current layout made by sue lim so visit her when you get the chance!


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some words of wisdom from lynda (yeah rite!)

HeHEhe I aM sOoOo LucKy to have my best buddie/friend create my layout for me!! Isn't Sue the greatest?? Anywayz... I've decided to move my website with my web journal to... please come check it out....

A new year has already arrived...

Anyways... those two pics are pictures of my babies... The brown one is snuggles... and the chihuahua's name is snowy. I'll tell you this... they are two mean puppies!

Anyways, I am running out of things to say... but I goTta saY thiS to the peOpLe i LUV sooOo mUcH! HiYa BaBe!! aNd Hi SuE! I LoVe anD miSs yOu both sOo mUcH! OkiEs... bYe

10/19/02 - i hope you like this lynda <3 sue
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