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Inside My Head Inside My Head Inside My Head

Pictures from Final Fantasy Characters to video game characters from different conventions!
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Many people have ideas of what raves are about, but read what raves are REALLY about
Click here for article

The religon of Wicca is a pagan belief that there is a God and Goddess force in all things, with that comes the pratice of witchcraft and the use of magick. Here is an indept article on Wicca
Click here for article


Live Journal
Fotki Gallery

"The magic begins in you. Feel your own energy, and realize similar energy exists within the Earth, stones, plants, water, wind, fire, colores, and animals."

When starting this web page, I didn't really know exactly what I wanted to put up or what not to talk about in my journal. I guess I figure I just put myself out there in the world and just wait and see what happens. This way is much better then a hand written journal, because I'm able to put up pictures and better express myself. Mostly in this site is where I put my poems up that I have written over the years and such, also a section to where my friends can write up thier poems as well. Here you'll find pictures of friends, lil old me, my online journal, rave pictures I've taken, and so forth. I plan to even put up pictures from different anime convention's I've been to.I don't really expect a ton of visitors, but any is nice! Be sure to check out my F.A.Q page to find out more about me and what I'm all about! ( That is once I get the dang thing up! PLUR!)

"If someone gives you a spell you can make successful magick once. If someone shows you how to analyze spell structure and to construct your own spells, you not only can make magick forever, but you will become magick as well."

