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My awesome site
Tuesday, 26 August 2003

Yea so school has begun and the headaches of homework and annoying stress has become overwhelming already. It is our Senior year and obviously we are going to dominate and rule the school. My classes are great, so far. Im going to be working my ass off but not as much as im going to party my ass off. But honestly between football game and proms and down right goofing off this year is shaping up to be a good one. Hopefully soon i will be posting some of my pics from the summer i have good ones from the brooks and dunn concert and a bunch of random ones too. I will update soon with something interesting to read i sware but till then HAVE A GOOD SCHOOL YEAR

Posted by journal2/megs0 at 4:20 PM EDT
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Thursday, 31 July 2003
Alright so school has been out and summer has already begun and the wild crazy nights with out worries of physics tests are here. So what do we do with our nights? Yes thats right, we steal garbage. Yes in Pittsburgh there is nothing better to do with our sunday and monday nights (whitehall and baldwins garbage nights) than drive around searching for the best piece of garbage. What do we do with this garbage you might be wondering? We put it in our friends unexpectant front yards. And ya know what..... it doesnt seem to get old. Another classic tradition this summer includes beeping and yelling out of the car window. some classic sayings include "you are wearing a moo moo" "You are cutting your grass" "You are playing mini golf, get a hole in one" and who could forget the infamous "You are at a gas station". This summer is full of rediculously funny nights in which i am going to post on this site along with pictures. Comming soon...... my 17th bonfire....

Posted by journal2/megs0 at 11:07 AM EDT
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Just getting started
This is my very first web-site so please give me a break. I created it so my friends could view how much spare time i have on my hands. Oh and I have this new digital camera in which i take the funniest pictures with. I'm going to post these pics once i figure out how. Tell me what you want on this site and I'll try to do it. Remember im new at this so it might suck for a while.

Posted by journal2/megs0 at 10:53 AM EDT
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