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Happy Anniversary

10 Months Ago, I met you downtown Kitchener & for me.. It was love at first site. I don't know where to start from... We're not together right now because You needed time for whatever reason to stop the confusions in your head, I hope you still love me the same way I love you. I'm gonna burst if I don't see you soon, Ever since the first time I saw you I made a commitment to see you every single weekend even if it were for only 5 minutes, All the great times you gave me..All the happiness we shared.. All the love we made..Forever in my heart, I need something more now. I need YOU, Please hold my hand again.. I am so weak, Life feels pointless without you with me. We use to argue like an old married couple. We're gettin old but we're not married.. I thought I could wait forever to kiss you again, but the anticipation is rising. My heart can only hold out for so long, I'm only human. Chances are by now u dont love me anymore, u may only like me as a friend if even :*( I'm depressed and happy..depressed cause i cant tell everyone i have u as my gf but happy cuz your happy for your reasons.

Artistic Drawing This picture has been on my hard-drive for months, It's the most adorable picture I have ever received from anyone, it's just a bonus that it was from the love of my life.

Cuter within time. I love these pictures :)

Me & Jen :) A kiss to remember. I'm smiling.. It's suppose to be our anniversary, im happy..i hope u r too. i miss u more than I describe, your probably sick of me i dont blame u, atleast u know im serious about u.
