follow my heart... it leads me to him. I mean... what other explaination is there. Why is it that he is all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am... I see him and I can't help but smile? Why is it that when he smiles at me... I get that feeling in my stomach? And even when he'd broken my heart, and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me... when he lied to me... and I hated him... why then did I still feel those same feelings?? Answer me that, and then I'll tell you why I let him hurt me so much.

* I can make you do alot of things...but i can't make you love me

* As time goes by and my feelings grow stronger to be in your arms i can't wait any longer,look into my eyes can't you see it's and night all my thoughts are of you

* A million stars and a million are the only star I see and the only dream I dream

*If You Love Me Let Me Know. If You Dont, Then Let Me Go. Cuz I will Love You Till I Die, But Love Is Nothing If Its A Lie*

* Let the world stop turning, let the sun stop burning, let them tell me love's not worth going through. If it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come this life I was once loved by you

* I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. -Before Sunrise

* We are afraid to care too much.... because we fear the other person does not care at all. -Eleanor Roosevelt

* Have you ever let a romantic moment make you do something really stupid? -As Good As it Gets

* To love is to suffer.. to avoid suffering one must not love.. but then one suffers from not loving.. therefore to love is to suffer.. not to love is to suffer.. to be happy is to love.. to be happy is then to suffer.. but suffering makes one unhappy.. therefore to be unhappy.. one must love.. or love to suffer.. or suffer from too much happiness.... -Love and Death

* I would like to fall in love again but my only hope is that love doesn't happen so often to me after this... I don't want to get so used to it. -Douglas Coupland

* For all the times I never said the things I should have... thank you for all the times you understood. -Flavia Weedn

* Life's a fact... people do fall in love... people do belong to each other... and no matter where you run... you just end up running into yourself.

* Unless you love someone... nothing else makes any sense. -e.e. cummings

* I know we don't have that long to be together, but when you're lonely..remember that I'm under the same stars as you.

* If this is just a crush, I don't know if I could take it if the real thing ever happened. -Chasing Amy

* Why is it that after all the pain you've put me through I still seem to love you? Every time I see's like meeting you for the first time all over again. I get butterflies in my stomach, and my words get all mixed up. I cant help but remembering all the memories of what we had, and the pain I was left with. You've caused me more heartache than anyone, but why is it that I love you more than the're still the one.

* Real love stories never have endings. -Richard Bach

* People complain about losing memories... and losing the people they used to have.. and love.. I say atleast you had someone to lose memories about.. atleast you had someone to love...

* The second kiss is the toughest one. I mean the very first kiss is the passionate one filled with desire and attraction and all that. But the second kiss.... you have time to think and worry about it...

* Teach only love for that is what you are.

* In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person

* The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.

* If you try to put how much I care for you into words, it's just not possible. There aren't enough words in the world.

* Love can make you do crazy things. It can make you proud, it can make you sorry. ~The Wonder Years

* It's like you think you're safe or something, because you don't like need him. You don't need anyone. But the thing you didn't realize is: you're wrong. ~Angela Chase

* Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can. ~Practical Magic

* Sometimes I feel as if there is a hole inside me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. Still sometimes, when the wind is warm and the crickets sing, I long for a love that even time will lie down for. ~Practical Magic

* And when I say you sucked my brain out, the English translation is I am in love with you, and it is no fun. ~Ani Difranco

* Why can't we just get together all the people in the world that we really like? And then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work though. Someone would leave. Somebody always leaves. And then we'd have to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~UnKnown

* In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.

* Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way.

* Love, love, love -- all the wretched cant of it, masking egotism, lust, masochism, fantasy under a mythology of sentimental postures, a welter of self-induced miseries and joys, blinding and masking the essential personalities in the frozen gestures of courtship, in the kissing and the dating and the desire, the compliments and the quarrels which vivify its barrenness.

* Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives

* I love you not for what you are but for what you are making of me

* Dream a little dream of me.

* If thou can wait, then thou shall stay. -Destiny's Child

* I don't want to lose you, you're all I ever wanted, and all I ever had. The very thought of losing you brings tears to my eyes and fear to my heart. -Lisa Gilbert

* The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But its equally sad to go through life without telling the ones who mean the most to you that you love them.

* If he's the first thing you think of when you wake up, the only thing you think of when you're awake, and the last thing you think of before you go to bed, then he's really something special.

* Love is when you're a better person, just because that someone is in your life.

* Today if a smile comes to you, a smile that perhaps you can't is because at that moment I am thinking of you and smiling too...

* Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right person, we should know how to be grateful for that gift.

* You can't sweep people off their feet if you can't be swept off your own. -Clarence Day

* Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find that you still care for that person.

* Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back, don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart and if it doesn't, be glad it grew in yours.

* Most people don't realize that while we pine and wish for the love of someone unattainable, there is often someone wishing and pining for us.

* Right now I'm just a dreamer and you're just a dream...

* You know, one day you look at a person and see something more than you did the day before, like a switch has been flickered somewhere, and the person who was just your friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.

* Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, but few ever get it, and those who do will cherish it, and among all... never ever forget it. -Curtis Judalet

* Whenever you look at me, I just want to melt, and I want to look at you forever...and I don't want any moment with you to end.

* Love is the most fun you can have without laughing.

* Sorry girls, but Im gonna have to withdraw from the "I hate guys club" because theres this one guy that I just cant hate... - (PrettyInPink146)

* You made me want to be a better person, you made me smile when I thought I couldn't, you turned my life around...and I know I'll never forget you. -Lisa Gilbert

* One must learn to love, and go through a good deal of suffering to get to it. -D.H. Lawrence

* Love is born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, and is concluded with the impossibility of separation. -Jose Marti Y Perez

* "This isn't some fairy tale... when I kiss you, you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after." -Angel "No, when you kiss me.... I want to die." -Buffy

* Love knows not its depth until the hour of separation. -Kahil Gibran

* The feeling of losing oneself in somebody's arms, yet at the same time finding oneself there, is irreplaceable... nothing compares to that feeling. -Katarina Witt

* You are everything...and everything is you. -sisqo

* The memories seep through my veins, for I'm truly empty, hearts change...I know they do, but a part of my heart will always be in love with you.

* Let's tell it how it is.. how it could be.. how it was.. and of it should be.

* Our relationship might have worked.. if I only would have realized.. that sometimes.. the better comes after the worse..

* If nothing lasts forever, then what's forever for?

* There is fate.. but it only takes you so far.. because once you're there.. it's up to you to make it happen. -Can't Hardly Wait

* I dont have to talk to you to be happy, because every time I see you it makes my day complete.

* If you ever think of me out of the blue, just remember it's all the kisses I've blown into the air finally catching up with you...

* The ones you care about the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most.

* Sometimes you won't let go of love...sometimes love won't let go of you.

* It only lasted for a moment... but that was enough. -Virginia Woolf

* I always have room for something sweet like a thought of you... -A.A. Milne

* We spend most of our time talking about nothing, but I just want to let you know that all of these nothings have meant much more to me than so many somethings. -You've Got Mail

* He'll always be mine..forever and always..I'm not gonna let him slip away from me now..

* I'm standing on the moon, with nothing left to do, I have a lovely view of heaven, but I'd rather be with you. -Grateful Dead

* So I'll ask you, if I walked away right now, would you come after me? -Allison Mosher

* I can guarantee that there will be tough times, and I guarantee that one, or both of us will want out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine now, then I will regret it for the rest of my life. -Runaway Bride

* Do anything you can to try to right your wrongs, give everything you have into what u do. If you do all this , then theres nothing more to do but say its going be like its going be. But if youve given it your all and things still dont end the way you had wished, it really doesnt hurt quit so much. (

* I don't understand why God would let us meet, if there was no way we could ever be together*

* You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip. Jonathan Carroll, "Outside the Dog Museum"

* Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. Comte DeBussy-Rabutin

* Men always want to be a womans first love - women like to be a mans last romance. Oscar Wilde

* If you love someone put their name in a circle because hearts can be broken, but circles never end

* "The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?"

* "Weigh the true advantages of forgiveness and resentment on the heart. Then choose."

* "Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits right into this empty spot in your heart."

* "Love is blinding And the one who loves most Closes his eyes to the faults of the one he loves."

* "The human heart sees what the eyes cannot and understands what the mind doesn't know."

* "Love is the hardest habit to break and the most difficult to satisfy."

* "If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever. If the song I sang to you could fill your heart with joy I'd sing forever."

* "Now I know I have a heart, because I can feel it breaking."

* "True love never leaves the heart, so if you dont love me now you didn't love me then."

* "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

* What wouldnt I do for the right guy?- I think thats practical magic

* "No one can change our deepest desires, In fact, I dont even believe we consously choose it ourselves."~Ben

* "Im so happy to have you in my life."~Ben

* The only time that I was over you... was... Never~LaToya (TLC Toya)

* Your mouth listens to your mind, .... your eyes are the gateway to your heart~Latoya

* Look beyond your mind beyond your body beyond this universe.. our world is till there.. all you have to do is see it~TOya

* "When he touches me, I feel like he does it to get to know me better not to get something from me."~At first sight

* "You said you would believe in me, you dont even know me"~Til there was you (movie)

* "I give you the oppurtunity of a lifetime... i gave you myself.. which i swore i never would."~Til there was you

* Neither of us know how to do this... so why can't we just start from here?~Til there was you

* Sweet Dreams,.~see ya there.~Lost in Space

* Love is when all the wishes in your heart and all the dreams you've ever had and all the things you've ever hoped for soar into the sky and reflect in someone else's eyes.

* My heart still races when you past.. my eyes still shine when I catch a glimpse of you.. hopefully time will write another story for me.. with better outcomes and love filled dreams.

* If you love someone, you say it... you say it right then, out loud... or the moment just... passes you by. -My Best Friend's Wedding

* I know you're going and I can't make you stay, I can only let you know I'll love you still...

* Im addicted to just a few things... your personality, your smile, your laugh, your eyes, and you.

* Well yes, in it's own way... you might say love is the most powerful thing in the universe. -The Sword in the Stone

* The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all.

* A married couple are well suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time. - Jean Rostand

* As long as I have you, there is just one other thing I'll always need... tremendous self-control. (Ashleigh Brilliant)

* Whatever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same. (Emily Bronte)

* TOPANGA: Im scared, Cory.
CORY: I know you are.

TOPANGA: What if I fail?

CORY: Then I will see this girl who took an incredible risk She danced the dance. (HE KISSES HER ON HER FOREHEAD) And if you fail, theres a real chance I will love you more.

* Times will get hard, there's no denying that, but be the one who pulls through when everyone else is giving up.

* You're taking up all the space in my head.. with all the things that we could do.. and all the things that could be said.. it's hard for me to understand.. the way I feel about you.. and the way it made me feel to hold your hand.. -MxPx

* I love you not only for what you are... but for what I am when I am with you. -Elizabeth Barret Browning

* Desire is when one person wants the other one more.

* So here I am, with open arms, hoping you'll see what your love means to me. -Journey

* You lean on me and I'll lean on you and we'll be ok. -DMB (Dave Matthews Band)

* I look at him and he looks back at me with his beautiful eyes, smiles, and it pathetically makes my day.

* And even though you lied, and even though you just pretended to care...I can't seem to get you out of my mind...and even though it seems like I should be over you, with every tear that falls, it reminds me of how much I am still in love with you...

* Life isn't measured by how many breaths you take, but by what takes your breath away. (Aww)

* Sometimes there is no next time, no time outs, no second chances, sometimes it's now or never. Even if our eyes never meet again, you will always be in my thoughts. Whenever a breeze brushes by me and I smile for no reason at all, it is because someone once taught me how to...

* Someday the one you gave away will be the only one youre wishing for.

* I only love him.. he is the one here on a whim.. I love him.. he can make me sink or swim.. so please baby just jump in.. -Britney Hettrick

* If you give a little and he gives a little, you both get alot. -Britney Hettrick

* People fall in love because of an inner emptiness that needs to be completed. The person you fall in love with completes you, fills that need each other, depend on each other. You fall in love with someone, because that person makes you a better person. You love them for everything they are, and they love you in return for who you are, and they always will. -Britney Hettrick

* There is such a thing called fate... sometimes it just needs a little push.

* Only true love will never be forgotten.

* I'm not perfect, but I can promise you that I won't do you wrong.. I want to show you that you're too good for anyone to hurt you..

* I don't know what to say..but the first thing that comes off my eternal bliss with you..and a kiss of happiness until forever...

* I noticed that you're one of a kind.. that makes you.. kind of the one.

* Every now and then.. when the world that we're living in is crazy.. you hold me and carry me through.. no one in the world has ever done what you did for me.. and I'd be sad and lonely, if there was no you!

* For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.

* Love who you love, not who loves you. -Naomi Freeman

* I've heard the speech a million times before.. you deserve better, you can get more. I get myself sick over it, cus I know that it's true.. but I don't want better, I only want YOU!

* I can get anyone to hold me.. but I only want you to love me..

* If I reach for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug me? If I go for your lips, will you kiss me? And if I capture your heart, will you love me?

* When I see you.. I practically fall off my feet.. I freeze whenever our eyes meet.. when I see you.. it's then that I'm aware.. no one else will ever compare<3

* Love is a risk. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Whether it's right or wrong, misery or joy, love doesn't have any space for mistakes, only lessons.

* Special moments in life like the one we're living out now are indescribable.. the way you make me feel is breath taking.. and I love the way you make my heart skip a beat...

* Youre so beautiful when I'm down and out.. I never seem to get tired of your love.. youre so wonderful and I'm just dying to make you see.. anything you want, inside your heart.. you can find right here inside of me.

* And she promised me that it will take some time, but she would leave him, and the thought of her loving only me, that's something that keeps me strong. -Donell Jones

* It's times like these that I think of you.. and I wonder do you ever think of me.. cus I need you and I miss you.. and now I wonder if I could fall into the sky.. do you think time would pass me by?.. cus you know I'd walk 1000 miles.. if I could just see you tonight.

* She said, 'I bet you don't even remember me.' ... and he said, 'Only every other memory.' -Tim McGraw

* You could be in a room with a hundred guys and not like one of them.. or you could be in a room with just one guy.. and he could be the only one you want out of a hundred.

* I'll always remember how I felt that day...a feeling indescribable to me. I always knew there was an answer for my prayer, and're the one for me. You're one in a million. You're once in a lifetime. -Miss Congeniality

* I love it when I can feel you smiling while you kiss me...

* My eyes.. they carry YoUr ReFLeCtiOn..

* If you truly love someone, you can't stay mad at them forever, because as much as you want to hate them for what they've done.. your heart won't let you.

* After all we've been through, I still love you. You're still the one. If you love me, look me in the eyes and tell me that you do...

* Love is life...and if you miss love, you miss life.

* It's weird how just one person.. can make you see things you've never seen.. think things you never thought.. do things you'd never do.. I've found that one person.. and I never want to let him go..

* I never thought that I'd find someone so completely perfect, someone who'd make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone who would touch my life so profoundly and give me a whole new reason to live. But then I found you, and realized that everything I anticipated you'd be...doesn't even compare to what you are.

* Lately I don't care about anything but you..

* Always just beyond my touch... you know I needed you so much... after all, what else is livin for? -Peter Catera, "After All"

* You don't make yourself FEEL love, or passively FALL in let love ENTER you.

* Neither time nor miles can stop this thing between us. We have gone through so much, and now when everything else is wrong, it is the only thing right. Eventually, we will be together, but now I feel special just to love you from a distance. It will just make the time we'll spend in each other's arms one day all the better.

* You don't choose who your heart falls for, you fall for who your heart chooses.

* Every day this feeling gets stronger, not a minute or hour goes by that I'm not thinkin of you, for the very first time in my life I feel deep inside I know the answer, and I know what I feel is real...I love you.

* Keep believing that there really is one person out there meant just for you...and you are the only one for them too.

* With each moment...the more I love you. -Crush

* I cannot exist without you.. I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again.. my life seems to stop there.. I see no further.. -John Keats

* Don't stop believing... hold onto that feeling. -Journey

* Everyone is changing.. there's no one left that's real.. so make up your ending.. and let me know just how you feel.. cause I am lost.. without you.. my whole world surrounds you..

* The first duty of love is to listen

* Losing in love is like losing in chess.. the more you play, the more you learn.

* Don't promise me forever.. don't promise me the sun and sky.. don't say you'll never make me cry.. just hold me now & promise me you'll try..

* If I know what happiness is... it's because of you.

* "I wanted to hold you, I wanted to make it go away, I wanted to know you, I wanted to make your everything alright.." (Mandy Moore - "Cry")

* "If it looks good- you'll see it. If it sounds good- you'll hear it. If it's marketed right- you'll buy it. BUT, if it's real- you'll feel it." -Kid Rock

* "You can’t take back every little chill you give me. You’re going down with me baby, heart and all." ~ Dixie Chicks

* "It's been a while since somebody whispered--"ooh, shut up and kiss me."

* "I want the fairy tale." ~ Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman

* "Tell me that we belong together. Dress it up with the trappings of love." ~ Edwin McCain

* "If you don’t believe that destiny can start with just one wish, watch this." ~ clay walker

* "If I could fall into the sky, Do you think time would pass me by? Cuz I would walk A Thousand Miles just to see you .....tonight."-Vanessa Carlton

* It doesn't matter how long it takes, true love will stand the test of time.

* My love for you is so strong.. that no one could kill it.. not even you. -Anna Akhaonatove

* You're the only person I'll ever really love. When everyone else is gone, I'll hold you and tell you I still love you. Girls will come and go, they'll break your heart, and you'll reach out to me. Whenever things get hard, I'll still be here for you. When you think there's no one left, I'll be here forever. When people tell you that you're nothing, I'll be here to tell you different. I'm going to try to stop your heart from breaking apart. And when you think no one understands, you know I always will. When your whole world is crashing down, I'll put it back together. I'll stick by you and care.. because you and me are a pair. We will keep this love forever, and never be without one another<3

* It's so weird when you see someone you just dreamed about... like it's gonna show.

* You can call me a fool...but I only wanna be with you...

* One day it finally came true, the special someone that I loved, loved me too, and that special someone was you, I love you.

* Whenever I'm down, you always seem to make me smile. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I know you'll talk for awhile. Whenever I'm upset, I know you'll care. Because whenever I feel lonely, you're always there.

* Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen.

* When you love someone, what can you do? You don't control your heart, it controls you.

* He’s the one I call in the middle of the night...he’s the one that makes everything alright...holds me when I start to cry...makes me smile with just his eyes...shares my fears...wipes away all my tears...he loves me without regret...I just...haven’t found him yet...

* Life's too short to hide affection.

* I don't know where, and I don't know when. The only thing I do know is that the kind of love worth waiting for, you won't have to lie for, or steal, or keep hidden. -Touched by an Angel Daily Calendar

* Perfect doesn't even come close to describing you...

* What I really wanna say.. I can't define.. -Sublime

* There comes a time in everyone's life when they meet someone who sweeps them off their feet. That one amazing person in this world who you feel has changed your entire life, and made you look at things in such a different perspective than you ever did before. You become so thankful for that person, that they become everything you think of when you wake up and go to sleep. And even though right now things aren't working out the way you had hoped, you just wish and dream that someday things will work out. And you'll get to be in his arms again before you know it. You may not always get to tell him how you feel, or tell him that you can't stand to be without him, but he knows me. There's a special person out there for everyone, and just because one or two relationships don't work out it, doesn't mean you should just give up on love. Because you have to meet a few perfect guys that aren't perfect before you find the PERFECT one. And no matter what you think, or if you feel it's the end of the world because you can't be with him, it's not. Sooner or later you will find the right guy who loves you and wants to be with you, just as bad as you want to be with him. Be strong, keep your head up, and keep searching, because there's a prince charming out there for just have to kiss your share of toads first. So whenever you're down and out, remember that *somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so whenever you're lonely just know that it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you*

* Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. The airline had announced her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, "I love you. I wish you enough."
She in turn said, "Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad." They kissed and she left. He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, "Have you ever said good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?"

"Yes, I have," I replied. "Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?"

"I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead, and the reality is, the next trip back will be for my funeral," he said. "When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, "I wish you enough. May I ask what that means?" He began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down for many generations within my family. My parents used to say it to everyone." He paused for a moment, looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more. "When we said 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them," he continued & then turning toward me he shared the following:

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.

I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough 'Hellos' to get you through the final 'Good-byes'.

Then he walked away.

* She decided that for the first time in her life she was face to face with real innocence. This boy, with an instinct that came from beyond wisdom, had touched the truth about her. It was like losing her own life and finding it again, miraculously, in his. (From the short story, "Good Country People")

* It's so easy to hold love in your hands. It's so easy to feel security from it. It's so easy in ways that cannot be explained. That's what makes it hard...hard on you, hard on me, hard on everyone that comes in contact with it. That is what makes love so's hard. -Ian Philpot

* It's not being in love that makes you happy, it's who you're in love with that does.

* To love and keep that love is the best love and lose that love, the next best

* You closed your eyes - that was the difference. Sometimes you can’t believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too. Even when you're in the dark, even when you're falling.

* When the span of forever.. just never seems long enough.. that's when you know it's love.

* I think every girl has that guy she always knows she can turn to and who will be there for her. -Samantha Mumba

* For once in my life, I'm at a loss for words. The truth of the matter is that being with you is the only time I've ever been happy. -Cruel Intentions

* No one could ever take your place, you're the reason for the smile on my face.

* You can't help who you fall in love with. When it happens, it happens.

* Don't look for love, because you won't find it. Just wait...and when you least expect will find you.

* We love labels. We really do--as a society, I mean. It's so much easier to understand the world around us if we name it, tie it down, and distance ourselves from the parts we don't like. We all want to be loved, we all want to love, and we all want to share the happiness in our lives with others. The experiment is how far we are willing to go to live our lives with that love. -Kyle Anderson

* Lay your troubles on my shoulder.. put your worries in my pocket.. rest your love on me awhile..

* You're the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

* But whatever you want from me, I'll give you a thousand times over to make you happy, who you are, what you think, how you feel, I know all this cus I can feel your pain, hear your thoughts, and I know you are the best thing God has ever put in my life, and I'll cherish you forever.

* What we have is this amazing thing. I never realized how powerful it is, you changed my life. -Dawson's Creek

* I'd have to be superhuman.. made out of stone.. to not feel what I'm feeling.. to not love you baby.. I'd have to have the strength of ten men.. to ever resist a love as strong as this.. to not care for you like I do..

* Everyone has a weakness.. you just happen to be mine

* And the thing about being in love is that you can't force anyone. It's natural to want someone you love to do what you want, or what you think would be good for them, but you just have to let it happen to them. You can't interfere with people you love any more than you're supposed to interfere with people you don't even know. And that's hard because you often feel like interfering, you want to be the one who makes the plans. -John Irving, The Cider House Rules

* I hope you know how much I care.. I hope you know the love I have.. I hope you know, how much you mean to me.. cus if you don't, baby you're my everything..

* Whole heartedly, every part of me.. all or nothing, nothing else will do.. touching heart and soul, never letting go.. baby that's the only way to love you..

* Often in love, by the time you realize the need to set up defenses, it's too late for the defenses to work.

* I gotta be the one you touch. Baby, I gotta be the one you love. I gotta be the one you feel and I gotta be the one to fill your life with sunshine. I gotta be the one you know. I gotta be the one you need. I'm just telling you, I gotta be. -Jagged Edge, "I Gotta Be"

* Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away...

* "When Love Strikes you and your eyesight fades to blindness, don't give up on it just because you can't see it, Reach your hands out and not just touch love, but feel it, not just in your palms, but in your heart." (Jillian Petrick)

* Love is like coming home to a place you never really left

* It's not about what I feel for you, it's about what I don't feel for anyone else.

* In your eyes I see a vision that makes me want to care.. and if two people both agree that only this can set them free.. then together let us make a world of which others only dream..

* If you're askin if my heart is still yours.. it's always been, I just should've listened to it a little more. ("Austin")

* There will be always be that special place in my heart just for you.

* True love is that which lasts through time apart to someday be together.

* Let those you love be perfectly themselves, and don’t try to change them into your own image, because then you will be loving only the reflection of yourself you find in them.

* See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me. -Gretchen Kemp

* When I was little I asked my mom what love was, and she told me it was when you would die for that boy who you couldn't live without. So I asked her what would happen if you couldn't have him, and she told me that you wouldn't die, but your heart would break. I didn't quite understand it then, but now I know that a broken heart takes more than a kiss from dad and a band-aid to fix.

* If I had nothing but you.. I'd still have everything.

* Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. -Martin Luther King Jr.

* Rain falls on everyone.. the same old rain.. so I'm just tryin to walk with you.. between the raindrops...

* One of these days you're gonna love me.. you'll sit down by yourself and think about the time you turned from me.. and what good friends we might have been.. and then you're gonna sigh a little.. and maybe even cry a little.. but one of these days you're gonna love me. -Tim Mcgraw

* Someone can only run from their feelings for so long, before having to come to terms with what's in their heart.

* I've been fallen ever since I laid eyes on you.

* We should all be so lucky to have someone who will never let us go. The ultimate legacy is to leave behind someone who will love you forever.

* Have you ever loved someone so much, that you would do anything for them? Well, I've found that love, however I won't do just anything for him. I'll do everything, and that's true...

* Who knows where the road may lead us...only a fool would say...but if you let me love's for sure I'm gonna lead you...all the way.

* It's okay to need each other. That's what makes us strong, that's what makes us human.

* I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've lead a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten. But I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. -Nicholas Sparks

* Last summer went by too fast.. regrets and promises.. I wish I would have told you the way I felt back then.. but I just wanted to pretend.. and now I have to remember all those words I never said.. If I could just go back and change one thing.. I’d tell you that I loved you.

* He was mad about being small, when you were big. But no, that's not it, he was mad about being helpless, when you were powerful. No, not that either, he was mad about being in need, when you were out of reach. No, not quite it, he was mad because when he loved didn't notice. -Donald Barthelme

* If I didn't love you..I would hate you for how you treat me...

* There are no words to express to say how sorry I really am.. I should have told you how I felt right from the start and now I am paying for messing up. I don't want to lose you, I love you, please don't give up on me. One moment you think everything is perfect, and next thing you know, the one who means the most is gone, I feel like my heart is breaking. Sometimes the ONLY one you're wishing for is the one you decided to give away. I want to tell you that I still love you and I'm always here for you.. I want you to know that no matter what, you're gonna be in my heart forever and always*

* Love alone is capable of uniting people in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves.

* There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved. -George Sand

* Sometimes you meet someone that before you know their name or where they're from, you know that sometime in the future this person is gonna mean something to you..

* I can't describe this love I have for you.. the only thing I know is that it's true.. and when the sun goes away.. you brighten up the rest of my day.. I can't describe the way I feel.. my heart tells me that this love is real.. you know that when all my days and nights are through.. I will still be loving you.

* What we have is now..and now we're together

* Just when I think it's over, just when I think it's through, I always end up falling back in love with you...

* There are times when your heart rules your mind. Times when emotions overcome reason and logic. Times when you refuse to do anything except follow your heart. And no matter what pain may follow, you continue to listen to your heart. Those are times of temporary insanity and love.

* When you're not here love, it's hard to pretend it's all alright..

* Baby I can't help but feel this way.. you make all the pain go away.. I can't really explain why.. there's just something about you..

* I really don't think that through it all.. I told you how much I love you nearly enough...

* A feeling you start having again, is a feeling you never stopped having in the first place.

* Sooner or later we begin to understand that love is more than verses on valentines and romance. We begin to know that love is here and now, real and true, the most important thing in our lives. For love is the creator of our favorite memories and the foundation of our fondest dreams. Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in even the most difficult conditions. And this radiance that never fades, this mysterious and magical joy, is the greatest treasure of all.. one known only by those who love.

* It's gonna be love, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be more than I can take, it's gonna be free, it's gonna be real, it's gonna change everything I feel, it's gonna be sad, it's gonna be true, it's gonna be all I want to do, it's gonna be hard, it's gonna be tough, it's gonna be more than just enough, it's gonna be me baby, it's gonna be you baby.. it's gonna be us, always. (Mandy Moore)

* I love you, because you taught me how to love. I feel, because you ignited feelings in my heart that I never knew were there. I breathe, because you give me so many reasons to live.

* And that's all it takes. Nothing more than a few words and the softest touch, and your whole life is different, won't ever be the same again. Man dies, leaves you the mystery map to the secret island: happens every day. But you get a smile from someone you want: well that's special, that's worth the journey. -The Beach

* Maybe we weren't meant to be together forever.. but I'm so thankful that you came into my life.. because atleast for awhile, I meant something to you.. even if it wasn't forever..

* For the times we're at odds, here's a kiss from my heart and a breath in your ear tellin you I'm sorry. For the times we're apart, here's a kiss with a tear and a heart full of love, tellin you I'm so sorry.

* You changed my world with just one smile.. you took my heart with just one kiss..

* I remember everything...every smile and even all the reasons why you say I pushed you out of my will you be there?...just give me time to fix my will you be there when I open my eyes...after all this time I spent.. -Backstreet Boys

* I really want to call you, but I know that it's not right.. I probably shouldn't tell you, but I dreamed of you last night..

* Phone calls from further away.. and messages on the machine.. but I don't ever tell you this distance seems terrible.. there's no need to test my heart with useless space.. these roads go on forever.. there'll always be a place for you in my heart..

* It takes alot to hate you, it takes too much to forget you, but it took so little to love you.

* He got it all -- my heart, my soul, my wishes. All my love, my hugs, my kisses. Everything that means anything at all. All of my life I've spent hoping, I could give someone such devotion. Every sweet memory I can recall... he got it ALL!

* Will you spend forever with me? -Tuck Everlasting

* He will always be the one to wipe away my tears, he will always be the one to kiss away my fears, he will always make sure I have no more lonely nights, he will always be there making everything alright.

* Everyone asks me what I see in you.. all I can think of was *everything*

* Of all the forces in the universe known to man, love is probably the most mentioned and undoubtedly the least understood. -Pop Swatch box

* Everyday that goes by, it seems like I discover something new about you to love. It's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life. You touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reasons to smile. I've never been so happy....and I've never been so in love~

* It's YOU. You mean everything to are the first into my head in the morning when I wake up, my last thought before I go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams, when you are sad I feel sad and when I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no other thing around and all I can see is you

* Take love, multiply it by infinity, and take it to the depths of forever and you will still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you

* ALL through bad dreams iLL be holding your hand and telling you everything is alright. When you cry ill be there.. telling you, you were never anything less then beautiful.

* You cant stop something thats inside of you.

* IF i had wings and could fly.. i would still walk with you

* Stars are out again tonight and your the brightest one shining in my sky. -ataris.

* "...let go of the pain,
let go of her hand,

love again…..."(L.Vesco)

* "And if she knocks on my door...I'll give her the key. Just on look in her eyes and I know I'll be everything that she sees in me...more than I ever thought I could be..." (O-Town)

* "It's funny how the best things happen sometimes. And how I'll always remember those endless nights. But don't forget I regret the fact that I have to leave you right as the best part starts. So I thought I'd take the time to say, that I've been waiting for you.” -Allister

* Some day my ship will come in, but with my luck, I'll be at the airport.

* "To be sensitive is to feel the thoughts and hearts of others as only you would want yours felt."

* "Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go." ~ Louise Driscoll ~

* Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance and you find out you still care for that person.

* Put away the book, the description, the tradition, the authority, and take the journey of self-discovery. Love, and don't be caught in opinions and ideas about what love is or should be. When you love, everything wil come right. Love has its own action. Love, and you will know the blessings of it. Keep away from the authority who tells you what love is and what it is not. No authority knows and he who knows cannot tell. Love, and there is understanding. --Krishnamurti

* I guess nobody ever really does mean to fall in love. But it happens, and love brands itself on your brain. It's like a new street appearing overnight in the city you've lived in your whole life. The street is one way -- you can't turn around and get off it -- and it curves up ahead so that you can only see far enough to know that you're heading into the unknown.

* 'You'll get over it.'
It's the clichés that cause the trouble. To lose someone you love is to alter your life forever. You don't get over it because 'it' is the person you loved. The pain stops, there are new people, but the gap never closes. How could it? The articluarness of someone who mattered enought to grieve over is not stopped by anyone but death. The hole in my heart is in the shape of you and no one else can fit it. Why would I want them to? --Jeannette Winterson

* There's something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right

It reminded me twice that I was alive

And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight

There's something about the way you move

I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing

More subtle than something, someone contrives

Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing

* Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.--Albert Einstein

* At different stages in our lives, the signs of love may vary: dependence, attraction, contentment, worry, loyalty, grief, but at heart the source is always the same. Human beings have the rare capacity to connect with each other, against all odds.--Michael Dorris

* The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.--Thomas Merton

* Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time. It is always our choice as to which of these emotions we want.--Gerald Jampolsky

* When the people we love are stolen from us, the only way to keep them is to never stop loving them. People die, buildings burn, but eternal love lasts forever.-- David J. Schow & John Shirley III (The Crow [movie])

* Whoever said love is blind is dead wrong. Love is the only thing that lets us see each other with the remotest accuracy.--Martha Beck (Expecting Adam)
