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Fun Stuff
Cool tunes and some morbidly funny shit..


Solar Storms
Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:
From n3kl.org

For those of you who are new to Liliths Realm, this website has been around for 6 years. It was so popular that it even made an appearence on an A&E vampire show...YAY!! BUT Sadly,I had to remove it for 6 months because someone that I know threatened to use it against me and my family..I know that wasnt cool...I was not going to put it back online BUT because of all the emails I recieved from Fans of Liliths Realm I am slowly but surely getting it all back up. I got the Vampire and most of the Occult menu up right away it seems thats what was missed the most.. I am using Angelfire for now but I will be back to my old URL asap..which was lilithsrealm.com Thank you all for your support you make it all worth while...Lilith

The Latest Word
Welcome Friends..Enjoy your stay

Thank you
Hugs, to the following people..My Son Eddie who took my idea of this site and made it a reality. Davian who was there each time I needed him. My kids who had their mom on the computer all the time.Nick for my title banner, Special thanks to all the writers of this site...I love you all!

No one under 18 is allowed in this website because of adult subject matter. You have been warned and I am not responsible! Parents are snooping...and I am getting hate mail...lol   If you are offended by this site, Please click  here

Lilith's thoughts
"I dwell in the dark corners of my mind, a diablerie.For most they will never know. For a few, I invite them in because I know they will make themselves at home." ...Lilith

Vampire and Energy Worker Survey
Survey Here

November 2007
Schools been rough this semester and my home life is been full of drama...grrr But hopefully it will start simmering down..

What moon were you born under?
Virtual Reality Moon Phase


All the music on this site
was taken from an incredably spooky musical selection.(My favorite). If you have a website, that needs cool macabre music, check it out..a very large selection for all your creepy needs. Trust me you will love it!
Click banner above

Spooks tune "FEAR""
Moon Phase

Book Corner
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*Check Out how to order Ladycg's new book
Check it out
*Also take a look at my new
Book List
Author Susan Rattcliffe's new site;  My Nocturnal Abode


We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren't acceptable in the light.
Night is when we slake our thirst. -
Vampire's Kiss, William Hill

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More Quotes
Life's journey is not to arrive safety at the Grave in a well preserved Body, but to skid in sideways totally worn out shouting "Holy Shit . . . What a Ride!"
Author Unknown

Cool Magazine
Haunt World

I love quotes!
"Better to rule in hell
than serve in heaven."

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