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chitarra4life [12:53 AM]:  hi
LoudNProudQT15 [12:53 AM]:  hey
chitarra4life [12:53 AM]:  howare u?
LoudNProudQT15 [12:54 AM]:  good
LoudNProudQT15 [12:54 AM]:  you?
chitarra4life [12:54 AM]:  .......
chitarra4life [12:54 AM]:  not sure
LoudNProudQT15 [12:54 AM]:  you wanna talk about it?
chitarra4life [12:54 AM]:  lol yes no maybe kinda i no i should
chitarra4life [12:54 AM]:  u no me 2 well
LoudNProudQT15 [12:54 AM]:  lol..yes i do

chitarra4life [12:54 AM]:  i kinda have an idea i though about it on the way home?
LoudNProudQT15 [12:55 AM]:  cmon..spill eyes are good..up close..let me read about it
LoudNProudQT15 [12:55 AM]:  whats that?
chitarra4life [12:55 AM]:  i dont no this maybe be it until i come up with something else
LoudNProudQT15 [12:55 AM]:  yeah
LoudNProudQT15 [12:55 AM]:  well,whats your first idea?

chitarra4life [12:55 AM]:  i dont no where to start
chitarra4life [12:55 AM]:  hmmm....
LoudNProudQT15 [12:56 AM]:  you dont HAVE to tell me, though, id really like to try and help
chitarra4life [12:57 AM]:  i dont no if u like to show feelings in public.....i do but when i hug and "put out" and get nothing back i dont no what to think i dont like to always be the 1 to start nething u have feelings too and i am not sure i am getting them
LoudNProudQT15 [12:59 AM]:  yeah...i dont have any problem showing PDA..for the most part, unless its like making out.....but other than cool with it..i know what you mean, and im realizing now that you are right, i dont "start" anything, and im sorry
chitarra4life [1:00 AM]:  when you hug and kiss me i love it excp when u do it to me, i have been (lol) testing something on you.... when u think i am mad at you then you do stuff its kinda funny not really though
LoudNProudQT15 [1:00 AM]:  we both know that i care for you, just not used to this whole PDA stuff ya know? normally with past relationships we didnt really hang out with other ppl...ya know? im really sorry drew--really..i didt want to make you feel that way
LoudNProudQT15 [1:01 AM]:  yeah, cause im afraid that you really are pissed at me and i get scared..which isnt right
chitarra4life [1:01 AM]:  honestly tonight if u kiss me i kissed back but its hard to not start stuff b/c i love you so much
LoudNProudQT15 [1:02 AM]:  yeah, i understand
LoudNProudQT15 [1:02 AM]:  im getting used to this..and i promise you it will be getting ..less uneasy for me
chitarra4life [1:03 AM]:  personal display of affection             i dont want to have people look and say o look at them there kissing thats not what i want i want to no you love me....with out me starting it always
chitarra4life [1:04 AM]:  if a feeling if you have it show it that natural
chitarra4life [1:04 AM]:  hiding it is not 
LoudNProudQT15 [1:04 AM]:  understandble
chitarra4life [1:04 AM]:  i understand where you come from
chitarra4life [1:05 AM]:  i am not mad at you in way shape or form
chitarra4life [1:05 AM]:  if nething u should be mad at me
chitarra4life [1:05 AM]:  i was a bitch today
LoudNProudQT15 [1:05 AM]:  this is one of the things i have the hardest time with, it runs back in my family..but, drew, you know this..i care for you alot..and i will work on this.
LoudNProudQT15 [1:05 AM]:  Noo...we have our "days"...some are better than others
LoudNProudQT15 [1:05 AM]:  its fine--really
chitarra4life [1:06 AM]:  yes (if that was a question)
chitarra4life [1:06 AM]:  we are fine neways
chitarra4life [1:06 AM]:  i am glad we didnt kiss very much today
LoudNProudQT15 [1:07 AM]:  why?

chitarra4life [1:07 AM]:   i am grumpy b/c i keep hitting my mouth and cutting it and it hurts so........ bad
LoudNProudQT15 [1:07 AM]: sorry
chitarra4life [1:07 AM]:  not ur falt
LoudNProudQT15 [1:08 AM]:  yes it is
LoudNProudQT15 [1:08 AM]:  lol
chitarra4life [1:08 AM]:  no
LoudNProudQT15 [1:08 AM]:  well, unless someone else is kissin on ya, lol, i think its me ;)

chitarra4life [1:08 AM]:  im getting used to this..and i promise you it will be getting ..less uneasy for me
chitarra4life [1:09 AM]:  what does trhat mean
chitarra4life [1:09 AM]:  that*
chitarra4life [1:09 AM]:  i will be getting  ........?

LoudNProudQT15 [1:09 AM]: not used to gettin used to it, after a month... i should be used to it
chitarra4life [1:09 AM]:  lol ok
chitarra4life [1:10 AM]:  and its fine if you dont i am not going to rush you
chitarra4life [1:10 AM]:  i feel likethat guy on the movie
chitarra4life [1:10 AM]:  i lvoe you my heart races but stops your then only girl for me
chitarra4life [1:10 AM]:  the*
LoudNProudQT15 [1:11 AM]:  basically, it runs in my dad, has never ever been able to show affection, i guess thats where i got it from, that, and the fact that past relationshi[s, we didnt really go anywhere..but im gettin used to it
LoudNProudQT15 [1:11 AM]:  awe :)
chitarra4life [1:12 AM]:  i dont c how you can show affection.....every1 always end up doing something to hurt you... you have every right to take and month  to or three
chitarra4life [1:12 AM]:  two*
chitarra4life [1:12 AM]:  lol
LoudNProudQT15 [1:13 AM]:  everyone hurts me?
chitarra4life [1:13 AM]:  ur dad u never c him
chitarra4life [1:13 AM]:  u hardly get to close to people
LoudNProudQT15 [1:13 AM]:  yea, thanks for understanding
chitarra4life [1:13 AM]:  its fine but i need to no
chitarra4life [1:14 AM]:  i think you understand
LoudNProudQT15 [1:14 AM]:  yeah
chitarra4life [1:15 AM]:  i am so luck to have you
chitarra4life [1:15 AM]:  lucky*
LoudNProudQT15 [1:15 AM]:  not particulary
LoudNProudQT15 [1:15 AM]:  i think im the lucky one
chitarra4life [1:15 AM]:  bull shit
chitarra4life [1:15 AM]:  ur stuck with me
LoudNProudQT15 [1:15 AM]:  oh, thats that smell ;)
chitarra4life [1:16 AM]:  huh?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:16 AM]:  lol..nah, im not stuck with anyone
chitarra4life [1:16 AM]:  lol
LoudNProudQT15 [1:16 AM]:  random comment..sorry
chitarra4life [1:16 AM]:  i got it
LoudNProudQT15 [1:16 AM]:  haha good..
chitarra4life [1:17 AM]:  are we ok
LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  yes

LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  !
LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  i hope so
LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  im GLAD you brought it glad we understand eachother
chitarra4life [1:17 AM]:  did u understand what i was talking about earlyer when i said u only "put out" when you think i am mad at you?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  and im lucky to have a guy that understand how i am this way
LoudNProudQT15 [1:17 AM]:  yea
chitarra4life [1:18 AM]:  ok good
LoudNProudQT15 [1:18 AM]:  your 100% right too..:-\
LoudNProudQT15 [1:18 AM]:  cuz im afraid of loosin ya
chitarra4life [1:19 AM]:  i am really not a normal 16 year old..i donr want sex i want a lasting relationship
LoudNProudQT15 [1:19 AM]:  ive been told that by two ppl. not includin yourself..and you have no clue how suprising, yet glad i am
chitarra4life [1:20 AM]:  ok
LoudNProudQT15 [1:20 AM]:  because if it werent that way...we'd have issues

chitarra4life [1:20 AM]:  ya
chitarra4life [1:21 AM]:  is ur self esseteme really low?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:21 AM]:  pretty close
chitarra4life [1:21 AM]:  i dont understrand why....
LoudNProudQT15 [1:22 AM]:  one a scale of one to ten, ten being the prolly at 6
chitarra4life [1:22 AM]:  just b/c ur going out with me it not that bad
chitarra4life [1:22 AM]:  lol
chitarra4life [1:22 AM]:  ok well maybe i am
LoudNProudQT15 [1:22 AM]:  no, your not
chitarra4life [1:23 AM]:  i am gonna go to bed unless you wanna talk?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:24 AM]:  dont even begin to think that you have any cause for my low self eesteem
LoudNProudQT15 [1:24 AM]:  its been like this since, forever
chitarra4life [1:24 AM]:  forever is a long time....change could i like you if u have a low self eesteem
chitarra4life [1:25 AM]:  i mean i do but think in the other persons shoes
LoudNProudQT15 [1:25 AM]:  your right.. "you cannot be loved until you love yourself first"
LoudNProudQT15 [1:25 AM]:  other ppl shoes?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:26 AM]:  everything is soo sterotypical these days..its hard not to have a low self esteem
chitarra4life [1:26 AM]:  mine... if  i thoght i was ugly and rude i wouldnt be fun to be with
LoudNProudQT15 [1:26 AM]:  yeah
chitarra4life [1:26 AM]:  sometimes u think to hard....why does it matter what other people think to s certain extent
chitarra4life [1:27 AM]:  i no?
chitarra4life [1:27 AM]:  u*
chitarra4life [1:27 AM]:  last year i would have never wore those glasses no i dont give a damn
chitarra4life [1:28 AM]:  u dont like them it your problem u no?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:28 AM]:  its kinda hard.....your surrounded by ppl who are better looking..ppl who all they have to do is thrash on your brother, which you still are related to...i dont have issues with it until it becomes to the extent of which ppl dont talk to me...
chitarra4life [1:28 AM]:  i can c through the skin
LoudNProudQT15 [1:28 AM]:  ppl talk at not even gettin into that...only kristie knows about that..its hard
LoudNProudQT15 [1:28 AM]:  harder than it may seem..your right, i shouldnt care so much
chitarra4life [1:29 AM]:  u no you can dwell on ur brother or you can change it
LoudNProudQT15 [1:29 AM]:  but,its hard NOT to..specially for girls, thats all it is "omg look at her outfit..blah" its terrible at school
chitarra4life [1:29 AM]:  show every1 who you are not ur brother 
LoudNProudQT15 [1:29 AM]:  im trying
chitarra4life [1:29 AM]:  screw thwm at school
chitarra4life [1:30 AM]:  who cares if the worrie about an outfit they will have a reality check sooner or later
LoudNProudQT15 [1:30 AM]:  yeah--sooner or later
LoudNProudQT15 [1:30 AM]:  i still care what i look like everymorning..that will prolly never change, its who i am..
LoudNProudQT15 [1:30 AM]:  but..i dunno its hard to explain
chitarra4life [1:31 AM]:  i understand u want to look good 
chitarra4life [1:31 AM]:  thats fibe
chitarra4life [1:31 AM]:  fine*
chitarra4life [1:31 AM]:  itsd ur body u dress for what u do and are
LoudNProudQT15 [1:32 AM]:  yeah
LoudNProudQT15 [1:32 AM]:  and i most certainly do
chitarra4life [1:32 AM]:  not the "hottest" girl in the school
LoudNProudQT15 [1:32 AM]:  if i dont get up in the morning, and take time to get ready i feel like shit all its just something i have to do
LoudNProudQT15 [1:32 AM]:  no big deal
chitarra4life [1:32 AM]:  its not but ur you and only you
LoudNProudQT15 [1:33 AM]:  yeah
chitarra4life [1:33 AM]:  its not going to matter in 5 years
LoudNProudQT15 [1:33 AM]:  nope
LoudNProudQT15 [1:34 AM]:  it goes way deeper into alot of things i feel but, dont worry bout have work in the morning you should be gettin to bed
chitarra4life [1:34 AM]:  youll be in college and the b sticking pringls cans up them selfs
chitarra4life [1:34 AM]:  pringels?
chitarra4life [1:34 AM]:  how do u spell it? o well
LoudNProudQT15 [1:34 AM]:  yeah
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  i love you for you
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  night
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  love yo
LoudNProudQT15 [1:35 AM]:  luv ya
LoudNProudQT15 [1:35 AM]:  gnite
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  x10
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  i win! 
LoudNProudQT15 [1:35 AM]:  you win
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  no we tye
chitarra4life [1:35 AM]:  tie*
LoudNProudQT15 [1:36 AM]:  hehe good
chitarra4life [1:36 AM]:  143
LoudNProudQT15 [1:36 AM]:  i know...eeh
chitarra4life [1:36 AM]:  i havent told you that yet
chitarra4life [1:36 AM]:  have i?
LoudNProudQT15 [1:36 AM]:  huh?
chitarra4life [1:36 AM]:  143
LoudNProudQT15 [1:36 AM]:  what are you doin?
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  I 1 letter  LOVE 4 letters YOU 3 letters
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  143
LoudNProudQT15 [1:37 AM]:  OOOH
LoudNProudQT15 [1:37 AM]:  HAHA
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  then 2 for to
LoudNProudQT15 [1:37 AM]:  i thought you were tellin me the time
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  i love you to
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  no
chitarra4life [1:37 AM]:  143
LoudNProudQT15 [1:37 AM]:  haha .. i was like dont remind me
chitarra4life [1:38 AM]:  night
LoudNProudQT15 [1:38 AM]:  gnite