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May 22, 2002

Dear Diary,

I have just finished playing the stupid piano! i hate it! DAMN! it! First of all let me introduce myself...I'm Tiffany. I hate my family. i hate the stuff my parents give me...causing me to also hate my parents. Just now my dad gave me another fuckin' preach. I wish he would just stop it! (go to hell)

It's so annoying! And then he goes on about my ego and all this junk. He should take his won freakin advice! Such a loser!

well let's talk about my life now. I'm a straight "A"s student and go to George White school in Hillsdale. I have many friends and consider myself a very talented drawer.

But anyway..let's just make this like a regular diary and write today's events.

Well of course michele (elle) was bothersom. She still thinks i'm her best friend(BFF)!! How pathetic can she get! Missy(currently my best friend) hates her too and we talk about her ALL the time. It's kinda fun. missy is also known as Fish (between is of course) she only has like a 3 second memory span. and we played badminton today. i was relaly good on Monday but today i sucked. I guess Cory noticed and he just kept...giving me these looks. i though he liked me during math because i thought he was looking at me. but then in gym...it changed. I'm on his team. So now i'm sad and mad at him. I think he like Sarah Camboreale. She's not that smart but i envy her...

But after school i went to kumon. It's this place my parents send me too. At first Roger wasn't there. Roger (Roger Guan) also goes there. and he doesn't like it either. Somehow...now i think he really likes me and i like him too! So i've bascially given up on Cory. I really want him to like me! And now...I'm really mad at Cory for what he did. I really am. and hurt...*sniff*

But on to another subject. I have a guild called the Anime Heavens Guild. Obviously it's on Anime. My sn is cherry_blossom601. There's this girl Kim...who's a member. She sucks up, saying that my guild is the best yet she's also in another guild and says that my guild sucks.

May 23, 2002

Dear Diary,

I have suspicions that this new member is also kim. She said something that kim would have said and signed with kiwi. I really think it's her with some pathetic plan. I'm going to tell Kyla right away.

But anyway, in school. We had so many test. i think the S.S. one was ok but the science one...well an answer was 210. But i didn't know how to solve it! leticia told me the answer. We didn't even learn about hydraulics and that's what the test was about. I'm also starting to get really annoyed with Allison Belle and Emily Garra. I don't think Allison likes me. I was going to sit with her and Leticia at lunch today. We were in Mr. Herdman's for the Washington presentation.

So i went to her and Leticia. And Allison says.. "well isn't Rachel sitting here?" Intending for me to go somewhere else. SO then i just said TOO BAD!

And emily...god...she just keeps talking and flirting with Mike C. It's soo pathetic. If she still liked him then why did she dump him?! She's pretty stupid. It's just soo annoying. And then when Mrs.Palmieri tell her to stop talking...she just says sorry and then keeps talking. I hate it!

OOOO!!!And for the Washington presentation, I just have to switch the transparencies. It seems pretty easy and for some reason, i need a helper. It's ok if leticia helps. She wants so but then she tells Allison this and she's just like...uh ok...

May 25, 2002

Dear Journal,

I was just talking to Roger and we talked for a LONG while. It was really fun and we talked about alot. and then Rainbow dragged me into this thing that Wind Star made. And i had to chat. i left when she said i had to respect the higher positioned ppl. i'm not going back again.

So then my mom starts bugging me about having to try on my dress and then my brother comes and asks stupid questions about why there's two dark faeries. That's soo stupid. So then i called him stupid and told him to go away. THen my mom gives me this like little speech about not calling him stupid. too bad! i can do what i want! i hate my family. I'm just trying to get more stuff. my mom got me all this new clothes on thursday. And i'm wearing one of them today.

No i have to go eat this eww bad pizza. I don't want to. I've realized that i really don't like cory anymore. I like roger! lol i added some stuff to my profile. This is what it says:

hobby: procrastinating, being bored, and talking to roger, And wandering, AND getting bored again...wander again, talk to roger again...start from the start AGAIN....(never ending cycle of life)

ok ok now I'm really pissed! i tried previewing my work and when i clicked back it didn't work! well neway here it is AGAIN! My little relena chibi that i'm going to submitt for this contest:

Now i'm going to make a website for all of the submissions for this contest in my guild. we have to make our own anime characters...here's mine:

Those are them! i hope they look good!

May 31, 2002

My trip to Washington is finally over...it was soo much fun! There memorials really weren't but it was something else that was fun...heh heh...well let's see...first Dan Mak asked Maria(Mashua) to go to the dance with him and it seemed like she wanted to go with him too! He asked her after the boat cruise. So then it was like a big deal. The next morning at breakfast, we were talking about it and Maria said that she really didn't like him as a boyfriend. She didn't want to go with him. So she decided to talk to Miss Palmadesa for some advice and so she told him that she wasn't going with him on the phone yesterday.

I heard about it this morning and was like really excited because i liked him even more during the trip...Luckily my roommates, emily and kerri, started hanging out with the maks so then i spent almost all of my time with dan (his brother too but i don't like him) and that was fun! I had lots of fun at the Jefferson and Korean war memorials! he was like sitting next to me and he even asked where i was when i went ahead! He didn't really hang out with us at the Vietnam Memorial but i got to sit really close to him on the way back home. and it lasted for a couple of hours! I even think i saw him stare at me a couple of times too! I liked it a lot and i really hope he gets over maria and goes for me! However i don't think i'm suppose to date and that kinda stuff. i want to though!

I also have his sn but he never comes on! I even told him that i had his sn but i haven't seen him go online yet...I want to talk to him but he HAS to make the first move...

Well anyway, i have a piano recital tomorrow AND a Chinese exam! I better finish doing my chinese!

June 3, 2002

Oh today was great! well at school...i don't have videography anymore so i could sleep a little later. When i got to school i just started talking to leticia. Then i went to homeroom and said a few things to pete.

At French class...well..i'm beginning to think that dan mak really like me after the whole maria dumping him thing. Before i walked into class, he was outside talking to carl. He just looked at me...like really sweetly and so i was about to walk up to him. But then stopped and he turned his head back to carl. i then looked into the classroom and saw ppl in there so i just walked in. Later on in science he was like soo embarrassed when he had to like give me my paper..i mean it was just a paper!! and he like handed it to me personally instead of just throwing it on table like he did for everyone else. and he didn't look at me which means he's scared! (YES!!!SCORE!!)

At kumon, i'm thinking that roger likes me too!! He started talking to me in a flirting kinda way. he said that i didn't go to the zootopia concert. i could tell what he was doing so i just did the same and said that he didn't go either. and we just talked a while. When i was doing my work i saw him staring at me a couple of times and stared back at him like once...ONCE!! when i walked up to rita for help, he moved RIGHT away!! so that he could talk to me and he did!! and another good thing was that on the honor roll, i ranked 21 out of like 1000 something...and he was impressed. so that's good too. when he left he said bye tiffany. and i just said bye too.

When we're online, he spells my name wrong lol but that's ok because he says it in such a goood way!

June 8, 2002
Ha ha fuck my mom! She doesn't know what i'm doing online! i wish she would just mind her own business! fuck and damn her! sheesh. It's none of her business. i can't wait till it's time for me to move! Then i can have a computer in my room! I'm gonna put a password on it so that nobody can come on! Loserville! That's what my house is! Be4 my mom (i don't really want her as a mom) was talking about me behind my back and expects me to now hear. I wanna be like other kids and just do what they want! Damn it. they expect us to be happy yet does the opposite! like my dad said that i was spending WAY (not) too much time online and at the computer. i was like fuck u! go away! he already made me go to the park today against my will!
Wait...my mom is going to come down again. i just know it! She just stopped, she's probably looking in on my now! Before she was pretending to look out the window but instead looked my screen! i was like excuse me!!! Get the hell outa here!! well school again tomorrow! haha i learned on friday that cory asked sara out to the dance or something like that and she turned him down. and yes elle is going to the dance with rich and me n missy were talking about it. So i told her about the guys that have asked me out. she called me a guy machine but i'm not sure what it meant...hmm...well i like dan mak now!! hee hee...^.~ :)...sooo sweet!! And!! i also have roger!! yes...life is good....yea
June 10, 2002

ahh shit this is like the third time i'm doing this stuff!! well here's my new desktop! that's what it looks like

well it was about how palmieri was saying ppl didn't study because of the bad grades on the test. i got an 86!! yea! and i was like soo nervous too! lol well tomorrow is the math final! i hope i do well. ppl are like studying but i don't know y. oh well.
anyway for the newz...dan mak was saying that sean was gay so elle got so mad. and i was just like laughing! good job dan. i <3 dan! so sweet!
we were like both laughing and i was telling him how elle said he was mean and that she hated him. she said that to me againand expected me to agree. well i don't! (heh..i wuv dan mak!)
ooo at kumon today...roger threw like this pink colored paper airplane at me when i was doing my workd and he was like...talking and then patted my shoulder! it was a PINK airplane! PINK for LOVE! (i wuv roger too! I <3 roger)
June 11, 2002

It's leticia's b-day today!! i didn't get her nething..just said happy birthday!! and she was like happy i think (hope). and so neway missy came back! at the end of lunch i saw her and when we were walking in the hall, cory is like shocked n stuff. he was like *gasp* and we were like...ok.... so he was surprised that missy came back! well neway we had this math final today and NOBODY got 100 on it!! oh no! i hope that i just like go ONE wrong...i hope
well the more...exciting news! it's like...love life updates:
lol well in like LA class dan mak asked for my like science test grade and he got a 76!! whoa! and i got an 86!! heh..well then we were just like exchanging our grades and it was like fun...and another thing! i think he was like looking at me several times during math class! we were ONLY there for like a minute! lol
well after the math exams (period 1 and 2) i went to GT and only me, joey, steve, and dave L. came! so we just did these puzzles and we got points for them. so after the class for over dave and steve left but me and joey stayed. I'm not sure if i really have a crush on him or not...if i do it's not a very big one right now. he was like all nice to me and stuff and i was kinda fun when we were walking up the stairs! (sweet) but i'm still saving my love for dan and roger!

June 12, 2002

yay! today was like fun. well maybe i should tell you about my dream. It was like pretty vague but still strange but sweet. I was like flirting and stuff with cory and dan mak. but more with cory. he was like holding me n stuff and it was like so strange. and we were like sooo happy!....sigh...
well first i had LA and we watched this movie on anne frank from miep's POV (point of view). and it was like two periods! well dan mak was behind me and cory was next to me. isn't that perfect?! and like nothing after that. in french class he was like staring at me several times and well be4 class started elle walked up to me and was like standing there. so then sean comes and like starts talking to her and i like walk away slowly. and dan sees me and starts laughing and i start laughing too. GREAT moment!
and like in hoomroom elle was one of the hosts for the morning show with greg and she was soo wierd. so i called her a freak and me, pete kozak, anthony J June 14, 2002

Here's my convo so far with dan t, juliet, franny , and Missy:

You have just entered room "BOREDBOREDBORED." fpjsat: yup! Maybell403: matt alter is online Maybell403: he's never online
Nasaki601: bored bored bored bored...wow.... fpjsat: arent io creative!? fpjsat: whats his sn? Maybell403: alternator5588 speaking of creative look at his sn fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: maybe he just has another one...his....profile is quiet confusing Nasaki601: oh well fpjsat: so0o0o Maybell403: can I invite tintle in here? Nasaki601: fine with me fpjsat: oh sry yeah fpjsat: invite every1! fpjsat: jk Maybell403: lol no thats ok fpjsat: yeah invite emilty Maybell403: I'll invite danheiser! fpjsat: hes online? Maybell403: yes fpjsat: whats sn? DanTNYR has entered the room. Nasaki601: no don't invite danheiser!! DanTNYR: uhh hi Maybell403: I was kidding! fpjsat: yeah I know! Maybell403: hey "dan the man" DanTNYR: i got two words DanTNYR: OI VEI Maybell403: haha DanTNYR: i thought ud think it was funny Nasaki601: uh yea... Maybell403: Missy, ellos hablan frances y nosotros hablamos espanol! DanTNYR: uhh Nasaki601: yea.. DanTNYR: they speak french and we speak spanish DanTNYR: i know my spanish fpjsat: ohh si! DanTNYR: i am sooo godd DanTNYR: or i am ssoo good DanTNYR: or i am so good Maybell403: lol ok Nasaki601: yes DanTNYR: i finally got that typing thing down Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: los perros de juliet son muy gordos y guapos! ellos comer con los papas fritas! Maybell403: typing is an aquired skill Maybell403: they eat with fries?! Maybell403: huh? fpjsat: yup! french fries! Nasaki601: juliet's dogs are fat...and fpjsat: lol d/a Maybell403: handsome fpjsat: handsome!~ fpjsat: they eat with french fries! Nasaki601: and handsome nd they eat fpjsat: lol d/a DanTNYR: the dogs of juliet are very fat and…they eat french fries DanTNYR: i got it Nasaki601: lol u r using a translator aren't u!! DanTNYR: after everyone else but i got it Maybell403: he is DanTNYR: no Maybell403: that or it isn't dan fpjsat: no he read it after we typed it! Maybell403: OR he read what we typed Maybell403: lol yeah fpjsat: LOL!!! Maybell403: I think it was the last one DanTNYR: but i know what perros is…long story and muy is very i dunno how i know that and i just use context for the rest fpjsat: lol Maybell403: lol Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: or maybe cory is over DanTNYR: and hes typing for me Maybell403: I think its that Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: juliet the funniest is still the lavar su papa thing! (el el noche!) Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: LOL! Maybell403: that was funny Nasaki601: wash her dad DanTNYR: clean the dad DanTNYR: yeah Maybell403: wait, is this cory? Nasaki601: because laver is wash in french DanTNYR: no fpjsat: ? DanTNYR: yeah Nasaki601: and sa is her Nasaki601: in french DanTNYR: no cory here Nasaki601: and papa is obvious fpjsat: I C Maybell403: hey cory fpjsat: LOL Nasaki601: yea hi cory..ur a loser Maybell403: I'm confused Maybell403: like I usually am DanTNYR: hey (cory shut up) Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: . . . .? DanTNYR: i am joking Nasaki601: oh yea one more thing to cory..i'm better than u Nasaki601: lol i kno i know!! DanTNYR: no ur not Nasaki601: we were joking too!! Maybell403: I'm sooooooooooooooo confused Nasaki601: GOOD! fpjsat: that makes 2 DanTNYR: forget it DanTNYR: just let it go Maybell403: is cory there or not? Nasaki601: lol Nasaki601: NO!! fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: no i am jokin Maybell403: I bet this is really tom translating then! Maybell403: gtg dinner Maybell403: bye Maybell403 has left the room. Nasaki601: ok. DanTNYR: cya DanTNYR: tom isnt here either Nasaki601: a little tooo late DanTNYR: i know DanTNYR: but Nasaki601: oh well DanTNYR: sooooooo………………… Nasaki601: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x alot DanTNYR: uhh DanTNYR: well does ne one have ne thing to talk about Nasaki601: what did u get on ur final? DanTNYR: 89 and i am happy with that DanTNYR: u Nasaki601: 94 DanTNYR: o Nasaki601: what did 7*'s get/ Nasaki601: she's such a loser Nasaki601: she's like i'm not telling!! i'm not telling!! DanTNYR: im just no less than an 80 or maybe even less than 70 Nasaki601: uhh well like ask her on monday DanTNYR: i mean no MORE THAN AN 80 LESS OR EVEN LESS THAN 70 Nasaki601: oh ok Nasaki601: well she sure sucks. are u sure? DanTNYR: ded sure she asks in science Nasaki601: ok good. that moron DanTNYR: i say 89 and im like what did u get DanTNYR: shes like DanTNYR: im not tellin u Nasaki601: she's soo annoying ...she asks ppl's grades even though they're better DanTNYR: im like ok whatever lower or higher Nasaki601: and what did she say? DanTNYR: the sped sayz higher and im like DanTNYR: no Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: she said she got a "bad" grade but u never know cuz even when she gets like 90s she says its bad... DanTNYR: cuz u would be like o i got higher DanTNYR: than u DanTNYR: no DanTNYR: she got LOW DanTNYR: im pretty sure Nasaki601: well she thinks that she's like the best yet she only made it into like..ONE (maybe two) honors DanTNYR: hey i only made it into one fpjsat: really? even I got more than her DanTNYR: whats ur problem with thaT? DanTNYR: actually im not sure Nasaki601: so what. u made it because u were actually smart she's a suck up DanTNYR: honestly i forgot DanTNYR: yeah Nasaki601: oh geez Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: i havent seen that thing since like april or may DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: and maybe because she likes trading spaces...she probably wrote...i'm deserving because i watch trading spaces! Nasaki601: spaz! fpjsat: lol! DanTNYR: lol fpjsat: LOL and Nick @ nite!! Nasaki601: lol yea! fpjsat: she like gets her "stuff" from that! Nasaki601: she's sooo 70's have u guys ever noticed that?! Nasaki601: of course u have fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: get outta myplace get outta my space! (swings her head) fpjsat: is that where "coolie" comes in?? Nasaki601: that's how she is Nasaki601: maybe DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: thats like teen movie thing DanTNYR: a DanTNYR: teen movie word Nasaki601: probably. we were actually talking about it . she could probably be good enough to be in bring it on.... DanTNYR: with like odd characters that have the same phrase fpjsat: ? Nasaki601: with that like attitude n stuff...nothing against cheerleaders DanTNYR: everytime yeah DanTNYR: i know fpjsat: shure . . Nasaki601: just their cheers and her phrases DanTNYR: missys like oh yeah i agree:-\ Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: dude shes not even good enough 2 b on the brady bunch and thats sooo her time period! Nasaki601: and like i'm a cheerleader too! Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: well fpjsat: o shut up! fpjsat: so mean tiffany! DanTNYR: what can i say fpjsat: lol jk ;-) DanTNYR: ok Nasaki601: yes i am. well she's like....we should make up a new word DanTNYR: brb i hav contacts that need taking out Nasaki601: lol ok fpjsat: kay fpjsat: who 7*s? Nasaki601: well i can't say annoying...we should make up a word like shuay Nasaki601: michele!! (7 letters) Nasaki601: ******* Nasaki601: lol i thought u knew from the start fpjsat: NO no i said who, michele? fpjsat: I KNOW! fpjsat: I DO KNOW! Nasaki601: yea fpjsat: I didnt say "who is 7*s?" I said "who...michele?" fpjsat: DUr! fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: lol yea ok...well we should make up a word Nasaki601: she is...... fpjsat: dude i know about michele being 7*s n all i was asking if you were talking about Michele. But NVrm fpjsat: ok so Shes.. Nasaki601: annoying...bratty... fpjsat: lol u mean bsides bee? fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: yea fpjsat: hmmm Nasaki601: i'm gonna combine it all fpjsat: retarded? fpjsat: sped? Nasaki601: abrs...we need something that starts with a vowel Nasaki601: so far i have abrs fpjsat: umm ok fpjsat: uhh fpjsat: ugly..lol Nasaki601: lol ok Nasaki601: aburs combo fpjsat: combo? Nasaki601: Annoying Bratty Ugly Retarded Speddy combo fpjsat: got it Nasaki601: lol yup fpjsat: hmm DanTNYR: lemme think fpjsat: resol...keeg... DanTNYR: and yeah im back fpjsat: dren... fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: barus DanTNYR: sarub Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: rabus Nasaki601: possible DanTNYR: braus fpjsat: lol fpjsat: need more words DanTNYR: seventies DanTNYR: ummm conceded Nasaki601: that's an s...ok so we have...ok! c... fpjsat: nerd? fpjsat: need another A?? fpjsat: attitude Nasaki601: rabussc...sofar...ok...n....a... Nasaki601: rabusansc DanTNYR: subanars fpjsat: Carbusans Nasaki601: lol yea! fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: that sounds like a country DanTNYR: uhh lol DanTNYR: yeah fpjsat: hehee DanTNYR: carbusansian Nasaki601: so she'll think it's like a real country DanTNYR: yeah DanTNYR: shes a carbusansian fpjsat: lol!! DanTNYR: sounds very real DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: carbusans combo and she's carbusansian!! lol fpjsat: she will be sooo "coMfused!" Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: 'yeahlol Nasaki601: ok chenging the combo to complex DanTNYR: ryan carbusans Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: gotta remember this DanTNYR: well now we at least have a convo DanTNYR: yeah fpjsat: lol fpjsat: yeah an end to being bored... DanTNYR: yup fpjsat: @least for now! DanTNYR: yup DanTNYR: no the convo ends and we r bored again fpjsat: juliets back Nasaki601: lol no invite juliet Maybell403 has entered the room. fpjsat: k fpjsat: cool Nasaki601: lol yea DanTNYR: yeh Nasaki601: we need to catch u up!! Maybell403: hey DanTNYR: hey Maybell403: yes you do DanTNYR: whats up Maybell403: nmu? fpjsat: hehe got a lot to catch up DanTNYR: yeah i know DanTNYR: i took out my contact lenses Nasaki601: we needto teach her aboutcarbusansian and carbusans complex DanTNYR: nm DanTNYR: lol fpjsat: Carbusans! Maybell403: what? Maybell403: I dont get it! Maybell403: AHHH Nasaki601: ok that's the words we made up for 7*'s Maybell403: the confusion! (once again as I stated earlier) Maybell403: ooo fpjsat: lol the carbusanians.. DanTNYR: now the fun begins\ Nasaki601: Carbusans (Conceited Annoying Retarded Ugly S...something...i forgot the rest fpjsat: attitude fpjsat: brat Nasaki601: oh yea fpjsat: sped DanTNYR: yeah fpjsat: Concieted, Attitude, Retardded, Brat, Ugly, Sped, Annoying, Nerd, S... Nasaki601: ok (Conceited Annoying Retarded Ugly Speddy Attitude n...Seventies) DanTNYR: nerd fpjsat: Seventies! Nasaki601: oh yea nerd DanTNYR: seventies DanTNYR: yeah DanTNYR: my word fpjsat: Concieted, Attitude, Retardded, Brat, Ugly, Sped, Annoying, Nerd, Seventies! Maybell403: haha DanTNYR: only cuz tiffany said it earlier but still DanTNYR: no matter Nasaki601: that describes her so it's the carbusans complex fpjsat: YuP Nasaki601: and it sounds like a country Maybell403: haha Maybell403: I have a question? Nasaki601: so if you have this complex then ur carbusansian DanTNYR: yeah Nasaki601: yea? Maybell403: so cory isn't there, correct? DanTNYR: no fpjsat: LOL Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: oi vei Nasaki601: correct fpjsat: Si! Maybell403: hehe DanTNYR: that was over WAY TOO LONG AGO DanTNYR: lol fpjsat: lo Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: *l DanTNYR: i just realized Nasaki601: yea? DanTNYR: nerd and sped in the same acronym? whats up with that? DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: lol Nasaki601: yea well Nasaki601: nerdy..meaning she studies fpjsat: "studies" DanTNYR: o DanTNYR: well DanTNYR: ok Nasaki601: speddy meaning it doesnt get her newhere fpjsat: LOL! DanTNYR: i just need clarification' Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: means she acts like a nerd and looks like one DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: o Nasaki601: but doesn't act like one DanTNYR: i see fpjsat: well tries! DanTNYR: i see said the blind man Nasaki601: mentally act like one Maybell403: you know what i think? I think we should just leave it at "irritating" its much simpler Nasaki601: lol yea DanTNYR: no fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: NO!! we want a SECRET word and COMfuse her DanTNYR: irritating doesnt sound like a country DanTNYR: i mean come on Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: oh I'm sorry Maybell403: you're right DanTNYR: how would sound when we say hey did u no Nasaki601: yulp.................. DanTNYR: that irritating is a small country off the coast of south africa? fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: true very true Nasaki601: carbusansian is like soo cool i think i finally spelled it right!! DanTNYR: or carbusans DanTNYR: uhh good job fpjsat: i say we stick with (carbusans) Concieted, Attitude, Retardded, Brat, Ugly, Sped, Annoying, Nerd, Seventies! DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: carbusans Nasaki601: lol Nasaki601: yep fpjsat: it sounds soo.... native... lol Nasaki601: lol oh well fpjsat: hehe Maybell403: I want to see the photos of the back of my head from last night Nasaki601: i gotta make a dictionary of these words some day!! Maybell403: lol yeah! Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: ? DanTNYR: oui tres bien et c'est genial parce que c'est fpjsat: back of your head?? Maybell403: what'd he just say? Maybell403: my hair DanTNYR: o fpjsat: I c... DanTNYR: uhh so do i DanTNYR: c'est Nasaki601: yes very good...and it's great because it's DanTNYR: … DanTNYR: umm Nasaki601: . fpjsat: I still gotta get my pics developed ill give u guys copies of urselves... DanTNYR: ok uhh thanx Maybell403: thanks fpjsat: since u were all in them DanTNYR: c'est fpjsat: :-D np! Nasaki601: lol Nasaki601: c'est DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: c'est amusant DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: yes..cough cough oui Maybell403: ahhh whatd you say? DanTNYR: that u r a sped DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: jk Nasaki601: he said it's amusing Maybell403: oh shut up, just because I'm slower than the rest of the human race doesnt make me a sped Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: oui tres bon. michele est klutz parce Nasaki601: nah it's 7*'s who's a sped DanTNYR: terrible sry Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: terribly sry fpjsat: hmm.. translate? DanTNYR: que fpjsat: ^ Nasaki601: yes very good. michele is a klutz because... DanTNYR: elle est pas smart Maybell403: something about michele being a klutz DanTNYR: uhh yeah Nasaki601: she isn't smart fpjsat: yo no halba nada pero espanol y ingles!!! fpjsat: *hablo DanTNYR: sry u spoke in spanish i speak french Maybell403: I CAN SPEAK PIG LATIN Maybell403: thats the coolest language DanTNYR: dog no speak DanTNYR: me too fpjsat: OOO ME 2!! DanTNYR: spanish and ingles DanTNYR: i mean english fpjsat: and in gibberish! lol DanTNYR: i dunno gibberish Nasaki601: I do not speak to anything but spanish and english! fpjsat: chinese? DanTNYR: o fpjsat: ? Nasaki601: uh no wait translated that wrong Nasaki601: I do not speak anything but spanish and english! fpjsat: LOL to anything! DanTNYR: soooooooooo Nasaki601: sry but we have a very limited french vocab fpjsat: dont tell me the boredness is coming back . . . Nasaki601: but i CAN say the 7*'s washing her dad thing fpjsat: lol Maybell403: lol Maybell403: that was funny Nasaki601: michele lave sa pere a...what was night again? Maybell403: I hope she didn't translate that Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: michele lava su padre en el noche Nasaki601: lol well i was about to write the translation but realized...no wait!! fpjsat: Michele lava su padre en el noche Y es muy bueno (?) Nasaki601: Michele washes its father in the night and is very good Nasaki601: *her fpjsat: its..lol Nasaki601: well she is an IT i guess DanTNYR: uh yeah DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: michele lava su papa en la noche porque es interesante y (insert word for fun here) para ella fpjsat: DIVERTIDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybell403: THATS IT Maybell403: I blanked again Nasaki601: ew!! DanTNYR: uhh stupido crackarini doesnt teach us nething Maybell403: too close to summer.... DanTNYR: but soooo far fpjsat: Michele Lava Su Padre en el noche porque es MUY interesante Y divertida para elle Y su padre DanTNYR: uhh yeah Nasaki601: i know i know....NO!! DanTNYR: lolol DanTNYR: i mean DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: AHHH DanTNYR: sry typed too long Maybell403: missy! Maybell403: ahh fpjsat: what? Maybell403: this is getting gross fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: i know!! Maybell403: "y su padre" fpjsat: =-O fpjsat: hehe fpjsat: would u rather Y su perro? Nasaki601: iy means michele washed her fasther because it is VERY amusing for her and her dad...plus it's INTERESTING Maybell403: hahaha DanTNYR: i dunno what that means fpjsat: LOL! DanTNYR: awww man DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: i know!! fpjsat: haha Maybell403: hahahahahahaha fpjsat: MIchele washes her father at night because it is VERY interesting and FUN for both of them.. fpjsat: translation^ Nasaki601: missy!!! lol oh well at least it's....not boring DanTNYR: uhh thanx fpjsat: LOL!!!! fpjsat: sry! Nasaki601: oh well close enough fpjsat: didnt mean for it to come out that way! DanTNYR: no loss of conversation yet fpjsat: hhehehehhe DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: hey dan, when we were in um "gym" yesterday, did you hear us yelling? Nasaki601: lol Nasaki601: what's the P word?! Maybell403: hahaha Maybell403: jamie! fpjsat: ...? Maybell403: she got the wrong p word Nasaki601: and then we were all screaming at something... DanTNYR: uhh yeah Nasaki601: well we were having..THE TALK DanTNYR: uhh person DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: uhh yup Nasaki601: missy, i'll tell u later fpjsat: o0o lol glad i wasnt in school all week . . fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: it's more..uhh interesting that way and easier to tell fpjsat: umm... fpjsat: do i want to know? x roarzz x has entered the room. Maybell403: lol Maybell403: no you dont Nasaki601: lol hi franny Maybell403: dan's probably sitting there all uncomfortable Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: hey e-narf fpjsat: ? DanTNYR: uh hi x roarzz x: hey juile x roarzz x: lol Nasaki601: that's franny Nasaki601: and fpjsat is missy fpjsat: hey fpjsat: Yup Thats me! DanTNYR: not uncomfortable but perturd DanTNYR: perturbed DanTNYR: * Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: haha Nasaki601: dan is umcomfortable from our last convo!! lol Maybell403: you just missed that franny fpjsat: lol x roarzz x: uhh yeah... Nasaki601: we have to tell u both! DanTNYR: uh dont wanna no fpjsat: =-O((still thinking huh dan?)) x roarzz x: so how many more days of school does every1 have? Nasaki601: cuz you'll like... DanTNYR: 5 Maybell403: just next week Nasaki601: yea x roarzz x: hahaha Maybell403: three of which are half days x roarzz x: ive been out for a week DanTNYR: yup Maybell403: shut up miss i've been out of school fpjsat: :-( / :-) Nasaki601: we know.... Nasaki601: private school x roarzz x: :D Maybell403: you and your silly catholic school girl rituals fpjsat: I have been out for 5 months! x roarzz x: and im a freshman Maybell403: you still wont be able to drive b4 me Nasaki601: lol yea missy's been....sick fpjsat: ;-) Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: hehehe x roarzz x: actually im getting kinda bored already Maybell403: I'm leaving for camp next sunday!!!! fpjsat: :-( DanTNYR: i hafta ask…y was she sick? DanTNYR: or what did she have Nasaki601: i'm leaving for los angelos (sp) on the 29th!! DanTNYR: or if missy wants ta answer its ok fpjsat: wait what? fpjsat: o me!?lol Nasaki601: answer missy...y were u sick fpjsat: dur fpjsat: sry was like reading Email DanTNYR: i am leavin for an all expense paid trip for hereshey park on july 14 fpjsat: hehe Nasaki601: lol DUR DanTNYR: o Maybell403: theres that word again "dur" fpjsat: had surgery =-O fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: o fpjsat: i know my lingo DanTNYR: uhh cool DanTNYR: lol fpjsat: cool?? lol Nasaki601: well...what he means is Nasaki601: ic fpjsat: thought the whole school would know by now... fpjsat: hmm.. DanTNYR: i was kiddn fpjsat: lol Maybell403: OMG! Today is my 1 week anniversary with jared! not that a week is much at all, infact its nothing but still hehe fpjsat: yeah I know ;-) DanTNYR: i was unsure Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: good good DanTNYR: o fpjsat: oo0o0o DanTNYR: uhh good for u fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: wow (sarcastic) ONE WEEK!! Nasaki601: only the rest of ur lives left!! lol x roarzz x: i know! DanTNYR: watch next friday Nasaki601: yea DanTNYR: …it should be my 2 week anniversary wit jared but … DanTNYR: he doesnt want a long distance relationship DanTNYR: lol DanTNYR: jk Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: youre mean fpjsat: hehe x roarzz x: at least its not jay-red Nasaki601: hey! i'm suppose to be mean! x roarzz x: lolol fpjsat: u already R! fpjsat: jp! Nasaki601: yay! fpjsat: hehe Maybell403: you and your have to dance by the gift cuz someone will steal it fpjsat: 2 7*S!!!! DanTNYR: i no Nasaki601: one....two? DanTNYR: and wait…i wasnt mean last nite…what happened\ DanTNYR: lol Nasaki601: wha? {what} moron Maybell403: you were in a good mood last night Maybell403: I caught you off gaurd DanTNYR: never mind DanTNYR: uh huh Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: wait fpjsat: ¿ Maybell403: to 7* or me? DanTNYR: forget it Nasaki601: lol a little delayed there! ..... Nasaki601: yea DanTNYR: wat DanTNYR: hawt Maybell403: ahhhhhhhh DanTNYR: what Maybell403: CONFUSED fpjsat: lol Nasaki601: COMfused Maybell403: this happens to me A LOT fpjsat: **coMfused u mean? fpjsat: hehe fpjsat: I c.. DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: confoosed Nasaki601: we know DanTNYR: carbusans Maybell403: lol Nasaki601: i already have like 4 confuses from juliet already fpjsat: Carbusanians fpjsat: lol Maybell403: shut up DanTNYR: i know lol Nasaki601: nah there's only on carbusanians in he world so far Maybell403: remember I'm "brainless" and you're a heartless bitch! Nasaki601: lol yea DanTNYR: uh of courz Maybell403: Franny, download In My Life by the beatles Maybell403: we all love that song Nasaki601: cool ( i think) fpjsat: uhhh.. x roarzz x: um no DanTNYR: LOL fpjsat: speak for yourself Maybell403: do it damnit Nasaki601: i don't like them fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: yeah Maybell403: I was kidding! DanTNYR: i know fpjsat: even i wont download it! Maybell403: I did! Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: lol Maybell403: I got bored fpjsat: (of course i should since it has to be memorized & im in the front ROW!)_ x roarzz x: clcuky is dating one of his ex's friends x roarzz x: clucky* Maybell403: damn clucky DanTNYR: lol x roarzz x: i kno Maybell403: clucky is a code name DanTNYR: yeah stupid clucky Maybell403: incase anyone was wondering Nasaki601: clucky? chucky? no? ok DanTNYR: but i was laffin at IN MY LIFE Nasaki601: i'm in the front row too!! Maybell403: no ones gonna sing it Maybell403: HAHA both you and missy fpjsat: dur!!! Nasaki601: i'm not gonna memorize it..just move my mouth x roarzz x: we forgot the words to our song DanTNYR: im in THE BACK ROW DanTNYR: HAHA Maybell403: I'm in the middle and dan got off lucky, being tall and all fpjsat: tiffanys my partner of course u R! Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: LUCKY! DanTNYR: yup fpjsat: sux being short., DanTNYR: TALL IS GOOD Nasaki601: sometimes x roarzz x: my song was landslide by fleetwood mac fpjsat: w/o shoez im like the 4th shortest in the grade! Nasaki601: unless ur too tall and then hit the ceiling Maybell403: haha fpjsat: lol fpjsat: u know matts the tallest..? DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: alter? DanTNYR: no fpjsat: but not to teh ceiling.. Nasaki601: yea fpjsat: no Hartman Maybell403: huh? DanTNYR: travis is Maybell403: yeah travis is fpjsat: no..Matt is last. fpjsat: ? Maybell403: he's not Maybell403: look at the grade photo fpjsat: really? Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: travis is Nasaki601: oh well fpjsat: dont have it fpjsat: oh maybe travis wasnt tehre. fpjsat: b/c matt didnt have a partner when I was tehre fpjsat: *there DanTNYR: no x roarzz x: my sock has an elephant on it DanTNYR: travis is Maybell403: when do we get the tassels Maybell403: hahaha franny Nasaki601: don't know Nasaki601: i think on thurs Maybell403: my sox are white fpjsat: dude im talking about when I was at practice DanTNYR: i dont no\ DanTNYR: well i sit in the BACK ROW Maybell403: why couldn't they just give them out today? DanTNYR: so i dunno Maybell403: shut up, you and your height fpjsat: w/e..not like i would know being so far away from the tall people! Maybell403: I'm in the middle, JUST right fpjsat: juliet its noty exactly like ur short! DanTNYR: becuz to make u hafta cum to skool on friday DanTNYR: im kiddin DanTNYR: yeah Maybell403: I'm not tall though x roarzz x: ewwwwwwwww x roarzz x: ewwwwwwwww Maybell403: just in comparison to you x roarzz x: ewwwwwwww fpjsat: lol thanks! Maybell403: haha x roarzz x: dont say that word dan! fpjsat: hey every1 is tall to me!!!! DanTNYR: what DanTNYR: what x roarzz x: cum DanTNYR: sry Maybell403: franny x roarzz x: lol Maybell403: lol DanTNYR: o was tryin to type quick Nasaki601: ok Maybell403: dan's got a nasty mind! Nasaki601: lol x roarzz x: lol Nasaki601: no jamie does Maybell403: which jamie? DanTNYR: what Nasaki601: s DanTNYR: uhhhhhhhhh DanTNYR: waht fpjsat: dont u rem? DanTNYR: uhhhhh ok fpjsat: from b4? Maybell403: no I dont fpjsat: lol ok . . . x roarzz x: me niether DanTNYR: uhh what DanTNYR: i am comfused lol x roarzz x: last night i had a dream and i was in hogwarts like in harry potter DanTNYR: brb Maybell403: hahahaha Nasaki601: ic Nasaki601: ?? Maybell403: you and your silly harry potter DanTNYR: o well 2 ppl had dreams about me bein shot x roarzz x: lol DanTNYR: so what does that tell u fpjsat: ? DanTNYR: i am dead serious fpjsat: ur gonna b shot? Nasaki601: lol Maybell403: ah who?! fpjsat: :-P fpjsat: dan! DanTNYR: ross last year and i saved corcans life this yeah by bein shot Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: by dennis... fpjsat: lol fpjsat: tiffanys lover Nasaki601: well i have really prophetic dreams fpjsat: lol Maybell403: hahaha ross wants you dead DanTNYR: so things dont look good for me in dreams rite now Nasaki601: no!! Maybell403: haha fpjsat: hehehehe fpjsat: ew he sits by me n alex fpjsat: in graduation Nasaki601: who? fpjsat: and he punched alex fpjsat: Dennis Nasaki601: oh ok x roarzz x: my friend mary had a dream that i cut up my other firend liz into tiny peices and then later mary came outta the shower and then i was standing there all devilsh and holding a toothbrush and i sed.... DanTNYR: u laff…wait til my picture is on the news x roarzz x: "wanna have a sleepover" Maybell403: u guys see dennis and alison?! x roarzz x: nope fpjsat: no??? x roarzz x: i didnt go Nasaki601: nope Maybell403: youre not gonna be shot fpjsat: dennis n allison? DanTNYR: dennis kaminsky storms GGW middle skool today Nasaki601: lol fpjsat: ???????????? Maybell403: liz! DanTNYR: one causlty dan tintle afta he saved some1's life Maybell403: heather scared her! Maybell403: so much x roarzz x: i know! Maybell403: so much x roarzz x: i know! Maybell403: well just dont do any life saving in the near future Maybell403: that solves all your problems fpjsat: Maybell403 (8:55:34 PM): u guys see dennis and alison?! DanTNYR: o DanTNYR: ok DanTNYR: yeh Maybell403: yes Maybell403: they were dancing DanTNYR: i was rite next to u fpjsat: allison who? Maybell403: I know you were Nasaki601: yea i heard about it Maybell403: d. fpjsat: no way? fpjsat: ! Maybell403: yeah fpjsat: =-O DanTNYR: yeah DanTNYR: well fpjsat: Tiffany turned him down!!!!! fpjsat: he was like ":'(" Maybell403: dan and i were dancing and avoiding making eye contact by watching will dance and alison and dennis DanTNYR: ther has to be an obivous reason for it DanTNYR: that i dont know DanTNYR: yeah fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: WILL Maybell403: haha DanTNYR: AND TASHJI fpjsat: will?? Nasaki601: lol DanTNYR: WITH ALVES Nasaki601: ew Maybell403: alves was there too?! fpjsat: rrreally...... DanTNYR: 5 words DanTNYR: i believe i can fly Maybell403: there you go counting words again Maybell403: AHHHHH Maybell403: a horrible site I dont want to see EVER again fpjsat: see now if 7*s was here she would compare these such events to nick @ nite... DanTNYR: so i am feeling confident about the 89 on the final fpjsat: no talk about finals!!!!!! Nasaki601: lol ok well gtg later...i have the convo so far saved! wanna souvenir?! lol jk DanTNYR: thats the way we all became the brady bunch fpjsat: still gotta take it! fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: yeah DanTNYR: sure DanTNYR: lol Maybell403: bye tiffany fpjsat: lol DanTNYR: cya Maybell403: I mean "tiff" fpjsat: later tiffany fpjsat: lol yeah "tiff" Nasaki601: leter x roarzz x: bye Nasaki601: *later Maybell403: "oh thats so cute" fpjsat: or as 7*s would say "mwa!" Nasaki601: no!!

June 20, 2002

I had graduation today and it turned our better than i had expected! well first, after school i went with missy, juliet, sean, gabby, and michelle griffin to this chinese place called the peaking house. and i ate lo mein. i love that stuff! then we went for ice cream and then to the park. We just hung around at juliet's house for like a couple of hours!
But when i got home, i went online and dan mak was there! i said..."who dan is actually online! *whoa" and he signed off then signed on....and i didn't say nething else...i'm not sure if he likes me or not...but i really like him!! actually i LOVE him!! wish he'd notice me though!
But here's a developmen, my parents like talked with his parents after graduation! i hope they're like friends so that i can be friends with dan...i'm not gonna see him if i don't do nething tomorrow....he's going to the accademy and not PV like me! y didn't i go....well neway at the graduation...
when mrs. donovan was playing "music of my heart" it was windy and the pages were like flying n stuff!! and so i had a hard time but luckily that made me worth even more!! lol and Cory won that award with the scholarship!! damn it!! i wanted to win it!! or at least have ross win it!! i don't like cory nemore...but when i was like right behind me a lot before graduation started. i don't think i have feelings for him nemore..i wasted it all on him!! but now i love dan mak!! i'm like soo crzy over him!!
and ooo i have some other stuff about graduation..well when we went up to get our diploma books, ashley B said "y is missy graduating? she hasn't been in school! she doesn't deserve too!" and like all that crap! and missy go soo mad and kerri told ashley to go to her so that she could congradulate her. missy said like omg and told her the story and all ashley did was like gtg and like blamed it all on brennen! how mean!
Tomorrow i'm gonna try to get dan mak to sign my yeabook! i have too! at least something to remember him by! well i wanna write something like...Best of luck next year! it won't be soo bad! talk to me online n stuff! lol lyl! Tiffany Huynh...sn: nasaki601

June 22, 2002 Yesterday was the last day of school...and probably the last day i would ever see dan mak again...well in the morning we gave in our caps n gowns and we got our photos and our year book and other stuff like that. joey was the first to sign mine and then anthony J and kevin. Soon I got a lot more. We then went into the courtyard and i got some ppl and finally i got dan to sign mine!!! yes!! but his brother also had to sign it too but that's ok!! and so dan wrote some stuff and then wrote "beat cory for me" and later he wrote p.s. i meant beat uo cory!!! it was soo funny! and later i asked pete kozak to sign mine and it was like really nice. later when we went back into homeroom he said that i didn't sign his yet so i wrote some nice things and gave hi my sn in it! later at jessica's party i just watched ppl at the dunk tank. near the end missy called for her mom to come pick us up because it was already boring. that's when pete came up to us and started talking to me. missy was next to me and just listening. i wish it lasted longer...i wonder if he still has a crush on me...hmm...

July 19, 2002
Has been quite a while since i last posted! i just feel a bit depressed now...well after schoo ended i left for LA on June 19th. That's when i met...Kevin Liong!! He isn't the cutest guy i've seen but he's very...unique!! He likes skateboarding just like me! and he's kinda shy just like me!!And he's artistic and soo much like me! That's why ...love him!! He has a twin brother who's names Brian and he's cool too but i just somehow like kevin. i don't really know why. But i think he likes me too and i hope he does. When we left something kinda embarrassing happened...well he came up to me and was likeholding his hand up like he wanted to give me a high-five...so i raised mine up and was about to give him one! Then he said bye and i just froze..i didn't know what to do!! then...well he put his hand out and was about to shake my hand but instead i gave him a ...five...it was soo embarrassing and he was kinda confused i guess...i don't know...i just hope he was embarrassed that maybe he did the wrong thing...i really hope his family comes to visit during the new year season!! it would be soo great! I have to get better winter clothes though...have to go shopping!!!
But i think he might just do that because his father emailed my dad and said that he like missed us so maybe kevin WILL COME!!! YES!! i know i'll see him again!! i regret that we weren't that great friends...but no i don't really know about my feelings for Roger and Dan. Maybe it was just a phase and it has passed. I've finally seen what Vivian looks like and she's soo pretty! I don't think i can match it. Plus Roger really likes her so i think I'm just going to give Roger up!..:(...now about dan..well he liked maria and probably still does. and they danced together even though Maria claimed to not like him...I don't know...I won't really see Dan nemore so i'm giving him up too...I really thought he was the one...I should have never given him up because he was like crazy for me in 4th grade! But that's the past and I think Pete likes me. At least i think he really really liked me in 7th grade and near the end of 8th so i think i will still have affection for him...but i guess my biggest crushed go to kevin and Pete...However if i don't see or talk to kevin soon that love for him will slip! And i really wish he would talk to me online but i didn't get his sn...
I think i'm getting farther and farther from missy! She's like my best friend! But now it seems as if she doesn't have time for me! Well i'll wait. This has happened before and in the meantime i'll try to maybe work on my site. It's turning out really well!! Plus i've also got this summer reading assignment to do AND Kumon hw...so i better work! Talk to you sooon!

August 2, 2002

Well ok eww...my dad came in again and was like...it's unhealthy to just sit around!! like what am i supposed to do? walk around the house like some wierdo? yea right!! I've been doing even more stuff around here and just now i was watching Legally Blonde but i still haven't finised it yet. I also wanted to download Bring It On. It seems really cool!
But anyway, Andrew Mak Imed me again! He was soo nosey! He was like..what do u speak at home and stuff like that and i hate him!! Why can't his brother talk to me instead!!I like his brother soo much better! Well what i really want is for either pete or kevin to IM me!! But i found out that we might be going to Paris for hte next reunion! Paris!!! It's like the romantic city! Perfect for Kevin! I just hope he doesn't get a girl friend! It would just be so depressing! I know that Brian is also available but it's not the same! Kevin is like so cute and funny and shy like me! That's why i like him!

August 6,2002

Ewww! My mom is suck a fuckin bitch! She watches me and stuff like that! What's her problem! I mean she keeps telling me to cut ur hair cute ur hair! It's my hair and not her's! So what' her deal! Eww and just before i went to get orange juice and i'm like suppose to put the vitamin in the orange juice and she's like watching me. that's just so freaky like and soooo immature! How rude! i hate it! At least when i move i'll be able to have More privacy. Right not i have like none at all! I go up to my room to use the phone and my 'mom' is like y so cautious? and i'm like...loser! and those vitamins she got me are sooo wrong! She knows i can't swallow these things so i need chewables but she just doesn't get me the chewables! Now i like have to sneak past it by throwing them out AND drinking orange juice! i hate it! ooo 4 more years until college!
speaking of college i just go this like thing in the mail and it said like the colleges the kids got into and it didn't say MIT. A lot of kids got into Bergen Community College though! lol how pathetic! That's for losers! I want to go to MIT! Especially since you can like learn about nuclear stuff there! And like in the future we're gonna need to know that because nuclear IS the future! lol i don't know y i just laughed!
But like MIT is like technology and isn't that the future? well i sure hope it is! well neway i've finished my summer readings, which were both snow in august and timeline. I still have to do the work for it. And i think it'll be pretty easy. at least for time line. I have half done for snow in august.
I read roger's dead journal today and i don't think he's really my type. he likes girls in china because they like want to like u know do the nasty stuff. They actually go up to the guys instead of here in the US where the guys go up to the girls. i hate it when guys do that to me! Not that many guys have done that but still. That's like a drawback on being cute. But i wanna be beautiful..not...well yea ok cute too. But more of beautiful! I need to like shave but it's hard because there's not really nething i can use! Again i wish i was in college! and i remember getting my kumon paycheck and it's soooo bad! Only 5.15 an hour! Is that even minimal wage?! I don't think so!!! sheeesh....and rita's like...it's 5.15 NOT 5.50. You have to work up to that! And i'm like...oh.....bitch!
When i go to college i'm gonna make sure i have enough money for myself and myabe get my own job. Of course college is going to be really expensive. especially MIT but i'm gonna get my own money! And maybe even a scholarship! I can't believe cory got it though! arg...i wanted it or maybe somebody else. he's only gonna be...well he wants to be the continental CEO! i wanna rule the world! lol but i wanna be like...relena peacecraft!
I've also started tp like have dreams...well more likre daydreaming about next year and whether i'll find a good guy. And i don't really think so...it's all a fantasy. So maybe kevin...I really hope so! i can't find his sn newhere! Maybe playing for my dad's band will impress him but it's soo easy that i just don't know...i just hope it's not in LA again! I wanted it to be here! maybe they can even come to our house! Oh yea!!! that would be cool. and then some guys n girls come to our new house and i can like imtroduce them to kevin and oh yea brian too. And we can also go swimming at stonybrook! But we would need a membership. But at least we would be the rulers! Maybe I can learn some skateboard tricks! I have to practice some more!

August 23, 2002
Well it certainly has been awhile since I last wrote. Sure we've moved now. I wouldn't say for the better. Sure I've got a computer in my own room but ppl might hear me typing at night so i can't do that! That just relaly sucks! And another thing! My room like doesn't lock! My stupid brother just busts right in without ever knocking! My family is sooo annoying in some way or the other. My brother just won't leave me alone! He just bursts right in without even thinking! my mom doesn't even THINK! And my dad...ug...doesn't have a real life. He gets everything from tv!! And they keep using the word..'chat' instead or IM!!! It's sooo annoying! And the house is dirty...bugs...tiles...sooo annoying! And now everything's farther away! I don't even know this part of town!
Well neway...school is starting really soon1 OMGosh!! I have to pick out the PERFECT outfit! And then i also have to print out my report! I think I'll do that right now! My nails are almost perfect looking. But i still haven't gotten my schedule yet! DAMN IT!! Everyone has! I wanna try memorizing it before school starts! It starts on September 2 for me! One day before everyone else. Now i have to see al those ppl again. I hate this...I really wanna just be a lone. Because i really don't like ppl...Am i turning in to Seto Kaiba or what?!
I've been mostly reading stories...romantic stories mostly on fanfiction.net. And most of them are about Kaiba and Anzu in Yu-Gi-Oh. A lot of them are good while others just suck. Ppl just don't know grammar...i was also planning to write one of my own to prove how good I am...But I'm just not so sure..hm...maybe i will! And you'll be the first to read it!

OK..sigh..here i go! Wish me luck! lol I'll write it in a different color..maybe red? yea!:
The sun shone brightly in her eyes. Drops of water from the morning rain was still present on the leaves. Anzu shouldered her way through the path until she made it to a fairly large lake. It truly was beautiful here and quite relaxing too. Although it was really more common for Anzu to be with Yugi and the others, she had just needed some times to think. Nothing in particular really was on her mind, but sometimes people just need to rest themselves and be away from people. She walked towards the water on the sandy shore and took a deep breath. Suddenly she felt the urge to dance and so she did right there in the ankle deep crystal clear water...drops of the pure water flew gently in the wind as Anzu moved gracefully.
In another part of the path somebody else was also taking a break. A break away from society. A break away from people. A break away from Kaiba Corp. As ironic and strange as it might seem, Seto Kaiba enjoyed being in nature and enjoying whatever was left of his gentler side. He too slowly made his way towards the lake until he stopped short. It was quite a surprise to see somebody else here in this secluded area. Not many people knew about it. And of all people it had to be Anzu, and of all the things she could have been doing here, she was dancing. Lost in her own fantasy world, she didn't even notice Kaiba. Anzu's serene moves made Kaiba relax even more but he snapped back to reality a second later. And so, he decided to head back towards the city again and leave Anzu.
As Kaiba had just disappeared into the forest, Anzu stopped dancing. She almost felt like somebody was there behind her...watching her. So slowly she looked around and saw that nobody there. It was already starting to get late, and the sun had started to set. Anzu thought it was time to go back through the dark forest and soon forgot about her feeling of a mysterious watcher from before.(of course the watcher was Kaibe but she didn't know that)
It was getting darker by the minute so Anzu just quickened her pace, walking even faster and faster. The sound of a twig being snapped was heard and Anzu halted. She was sure somebody...or something was watching her right now. Now all Anzu could do was run and run real fast! And so she did until...a dark figure was seen ahead. Her heart skipped a beat as Anzu cautiously walked towards it, trying not to get any attention towards herself. Right when she thought that, she stepped on a twig and it snapped. The dark figure suddenly stopped and looked around as if it too had the feeling of being watched. Slowly it's head turned around and stared at Anzu.

"Are you just going to stare at me or what?", the dark figure said to Anzu. Much to her surprise, Anzu seemed to recognize this voice...

'Wha? I remember this voice somewhere..umm...but where??? where??' Anzu was frantically thinking of who this person was.

"Anzu! Why are you still staring at me?!", the figure said very coldly.

'He know my name...hmm..' Of course the dark figure's face was totally out of view and too dark for her see. But then she realized who it was. 'That cold attiture...that height...that...voice...I know who it is!'

"Kaiba-kun!" Anzu whispered to herself
"Took you long enough." That was all he had to say and so Kaiba walked on. 'How dense can one person be...and I even thought Anzu was pretty smart too. At least for somebody who hangs around that stupid...damn...Yugi Motou!!!'

The sun had set and the moon was up. So the forest was covered mostly in darkness and this fact scared Anzu. 'What if...something attacks me? What if something happens...What if...' Already Anzu was too terrified to continue but then she saw Kaiba still up ahead and decided to join him.

"Kaiba-kun! umm...uh..well....do you mind me walking with you??"

"..." Kaiba just continued walking and ignored the frightened Anzu at the same time.

"Kaiba-kun!!" Well at least she wasn't alone but he didn't answer at all and still ignored her...'now what?' "Kaiba-san??"

"What is it?" Finally he replied but there was coldness and annoyance in his voice. He just stopped walking and stood there glaring at her. Anzu too stopped but was a bit surprised at the abrupt halt. 'Ok now I know to call him Kaiba-san and NOT kaiba-kun...ok...oh no why is he glaring at me!!'
*snap* Either a twig or branch snapped and several crows flew away quickly. Anzu of course didn't notice at all and just continued talking to Kaiba...who really showed no interest in her conversation and shot his up when he heard that the snap.

"shh!" Kaiba put his hand on Anzu's mouth, trying to shut her up.
"mmmey...mmmrut duuuh..." (translation:hey..what the...)Anzu tried to speak with Kaiba's hand still covering her mouth.
"shut up! Listen" Kaiba whispered so low that it was almost inaudible and tried listening again.

*snap!* Another twig broke and there was some ruffling in the nearby trees...almost like somebody was there....watching....

"Who's there!" Kaiba sternly commanded. There was even more rustling in the trees as an owl whooed and the leaves swayed in the wind. Kinda spooky if you could imagine being there but still nobody appeared before the two.
'Oh My God what's happening...and I'm kinda having problems breathing here! I wish Kaiba would just stop trying to gag me already!!' Anzu was getting a bit nervous here and then to make it worse, Kaiba put his arm around her waist and leaned closer to her face. 'What the hell is he doing!!' Anzu closed her eyes tight trying not to see Kaiba's face, that was only an inch away from hers. To her surprise he whispered in a firm tone right into her ear.

"Run away. As fast as possible and don't, whatever you do, DO NO turn back. Go!"

Anzu didn't really expect to hear this when Kaiba finally let go of her. She was a bit hesitant and wasn't sure whether to listen or not...Kaiba just flashed her a "go" glance. So what else was there to do? Anzu ran...but she wasn't quick enough and something fell from the tree above her. It looked a lot like an acorn and was really small. A burst of greenish gas was released and Kaiba knew at once what it was. He ran right to Anzu and grabbed her arm, dragging her through the forest and finally out into the open path.

They panted heavily and tried to breathe in as much oxygen as they could because there wasn't much time to breathe while scurrying out into the open. Anzu stood there and stared at Kaiba with a blank face. Kaiba turned towards her and had a face of disgust.
"Kaiba-san..." Anzu slowly took two steps and looked up at him. Her face was emotionless, lifeless, and blank. Slowly she lost power in her knees and began to collapse when Kaiba grabbed her shoulders in an attempt to help her stand up. But it was too late, Anzu was in a deep slumber.

'ahh...shit...now what? I'm not gonna bring her back to the mansion! Maybe...I'll...um...I know! I'll bring her back home! duh!' So Kaiba pulled his cell phone out of hit trenchcoat pocket and called for his limo. He walked towards the road, carrying Anzu in his arms, and waited. Soon it arrived and he first put her in and asked the driver to search the directory for her name and address. After arriving at Anzu's house, Kaiba walked towards her door and knocked hard. Nobody responded...'strange...why aren't her parent answering?? They should be here. But then again how am I supposed to know...'

Kaiba got pretty irritated and started ringing the doorbell like crazy!! Then he started knocking again!! Kaiba finally decided to put Anzu down and look into the windows but he heard the sound of metal banging against eachother. 'THE KEYS!' Kaiba started to search Anzu's coat pockets and found the keys to the house. Finally! Once inside Kaiba went upstair since that's where the bedrooms usually were and found one door in particular that said...Anzu's Room. 'Must be it.' Kaiba thought and walked in only to find her room in a mess. 'How do you people stand such unorganization?!' But Kaiba shook that thought, placed Anzu on her bed, and took out a paper to write her a note. After that he left and went back to his mansion.

Kaiba went up to Mokuba's room just to make sure he was alright. The door creaked open as Kaiba saw his little brother fast asleep. Usually Kaiba worked on some kinda of computer program until the early morning and didn't usually go to bed but somehow this night was different. Somehow it was that gas earlier that evening that made him a drowsy and in a couple of seconds Kaiba too was fast asleep.

The sun shone through her window, waking Anzu up. She was a bit confused about how she got to her room. 'Wha? What am I doing here?? Maybe it was all a dream?? But I'm still in yesterday's outfit?? and...' Anzu stared at her room....

"NANI???!!!" Anzu shrieked and quickly climbed out of bed only to find her whole room was in a total mess. 'My room!!! NO!!! If only i knew...' She went into an anime style cry '...I Wouldn't have cleaned my room last weekend!!!!'

The window was open and a piece of paper flew in her face. She grabbed it and read what it said:

I took you home after the encounter in the woods. You may still feel a little drowsy when you wake up though.
p.s. Is your room always this messy?!

'oh...so that's what happened...wait a minute! Kaiba was here?! No!!' Anzu went into a total panic just at the thought that the jerk Kaiba was here. And in all the frenzy her alarm clock fell on her head.
"NANI?! school's about to start!! no!!"
And so Anzu desperately attempted to put on her uniform and scurry out of her room. She tripped and fell out of the door and continued running to school. When she finally got to class...well she was a total mess. Jonouchi, Honda, and Yugi stared at her with a very confused look. Now Anzu was straightening her skirt, combing her hair, and tried to organize herself before the bell rang.

"uh..hey Anzu...ya ok der?" Jono was the most confused of them all and just had to ask.
"Jonouchi-kun!! I'm in a total mess! Ahh! first....then...and then..." Anzu started mumbling to herself which only made Jono scratch his head.

From the other corner of the class room, Kaiba was watching this whole scene and could only mentally laugh. He kept a serious face though and was very good at keeping his composure at all time. 'Anzu...going crazy...so pathetic'
Anzu, after finally calming, down noticed Kaiba watching her and their eyes met. Kaiba only smirked evilly, getting Anzu just a bit annoyed so she turned away again. The bell rang and so class started but for Anzu...she couldn't quite pay attention. She kept thinking...

'Arg...I know Kaiba messed up my room! He did it on purpose! That's why he was grinning his evil grin before! He's sure gonna get it from me after class!' She glared at Kaiba from her seat. Kaiba just turned towards her after noticing the glare and smirked his evil smirk again. This made Anzu even more annoyed that she already was. Soon the bell rang. Anzu gathered her stuff quickly hoping to follow Kaiba and discuss what he had done. But he was already gone and she just had to wait until lunch to see him. However, at lunch Anzu couldn't find him again. 'That Kaiba! So he IS guilty! Or else he wouldn't be avoiding me right now! Yea that is...he's avoiding me!! Anzu you ARE a genius!' Anzu laughed to herself while Jono, Honda, and Yugi just stared at her.

"What's so funny?" Honda decided to speak this time.
"huh? oh! Nothing at all!!" Anzu was a little embarrassed at the fact that she just laughed outloud to herself. Something she didn't do often...actually never!

During PE, Anzu finally had a chance to go up to Kaiba. When she was about to speak the whistle blew which meant they had to start their run around school. Anzu closed her eyes and held her hand against her ears because the teacher was practically blowing it right in her ear. The next thing she knew, Kaiba was gone and it annoyed her again. 'That seto Kaiba is....sooo DEAD!!!!'
It had started to rain outside so they had to head back inside, giving Anzu a chance to talk to Kaiba. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around with his cold eyes staring down hard at her. Jono ran up to Anzu at this moment and started talking to her when he noticed Kaiba was right there in front of them.

"Ahh! Geez Is this why you've been acting soo...wierd lately?" Jono pointed at Kaiba, as Anzu started to blush a little and got annoyed at Jono.
"Jonouchi-kun!!! Can't I just talk to him for once today! God!" Anzu was practically screaming in his ears and when she turned to talk to Kaiba, he was gone again. "AHH!!! Jonouchi-kun!! How could you!!" Anzu started hitting Jono on the chest as he slowly backed away and ended up in a corner. 'trapped like a rat!! oh no! Please don't hurt me!' he thought as Anzu continued barraging him with hits.

Luckily for Jono the bell rang, which meant school ended for the day and Anzu dashed off trying to find Kaiba. But with no luck of course. So she went to gather her things and headed outside to walk home when she saw the rain. It came down hard and the streets were starting to flood. Anzu stuck her arm out of the school door and felt it literally hurt her arm. 'Oww...no..I don't wanna get wet and hurt but I don't wanna get stuck at school!'

Anzu just decided to wait until the rain subsided and maybe got a little lighter. Just then, Kaiba walked up to the door, looked out and leaned against the wall. His eyes gazed at the rain and it looked like he too was waiting for the rain to lighten. 'Perfect chance! Now i can finally talk to him!' Anzu walked up to him and was about to say something when Yugi called her from down the hall...
"Hey Anzu you still want your cheese sandwich from lunch today? Because Jonouchi's eating it right now!" Anzu fell over in the traditional anime style. 'Everytime it happens! Whenever i try talking to Kaiba! And then he just disappears...oh no!' Anzu looked up again and as expected, Kaiba was gone. She saw him through the glass doors and he had just walked out into the rain.

"No wait!" and with that Anzu ran out the door leaving Yugi behind.
'Umm ok i guess Jono will just have to have the sandwich. He probably finished it anyway!' Yugi started to walk back towards Jono and Honda when she stopped abruptly. 'Wait was Anzu just chasing after Kaiba?' He heard another arguement start from Jono and Honda so he just forgot about it completely.

It was pouring even harder and harder now, making every second in the rain a living nightmare of pain and suffering. Kaiba, who already noticed Anzu following him turned around and waited for her.
"Why are you following me?" Kaiba gave Anzu a suspicioius look.
"*pant*...*gasp*...because..we have to talk!" Anzu's clothes were already totally soaked and she was really tired from the run throught the rain.

-_-; "ok let's go" Kaiba walked away towards the park as Anzu followed him. 'What are we doing here?' Anzu thought but they sooned stopped under a large tree. 'oh ok I get it, to get out of the rain.' The rain was still coming down through the leaves but it was only a small drizzle compared to the flooding downpour.
Kaiba stared at her as she attepted to dry of her clothes but finally Anzu spoke up. She started to shiver slightly from the coldness and her hair was wet from water. Kaiba on the other hand wasn't really wet thanks to his trenchcoat. He removed it and put it on Anzu to stop her shivering. At least she was a bit warmer now. She stared at him with confusion at what he just did.
"You looked cold. That's all" So Kaiba once again and went back to his solemn state.
"Thanks...but anyway...what I wanted to talk to you about was...well what exactly happened yesterday? I mean I read your note and all but why was my room such a mess? Did you do that?" Kaiba looked down at her with a what-are-you-talking-about look.
"I thought you were always messy."
"Nani?! I'm not messy at all! I just woke up the next day finding my room a total wasteland and the window open!" Now Anzu was a little ticked off. "I mean my parents are away right now and who else has been in my room besides you and me that day?!"
Anzu calmed down again after a couple minutes of silence."Oh and exactly what...well what was that gas? I mean i remember being really really tired when we got out of the forest!"
"I'm pretty sure that was sleeping gas. It had a strong effect on you because you were right next to it. Me....well I got a little drowsy later that night...But it's obvious somebody's trying to do this to you!"
"What?!" Anzu looked totally frightened now and didn't quite comprehend what Kaiba was saying.
"Somebody was watching you in that forest. That's why I told you run but it was too late. Whoever it is...well he's still out there."
"BUT....WHY?! Oh no! This has never happened to me before!!" She breathed rapidly now and looked up at Kaiba with fear in her eyes. 'What's gonna happen! My parents aren't home! They're practically NEVER home! And me all by myself?!' "Are you absolutely sure that there's somebody...after me?"
"Yes...I mean that's all I can really think of...I mean they probably tried breaking into your room and realized you weren't there. That's probably why your room was in a mess. That's really the only explanation I can think of." He pitied her. Kaiba really hadn't seen Anzu like this. "Maybe you should stay at Yugi's house or something instead. Don't worry...I'll...send some people over and look into it ok?"

Anzu was relieved by this but couldn't keep herself from wondering...why would arrogant and jerky Kaiba would do this for her.
"This guy made me loose a lot of time and work by using that sleeping gas! I have to find out who it is and punish him. He owes me for the work I lost. If I hadn't gone to sleep, several million-dollar programs would have been finished!"
'Oh...he's getting back at the guy for his business. That's why.' Anzu gazed out at the rain. It had turned into a light shower. "Thanks...I'll go now...better start packing and get over to Yugi's..." Anzu didn't seem happy at all. Of course it might have been because there was some mysterious guy after her...but there was also another reason....She was about to leave when Kaiba stopped her.
"I...better walk with you...just in case." Anzu smiled and they walked through the rain over to her house.

"ok...I better take this and this and this...and oh yea.." Anzu started mumbling to herself again. She had to take the stuff that she needed most and pack it into her suitcase[s]. (Hey girls have a lot of stuff you know! lol)
"You are going to call Yugi first, right?" Anzu never realized that and headed for the phone right away. Kaiba stared at all the stuff she was taking while Anzu was on the phone. 'How can girls have this much stuff?! I'm going to end up carrying it...I just know it! What have I gotten myself into?!' Kaiba just sighed.

Yugi hung up the phone and told his grandpa that Anzu would be staying over for a while. His grandpa was quite confused and didn't really understand but allowed it anyway. Anzu hadn't told Yugi why either but said she would and that it was very important. Yugi phoned Jono and Honda to come over just incase so that they could all hear about Anzu's news.

Half an hour later, Anzu arrived with only one suitcase in her hand.
"Anzu! Why...*look down at her hand* wait only one suitcase? I woulda thought girls had so much more stuff to bring! You know like in the shows and movies...they always have the most." Jono stopped talking and saw Kaiba behind her carrying 2 more suitcases...2 more VERY large suitcases...*Sweat drop* 'OH..I see...heh heh...Kaiba is holding all her stuff...what a great plan! Anzu's getting Kaiba to do all the work! Revenge is sweet!'
By this time Yugi, Yugi's grandpa, and Honda were at the door. They were all surprised to see Kaiba, of all people, there. Yugi's grandpa had a very defensive look on his face and eyed Kaiba the entire time. He still disliked Kaiba for what he did last time he was here. Yugi lead the group to Anzu's room while Jono and Honda struggled with carrying one of the large suitcases. Kaiba only had to carry one now and followed Anzu. Yugi explained to her about everything in the room and told her where the closets, sheets, and lights where...just the basics. When they left, they still saw Jono and Honda struggling with the heavy suitcase.
"Just a little further! We're almost half way!!! God!! This is heavy!" Jono pushed hard as it inched further. Honda pulled it towards the room but they just weren't strong enough. *sweat drop* Everyone else just stared. Finally Kaiba walked towards them and lifted the heavy suitcase with one hand ONLY and brought it to Anzu's new room. Jono and Honda were of course very shocked to see this and knew they should NEVER get into a fight with Kaiba...EVER!
"OO you two are sooo strong! Ha Ha! Tough guys huh?" Anzu teased the two who sulked and mumbled in shame. Kaiba started walking towards the front door to let himself out. Anzu ran towards him and thanked him for everything. Kaiba gave her his number just incase she needed it and turned to leave.
"Thank you very much, Kaiba-san! I owe you" Anzu went up and lightly kissed his cheek as thanks. Kaiba stood there for a couple of seconds in shock but regained himself and left. 'He's so fun to tease!' Anzu giggled and returned to Yugi and the others.

"Ok Anzu! Time to explain to us what's happening here! Why are you with that Kaiba jerk? huh?!" Jono stood right behind her and stared. Anzu of course hadn't even notice him there when Kaiba left and decided it was time to tell them.
"Alright you guys...time to tell you...this is gonna be a long story ok? So I'll just give you a summary." Yugi, Jono, Honda, and Anzu sat down quietly. "Well i was in the forest on day and the sun already set. I saw Kaiba there too and decided it was safer to at least be with somebody rather than be alone. Kaiba heard something and the next thing i knew....well...he told me to run away as fast as a i could. Something dropped in front of me and some gas came out. I was running out of the forest with Kaiba...and that's when i collapsed...at least that's what he said..." The rest of the gang was having a pretty hard time getting this...and still didn't know why she was here.
"Anyway...I'll continue. So then I found myself in my room the next morning. The window was open, my room was a total mess, and that when I read Kaiba's note. I was trying to talk to him all day but of course I was distracted EVERYTIME!!!" Anzu glared at them with a it-was-your-fault look. They guys just laughed nervously.
"Oh so that's why you were around him so much! I get it now...well sort of..." Yugi finally spoke up. "But why are you here now?"
*sigh* 'They always interupt...no wonder it takes me soo long to do things...' Anzu continued with her story once again. "So then I met up with him after school and he told me how that gas was sleeping gas and that there must be somebody after me or something. Because if it wasn't for Kaiba I probably would have been gone! At least that's why he thinks. We're still not totally sure if somebody's really after me but it's better than taking any chances. We know that somebody was in my room because the window was open and everything was a mess...as if somebody went through it to find something..." The guys listened in awe, not believing what was happening. "Well now Kaiba said he would send some of his men to go search and look into this. And that's why he was with me before" They all nodded.

After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Honda spoke up. "So why is that jerk helping you anyway? It's not like he's your friend or anything." The guys nodded and gave Anzu a sly look.
"OOOO! Anzu, are you hiding anything from us? hmmmm?" Anzu blushed at the grinning Jono. And started a mock strangle as Jono begged for mercy. "No no wait!! stop! I'm tooo young to die!! please! Anzu!! Anzu-chan! Anzu-kun! Anzu-san!! Fine!! uh..Mazaki-san! please have mercy! Oh great Anzu! AHH!!! *fake choking noises* It's getting all black! *dramatic pose* I'm calling my lawyer!" Anzu finally released him and bopped him on the head.
"There's nothing between Kaiba and me!! He's just getting back at this guys because he lost work and money because of the gas! That's what he said! It's just a little payback! OK!? It's nothing! Really!" Honda, who had witnessed what she did to Jono just backed away slowly and nodded in agreement. Yugi just smiled, not believing her excuse of course.

"So maybe we should stay here too? You know, just in case?" ^.^; Honda was trying to be as helpful as possible so she wouldn't go balistic on him too.
*Gets up and rubs his head* "As long as Anzu doesn't pull that stunt again! I thougt I was gonna die or sumthin!" Anzu gets annoyed and bops him on the head again. "Ow! What was that for?!"
So now it was deicided. The gang would stay over night and watch over Anzu. For obvious reasons, Anzu didn't allow the guys to sleep in her room but that was a mistake she would regret. Hours passed into the night and they all slept without any sounds besides Jono's snoring. The sound of glass breaking from Anzu's window was suddenlt heard, waking everyone up. As soon as they got there, they saw a tall man in a black suit with black sunglasses. He now held the screaming Anzu and was about leave when the guys attacked him. They didn't do much damage, if any at all. Now Yugi's grandpa was there and also about to engage in the assault when Anzu yelled at him.
"Call Kaiba! Number's over there!" Yugi's grandpa rushed over to where Anzu pointed to and called right away. The cellphone rang on Kaiba's desk and when he answered it, he heard a lot of background noise. There was some yelling and screaming and it was just too loud. But then Yugi's grandpa yelled over it all and told him to come right away because there was an intruder. Kaiba ran out the door and hopped on his motorcycle because it was the easiest to access. (Hey! Who knew he had a motorcycle! At least it goes faster than the cars!)
Yugi turned into Yami, who was much stronger and a little taller too. His strikes actually did a little damage to the darnk figure. Jono and Honda slammed into him constantly. But for the most part, this giant ignored most of it. He concentrated on Anzu who kept wiggling and screaming. Kaiba arrived minutes later and ran through the door, only to see the group fighting. With all the attacks, the intruder didn't even notice Kaiba walk in. So, taking advantage of that, Kaiba walked over to Anzu's heaviest suitcase and threw it at him. The guy fell down upon impact with Anzu still in his tight grip. However, she wasn't going to go down without a fight and gave him a bite he would always remember. The stranger yelled in pain and immediately released Anzu. The police had just arrived outside and started coming into Anzu's room. Before he was taken away, Kaiba walked up to him and demaded him to give up all he knew up his motive. He wouldn't talk and said this wouldn't be the last time this would happen.

"We never give up damnit! We'll be back! You can count on it!" And with that, the police dragged him away and went off.
Kaiba walked over to Anzu, who was still on the floor. She was almost in tears and in total fear. "You...ok?"
Anzu flung her arms around him and started to sob in total fear and misery. All Kaiba could do now was comfort her as she cried even more. Yami, Jono, and Honda turned away in shame because they wouldn't have won if it wasn't for Kaiba. However they couldn't help but wonder how the police got here. Yugi's gramdpa come towards them....

"Good thing I called the police right?" They understood now and felt more relaxed that everything calmed down a bit. But that intruder said he would be back and it sent chills down their spines. Would they have to face him again?

Kaiba patted Anzu's head as she continued to cry even more. 'I guess that thought of actually being hunted down scares her. Well she should used to it. Being the CEO of Kaiba Corp isn't easy either and already I've gotten used to constant death threats...' Kaiba smiled and held her closer. 'Wait! What am i doing?! This is ANZU! She hangs around...*hands go in a tight grip* that Yugi!! *Kaiba gets annoyed and angry at the thought of Yugi and Yami*'

"*sniff* Umm...Kaiba...you're hurting me" Anzu points to Kaiba's hands that were tightly gripped around Anzu. He didn't even realize it when he was so caught up in his thoughts about Yugi. He immediately releases Anzu and mutters sorry.

'Ok...it's not or never...' Kaiba began to speak up but stopped himself to think about it. He tried speaking again. "Ok...I think...maybe you should stay with me..."

Anzu looked up in total surprise and slightly blushed at the thought.

"Well I mean I think i have a better security than everyone else. Plus it's so big that it would take the people a long time to find you! That's all." Kaiba blushed even more than Anzu did and turned his head away from her. He ran out of excuses.

"That's actually a pretty good idea. I think I will then." They both smiled and as soon as you knew it, both had left with Anzu's stuff to Kaiba's mansion! It was huge and had so many rooms too, which was an advantage because any intruder would certainly get lost.

Anzu gasped in awe once inside. She couldn't believe it and just stood in the doorway for a couple of seconds before preceding. Meanwhile, Kaiba was bring her very heavy suitcases into the guestroom before returning to bring Anzu there as well. After saying a couple of words, both went into their respective rooms and slept until the next morning. Kaiba, Anzu, and Mokuba left for school together after even eating breakfast together! (Seems like a family here! ^.^) Yugi, Honda, and Jono waited outside the school door impatiently. Jono of course had the wildest ideas about what might have happened.

" *paces back and forth* I knew we shouldn't have left Anzu alone with Kaiba! Who knows what could have happened. I can't be..."

"Can't believe what?" It was Anzu! She was alright! The three guys ran towards her just to make sure it wasn't their imagination and while this happened Kaiba entered the school without being noticed. Kaiba was acting the way he usually did, with his cold and heartless attitude towards everyone.

Throughout the day, Kaiba would occasionally glance at Anzu. 'What am I doing? Do I actually like her? No way! She's in love with Yami and it's so obvious!' He looked at her again and remember when she hugged him last night. He felt all strange inside and loved how it felt. 'Mind as well just give up on her ever liking me.' He sighed to himself, which wasn't very loud but was loud enough for Anzu to notice.

She was so happy with herself! She actually got to go into Kaiba's mansion! It was Kaiba! The BILLIONAIRE! She looked towards him and didn't see him looking all cold and nasty like he usually did. But he looked kinda...depressed. 'Must be me...I think it's my fault...he's probably way too worried about me...no way! He's not worried about me! He just feels responsible and is going through a lot of stress because...I'm a BURDEN...I know that's the reason...because I'm in the way...' At this moment, Anzu felt really horrible. Never in her life had she thought she was in the way or annoying somebody. It was then that she decided it was best that she leave Kaiba'a mansion and be on her own. Yugi's place was already in a wreck because of her. 'I AM a burden! They're just too nice and polite to say 'no'!!'

Lunch came soon and the four friends took their usual seat. Jono and Honda were goofing of as usual and Yugi and Anzu talked together as usual. Kaiba stared at them from his corner. 'She acts as if everything's alright. Everything's normal yet not at the same time.' Kaiba sees Anzu laughing at Yugi and soon gets a bit jealous. (OO wonder y? We all know!) 'Yuck. Yugi Motou. I hate that kid.'

Yugi changed the subject after seeing that both Jono and Honda weren't paying any attention to their conversation. He whispered, "So...how are things between you and Kaiba? Did you tell him how you feel?"

Anzu was in total shock and didn't know what to say. "What do you mean how I feel? I think of him the same as always! And nothing more" Anzu started blushing madly again. 'Is that really how I feel? Yes! Of course! I can't believe I actually started liking Seto Kaiba! I mean how...idiotic...' As much as she tried, Anzu wasn't getting anywhere. Her denial was working and she still liked Kaiba. It was a feeling unknown to anyone else except for Yugi and herself. Not even Kaiba knew...

"Hello? Anzu?" Yugi snapped her back into reality.

"Oh! Sorry Yugi...I was just thinking..."

"About?" 'She must be thinking about telling Kaiba. I just know it!

"About...leaving Kaiba and going somewhere else to stay..." Yugi was totally shocked by this. He hadn't expected it to happen but Anzu really meant it. Both of them had nothing else to say on the matter and became quiet.

Later that afternoon, Anzu was back at the Kaiba mansion. She was about to go knock on Kaiba's office door when Kaiba opened it from the other side. They stared into each other's eyes for a second before Anzu finally spoke up.

"umm what were you about to do?" She asked curiously and looked away from him.

"I was about to get more coffee"

"Oh. well let me do that! I have to be at least a bit helpful as thanks! Yea! i have to be helpful!" She grabbed his coffee mug and pranced down the stairs, leaving a somewhat confused Kaiba. 'That's what I have to do!' Anzu thought to herself. 'I have to be helpful! That way I won't be a burden! perfect now I can stay here without feeling guilty and be with Kaiba! Wait! Did I just say i wanted to be with Kaiba?'

Anzu stood in the kitchen for a while with the mug still in her hand. She came out of her deep thought when she felt a little tug on her shirt. It was Mokuba!

"Um. Anzu? What are you doing with Seto's cup?"

"Oh! That! umm I was just getting him some more coffee!"

"Oh well it's in that cabinet." Mokuba took a seat in the kitchen as Anzu went to get the coffee stuff from the cabinet.

"NANI?!" Anzu had never in her life seen somebody with as much bags of coffee beans! The cabinet was full of them! Mokuba didn't get it. 'Why is she so surprised? It's only coffee...'

Anzu calmed down a little and continued to make the coffee when the phone rang. Mokuba jumped off his seat and ran to answer it.


"Kaiba-boy! How good to hear from you!"

"Um hi? Do i know you?"

"Of course you do! Kaiba-boy. Don't be so silly!"

Mokuba had no idea who it was and simply hung up on him. He took his seat back in the kitchen.

"Who was that, Mokuba?" Anzu was still making the coffee and started adding water to the filter.

"Oh just some freak. Thought he knew who I was but I guess not."

The phone rang again but this time Mokuba just ignored it. Anzu however picked it up and answered. She suddenly yelled out so loud, everyone in the mansion heard. Kaiba rushed downstairs to Anzu with a concerned face. All Anzu could do was hand him the phone.


"Kaiba-boy! How good to hear from you!"

"Pegasus?! What the hell do you want?"

"You're so kinda but anyway what i want is that girl."

"Anzu?! No way are you getting her!"

And with that he slammed the phone and was really annoyed now. Anzu was worried again. She heard the short conversation and didn't know what to do or say. Kaiba started giving commands so she and Mokuba obeyed.

"Mokuba! Get into the limo and go to Yugi's house right away! Anzu, follow me!"

Mokuba ran out towards the garage where the limo was. He already knew what to do. Kaiba had already explained this to him just incase anything happened so that he could escape quickly. Anzu on the other hand was confused and could do nothing else but follow Kaiba. He went into some kinda of room with different kinds of gadgets. Anzu thought they were probably for dueling. Maybe just prototypes but then Kaiba handed her a tiny piece of metal.

"Put it on somewhere. It's a microphone so i can hear what's going on. Put in on under your shirt. Nobody will ever look there." And with that Kaiba turned away as Anzu put it on.

After adjusting to the right place, Anzu asked, "What's going on? Please tell me!"

"They're coming..."

"I don't understand"

"They're coming for you Anzu...but I have a plan."

"Who's coming?!"

"Pegasus and his men. They want you but Pegasus wouldn't hurt you. He probably just wants something. That phsycho get wierder everyday. But anyway, the microphone allows me to hear everything that happens. *sigh* Ok. What I am about to say will shock you." Kaiba turned to look towards her.

"Just say it! I'll do anything!"

"Give yourself up." Anzu couldn't believe what he had just said! Was this some way for him to get rid of her?! Was Kaiba really that cold? She felt totally betrayed but her friends weren't here to help her and what else could she do? Anzu's eyes started to form tears at the thought of what might happen next. Kaiba wiped them away and assured her it would be alright.

"I'm not finished yet. See what he wants! Maybe you can actually settle this. Now remember I can hear everything that happens...now here's the next step" Kaiba took out another piece of small metal and handed it to Anzu. "These will allow me to talk to you without anyone else hearing. So I can tell you what to do, ok?"

Anzu nodded and took a deep breath. This was all happening so fast and she tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Ok I'll be hiding in the garage when they come. I know they come and you just give yourself up. They won't hurt you that way and when they leave I'll follow them. Don't worry I'll be with you the entire way! You can even hear me!" Again Anzu just nodded. "Don't worry. Pegasus is a freak who's on crack. His body guards are his only protection and if it wasn't for them, you could easily kick his butt!" Anzu smiled, a little relieved after hearing this fact.

The silence ended with a loud knock on the door. The door bell rang constantly and the sound of people outside was heard. Anzu's heart starting beating rapidly.

"They're here" Kaiba said sternly.

"Oh no..." Anzu was still nervous and still not completely ready.

"You'll do fine" And with that, Kaiba went closer to her face and they kissed their FIRST kiss that lasted only 3 seconds. (awww...) Kaiba was kinda surprised at what he just did but there wasn't time to think. "You'll be ok"

Kaiba left her and Anzu stood there for a second before going over to answer the door and she did as she was told. She turned the front door knob and there were at least 7 tall guards outside.

"Are you with Pegasus?" Anzu had to ask. They nodded and she went with them silently. All of the went to their own cars and escorted Anzu who was in the main limo. She sat quietly and fidgeted with her skirt. Suddenly she heard Kaiba's voice start talking to her.

"Anzu, Kaiba here. What ever you do, don't answer back. Just listen! Others around you might know that you have an earpiece if you answer. So anyway I'm following the escort right now. So don't worry, ok? Don't answer that!" From his motorcycle, Kaiba heard Anzu's rapid heartbeat and breathing. 'She's nervous. I don't blame her though. The only thing for me to do is follow and watch. If things go wrong...we'll just have to escape.'

Soon Anzu arrived at a fairly large building. There seemed to be only two floors but it was still pretty big. Once inside, Anzu couldn't believe what she was seeing...it was pink!! There were large Funny Bunny statues everywhere. Anzu and her escort went up the escalators to the second floor. There was glass railing that lined the second floor and over looked the first. They went inside a set of doors with the image of Funny Bunny on it. The men left Anzu once inside and closed the door behind them. Sitting at the end of a large marble table was Pegasus, talking to a Funny Bunnt stuffed animal. Anzu made a fake cough so that Pegasus would notice she was waiting there.

After a while Pegasus finally spoke, "Hello Anzu...Anzy-girl"

O.o From her earpiece, Anzu could hear laughing from Pegasus's last remark. 'Anzy? Where did he get that from? What a loser. Kaiba was right.' Anzy-girl was NOT the nickname Anzu had wanted.

"So what do YOU want?" Anzu was a bit annoyed again.

"Ooo good question. What I want is your limited edition rare Funny Bunny Coloring Book."

"Wha? Why would I have something like that?"

"Oh It was released about 7 years ago. I know you have it, I have my sources you know. Now I want to add it to my collection."

"Wait...so you went through all that trouble just to get a stupid coloring book from me?! How stupid can you get?! Now I was almost kidnapped just for that?"

"Well we tried asking but you weren't home, Anzy-girl. So we just searched your room but it wasn't there either. Then we came to the conclusion that you ran away with this priceless treasure just to keep it away from me. Now you know how much I want it so hand it over. Or else..." Pegasus grinned evily.

"Well I don't have it! Probably threw it away a long tim ago! I don't have any use for it so there! What are you going to do now?"

"What?! Threw it out?! Such a valuable collectable?! Just thrown out? *dramatic pose* How can this happen?!" Pegasus was shocked beyond belief. He was totally obsessed with Funny Bunny. Even had cards such as the famous and powerful Toon World Card. "You must be an enemy of Funny Bunny! And you know what I do to enemies." There was a glint in his eye, showing that he had something planned.

"Umm...." Anzu started to back away from the Pegasus and slowly headed towards the door. Pegasus got up from his seat and headed towards Anzu.

"I'll just steal your soul. That's all. Add another one to my collection! Oh well I might not be able to add something to my Funny Bunny collection but at least then I can add you to my soul collection! This isn't so bad anymore!"

'Oh no! He's coming for my soul!!' Anzu began to breathe rapidly again and her heart beat hastened. Kaiba from where ever he was heard this and heard all about what Pegasus planned to do. "Anzu! Run! Keep him busy and I'll be outside the room in a minute!" Anzu heard this and ran across the room trying to dodge Pegasus. Pegasus was trying to jump Anzu and hold her still. Soon the bodyguards from before came in and ganged up on Anzu.

An engine sound came from right out the door. The bodyguards and Pegasus crowded around Anzu now until somebody ran up and kicked one. He fell and Kaiba was right behind them. It was such a surprise to see him that they didn't react quick enough. Kaiba punched down a couple whil Pegasus continued to walk towards Anzu. Anzu didn't know what to do until...she jumped onto Pegasus and they fought in the anime style cloud of smoke. Soon all the bodyguards were down but still conscious. They mumbled, groaned, and started to get up again. One of them even called for backup and after hearing that, Kaiba grabbed Anzu, who was now pulling Pegasus's hair. They ran out of the room where Anzu found Kaiba's motorcycle parked right there on the second floor.(I told you it was convenient and easy to access!) So they both got on with Anzu in the back and Kaiba in the front. Kaiba took in a deep breat while put her arms around his neck.

It took off and they headed for the escalators. 'Oh my god! I hope we're not going down the escalator in this!' They didn't go down it though. No they didn't. Instead Kaiba headed towards the glass railing right next to the escalator and the motorcycle jumped right above it!! They were both sitting on the motorcycle with it in mid-air, about to land on the first floor. 'I hope we land! I'm too young to die! I'm so glad Kaiba knows how to ride this thing! Thank God!'

They were still in mid-air and falling down fast too! Kaiba leaned hard on the motorcycle so that his leg got a tight grip around it and he let go of the handles. He grabbed Anzu's hands, which were still around his neck so that they wouldn't get seperated just incase one of them fell off. Luckily though, they landed perfectly and then motorcycle continued on its path, still on the first floor.

Backup had aready arrive and there were about a dozen women in business suits there. Most of them were shooting at them too! (Us girls can do anything right?!) Kaiba dodged them with the motorcycle and headed towards a group of the women and even tried running them over. They jumped out of the way of course and then motorcycle crushed their guns. However, Anzu could feel the bullets whiffing past her, bearly missing. Kaiba now zoomed towards the second group of women and did the same thing. All but two guns were crushed now and Anzu was feeling helpless. He held on to Kaiba's waist now and was holding real tight too! One of the women picked up the uncrushed guns and ran right towards them, so Anzu decided to finally take action. The motorcycle ran right towards the lady and Anzu kicked her soooo hard that the gun fell out of her hands, as she clutched her stomach. (Must of been a really hard blow! Yea! Go Anzu!)

The gun flew in mid-air and Anzu grabbed it. Did she even know how to use it? Well it was time to find out! There was a pink garage door blocking their way and the only way to open it was by pressing a little red button on the side. Of course stopping would cause some of the security men to catch up to them so Anzu...as hard as it might seem...aimed the gun and pressed the trigger. It sped right towards the button...and....and....HIT IT!!! Alright! The garage door slowly opened up. The two almost wouldn't have made it through because it was still creaking up slowly. So they ducked their heads the the door was less that an inch above them. They made it! But barely did.

Shouts from the men was heard and they still hadn't finished the escape yet. There was a forest up ahead and there was also the city. It was hard to decide which one to hide in. The forest of course would be dark and hard for the men to find them. But then city was large with so many people. But to Anzu's surprise, they didn't go in neither. Kaiba just stopped out in the field infront of the Funny Bunny building and took some kind of small metal rod from his trench coat. (It looks like the kind Heero from Gundam Wing uses to blow things up.) Kaiba held the metal rod and pressed the red button on it's top. A sudden explosion came from the top floor and fire spread through the entire place! Although they were still quite a distance away from the building, both could still feel the intensity of the heat.

"That should get rid of them." Kaiba said evilly. Anzu looked at him with shock. Did Kaiba just blow that whole building up, killing the people inside? Anzu couldn't and wouldn't believe this. "Don't worry. It's not like I really killed them or anything. At least not most of them. Pegasus probably escaped already. He always manages to. And his people actually do kill and steal souls so it's not like we would get into any kind of trouble. The police have probably been after him for a while and we just saved them the trouble. Pegasus has just losed his little cartoon palace." Kaiba laughed at that. Anzu too was a bit relieved that they didn't really do anything wrong.

*A helicopter flies over them and continues past them.*

"Should we shoot them boss?"

"Heh heh. No. We can leave Kaiba-boy and Anzy-girl. There's no need to really steal their souls or anything like that. I'm a sensible gentlemen who's give mercy to the needy."

'Is this finally over? I still get the feeling that he'll come back again.' Anzu looks up at Kaiba who's just standing in the middle of the field. She walks right next to him and they both gaze at the city. It was getting late now, they had spent a couple of hours at this...Funny Bunny place. It was late in the afternoon when Anzu was taken and night had come. Kaiba looked a bit spaced out.

"Umm...Kaiba?" Kaiba blinked and regained a sense of reality. He tended to go daydreaming a lot and often too. Anzu looked at him with a sad and worriful face.

"Let's go" That was all he had to say and they rode on his motorcycle back to the city. Anzu hung onto him throughout the ride and was deep in thought. What he had last said...'let's go' wasn't kind or cold. It seemed indifferent...maybe even a bit of annoyance there too. Anzu thought about this. 'Am I a burden to him? I mean what else could he have done but save me. Even somebody like Kaiba isn't that evil. But then again...he did risk his life to save me! But it was so sudden that of course he couldn't have called anyone else to come instead of him...but then again...there was plenty of time during my conversation with Pegasus for some backup to come up...but then again...' Anzu fought against herself. Her min against her heart. Did Kaiba really like her?

It was so hard to decide. At the same time Kaiba was also deep in thought. It was a miracle that he could also concentrate on driving that motorcycle! 'What will happen next? I've saved Anzu...she's going to thank me. But are we just going to become classmates again? Enemies even? Should I even tell her how I feel? Is there even a point? I just don't see why i should tell her...I'll only be rejected. Saving her from that stupid Pegasus won't change anything between us.' Kaiba sighed and saw the city was coming closer and closer.

"Kaiba-san? Where...umm...are we going?"

"We're..." Kaiba actually didn't even think about where their next destination would be. 'Maybe to pick Mokuba up from Yugi's? Maybe take Anzu back home? Maybe back to the mansion and rest? So many 'maybe's...maybe to tell her how i feel? WHOA!! Where did that one come from?!' Kaiba shook himself out of his thinking. "We're going to Yugi's. Mokuba is over there and I'm sure they'll be glad to see that you're alright again."

"Oh. Alright then." Anzu tightened her grip over Kaiba as they continued riding towards town. The lights glowed even brighter as they made their way towards the downtown area. Soon they were in front of the Turtle Game Shop. It was already closed so Anzu got up from the motorcycle and slowly trudged over to the door. She knocked a couple of times. There was no doorbell. Finally a dark figured ran over towards the door and flipped the light switch. It was Yugi! His face turned from shock to joy as he saw his best friend outside the door.

"Hey there Anzu! Are you alright?!", Yugi gasped. Anzu smiled warmly at her friend and walked inside. Kaiba was outside and witnessed the whole scene. He was a bit jealous about Anzu's over friendliness towards his rival. Would Yugi become his rival in both Duel Monsters and Love?!

"Umm Kaiba? Are you going to just stand there or are you going to join us?" Yugi saw Kaiba staring that the ground, thinking. Kaiba shot his head up immediately and walked into the shop. Anzu was already talking to Mokuba, who was being his hyper self.

"Seto! You're back!" Mokuba made a mad dash towards his brother. Everyone laughed as Mokuba literally jumped onto Kaiba. Jono and Honda were also there. They decided to just spend the night there since they already had the night before. Everyone except for Kaiba gathered around Anzu, inquiring upon the situation. They nodded at every sentence Anzu told them and listened with insterest. They couldn't believe that Pegasus would be so obsessed with his cartoons that he would want Anzu just for her coloring book. Of course they were in awe when she said that he wanted her soul after she mentioned throwing out the collector's item.

"That Pegasus is soo stupid!", Honda shouted. The others said things like:

"We should play some pranks on the fool!"

"What a LAME-O!!!"

Everyone enjoyed laughing and talking about Pegasus behind his back. Everyone except for Kaiba. He said nothing and stared at them the entire time. 'Do they say these things about me when I'm not listening? Yugi and his friends do hate me after all. Is this what they do?'

At least, everyone had their fun and Anzu left with Kaiba and Mokuba. She said that since all her stuff was at the mansion, she'd stay there anyway. Kaiba had to call a limo because the motorcycle didn't have enough room for three. They slowly walked up to the main door after arriving. Each were way to tired to actually go to their rooms so they collapsed on the couch. Mokuba turned the tv on while Kaiba and Anzu rested their heads on the pillows nearby. All three watched the tv as Mokuba flipped through the channels until suddenly stopping on one peticular one. They started laughing like crazy once they saw what was on. It was the late news with Pegasus!

Pegasus had returned to the Funny Bunny Palace later that night and was being interviewed by some newswoman. She was sobbing making dramatic sighs and pouts.

"And then...the girl pulled my beautiful hair!! I was totally shocked to learn she had simply tossed away the coloring book" Pegasus burst into to a hysterical cry. "That...poor valuable Funny Bunny coloring book!" He was speaking into the microphone. Then from nowhere, he grabbed his Funny Bunny plushie and started talking to it...as if he were comforting the doll. The newswoman just sweat dropped at the sight. "Yes...well...ummm *cough*" The woman stared at Pegasus and his doll. "Do you have anything else to say?" The microphone was now right in front of Pegasus's face.

"Hey give us some privacy won't ya?" And Pegasus then continued comforting the plushie.

The trio continued laughing at the sight and Mokuba finally turned the tv off. They wiped off their tears from the laughter and was trying to settle down. But somehow couldn't and continued making jokes about Pegasus. Soon it was late enough and there was school the next day. Mokuba ran off to bed while Anzu and Kaiba were left walking down the hall. Anzu turned to her room while Kaiba simply walked past his.

Anzu didn't understand what he was doing and decided to quietly trail him. After a while, Kaiba walked up a flight of stairs which seemed to lead to a balcony. Anzu was still close behind him, trying to not make a sound.

"I know you're there, Anzu" Somehow Kaiba noticed and Anzu froze in place. Kaiba turned around and wondered while she was following him.

"Umm...so...what are you doing?" Kaiba didn't answer that question and walked to the side where there was a somewhat large telescope mounted into the floor. he peered into is and smiled at what he saw. "What is it?" Anzu walked slowly towards him and Kaiba signaled to come see. She looked in and saw a bright fire ball shooting through the night sky. (Of course we all know that comets are made out of ice.) Anzu looked away from the telescope and her attention was now towards Kaiba.

"This...comet...it comes around this time every year. It...nevermind" Kaiba stopped talking and looked downwards. Anzu didn't know what to say of course. She wanted to know what he was about to say.

"What so special about this?"

"Well...this comet comes around the same time I..."

"You what?"

"When I...lost my parents..." Kaiba walked towards and railing and stared into space. Anzu didn't even think about Kaiba loosing his parents. She simply that they were on business trips like her parents were. Now she understood while he was the owner of Kaiba corp. and not his parents.

"I'm...so sorry...but I understand how you feel." At this last remark, Kaiba wonder how she would know how he felt. 'How would she know. It's not like her parents are dead or anything. Athough I never have seen her parents.'

"Hey Anzu. Where are your parents anyway?"

"Mine? Well you see my parents are important people in their company. So they need to travel around. You see that's why they only stay at the house for about a month each year. It was either that or I would have to move around the world constantly. And that wouldn't be good. My parents say that I should stay in one spot so that I could study in school and keep my friends. So basically my parents move from city to city. Country to country all the time."

"Oh. I see...but it's not the same."

" *Anzu looks away from Kaiba* I know..."

" *breathes heavily* I wish they didn't leave though." Kaiba's eyes started to tear up and Anzu even thought he might start crying right there. She walked up closer to him and tried comforting her rescuer.

"It's ok...there are people here for you Kaiba..." Anzu tried smiling, trying to make him feel better. Kaiba's looked up only to gaze into Anzu's eyes and their faces moved even closer. Soon it was only a couple of centimeters away as they closed their eyes, about to kiss....

"SETO!! BIG BROTHER!", Mokuba bursted in just as their lips were about to touch. They pulled away instantly and began blushing madly. Mokuba, being the young one and all didn't understand what they were doing and had a look of innocence. He then spotted some water around Kaiba's eyes...

"Seto? Were you about to cry? It looks like you have tears in your eyes." Kaiba grew more embarrassed until Anzu stepped in.

"Don't worry Mokuba! Those are tears of laughter! We were just making fun of Pegasus some more! That's all!" 'Oh god. I hope he buys it.'

"Well this is what I wanted to show you!" Mokuba held a drawing in his hand as Anzu took it. Her face couldn't hold in the laughter and couldn't stop it either. Kaiba looked at his brother's art and he too began laughing. Mokuba grinned evilly at it after looking at the drawing again.

"I got an idea! *laughs even more!* I wanna let the guys see it! Then we can..*laughs even harder* send it to Pegasus!!!" Anzu continued her laughing while Kaiba was starting to calm down a bit.

"Mokuba. You're evil." Kaiba said humorously.

"I know. heh heh." Mokuba grined even more. "But it's late! We should all go to sleep now! Big kids like you always seem to stay up all night long! So I'm going to make sure you guys come!" Mokuba literally dragged Anzu and Kaiba away. He pushed Anzu into her room and did the same with Kaiba. Mokuba was actually that last one to enter his own room.

And before you knew it, morning and sprung up! The day passed by usually. Anzu joined her friends, Mokuba went to school, and Kaiba was alone. Everything was usual. Kaiba's eyes wandered towards Anzu though but that also usual now. She laughed and talked and did everything she usually did. One time their eyes even met, causing them to blush more. They didn't forget what happened last night though...especially with Mokuba's intrusion. It was just so embarrassing to think about and so they both avoided each other as best they could. After school was quite uncomfortable because Anzu would have to leave with Kaiba to pick up her stuff. Today, they walked home...silently and quietly. Both stared at the concrete sidewalk, not knowing what to say.

Kaiba glanced at Anzu for half a second before going to think. 'Why isn't she talking? Usually she would say something...This is so uncomfortable. I wish Mokuba was here. Maybe I should say something...yea but what? I know how about asking how she is. If she's getting along well after the Pegasus thing...yea that's it...'

At the same time, Anzu was having thoughts too. 'I don't like this...it's soo quiet.' Anzu looked at Kaiba and saw that he was talking to himself within his mind. It wasn't hard to see because of his changing face expressions. 'I wonder what he's thinking about...oh I'm glad I'm leaving today. I know I've caused him stress...maybe I should apologize...yea and thank him. Yea that's it!'

"Um...so about the Pegasus thing" They said at the same time, almost in full harmony. "Uh sorry you go first" They said that at the same time too. It was a bit strange and caused them to blush a little. Neither knew what to say and who should talk first.

So finally Anzu decided to talk. Kaiba wasn't the talkative type so she rather have said something now than wait in more silence. "Soo...I uh wanted to thank you for putting up with me." They turned the corner and headed towards the park. This was the fastest way to get to Mokuba's school. "Well...umm...yea thanks...ALOT" 'Oh! Why can't I tell him how sorry I am for being a burden?! That's the most important part!!' Anzu sighed to herself and didn't say anything else, which meant it was Kaiba's turn.

"It was the right thing to do. You traumatized Pegasus and I should thank you for that. I mean...seeing him talk to a doll on tv was pretty funny." He laughed (at least he tried to laugh)to himself then turned to Anzu who was also smiling to herself. "You ok? After all that?"

"yea I'm ok...I know that I was a-"

"Big Brother!! There you are! Hey Anzu!" Mokuba ran over and interrupted her. (AGAIN!!)

"I know I was a burden..." Anzu whispered quietly to herself. The other two didn't hear it of course. Mokuba was doing all the talking now so Anzu and Kaiba dropped the subject. They still hadn't expressed their feelings for each other. But sooner or later, they will. Sooner or Later...

Weeks had passed now. Both avoided each other as usual but didn't know why. Was it because it was just embarrassing? Was it because they both failed at attempts of confessing their love? It was both. They knew it and it was both. Although they tried avoiding each other, it didn't mean they didn't stare. Anzu and Kaiba's eyes would meet quite often everyday in school. That's why both grew even more nervous.

But eventually all that would change... Yugi already knew about Anzu's feelings for Kaiba from the start. Eventually even Mokuba noticed. Jonouchi and Honda...well they're more...of the oblivious type. So it was Yugi and Mokuba who planned to bring them together. Would it work? Maybe...maybe not...


In another part of the world, Pegasus was opening his mail. He had calmed down a bit after the whole Funny Bunny incident but started talking to his doll more often now. He opened one envelope without even looking to see who it was from and took out a drawing. Little did he know it was the one Mokuba had sent...

"AHHHH *in a girlish tone* How dare they insult me!!" Pegasus gasped at the picture. It was of him holding his Funny Bunny doll. He had a huge deformed head and was crying in the anime style. From the side, there was also Anzu, Kaiba, and Mokuba. They were pointing at Pegasus with evil looks and laughing! Pegasus shook his head in disbelief and found comfort from his ever-so loyal Funny Bunny doll. He started talking to it once more...in his insane little way...

August 29, 2002

I've finished the fanfic! It's already been posted and I've got some great reviews!! The person who posted the most was Blue-Kool-Aid! She's real nice and enthusiastic! It's soo nice! So far I'm posting my entries everyday! Now that I'm done there's gonna be a sequel! Mokuba and Yugi are like gonna help Kaiba and Anzu confess their love with all these crazy things! i hope it'll be funny! I don't know the title yet though..maybe...Antics of Love....hmm..maybe...but anyway...there's also this other person who wanted tmore romance. It's not all muchy stuff you know!! This is like gonna be funnny!

Well anyway, I got more clothes for school! I'm trying to look real cool but not too over board. I don't know what I'll wear on the first day..maybe my blue jeans..and i don't know what shirt though...maybe that new red shirt...maybe...and I'm really looking forward to seeing Pete and Nick! It's Pete Kozak and Nick Chavez. I was like...i don't know night dreaming i guess and it was about them! One of the scenes, i was cuddling up with pete while we were like standing there or something. There were other kids there too from like our school but i was just like holding his arm and we were standing near this hole...I don't remember that rest though. Just that part. It was sooo cool! And i really wanna do that in real life! Hopefully he'll like me...I really hope so. But i like talked to Dan mak on sunday and his school started on monday! He said that PV wouldn't be so bad because the rivervale kids were hot. But then she said just the girls...is that all guys think about? I mean that dan...he's soo innocent and everything...if he's like that...what about the others? That's just so confusing.

Well lol I better start the sequel now!!: It was her turn for duty today and she was still tired. Anzu lazily walked into the classroom to find nobody else there...of course nobody would be there...school would start in an hour! She hated being on duty. Being on duty meant coming to clean the chalk board, the desk, and other tasks before school. Usually there was also a partner but Anzu's partner still hadn't arrived yet. And so, Anzu dumped her bag on her seat and left with the small flower vase. She would have to refill the water in there or else the flowers would die. So she stepped out and left the room.

Once Anzu had turned the corner, another figure walked into the classroo. He also saw nobody else there and he also hated being on duty. Looks like Anzu's partner would be none other than Seto Kaiba!

Kaiba placed his bag carefully by his seat and was took a bucket out of the closet. He decided that he would wash the desks this morning and left to fetch some water. As he rounded the corner, Anzu turned at the same time with her vase full of water. They literally crashed into each other. Kaiba dropped his empth bucket on the floor while Anzu's vase went flying in the air!

Kaiba caught it and gave it back to Anzu, without saying a word. He picked his bucket up and left to get the water. Anzu was left, sitting on the floor and deep in thought. 'So I'm on duty with Kaiba...great...I'm gonna so embarrass myself! What am I going to say? It'll be so quiet! Great...' Anzu walked back into the classroom and cleaned the chalkboard in silence when Kaiba finally returned. She got nervous and tried to do her job perfectly.

'Why isn't she saying anything? Usually she would start a conversation...Maybe I should say something? No I'll just make a fool out of my self. Instead...I'll concentrate on cleaning these desk and I'll do it fast too. That'll impress her!' Kaiba quickly did all the desks perfectly and possible in record time! Anzu finished the rest of the tasks and they were both finished now. With half an hour to spare!

"uh..." Kaiba broke the silence now but didn't know what to say. "Ummm...we got a response from Pegasus."

"Response? About what?" Anzu didn't know what he was talking about. When did they need a response? And to what?

"Well Mokuba finally sent that drawing of his to Pegasus. And Pegasus sent us an response to it." Kaiba reached into this pocket and took out a letter. He gently handed it to Anzu who read it very carefully. Little by little, she started to crack up.

Mooki-boy and Kaiba-boy,

That picture was just horrible. You has corrupted both Funny Bunny and me. Don't think you'll get away with this! Funny Bunny fainted after looking that that atrocity! Now he's in a coma! How dare you! This is all your fault! Funny Bunny isn't saying anything to me! Is he going to...die?! *gasp* I won't let you!!


"*laughs wildly* Funny Bunny in a coma?! Oh my gosh! What are we going to do?" Kaiba and Anzu smiled evilly at the thought. They then started laughing at Pegasus and making fun of him. That's how the morning was spent until Yugi walked in. At that point, they stopped immediately as Yugi grinned. He knew they both liked each other and actually thought they might have been flirting. Or even better, maybe they already confessed! Yugi walked over to Anzu, who was sitting next to Kaiba at the time and whispered in her ear.

"So I'm thinking you already told him how you feel. Did you tell him that you liked him yet?" Kaiba wasn't able to hear but he saw that Anzu started to blush. That blush was quite visible too and caused Kaiba to become jealous.

'What did he just say?! It was obviously a secret because we're the only three in here! I hate Yugi!' Kaiba was getting even angrier and more jealous by the second. He almost couldn't control it when Anzu turned and look right at him! His anger turned to nervousness and didn't know what to do. Anzu just stared at him and smiled. Kaiba was about to smile back but then realized that Yugi was here! So instead he turned away and walked to his seat. Bakura arrived next and started talking to Yugi and Anzu.

Anzu wasn't paying attention though. She eyed the lonely Kaiba. Kaiba listened to the conversation, there was nothing better to do. He looked up and saw Anzu staring at him. They both looked away instantly and didn't dare look at each other for the day.

August 30, 2002

Ok news! I'm not going to make it into a sequel! I'm just going to continue it! So here it goes again! I don't really know what to do!!

School ended in the afternoon obviously. Yugi and Mokuba decided to put their plan into action. They're not he sneaky and cunning type so their plan wasn't exactly the best. All the would do is bring them together and let them do their own thing. In anyone else's opinion...well that plan was very basic. But in Yugi and Mokuba's mind, it was the best thing ever.

So Mokuba dragged his brother home right away. After begging and begging, Mokuba finally got his Seto to go to the movies with him. At the same time, Yugi was trying to get Anzu to go to the movies without Jono or Honda. Those two would mess everything up for sure! When the two groups go to the movies, everything was set up. It was a dark theater and somehow the two little plotters got Kaiba and Anzu to sit together without them knowing.

Each thought the other was some stranger. The movie was of course a romantic and depressing one. One that would make anyone cry...especially the sensitive Anzu. At one scene literally the whole audience was cryin, except for Kaiba of course. Kaiba turned to the right seat to see how Mokuba was enjoying it but he wasn't there! 'Maybe he sat in the other seat?' So Kaiba turned to look t his left and gasped at the sight. He could barely see who it was but it was Anzu! She was crying at the sad scenes and Kaiba was just staring at her.

Anzu looked even more beautiful while crying and Kaiba could look at her forever. He wanted to get her attention but in a more...unique way. So he pulled out a tissue and handed it to her. Anzu, of course, just saw a tissue right in her face. She turned to her left and saw it was Kaiba! He was being nice enough to give her a tissue. Anzu smiled at him and he smiled back...at least as best her could.

"Arigatou...Seto-san" She called her Seto! (In Japan, you use their family names out of respect and their first name if you know them well...or if you're really close)

The movie ended minutes later and Anzu stopped crying. Sad movies are supposed to purify one's self and that's what it did. Anzu felt all happy and a bit hyper too. The hyperness of course was a good thing because she was now more eager to do things. Anzu then noticed that Yugi was gone so she walked out of the theater with Kaiba. Right outside was Yugi and Mokuba playing duel monsters.

Anzu walked up to the two. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're playing duel monsters of course! Why don't you and big brother go take a walk or something while we're playing!"


"Or are you afraid? *Mokuba grins* I know you guys'll get bored if you just watch us!"

"Ummm...well..." Yugi stepped in and saw that Mokuba was losing this battle. They had intended for the two to take a walk...ALONE. And again, these two aren't matchmaking masterminds...or else they would have a better plan.

"Well Anzu, the sun is setting and people are starting to come out of the theater. We just thought that maybe a walk would be good and then you wouldn't have to wait for us to finish our duel. That's all!" Yugi tried looking innocent but that didn't quite convince Anzu and Kaiba. There was no reason to...so why do it? Mokuba was getting impatient now....

"Just do it already! Seto and Anzu go take a walk!" Kaiba and Anzu sweat dropped.

"Why?" Kaiba now spoke...he knew Mokuba was up to something.

"Because...uhh...spectators make me nervous now go!" Mokuba started pushing Anzu and Kaiba across the street and into the forest. They tried to resist but couldn't. Mokuba said that they weren't allowed to come out until they both said something...

"Say something? Say what?" Kaiba became confused and curious. He looked at Mokuba, who was forcing them to take a 'walk'.

"*grins* You'll know what to say! *grins evilly some more and runs back to Yugi*" Both sweat drop some more after seeing the hyper ball of hair disappear.

"Uh ok...well then....ummm..." So the two took their walk that was forced upon them. Mokuba said they weren't allowed out until they both said something...say what?!

Unexpectedly, their walk brought them deep in the forest. It looked a bit familiar...soon they arrived at a fairly large lake. Now they knew where this was! It was the same place that Kaiba saw Anzu dancing that day! The day when Kaiba saved Anzu from that gas! The two found a large rock/boulder to sit on and stared into the water. Silence prevailed...Anzu was going to break this silence...First of all she hated when nobody talked and second of all she was still kinda hyper.

"Ummm soo you remember this place?"

"Yea..." Kaiba nodded, still not looking at Anzu.

"That day...it was...strange...and I have to admit something..."

Kaiba looked at her with curiousity. Would Anzu be the one to confess her love?!

"Umm well...I'm sorry...for being a burden..." Well! Guess not! No confession here. Kaiba looked down. He was expecting her to say something else. The somethng that both kept to themselves. They both had a feeling the other liked them but neither were sure. Both were always way to nervous and afraid...afraid that maybe they were wrong...afraid that maybe the other would feel hatred.

"It's ok...you weren't a burden."

"I wasn't?! Really?!"

"I really liked having you with me. And beating up Pegasus was fun too...and..." Kaiba almost...almost said it...almost...He lost his nerves and studdered... "And...I...I..."

Anzu wanted to really hear what he was going to say. He was going to confess! But was lost for words... aww...Anzu went closer to him just to hear those words. She tilted her head to the side as if she were innocently wondering what he would say. Anzu continued to wait for several seconds but Kaiba still studdered with those little three words.


"love you." Kaiba turned towards Anzu with shock and surprise. Wow...he thought he was expecting to hear that...but still he was surprised. Anzu had finished his sentence perfectly. They smiled at each other warmly and were both relieved that the other returned their feelings. From a distance, they both heard sobbing.

They looked around and then saw a figure bending down towards the water....it was...PEGASUS! He held Funny Bunny (the doll) in his hands and left it to drift in the water. Then he held a tissue to his eyes and wiped away tears. (All of this was pretty dramatic...over dramatic.) He took out a red rose and left it to float to Funny Bunny while the doll began to slowly sink. Then Pegasus grabbed a trumpet out of nowhere and began playing that...funeral military song. He sobbed some more...

Kaiba and Anzu at first sweat dropped with disbelief then laughed from their rock. Was Pegasus giving Funny Bunny a...funeral?! Ha! Pegasus looked towards the laughing and slowly walked towards them...His head was hung low...

"It's...*sniff* soo sad...He was *sniff* such a good friend! But he died...after his coma!! *Jumps up defensively* ALL because of You!! *points at Anzu and Kaiba*" Pegasus then walked away, deep into the forest.

Anzu laughed even more at the sight. How can a doll die? She leaned on Kaiba for support, he too was also laughing a bit. They soon leaned on each other for support, or else they would fall to the ground laughing. Soon their laughter ended and their eyes met. There would be no interruption this time and they slowly closed in for their first official kiss of love.

It was a bit light and a bit long. But it was nice...the sun setted in the distance...as they continued gazing at each other. Both smiled in content and soon they left the woods together...

Today was a day filled with joy and happiness. Nothing was going to shatter the beautiful moment. But would it really last?

August 30, 2002

Ok!! I think I'm finished! Maybe I'll write another story about them joining together but right now i'm...well..relieved that I'm finished! It was fun while it lasted but good things always end...but then again...Good things come to those who wait! So who knows whether I'm going to write another one! Most probably I will! This story started because of an inspiration. I had a dream and that dream was about the motocycle part. Except it wasn't Anzu and Kaiba. It was me and some other guy.(not a punkish dude though lol) Once I get another inspiration I'll write another...but for now...sayonara!

I'm going to put the entry above in my post...the conclusion...I don't know what to write though...I have to think about it. Maybe like how it is it CCS. Just like show little bits and pieces of them being together! I should be good! But i'm going to the mall now so later! -Tifa [3:13 pm]

September 6, 2002

It's been a couple of days since school has started. I've met quite a few kids from the other schools but no real friends. There are a couple of asian girls in the grade too. They're really pretty...i wish i could look pretty too. i'm not sure if they're all smart though but i really hope not. oh and i think i also have a new crush! Well pete has been like not talking to me for a while. We've just basically ignored each other. I still like him though. I don't have ne classes with him, that's y. But this new guy, brian, looks sooo much like billy stayback!! i think he's kinda flirty too but not that much. I have science with him and he's like the smartest kid. I can answer the questions too but he always manages to. I really like him but there's this other asian girl that i don't know who might be a competitor. She hangs out with him and is really trendy and pretty. I hope i win! I've lost soo many crushes over the years that it's depressing. But i'll keep my cool and try to get him like i did with pete and nick. I haven't heard from nick either but i really hope so. Pete really liked me in 7th grade and that was like the most successful year of my life in love! Gotta do it!

September 12, 2002

Been a while, huh? Well now I know that Brian is like...uh kinda strange...but he's cute. I think Tina likes him too. And then there's this guy who I think is a junior named Rob. He's really cute and shy and he always wears a cap! It's soo cute! He's a good drawer too. I met him in my drawing class but I haven't actually talked to him in person. Just like with the other girls near me I somehow talk to him in the group. And then there's nick again!! He actually looked at me like twice!! Today he was like walking home with Dennis and he kept looking at me because i was walking behind him. I think that dennis might have had a crush on me and that's why they're friends too. Wow...nick...he's soo cute! And kinda shy but still kinda flirty. lol sigh....

Wish me luck! I'm probably going to the mall this weekend! I gotta get some thing tank tops as a replacement for bras. and I'm gonna get some fruit scented perfume to spray on me after gym class. I don't wanna stink!

September 16, 2002

Ok I think i really like this boy...John Lee!! He's like soo cute! I think he has braces too but they'll come off! And like at first i just thought he was like eww...ok normal but then on friday i saw that his face was like perfectly clear and clean! I just love it! And i also found out that Gretchen likes Ross. I don't know his last name but it's not Ross Goldberg. It's something else but neway right now he sits next to me in math class and gretchen sits behind him. i really don't think he likes her but i think that he likes me because i see him staring at me sometimes. This is likes in all the shows n movies. I just hope he likes me but doesn't ask me out yet. oo yea and i think Johnny (lol i'm gonna call him that from now on!!)well he might be the sun of the carpenter that's finishing out basement! I mean the same last name but he has to be korean...hmmm well neway his kids is supposed to be in the band and i'm not sure if johnny is but I think he is...but i always thought it was a daughter...or well maybe it was a son...lol hope soo!!

Well I'm almost done reading Pride and Prejudice. It's supposed to be romantic but it isn't that much...I've read better on Fanfiction.net. It's been a while since my last story but i think i'm gonna write another one. This time it's about Sesshoumaru and Kagome...but I don't have a plot yet...oh well that can change! So i wanna start right now!! Wai! wai!! lol just like kero!!

Here it goes...how bout in blue this time?? purple?? nah...blue

The small pebble went flying across the dirt ground. With another kick, Kagome sent it even farther. It was your basic gloomy day with Inuyasha and the others. Not that many of the Shikon no Tama shards were around lately. At least none that were close enough to be sensed. Inuyasha trailed behind the rest. He was complaining about his brother, Sesshoumaru, who attempted to steal Tetsusaiga again and once again battled for it.

Kagome stepped in this time preventing Inuyasha from getting hurt. Accidentally she shot a powerful blast from her hand, sending Sesshoumaru flying into a nearby river. And with that, the group fled and continued walking like they were now. Who knew when Sesshoumaru would find them, he wasn't knocked unconscious or anything.


"Stupid hanyou...stupid...humans...stupid!!" Sesshoumaru dried off his wet clothes and sniffed the air. After a while he finally picked of some strange scent. The scent was human but was covered with something sweeter and very different. Along with that sweet scent, Sesshoumaru also picked up Inuyasha's scent and thus followed it.

Soon the smell was getting stronger and closer so Sesshoumaru lept from tree to tree and even flew most of the way. His eyes twitched in disgust at what he saw below him. It was Sango beating up Miroku and Shippou running around Kagome. Inuyasha was perched up in a nearby tree pouting. ~*~

Kagome had a lot on her mind lately. After the little incident with Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha was very annoyed at her interference. She turned to look at Inuyasha but jolted right back when she saw that he was staring at her...well more like glaring at her. Although this wasn't really unusual, it made her a bit nervous. And to add to her already growing headache, Shippou was prancing around her and singing. Usually Kagome would find this cute but on this day, she was quite irritable for some reason. Sure there was Inuyasha...but something just wasn't right inside of her...

Kagome tensed up to listen and then tried to relax but this just made things worse. She could hear Sango slapping Miroku for actions he usually did. She heard Shippou's happy chatter and Inuyasha muttering. All of this added to that headache she was building up and made her even more annoyed at everyone...


Sesshoumaru noted the weakness of Inuyasha's group. They weren't even on their guard but instead were carrying out their own business. He got ready to jump them...maybe do something drastic. He wanted to kill the monk because he was just...well...a pervert...he could see that clearly. He wanted to kill Sango because she acted all tough with that heavy boomerang. He wanted to kill that annoying Shippou because he just got in the way. But most of all he wanted to kill Kagome. She was obviously linked to Inuyasha very closely and killing her would hurt Inuyasha emotionally. Kagome, a WOMAN, had even dared to attack him while he was engaged in a battle with Inuyasha. After that, Sesshoumaru would hurt his half-brother physically. It all made sense and he was just about to jump down when....

"I...CAN'T...TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. Sango and Miroku froze and just stared at the girl. Shippou jumped in surprise and Inuyasha fell from the tree right into the dirt. "This is sooo annoying! Why must you all be soo annoying! You're giving me such a headache!!" And with that, Kagome stomped off into the woods. This most recent event was very strange and uncharacteristic of her. She usually didn't yell and especially not to her friends. She was foolish, had a headache, and didn't think rationally.

Sesshoumaru almost fell off of his tree at the sudden outburst. His ears hurt from the loudness and he didn't expect for Kagome to do something like that. Especially her since he thought she was a weak and peace loving human. He was wrong about both...well sorta...at least to him. Kagome showed her strength after blasting Sesshoumaru earlier and he thought she wasn't peaceful after her yelling and stomping.


"God!! What is wrong with her!!...wench...damn...woman..." Inuyasha picked himself up to go after Kagome and muttered to himself about how immature she was. After a couple of minutes, he found Kagome sitting on a larger boulder that was situated right next to a lake. "Hey! YOU!! What was THAT for STUPID!!"

Kagome growled to herself. "How many times have I told you!! My name is Ka-Go-Me!! Kagome!! k? Not 'you' and certainly not 'stupid' either!"


At the same time, Sesshoumaru followed his hanyou brother. Maybe he could kill the girl first right in front of Inuyasha. And then maybe he would kill the rest after that...yea!! That sounded like a good plan to Sesshoumaru. Soon he arrived at the lake. The scent of his half-brother and that sweet scent from earlier was present. He hid and listened to their conversation...which wasn't going well.

"Ok then wench! I only-"

"It's not 'wench' either!! My name is Kagome!! Kagome! Are you brain dead or something??" Kagome got off her rock and poked at Inuyasha's head. "Is this getting to you?! KAGOME to Inuyasha! Anyone there?!"

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's wrist in order to stop her persistant poking. "FINE then bitch! It's not wrench!"

This really got Kagome annoyed. Her headache was swelling and hurt even more along with Inuyasha's insults. She grew angrier and a vein popped (anime style of course) on the side of her head. She drew her wrist powerfully away from Inuyasha grip and held her two hands in fists. At an instant she pounced onto Inuyasha and started fighting anime style. There was the traditional puff of smoke with occasional "ouch"s from Inuyasha. Kagome simply kept scolding him on his manners while still beating him up.

Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru looked up with equal surprise and confusion. Who knew this Kagome girl could be so violent?

After releasing her anger on Inuyasha, Kagome dusted herself and walked back to camp. Inuyasha on the other hand was still on the ground with little stars floating about him. Soon enough, he regained control and trotted back to Kagome. Sesshoumaru was left behind in the bushes to rethink his plan. After seeing Kagome viciously attack Inuyasha, her own team member, he couldn't imagine what she would do to him!! Although he would never admit it to anyone outloud.


Night finally came and everyone was settled to sleep. They formed a small circle near the fire pit. After about an hour or so, Sesshoumaru was sure that everyone was asleep. During that hour, he had gathered dry leaves and now he carefully placed it around Inuyasha's group. Now everything was ready and he set the leaves on fire, which made a large ring of fire around the team. Everyone woke up to Shippou's cry of "fire". Everyone of course instinctively ran off before the fire fully engulfed them. However, Kagome accidentally slipped before she fully made it out.

Inuyasha stopped and immediately ran back to help Kagome up. The group ran off into the woods and eventually stopped only when Shippou realized Kagome was gone.


Inuyasha helped Kagome up and then he ran off ahead of her, thinking she was following closely behind. This was not the case though. Right when Inuyasha had ran off Kagome saw the Shikon no Kakera that she had dropped after tripping. So she swiftly ran back into the ring of fire and grabbed it before turning back. The ring of fire grew only stronger though and Kagome was already fully engulfed in it. 'Great...I'm gonna die!! Why did I come back!!'

"Inu-*cough cough*" The smoke got to her now and Kagome's lungs choked on it, making it hard to breathe and even harder to speak.

Above her, Sesshoumaru watched with dissappointment. He was hoping for her to die and especially right in front of his brother. However now she was going to die AND her body was going to get all burnt up. Inuyasha wouldn't even get the chance to find her dead body. 'Oh god why does this happen to me! Now ok...I could just save her now and then kill her...or I could kidnap her and trade her for the tetsusaiga...or I could just leave her here but that baka would just think she was lost or something and wouldn't even get the pleasure of seeing her dead...her body would only be lost beyond recognition.'

At that moment, Sesshoumaru sighed and made up his mind. He would 'save' Kagome now but at least he would have the pleasure of actually killing her himself. And maybe even killing her right in front of Inuyasha. This plan of his wasn't that bad after all. So he dove into the smoke and grabbed Kagome. Already she was about to loose all consciousness from the lack of air but tried to stay awake for she felt herself being lifter away.


The bright streaks of daybreak awoke Kagome from her semi-unconsciousness. True that she wasn't really asleep, more like dazed. So she still didn't know where she was. She sat up reluctantly and brought her hands up to brush away stray strands of hair when she realized they were tied. He feet luckily weren't so she decided it would be much safer to make a run for it before actually thinking rationally. Kagome sped away until she saw what looked like a dirt path through the woods. Finally on the right side of the path stood a large river. From a distance she saw some silver hair which looked very similar to Inuyasha's. Without another thought, Kagome ran towards the silvery white...

"Inuyasha!!" At last there was hope. Kagome would get Inuyasha to untie her and maybe explain a few things. As she closed in, Kagome stopped abruptly as a familiar face stared at her. "Oh no...why..."

"You're awake." He stated with coldness. It was Sesshoumaru! (Wouldn't we have already known that?!)

"Nani...." Kagome ran away down the dirt path. This time instead of going uphill, she was going down the steep path. The path was full of little rocks that often would get in the way. Seconds after, Sesshoumaru was already in front of Kagome as she crashed right into him. Sesshoumaru however, stood his ground and was totally unaffected by the impact while Kagome was sent flat into the ground.

Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru's gold eyes and grimaced as he continued to stare into hers with unrealistic intensity. "What do you want with me? The Shikon no Kakera? Well too bad freak!!"


Sesshoumaru slapped Kagome into the nearest tree. One side of her cheek was now throbbing with pain while the other side of her head ached from the tree. Girls aren't used to being slapped...

"Shut up, human! Do you think I really need the Shikon no Kakera? Or even the Shikon no Tama? I, Sesshoumaru, am the strongest youkai that ever lived. I have no need of your assistance."

"Then why the hell am I here?!" *slap!* Once again, Sesshoumaru slapped Kagome just when the pain started to go away. But this time, the slap was even more powerful.

"And YOU will treat me with more respect. Remember, we are NOT equals."

Several more hours of walking followed until Sesshoumaru decided to stop by a stream to retrieve some more water. He had left Kagome alone for about 10 minutes, which was plenty of time for her to escape. Kagome still had her backpack with her along with her bow and arrows. Before everyone escaped the fire, Kagome made sure to take all of her stuff except for her sleeping bag. It wasn't like she was actually going to sleep with Sesshoumaru around. He could go on for days without rest.

Kagome shuffled through her backpack, which was hard because her hands were still tied up. She found her pocket knife and started picking at the rope. It wasn't really that strong of a rope so after a couple of minutes, it was was broken. There was just enough time for Kagome to run away with all her stuff and so she hastily stood up and ran off into the dark woods. The moon wasn't up that night, making it an advantage for her escape but a disadvantage if any youkai snuck up on her. Youkai would do anything for the Shikon no Kakera and she was carrying a couple of those too.


Inuyasha and Shippou tried sniffing their recent camp site for Kagome. However, the smoke covered most of the scent from yesterday's fire. And with that, Kagome didn't seem to go either north, west, south, or east. Instead she just went above...straight up. It was Sesshoumaru who carried her of course but they didn't know that. Miroku and Sango stood impatiently by the sidelines, waiting for any updates. Unfortunately there were none. They had to conclude that either Kagome died in the fire or somehow escaped without her scent being left behind. It was hard to tell but the other just hoped she had escaped and headed back to Kaede's village. Kagome may have gone back and it was a reasonable explaination.


Sesshoumaru grew angry immediately after realizing Kagome had ran off but he soon calmed down after seeing her mistake. He was even a bit amused to find such faults in that human girl. She didn't even think about Sesshoumaru being able to sniff her out and that's exactly what he did. He followed her scent into the woods and hid behind a tree as he watched her kill several attacking youkai. At one time, he even wanted to go defeat them himself but soon saw that Kagome wasn't a weakling. She had deftly and swiftly dismissed them all with her bow and arrows alone.

With a sigh, Kagome put away her arrows and continued on her walk, oblivious to Sesshoumaru who quietly followed her. After another three hours of walking though the dark, Kagome was totally lost and very tired. Sesshoumaru on the other hand was not tired and didn't understand why a girl with more than average human strength could be so out of energy. She even had several Shikon no Kakeras!!

Kagome leaned on a nearby tree for support. He legs hurt and could barely stand anymore. How long had she been walking? Seemed like forever. Soon Kagome collapsed from sheer exhaustion right there. If it wasn't for Sesshoumaru, it would have been very dangerous because any other youkai could come along any second. However, it was still dangerous with Sesshoumaru following her because he was THE strongest youkai.

Sunrise approached and Sesshoumaru was getting agitated at Kagome's condition. She hadn't woken up yet and he refused to carry her the rest of the way. Where was he going anyway? Finally, Sesshoumaru kicked Kagome on the side to wake her up. As usual, the kick was powerful enough to kill a weak youkai. Kagome shot up after the rush of pain and her eyes widened to see Sesshoumaru hovering over her. He didn't look happy with her at all especially after her attempt of escaping.

Kagome rubbed her eyes and slowly got up. The pair continued their walking once again and didn't stop. Kagome argued or rather insulted Sesshoumaru often, earning her even more beatings. Soon her body was full of scratches and slight red spots from being hit. No longer could she stand it. She would escape this horrible nightmare and wake up seeing Inuyasha!


For a day now, Inuyasha and the group stayed at Kaede's hut. Kagome was no where near this place. So instead of traveling together, they would split up. It was suggested that Shippou stay behind incase Kagome ever came back. He could easily sniff out the rest of the members and tell them about the news. Miroku and Sango, who weren't as strong as Inuyasha, teamed up to search for Kagome in the vast forests. Inuyasha went in another direction where there were more valleys and rivers. Occasionally there were even mountains, waterfalls, more villages, and even more forests. It would be hard but not too tough of a job for the hanyou. They wished each other luck that afternoon and went their seperate ways...

Sango and Miroku encoutered many youkai but none that were an actual challenge for the two. Once they reached the nearest village, Miroku was asked for his services because one of Naraku's youkai had killed several men. After the service was done, they inquired the whereabouts of Kagome but it ended in dissappointment. Not only did they not find Kagome but they now knew that Naraku was nearby or at least WAS nearby.

"When do you think Kagome will be back?"

Kaede looked at the young Shippou with pity. Kagome had become the kitsune's 'mother' and he felt awfully lonely without her. "Soon Shippou. Soon..." That was all she could say. Who actually knew?


Dark storm clouds started to gather above their heads. The slight thunder and violent wind signified that it would be a very trecherous storm. It would show no mercy and would most likely last a long time. Maybe even until the next morning. Luckily for Kagome, she and Sesshoumaru were out of the forests. She could see a nearby mountain and maybe even a valley after that. Mountains usually had some kind of shelter or cave. And maybe the valley would even hold a village. They could certainly rest there. Hopefully Sesshoumaru wouldn't eradicate all the villagers there or else it would be lonely indeed.

Rain started minutes later with the addition of lightning. Kagome shivered in her skirt, very unsuitable for cold conditions. Soon a fairly small cave was ahead and after some pleading from Kagome and some annoyed glares from Sesshoumaru, they stopped. Sesshoumaru could have easily gone through the rain. It really was no big deal but Kagome was getting really annoying so he stopped. The cave turned out to be even smaller than they had thought. It barely allowed them to stand because if they were inches taller, their heads would bang into the ceiling. There was only enough room for two and that was it.

Sesshoumaru sat cross-legged, head on his palms as he stared out into the never ending rain. Besides the occasion squeals from Kagome after every loud thunder hit, all that could be heard was the rain. Kagome was a bit uneasy. Not only did the thunder scare her, but she was stuck in a tiny little cave with the most dangerous and feared youkai! She tried to sit was far as possible from him just incase...

A jolt of lightning hit the nearby tree and along came the loud thunder. The tree fell down with a heavy crash. This all happened in a mere 2 seconds...very quick. Kagome screamed in terror and surprise when it happened, hurting Sesshoumaru's ears from the loudness. The closeness of the two didn't help him either. Her little whimpers showed weakness and he hated weakness, which made him irritable. When the next attack of lightning and thunder hit, Kagome again jumped in fear.

He had enough. Sesshoumaru gave Kagome another nice slap, sending her in the wall which she was already leaning on. This was enough for Kagome too. She had been beaten up enough today and was ready to take some action. With the same growl she made at Inuyasha days earlier, Kagome flew towards Sesshoumaru and started hitting him with little control over herself. Just like Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru didn't fight back because of his surprise. After moments into the one-sided fight, Sesshoumaru pushed Kagome away and they both started beating each other up. (In the anime style of course!!)

And so this little immature fight lasted for a while. When they finally stopped, Kagome was pinning Sesshoumaru down with a very angry face on...uh oh!!

"I've had it!! You're such a...ooo...you're soo annoying!!"

"You mean like you?" Sesshoumaru remained calm even though Kagome was still on top of him, pinning him down with amazing human strength.

"Oooo!! I wish I could just say 'osuwari' just like with Inuyasha! He was so much easier to control than you!!" She pointed her index finger right onto Sesshoumaru's forehead and started poking it a couple of times.


The thunder hit again, causing Kagome to jump in surprise again.

September 18, 2002

GOD!! Today has been like soo bad!! first i was like soo excited that pete was going to be in a couple more of my classes. That girl Liz Parker was like showing off her fashion design pictures to elle...god i don't like her. and then when we went for the lockdown assembly in the lunchroom pete was flirting with her!! I mean first he pushed me into some room filled with some of the other guys in there...but then he started poking liz like he used to do with me!! sheesh who woulda known that he would have found some other girl! hmph!! Now i think i'll just ignore him for a while and see how he feels!!

In gym class i was like soo slow!! That embarrassed me...wai....and but like the good thing is that i went really fast when i passed by pete...aww today was soo bad....i was soo overheating...sigh i wish tomorrow would be better...i even got some weird suicidal plan going on in my head too. i'm not gonna use it though but i gave me an even better plan for my manga...

Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome's wrists right away and pulled her hard into him. "Don't ever compare me with that hanyou. He doesn't deserve to live." His eyes showed anger and annoyance

Kagome pulled away instantly and crawled back to her side of the cave. The rain showed no signs of stopping or even slowing down. The steady beats of the rain drops patted on the cave creating an ever soothing lullaby. It was hard to resist and soon Sesshoumaru and Kagome were both sleeping. However, minutes later, Kagome awoke and saw her perfect chance. She ran out into the rain and hastily chose a direction. The rain would surely cover most of her scent and leave a confused Sesshoumaru. Perhaps there would be enough time for Kagome to get back to the village. Maybe...

Running endlessy through the rain brought Kagome an unwelcomed cold. Finally she stopped under a large tree and rested for the entire night. It gave her such a bad headache and she couldn't even think straight. Morning arrived after and the fever wasn't gone. In fact, it was stronger than ever but she wouldn't let this discourage her. Kagome would continue to go and move on.


Inuyasha stopped in the woods to try sniffing for Kagome. He picked up something very faint that resembled Kagome...yes it was her! He was sure of it! With very little patience left, Inuyasha ran towards the scent. His nose twitched when he realized it was a bit strange. It wasn't exactly Kagome yet strangely familiar...it was...Kikyou!

The dead miko approached Inuyasha with a grim expression. Inuyasha stepped back once when she started approaching.

"Kikyou...what are you doing here?"


"Kikyou? Are you alright?"

Kikyou's expression turned from a grim one to an almost sympathetic one. At least as sympathetic as she could ever be while still trying to keep Inuyasha from seeing through her mask. She was merely playing a game with him. He was looking for Kagome, she knew that. After watching and hearing him shout her reincarnation's name constantly, even Kikyou realized what he was doing. Instead of helping him she would stop him. There was no need for Kagome...even she could find the shards. Inuyasha would undoubtly obey her like always and his friends would all be killed.

"Inuyasha..." Inuyasha took another step back at the softness of her woods. "Please do not fear me, Inuyasha. I have only come for you so that we may find the rest of the Shikon no Tama...together."


Just as if by coincidence, Kagome wandered to the same area Kikyou and Inuyasha were currently situated. She felt a bit of shock after seeing them together but that was the only feeling her headache had permitted. Kikyou ran up to Inuyasha and hugged him. Automatically Inuyasha drew her closer without even thinking, but only on pure instinct after doing this so many times in the past.

Kagome staggered back and tried to think straight for even one minute. 'This can't be happening!! Arg...I feel so light-headed...I think I'm going to faint...I have to get away from this!! It's not happening!! NO!! Inuyasha!!' She stared hard when Inuyasha hugged Kikyou back. Kagome's heart ached just like her head. She could take this no more!! The only think she could do was run...run far, far away from this nightmare...run back home. Back to her own time...away from the Sengoku Jidai. Away from the danger. Away from getting beaten by Sesshoumaru. Away from the Shikon no Tama...and away from the ever painful sight of Inuyasha and Kikyou TOGETHER!

Tree roots often got in her way, causing Kagome to trip into the dirt. Her weakened state from the fever didn't help at all. She almost collapsed once from the fatique and misery she was feeling.

Kikyou grinned after she saw her reincarnation witness the scene. She didn't really expect it, but this little coincidence in their meeting only helped her more. Kagome would be in depression for a long time, at least that's what Kikyou hoped.

'That couldn't have happened!! No way!! I was lucky at least! What a coincidence to actually SEE Inuyasha betray me! I just can't believe it!' What a coincidence indeed. This would change everything Kagome had for Inuyasha. She thought that him hiding it from her was the worst while she had loved him for so long. (But as Mizuki-sensei once said, "There is no coincidence, just the inevitable") This was destiny. This was how it should and always would be. Kagome was never meant for Inuyasha no matter what the circumstances. Something would keep her and him away from it.

After running aimlessly for a while, Kagome arrived outside of the forest. She walked for a bit more and arrived at what seemed like the top of a waterfall. On her left was the river that lead to the end of the cliff and fell violently to the large pool below. It's crashing was extremely loud, causing Kagome to not even hear anyone approaching. This was to her disadvantage of course. She walked even closer to the end of the cliff and kneeled down. Slowly she peered down the waterfall and noticed how it was so high up.


Sesshoumaru had of course noticed noticed that Kagome ran away from him. How foolish it was for him to just leave her there without his watch. He was for sure that somebody who was so afraid of the thunder wouldn't actually go running away in it. Slowly, he walked towards the kneeling figure of Kagome. She looked down the waterfal without even noticing him. The fact of being ignored annoyed him and added to the already dangerous anger of his.

"You" Kagome spun around when she heard a voice. Her red eyes widened at the sight before her. It was Sesshoumaru who glared down at her with mean angry eyes. Instantly she stood up and positioned herself in a fighting stance. Sesshoumaru took one step forward whil Kagome took another step back, with her feet right at the edge of the cliff. She glanced down to see the water below and the crashing waterfall. Her version blurred after seeing the immense height difference from her and her watery grave. Once again the aching pain took control of her head as the fatique also caught up. No longer could Kagome keep from collapsing so that's exactly what happened. She fainted and fell of the cliff and into the air at an incredible speed.

Sesshoumaru on instinct and rash reasoning dived after her and caught the unconscious figure in his arm. He glided through the air to some uncertain destination, unknown to everyone except for the youkai lord.


After Inuyahsa hugged Kikyou back, his thinking became clear again. He drew away from her instantly, not knowing what he just did before. He didn't really love Kikyou...or did he? What was that he just heard before? Kikyou wanted HIM?! She wanted him again?! And to find the Shikon no Tama?! Did he hear correctly?!

"What did you just say before? Did I hear right?"

"You heard me correctly, Inuyasha. I would like you to accompany me in finding the rest of the jewel." 'Heh. I need somebody to do the dirty fighting for me'

"Why are you saying this? Kago- I mean your reincarnation...what about her?"

"What about her? She's nothing now." 'She's only a depressed soul. And a bitch too.'

"Wait?! You don't mean...she's...dead?! So that fire had really killed her?!"

"Fire?" Kikyou looked curiously at Inuyasha. "Oh yes fire. She died of course. She was always the weakling."

"Wait...a minute." Inuyasha studied the Kikyou in front of him. 'How would she know about the fire?' "You're lying! You're trying to trick me!"

As hard as it might be, Inuyasha ran away from Kikyou before she could convince him even further. He had already searched the forest and valleys but with no luck at all. Maybe what Kikyou said was right? Maybe Kagome was dead? Reluctantly, Inuyasha turned back to Kaede's village where he would tell everyone his news.


September 21, 2002

Ok I really wanna also start another fanfic of yami bakura/anzu!! So i'm gonna make a seperate page so this stuff doesn't get all mixed up!!oo and in other news, in school well pete has been ignoring me!! But i got the highest grade in math class! so ppl failed soo badly! and this kid ross who sits next to me said i did a good job and he knew it was me!! I was like...thanks that's just soo nice to say! but i don't know what gretchen was thinking though...ooo why does she have to sit there....well neway that's all for now! i have sooo much hw!!

"Nani?" Kagome used both her arms to try to force her way up. Her head was heavy and she fell back with a thud. She felt something comfy and soft under her head and reached for it. She opened her eyes and saw that it was a pillow. Upon closer inspection, Kagome could see that she was in a bed and in a room too. Sunshine flooded the room through a window.

Kagome struggled to get up and wobbled her way to the window. She looked out and saw a vast amount of what seemed like a garden. Down below she saw a little girl running around then she saw Sesshoumaru just standing there. A second later, his head slowly turned and their eyes met. Kagome was full of fear when she saw him, while Sesshoumaru smirked at her reaction. He left the garden and was out of Kagome's sight. She looked down and was relieved to see that she was still in her former clothing. Her hair however didn't look so well, almost like it was wet and never properly air dried. Kagome went over to a nearby mirror and sat down on the seat in front of it. She didn't look too bad.

Soon Kagome was lost in her own world. She just stared at her face through the mirror and didn't even notice when some white figure stood behind her. Sesshoumaru waited for a bit and stared down at her. Kagome's eyes showed dispair and depression as she just sat there with her head on her hands. Sesshoumaru faked a cough to get her attention. Slowly she turned her head with no surprise at all, which inwardly shocked Sesshoumaru.

He narrowed his eyes and studied her eyes for any emotion at all. But there was none.

"What happened", he said rudely.

"None of your business"

"What do you mean none of my business. I saved you and you better tell me!"

"Why save me?! you're just going to end up killing me anyway!" Kagome turned away from him and once again focused her eyes on the mirror.

Sesshoumaru raised his hand and whacked her on that side of her head, causing her to fall on to the ground. However she didn't get up or complain but just stood there. There were no tears, no anger. She just laid there motionless.

"Get up."


"I said get up." Sesshoumaru kicked her in the stomach but still got no response. He grabbed her throat with his claws and leveled her head with his. He glared angrily at her and then shoved her into the wall. Kagome's eyes continued to stare back at him with little care on her face. Sesshoumaru had enough and threw her not so gently on her bed. He left promptly and shut the door behind him.

September 22, 2002

HELL! Remember when i said i HATED my family?! well i still do! first my mom comes in saying that i have to blow dry my hair! she won't even let me do it! What the hell! I'm not soo stupid and incapable like her! damn! then my brother keeps hanging around my room! doesn't he know that he's NOT welcomed?! then they break a bowl and then blame it on me!! and then we're supposed to go to canada fo some stupid idiotic anniversary! like i care!

note to self...i gotta learn how to keep my composure! i even cracked a smile in front of my mom! i lost! oh i hate this!!

things that are most important to me is..in the order of most important....me, my friends, my money, my future, my education...and yea that's basically all! do u see family here?! no!! my friends ARE my family! family is an inconvenience! eww the food is soo bad! i can't wait to get to college!!


Sesshoumaru walked down the vacant hall still angry and agitated with Kagome's behavior. He knew that eventually he would kill her but having a rebel around would certainly make him kill her even sooner. Seconds later, Sesshoumaru had enough of Kagome and decided to see what was taking his brother. Inuyasha should have been at least nearby so that Sesshoumaru could just kill Kagome and get the Tetsusaiga.

Kagome got up from the bed and over to the window again. She saw the little girl picking flowers. Then she saw Sesshoumaru walk over to her and say something. He left the garden and was out of sight. Kagome opened the window and looked out and below. She was only on the second floor and there wasn't that big of a drop from her window to the garden. Kagome then decided she could sneak out like all the heroes did in the movies. Just tie one end of the blanket to the window somewhere and climb down!

Kagome waited until nightfall. She still hadn't seen Sesshoumaru since earlier and deducted that he must have left. So she pulled off her sheets and tied it to the window handle. After making sure it was secure, Kagome climbed over the ledge and slowly went down the sheets. The sheets ended about 2 feet above the ground, just enough for her to jump the rest of the way.

Kagome scurried away across the garden over to where she saw a wall. She placed her hand on the wall to make sure there wasn't any spell on it. Nothing had changed so it was safe to climb it.

"Trying to escape?" Kagome whirled around to see Sesshoumaru staring down at her. "Aren't you bold?"

"Hey it's worth a try!" Kagome dashed away from Sesshoumaru and attempted to get away from him. Not a very good plan since this was HIS garden with stone walls!! Sesshoumaru smirked and was quite amused with her actions.

He ran after her and jumped her so that Kagome was lying on the hard ground once again. She struggled under his grasp but it was too hard. He was too strong for her.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!! Sesshou...Ahh! What is Sesshoumaru-sama doing?!" The little girl ran and pointed at Kagome, who was still under Sesshoumaru's grasp.

"Rin, what are you doing here?"

"Rin heard something so Rin come see what Sesshoumaru-sama is doing!"

"Rin" Sesshoumaru got off of Kagome and stood up. Kagome got up too and just stared at Rin...a human...

"What is it Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"It is time for bed. We are leaving tomorrow so I advise you to sleep."

"Hai...Oyasumi-nasai!" With that, Rin happily skipped back to the castle.

Kagome watched as Rin's figure disappeared back into the castle. She turned her gaze towards Sesshoumaru who at the time was glaring at her again. She winced at the look.

"Who was that?"

"None of your business."

"She was human, wasn't she?"

"I said none of your business." Kagome saw that Sesshoumaru was getting just a little too irritated but this might actually be to her benefit. After thinking for a couple of seconds, Kagome came to a conclusion...she didn't want to go back to Inuyasha. No she want to end this permanently. It would be hard. Without even thinking about Sango, Miroku, Shippou, or even her family....she spoke again. Hoping for one thing.

"Why are you keeping a human girl here?"

"I said none of your business."

"WHY???!!! Tell me!!" Sesshoumaru caught her again and this time threw her into the garden wall. Kagome hit the wall hard and fell down to the ground. Her shoulder was bleeding but she didn't care.

Sesshoumaru grabbed her by the collar and lifted her into the air. His eyes were red with annoyance. Kagome smiled at herself for getting him angry. He flew back into the castle and into her room.

"Do not attempt to escape again. It will be in vain and I will end up having to kill you." Sesshoumaru turned to leave.

"That's the plan." Sesshoumaru whirled around to face Kagome. If he understood properly then he would assume she wanted to...die?! Not that he had a problem with it but...it was surprising...

Kagome found amusement in his surprise. She looked down at her shoulder that was still bleeding smiled. The blood loss probably would kill her but she wanted something that was quick and less painful. She would try to escape again. After Sesshoumaru went to bed.

Sesshoumaru did eventually leave, more confused than ever. However, he didn't go to bed. He didn't trust the miko that already tried to escape.

'Should I kill her? But she wants to be killed. That wouldn't be any fun. She's a lot of trouble though. What is going on here?! I still haven't gotten the reason for her...sadness yet! Ah who cares! As long as I get that sword!'


An hour later, Kagome thought she could try escaping once again. Instead of going through the window though, she would simply go through the halls. It was harder because it was like a maze. She opened her door and crept through the darkness. Unknown to her, she passed Sesshoumaru's door, leaving her scent behind.

Finally Kagome got outside. It took a while since it was dark and she didn't know her way around the castle. She ran up to the wall again and tried climbing up it. When she got to the top, her sleeve got caught in the branches. It was the bloody sleeve, the one that had all the blood from her shoulder. Instead of trying to get it out, she simply ripped it off because blood would just attract more youkai. She jumped down the wall and landed on the other side. Daybreak was approaching and already the sun's rays were shining over the horizon. Kagome could see it well as she ran towards the light.

~*~ Sesshoumaru got up and left his room when he felt that the sun had already risen. He left his room and went into Rin's. She woke up and accompanied him to Kagome. When he opened the door, Rin bounced right in...

"Kagome!! Kagome!! Time to wake up!!" There was a lump in the sheets as if somebody was hiding or just sleeping under it. Rin pulled the sheets off and found only a pillow there. "Eh? Rin thought Kagome was sleeping here. Maybe Kagome already woke up! Sesshoumaru-sama...??"

The little girl turned around to see Sesshoumaru gone. "Oh well! Sesshoumaru must have been really hungry for breakfast! Rin is hungry too!" She skipped along happily, oblivious to what was going on.


Sango, Miroku, and Shippou sat around in a circle. They had stopped their search for Kagome long ago but none of them would admit that she was dead. Inuyasha especially didn't think she was dead. He did regret what had happened between him and Kikyou. He almost went along with her! He would have left his friends and Kagome!

"Inuyasha..." Inuyasha looked up. None of the others looked at him but only stared at the dirt ground. "Inuyasha" The wind blew behind them. It carried the voice.

"Did you guys hear that?"

Sango looked at Inuyasha. She didn't hear anything at least she didn't think she did but she wasn't really paying attention to anything but her hands.

"Inuyasha" *twitch twitch* Inuyasha's ears picked up the voice again. It wasn't far away but was weak. It was familiar. It was sweet and young. It was...Kagome!!

"Kagome!" The hanyou jumped up and climb a nearby tree. His actions surprised the others as they came back to reality. They stood up with alertness as they tried to focus their ears. The bushes moved a bit but then fell silent. Inuyasha jumped right into it and landed on Kagome.

"Kagome!! You've come back!!"

"Inuyasha..." Kagome said.

"What...what is it?!"

"Inuyasha...GET OFF OF ME!!"

Inuyashe blinked innocently and then looked down. He was sitting right on top of her! He scurried off and stood up to stare at th girl. "Where have you been?"

"With Sesshoumaru! Aren't you gonna help me or something?"

Shippou jumped on her with glee. Kagome sighed after thinking that everyone of them would probably pounce on her before she'd be able to get back to the village. Inuyasha pondered on what she had just said...with sesshoumaru?!

"Kagome!! I missed you soo much!" Shippou had finally gotten off Kagome and Sango ran up to hug her, almost sending her back on the ground again.

"I missed you too Kagome!" Miroku ran up to the two and was about to also hug when Sango and Kagome bonked him on the head.

"Don't even think about it, houshi. Kagome! What happened? Are you alright?"

Kagome sat down by the camp with Sango and Shippou. She stayed a little bit away from Miroku for obvious reasons and sat really far away from Inuyasha because she still remembered what had happened with Kikyou.


Night had fallen again and Inuyasha and Kagome started another fight.

"You still haven't told me what happened!!"

"I said i was with Sesshoumaru! I think that's enough!"

"No that's NOT enough! What happened?!"

"Baka! You're so stubborn!"

"Look who's talking!"

"ARRR....WHY DID YOU EVEN COME BACK THEN?! HERE TO BRING MORE PROBLEMS?! IT WAS PEACEFUL WITHOUT YOU! I WISH KIKYOU WAS HERE INSTEAD OF YOU!!!!" Inuyasha huffed with pride when he thought he had made the winning combat.

Kagome ran up to him and smacked him hard on the cheek. Seconds later, she was gone....AGAIN! "Ah she'll be back. Ow that hurt! Who knew she could smack that hard! Must of had practice or something." Inuyasha kept on babbling and grumbling, confident that Kagome would return the following morning.


With quick steps, Kagome ran back through the forest and towards the well. Tears blew in the wind like wind. Her eyes now red from frustration and hurt, she collapsed right next to the bone-eater's well and cried even more on the edge. Her sudden gasps and loud sobbing caught the attention of a certain youkai in the area. He had simply traveled here to reclaim a certain sword from a certain hanyou after losing a certain human girl.

Sesshoumaru steped out of the darkness to see Kagome siting by the well with something in her hands. The object gleamed in the moonlight and reflected her tears.

Kagome carefully inspected the sharp and dangerous dagger in her hand. She had taken it with her like she always did to protect her from enemies. It was amazing how something this small could bring such pain and so much relief. It was carefully on her throat as Kagome shut her eyes in anticipation. With the next movement of her hand, she was dead. Dead with blood oozing out of her neck.

Sesshoumaru, who had witnessed this horrifying scene of suicide, walked up to her and held her head in his arm. Her eyes were colorless....and lifeless. Yup! That did it! She was dead! How strange that she was the one who would kill herself when Sesshoumaru was only a few yards away from her. He was the one who said he would do the deed.

October 13, 2002

OMG!! Dan m Imed me!! and i think we were like flirting. he wants to get together but i'm inviting some of my friends too. he isn't bringing a guy...i wanna be alone with him but i don't want other ppl to be making fun of me! I still like him very much...i'm thinking about going to the movies because yea...and bringing juliet, alyssa, missy, maybe some others...definitely some others!! sigh...and he says he might teach me some moves for martial. I'm soo excited about this!! i have to pick the perfect outfit!! He even asked me if i had hooked up with neone!! i was like no!!! i didn't!! i want a hug from him and i wanna go out with him but not until i'm like 16 or something so i can drive!! yes i love him lol. sigh....

October 19, 2002

That's it!! I hate my fucking dad! i hate him! i want a child divorce! here he comes in while i'm all happy and say "you can't get a new back pack. there's nothing wrong with it's clean it's not justifiable." I'm like what ever! hey when i graduate hs. maybe i shouldn't even go to college! yea just run away! hmph! serves him right! i hate him!! i always have! i can't believe i even thought he was a good person! that bragging pompous bitch! BASTARD! I wanna just leave this pathetic excuse for a family! I just wanna leave!!! he doesn't know nething about me!

I'll have to make up a plan for suicide. i already have. just leave something to my closest friends. my friends are my only family. these so called ppl aren't! i hate them all!!!!! ALL!!!

So my family would be missy, juliet, and leticia. those are the main ones. and then there's also alyssa and dan mak and tintle. and other in my school. that backpack better be clean! I shoulda just cut off the strap so that i could get a new one! y couldn't he just die! i'll kill him! i will! someday! here's my list of ppl to kill (aka my Hit list). I'll do this when i conquer the world and show NO mercy!:

1. My dad

2. My mom

3. My brother (maybe)

4. Sean

5. Gabby

6. Diana

7. Amanda Soper

8. Sara Camporeale

9. Nicole Grbic

10. Stephanie Fino

11. Jamie Kenitz

12. Shara

13. Ashley B

14. Allison B

that's all i can think of right now! and i will carry these things out! i'll update my list if neone is to be added or moved up! hmph!

October 22, 2002

OMG! i think I have a crush on Rob!! It's the sophomore Rob. i don't know his last name but he's really cute! he wears a cap all the time and he plays soccer too. today me n tintle were talking and he kinda joined in a couple of times too! so then i looked at him a couple of times when we were talking and he looked back at me! it was soo cute!! I can't WAIT till tomorrow's drawing class! I wanna talk to him....ahhh...sigh

October 23, 2002

GOD! My mom is soooo fucking stupid! what an idiot! i hate her! i tell her something and she keeps asking over n over n over again! she won't go away! god!! I would just kill her if we didn't get in trouble for this kind of stuff! i hate stupid ppl! I say that i don't want a yearbook and she's like you already said yes so you have to pay now. and says this over n over again! i said i'll just say no when they ask!! god so fucking annoying! and then when i finally made a sign saying that they can't come in if they don't wait for the door to be open my mom comes in neway! without waiting for me to open the door! it even says do not disturb yet she does! and then it also says you can't be stupid but she's stupid!!!

When on the happier note i made Rob laugh!! Well tintle said that his drawing was bad and i just looked at it and said "wow". I didn't mean for it to be funny but he laughed so i just looked at him and smiled. it was great!!!!

November 1, 2002

We played football today in gym and i sucked! I don't know the rules or anything!! I was like...ummm....but i got to wear my new pants and they made me look great! i think...well there was all this crap on the ground and i stepped in some!! ewww!!

then after i had art and Rob barely sat down so I didn't get to talk to him or nething...then he went to another table to get a better view of the bottles we were drawing. Nicole Jordon was there too but I'm not jealous because they're just friends. So then i finished but i didn't want to go to their table but i want to...because Rob is there...I want Rob to ask me to sit there with him! That would make my day perfect! So now I'm kinda struggling with my stuff here while attempting to draw the bottles. I like no...love Rob so much! I just want him to like me back!

Actually I think he might just like me back! That's so great! sigh...

November 3, 2002

Missy came over yesterday and on that same day I found out that my aunt died of cancer...this is just horrible...i mean how many deaths this year? A LOT!!! WEll neway...tomorrow...school. My brother is going to Greenkill so i won't have him around for two whole days!! woo hoo! I'm gonna see Rob as usual tomorrow...i can't believe that I actually told juliet some details about him..at least i didn't actually tell her his name even though she did ask for it! I am soo bored! well later!

Sesshoumaru left Kagome there. Why would he even revive her? There was no point. His ears picked up footsteps coming near him so he went back into the forest and hid in a nearby tree. Sango had followed Kagome a few minutes after she head left but Kagome was dead now.

Kagome was lying there with the dagger still in her hand. Sango's hands went to her face and she softly cried while kneeling down next to Kagome's dead body.

"Kagome!! Don't run away!! Kago....AHHHH!!!" Shippou ran to Kagome and just stared down at her in awe. Never had he seen something this horrific in his life.


Kagome's body was brought back to Kaede for further inspection. The group, including inuyasha, had hoped that maybe she wasn't really dead. It ended in disappointment though. The conclusion was that Kagome was dead and lost to them. The funeral was planned and was to be held in just a few days. Sango was in constant depression and Miroku prepared a huge funeral in his friend's honor. Inuyasha stayed by the god tree the entire day and Shippou sulked the entire day. Sesshoumaru still hadn't returned back to his castle. This was just too interesting for him!

True that he never knew what had caused Kagome's sudden suicide but concluded that it was perhaps him that had caused it. He smirked at the thought and decided to torture Inuyasha. When Sesshoumaru had arrived at the god tree, there was already somebody there...a girl? It was Kagome? From the dead?!

No.That wasn't true. He smelled dirt and bones from this form. It was kikyou...

"Inuyasha...Kagome is dead. Would you like to come with me now?"


"No?! But why?"

"I can't go with you. It would be a disgrace to Kagome."

"FORGET about that wretched imitation! She'll never be as great as me!"

Inuyahsa looked up to Kikyou's screaming form. She was annoyed and angry.

"Kagome...was a great person. It's just too bad it took me so long to realize that. I never deserved her. What was I thinking?" Inuyasha walked away from Kikyou and headed back to the village. Kikyou wouldn't take any of this though and she ran to him, doing something that surprised him....she hugged then kissed him!


"Inuyasha..." From the after world, Kagome's soul looked down at the scene. True that she couldn't hear anything but she made up her own words.

From Kagome's Perspective-

Kikyou: Inuyasha! Now we can go off without having to worry about my reincarnation finding out!

Inuyasha: Yes. That's right.

Kikyou: What's wrong?!

Inuyasha: It's nothing....

Kikyou: What's the matter?! Why aren't you looking at me?!

Inuysha: I love you, Kikyou. I only regret having to deal with the others now. I'll understand if you want to go without me but I have to stay for at least the funeral. Then we can leave...if you'll wait for me that is...

Inuyasha walked away and towards the village. Kikyou, who was overjoyed, ran up to Inuysha. She hugged him gratefully and kissed him.


November 13, 2002

Yesterday night i had this really wierd dream! It had rob in part of it! I think i was in school or some place and he was wearing something...strange...kinda...so then i was in the car and we saw a bunch of ppl who were like skateboard ppl. some were wearing crazy outfits. then we passed this one guy who was wearing the same thing that rob wore! so then later on i ask him if he was skateboarind yesterday. he then made this surprised happy smile face and it was soo cute!! I forgot when we talked about but somehow he asked me whether I wanted him to teach me how to skateboard! So then i said yes and we said we would meet like...somewhere...i don't remember because it was only dream...but that was it!

Kagome's eyes formed tears as they one by one fell down her face.

'Inuyasha...how could you?'

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Kagome screamed at the image and slammed her fists down in frustration. "How...could you?"


Sesshoumaru jumped towards Kikyou and Inuyasha. Inuyasha growled at the intruder but at the same time was a bit relieved, now that Kikyou and finally released him.

"Pathetic little brother. You weren't able to save her? hmph"

"What do you want, Sesshoumaru?!"

"Here to taunt you, that's all. Hmm I wonder why she killed herself...what could have caused her to do that?"

"YOU! It was you! What did you do to her?!" Inuyasha took out his sword and raced towards his strangely calm brother. Easily, Sesshoumaru dodged the attack and jumped up into the god tree.

"I don't have time for this! We can fight later!" Inuyasha walked towards the village, leaving Sesshoumaru behind. Kikyou trailed off behind him, trying to convince Inuyasha again and again.

'Pathetic hanyou. Half breeds have no respect at all! How dare he turn down a fight with the great Sesshoumaru?!'

With his mask of coldness and indifference on once again, Sesshoumaru went into the village. By the time he got there, most of the candle lights were gone. He saw one specifially large building and saw light emulating from it's paper doors. He quietly crept towards it and listened for any sounds. There were none. He deftly opened the door, hoping to see his brother for another round of teasing. To his surprise, what was inside totally surprised him.

Kagome's body layed on a bed of flowers in the room. Candles lighted the room and casted dark shadows. Sesshoumaru stared at the lifeless form and walked towards it as if he were in a trance...being pulled towards the once powerful miko.

Once at the flower bed, Sesshoumaru halted to look down at the pale face. Kagome no longer wore the blood stained garment from before but a white yukata.

"Kyaaaa!!!" Inuyasha jumped from a ceilng beam and right towards Sesshoumaru. Once again, Sesshoumar dodged the attack and jumped back a foot. Inuyasha stood infron of the flower bed in a protective stance. He would protect Kagome's body for the funeral ceremony. That was the least he could do after failing to protect her from herself...

Sesshoumaru smirked at the scene. He finally got to fight Inuyasha and rip him into pieces. After drawing his sword, Sesshoumaru confidently stood ready for battle. However, Inuyasha wasn't as confident.

'What is he doing?' Inuyasha shot Sesshoumaru a puzzled look and lowered the tetsusaiga. Sesshoumaru took his chance and raise his sword, only to have it come crashing down upon Inuyasha. On pure instince, Inuyashas jumped up and back into the ceiling beams, only to realize his mistake.

Sesshoumaru's sword sliced Kagome's body when Inuyasha jumped away. The hanyou was still confused at his brother's actions as he looked down at the two. Sesshoumaru froze in place and gazed at Kagome. His sword was no longer in the girl's body but there was one problem. He used the wrong sword! Sesshoumaru was holding the tensaiga(tetsaiga), the healing sword!

As if on cue, Kagome's eyes wearily open and stared up towards the shocked golden eyes of Sesshoumaru.

"What...what's going on?" In a moment, memories flashed back into Kagome's mind as she winced at the newly forming tears.

"Kagome!!" Inuyasha jumped down towards her but Sesshoumaru hit him instantly, sending him flying across the room.

Sesshoumaru put the tetsaiga back in place and stared down at the angry Inuyasha. He simply ignored him for a moment and turned hi attention back at the girl...who was missing?!


Kagome took her chance to escape when Sesshoumaru hit Inuyasha.

'What happened? I thought I was dead...I remember it...'

She ran into the forest and past the God tree. A shadow stood in the branches, watching the living miko's every move.

'Wait a second!! Sesshoumaru!! He had his sword with him!! The sword that was supposed to give life! At least that's what I remember...but why would he want to bring me to life? Probably for some sick torture game of his! Well no way!! I'm getting out of here!'

Inuyasha was left unconscious on the floor as Sesshoumaru left to find Kagome. She had escaped from him and she certainly wouldn't get away without punishment. He knew it was a mistake when he saved her from the fire. By sniffing the air, he could sense where she was. In an instant he was there, grabbing hold of her in a tight grip. She wouldn't run away this time.


Kagome was jerked back as something grabbed her. She looked up only to see Sesshoumaru's face again. So this was how her life was to be...constant pain, suffering, and unexpected surprises. There was no way out of it...

She calmed herself and stared down at his chest. He had crushed her towards it when he grabbed her and somehow...she felt almost content. This position had been so great when Inuyasha had first hugged her. But everything came crashing down again as Kagome realized who this was...


"Why what?"

"Why!! Why did you give me my life back!" Her hands pulled on his kimono and tugged hard for an answer. "I was supposed to die! I don't want to live this life! It's too much!" She took a deep breath and once again started crying and sobbing. Without another thought, she buried her head in his kimono and continued on with her crying.

Sesshoumaru looked down at the girl who dared to even touch him. She wet his shirt with her tears and disrupted the night with her heavy breathing. He was about to whacked her off but suddenly grabbed her and jumped into the air. Kagome held on tighter to him when Sesshoumaru had jumped and now looked down at the ground. In the exact place where she was, an arrow was stuck in the ground. Sesshoumaru dodged another arrow that can flying towards them.

The shadow in the god tree sprinted away before Sesshoumaru could go after it. He looked down at Kagome. How did he, ruler of the western land and most feared youkai, end up holding her? He was supposed to kill her. He was supposed to get the tetsusaiga. They didn't go through any hardships together. They weren't even with each other for that long and all that came out of their little time together were arguements and beatings. Constantly he would looks down at her in disapproval but even him couldn't abandon someone in this much distress.


Kagome held tighter to the youkai as an arrow came flying towards them. She closed her eyes tight to ward off the fear that would come from their doom. It never came though. She couldn't see a thing besides Sesshoumaru's white clothing but she didn't need to. For the first time in a very long time, Kagome was almost comfortable...almost...

This was the deadly youkai who ironically brought her back to life. But why? He had wanted to destroy her, hadn't he? There was something wrong with this picture.

Sesshoumaru's heart had started beating violently from the beginning, she could hear that but even without looking, Kagome knew his cold mask was still on. It was just something you would know...something that was suspected from this type. This type...what type was he?


"I want to leave." Her voice was almost inaudible, had it not been for his keen ears.

He stared down at her in utter surprise, not showing it of course. Did this human just ask HIM for a favor? Perhaps it was an order?


"The well. I want to leave."


It was too dark to see when they arrived at the well. It didn't take long with Sesshoumaru's speed but the night made it almost impossible to see.

He could have killed her. He could have...but didn't...

She landed softly by the well and walked slowly towards it. Although Sesshoumaru was right behind her, she wasn't very afraid. For some reason, she knew he wouldn't hurt her at least he hadn't threatened her yet. He even allowed her to hang on to him. How many have done that and lived for more than a second? None!

The depths of the familiar well was dark and dreary. Kagome stared down at it for a while. She could almost feel Sesshoumaru's confused and uncertain gaze. He didn't know what to do, to kill or not to kill. Logic told him to destroy her right then and there but another hidden voice told him not to. It just wasn't right.

Kagome's back was to the youkai. She reached for the necklace and removed the small bottle of shikon shards. All this burden for these little things. She took one out and placed it in her pocket. Then she sealed the bottle again and turned to Sesshoumaru. He stared down as she placed the necklace around his neck and walked back to the edge of the well.

Why was she giving him these? He had no use for them. Once again, Kagome stared down at the well. She walked towards Sesshoumaru's still form and did something totally unexpected.

"Arigatou." She whispered in his ear and kissed him gently on the cheek before running back to the well. With one leap Kagome was back in her own time, leaving a stunned Sesshoumaru behind.


Inuyasha sat in a tree near the well. If Kagome ever came back, she would get it. He already attempted to bring her back several time by force. It all ended up a barrage of sits, which didn't please him at all. He seriously started to think that she no longer had feelings for him but for...maybe another?


Kagome sighed in her bed, clutching her fluffy pillow. She daydreamed about somebody, someone who would never accept her love but it was always nice to believe. Like every other girl, she imagined herself and the one person she admired. It started to even seem real now with all the different scenarios she made up.

After coming back from the well that night, she began thinking about the cold youkai. Kagome thought about how he looked, how he acted, and what he did that night. Not only did he bring her back to life but also saved her from those mysterious arrows. Perhaps he had something for her? It was possible and that dangerous attitude he always had even appealed to her. So dreamy...at least that's what she thought now...yes she had a crush on him.

Inuyasha was no longer on her mind as a possible love. She had forgotten that warm feeling she had for him a while ago, after witnessing his and kikyou's little get together. No way would she go back to him. Not after he betrayed her and who knows whether it was the first time. Could have been the 50th. She didn't know.

But now she had that charming[?] youkai on her mind. In reality, she didn't really know what he was like. She remembered that he had slapped her many times and treated her harshly. But she had forgiven that now. In her mind she imagined him being kind and warm and even cute. The Sesshoumaru she knew and liked was merely an imagination, all in her mind. Maybe he was gentle or maybe he wasn't. She sighed once more before going to sleep.


"Inuyasha! Come down!! It's too late!" Sango called up to the hanyou in the tree. He wouldn't budge and hadn't eaten for a couple of days.

"She hasn't come back. She hasn't come back!!! I'm going to get her!!! NOW!!" Inuyasha jumped off the tree and marched right up to the well, then jumped into it.

"Why do I even bother?" Sango turned back to go into the village, hoping that Inuyasha wouldn't get into too much trouble.


Inuyasha climbled up to the window and opened it easily. Kagome slept soundly, murmuring some things from her dream. Inuyasha stared down at her and promptly carried her back to the well before jumping in. He dropped the body down on the ground once he got back into the village. Kagome stirred before drowsly opening her eyes.

"Nani...? What is it?"

"Get up wench!!" Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. "Where's the shards?"

"Oww!! Let go! I didn't want to come back here!!"

"Shut up! I've had enough! Where are the shards?"

"Sit! Sit! Sit!!! Is that all you care about? Find your own shards! I'm never giving them to you!" She stalked out of the village and back into the forest, hoping to jump back into her time. But Inuyasha chased her and soon caught up before jumping her.

She landed hard on her back with Inuyasha attempting to pin her down with her shoulders. He wanted the shards badly and he was running out of the little patience he had.

"Let go of me!!!"

"No!! Give me the shards!!"

"She doesn't have them..." A deeper voice spoke out against the two. It came from deeper into the forest.

"Huh? Who's that?" Inuyasha continued to pin Kagome down and stared out into the forest.


Youkai continued to enter Sesshoumaru's personal territory constantly after he had recieved the shikon shards. He defeated every one of the weaklings easily of course but it was the inconvenience that bothered him. Sometimes he even thought about just giving them away but he couldn't. For one, he didn't want to let the youkai think that he was afraid of them by giving away the shards. No, Sesshoumaru wasn't weak like them. But there was another reason.

This was something that Inuyasha was after for a long time. By possessing these, he would have control over his wild half-brother. Finally, he would listen.

That wasn't the most important reason though...no. It was a gift. A gift from Kagome, a supposedly determined and strong human. He wouldn't give them away because he had soon developed feelings for her. Somehow he had...somehow...

It was after she left. She let go of everything by crying on him and thanked him with a simple kiss on the cheek. It was just on the cheek but it affected him beyond belief. Luckily Kagome had left right away but if she had stayed, she would have seen his terrible blush. Soon after, he ran all the way back to his palace and locked himself in his room for a while to think.

Yes, this cold youkai had actually developed affection for someone. Not for another youkai but a human girl. How was this possible? How? It started when their last encounter started coming into his dreams over and over again. Sometimes the dreams altered a bit and made him even more nervous. Sometimes Kagome wouldn't leave right away and would giggle at his silly blushing. Other times, she would simply grab is arm gently and smile at him warmly. It was driving him crazy!

Tonight, he was on his patrol over the lands. Usually, these little walks, or more like runs, wouldn't take that long. But he had to be more careful now. He didn't want to bump into a certain human girl who he hadn't seen for a while. ~*~

He saw Inuyasha chasing Kagome out into the clearing. That's when he had halted suddenly after his heart skipped a beat. He clenched his hands tight as Inuyasha jumped Kagome while she was struggling against him. Their conversation told him that he wanted the Shikon shards. The very same shards that he was given.

"She doesn't have them..." Inuyasha turned his head to him but didn't seem to know who he was since because of the darkness. 'Idiot. Inuyasha could have smelled me!'

"Huh? Who's that?" Kagome struggled to get the hanyou off of him, with no luck though.

Sesshoumaru stepped out of the shadows with a look of complete indifference and boredom. He heard Kagome gasp from under Inuyasha.

'Oh wow! He's come to save me!!' Kagome dreamed in her mind and sighed. Inuyasha was concentrating only on his brother and oblivious of Kagome's little fantasies.

November 27, 2002

OMG!! today was a half day but i saw rob so many times! I have to learn how to walk more gracefully because he's soo graceful when he walks! i saw him this morning when i was about to walk down the stairs and then i saw him right after lunch walking in the same direction as me! I really wanted to say Hi to him but i didn't...then after school iw as walking out towards to the door and i see him right in front of me! i walked in front of him so that he could see me too...i love him lol. he's like the only one i love right now ....

But here's yesterday's news...well we were in science and pete kept tapping my shoulder. we were like standing around this demonstration. then mr williams is like pete stop touching tiffany. then pete says that he was only going to ask me a question but then mr. williams says that he was touching my jeans!! ahh!! soo embarrassing!!! i like pete too but i somehow don't really love him.

I <3 ROB!! But wait..what's his last name? hmmm

"Sesshoumaru!! What are you doing here?!"


"Go away!"


Inuyasha got off of Kagome and stormed past her. He got into his battle stance and took out his sword. Sesshoumaru didn't budge though. He stared right through Inuyasha and at Kagome, who at the time was doing the same to him. A second later, his attention was to his hanyou brother.

"What do you want?"

"What?! I should ask the same thing!"

Kagome stood up and was about to go towards the well but then decided not to. If she left then she wouldn't be able to see Sesshoumaru! Of course she wouldn't be able to see Inuyasha either...and she was starting to like Hojo a bit more now too...

No way! She would like ONLY one person at a time...not two...or three...

It was then at Shippou bounded towards them. All he saw was Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru before running away again towards the village. Kagome was about to run after him...

"Stop right there! Give me the shards now!"

"No way, inuyasha!"

"Wench! Give it!"

"Sit! Sit! Sit!!!!"

December 5, 2002

Today we closed early at 12 because of the snow!! i think it's still snowing..the bad thing is that i never got to be close with rob!!! ahh!! booo hoo!! i at least got to go to lunch and admire him from a far though...sigh...i don't see him looking at me though...but at the end of school i like rushed to my locked and when i got back downstairs, i saw him in the crowd! i was trying to catch up to him and just have him see me...but the closest i got was when we both walked out of the doors! he walked out of the door on my left and i walked out of the one next to him. then i had to drive missy and shelly home because of the snow so to look for shelly, i passed rob! then when i went back to find the car, i passed him again! he's soo...alone...

I really really hope he likes me! i mean all the other guys i've liked aren't like him at all! he's so much like me! i mean we both like soccer, he's a really talented drawer, he's soo cute, he's so funny when he doesn't even realize it!

January 3, 2003

It hurts...when the one you love doesn't seem you know you at all...today rob was in drawing class sitting at his table by himself...i was gonna talk to him but didn't...finally he went to marissa and looked at her stuff[drawing] pretty closely...more like closely to her...then she looked at armando's stuff for a little bit(armando was bothering me and sitting next to me) then he came over to me!! i was like yes!! he said "not fair" when he looked at my drawing and i was soo happy! then i asked him whether he was sitting at his table alone and he said yes...i said that i should prob move there and get away from armando. then armando was like "do u know her?" and rob said no. i was sooo crushed. armando said he didn't know me either...then rob sat next to marissa!! marissa already has like a bf already!! not fair...does rob know that? does he have a crush on her? no!!! i remember that he like talked to her once before the break or something...y couldn't he know me more?

I came home fine but when i got to my room i started crying. i hurt...alot...hopefully it will get better...i think i'm going to the mall tomorrow with missy...i hope so. i wanna get new shirts to wear for him....it still hurts bu i jus can't cry about it...i'll act all depressedon mon...not that i'm not or nething...

Pete K was like trying to flirt with me today in gym class. he was like trying to fight me and i was just like...yea ok lol. but that was before drawing class so it didn't actually cheer me up for nething...but it still hurts!! i don't think i've like been hurt so much by a guy! it's so depressing but in a lot of the true romance stories, there's a lot of angst...maybe this is a part of it...

January 11, 2003

I seriously think that Rob like Marissa now...why did it have to turn out this way?! I think I might actually have feelings for...Greg...and maybe even Justin...Greg yea ok but Justin?! He's suddenly become nice to me! Leticia likes him now so I have to be extra extra careful! I think I might be falling in love with Pete Kozak again...He like slapped me twice today but it was really real hard slaps. I think he was just flirting with me, which is nice because he doesn't do that with neones else...at least I haven't seen...Greg is nice too but I think he only considers me a friend...Justin..bleh...I don't know.

But Rob likes Marissa! NO WAY!! NO!!!!This can't be possible! WHY?! Doesn't Marissa have a boy friend already?! NO!!!!!!! This is...so unfair!

March 14, 2003

It's certainly been a while hasn't it? at least for my personal journal. I just came back from piano, it was hell. I have daily stuff in my xanga. I think that Rob still likes Marissa a lot but maybe he's developing more "feeling" for me? at least he knows who I am...i just don't know. I still love him. Although I don't think i can admit as of now. I supposedly can't love. I'm also developing feelings for Justin but I won't be pulled in as of now. I'm resisting as much as possible. He flirts with a lot of ppl so I won't admit nething. Nothing at all....
My love life is a bit complicated. Not only do i have feelings for justin AND rob but I'm also developing feelings for Greg, Cory, and Bjarki. It's the blondness, i swear. Greg is so insightful and very intelligent. He's so handsome, charming, and just humorous. Cory is a bit different. He's annoying but so innocent and cute. kawaii...and Bjarki isn't the smartest but he's real cute and lol a bit michievious...yes he's a troublemaker but he looks sooo innocent!!!

Mr. "huynh"

Mrs. "huynh"

Victor Huynh



Amanda Soper

Nicole Grbic

Stephanie Fino

Jamie Kenitz


Ashley B

Allison B

Emily Garra

Shannon C

Jessica Rosen

Kristen Hill


Tina Marchiano

Lena Sotnick

Wilson Dam

Christine Dam

Kevin Dam

Mrs. Leoung

Mrs. Robinson

Mr. Saslowsky

Mrs. Palmieri

Jessica Goldstien

Mrs. Schroth

Mrs. sapienza

April 14th, 2003

Well my relationship with Rob isn't really going newhere. he isn't the person to flirt though. At least i don't expect him to be. Me being with pete isn't going to happen i don't think. He treats me like just a friend now...sigh...justin is going out with missy. at first i was kinda hurt but not drastically so i guess he didn't mean much to me. greg is still lol well..himself. he doesn't do any flirting with me but would i expect him to? he's still great though and still smart. I like him a lot but not enough. Cory is better too. he's still talkative but not annoying nemore. I think that only good physical feature he has is his eyes. they're soo captivating. greg has nice eyes too. nice blue eyes are sooo beautiful..sigh..i want nice eyes. well i gtg now!

July 3rd, 2003
I don't feel so good. I hope this will perhaps change the way I feel love. Rob Kunert, the guy I had a crush on this entire freshmen year turns out to not be the one. He's going out/went out with Tory, a girl that I'm not too fond of. I guess anything I had going didn't work out. That happened on the last day of school though. Last period too. I felt so happy then I found out and everything came crashing down. Then i started developing feelings for Brian Wang. Yes, him...he seemed to cool. So good looking and smart too. The real "bad-ass" as he referred to him once. He had asked me to stop doing the "japanese name crap" and I felt offended instantly. You see, I call the members of my PV dysfuctional family with japanese names like oyajii and obaba. I guess it pissed him off but I don't see why he had to get so mad. He left the message in my xanga...I got so excited that he had posted something. I was shot down again. I actually started crying a bit. It's just not working out. I'm hoping that I don't fall in love like that ever again. Perhaps his brother Andrew would've been a better choice. I found him a bit more interesting...
I'm just so depressed right now. I feel so cold and alone. on top of that I'm going to stop commenting on his xanga for a while too. When he saw my picture he probably thought i wasn't so cool. siighhhh. I hate this so much. I guess summer love just doesn't exist for me. I see no chance of that now.

July 9th, 2003

My "dad" as people would refer to him as is such a stupid shithead. He's like you have to brush your teeth! Don't be like victor! i'm like..the only reason why i'm not brushing my teeth is because you're telling me to! of course i didn't say that to him because then he's just start on this preaching rampage. I wish I could fucking leave this hellhole! you know what? i hope he reads this too! He deserves it! what a fuckin loser. I don't take orders from inferior creatures. That's exactly why i'm not doing it. He can go burn in hell. I'm just glad i can be so good at this sarcastic, indifferent attitude i have. Sheeesh. *insert synonyms for loser here*

NERFFFFFF I was having such a good nice day too. It's brian wang's birthday today, btw. I was trying to be kind of rude and aloof but I just couldn't do it. why??!??! I just HAD to make it seem all nice didn't i? i'm trying to not like him anymore!! but it isn't working... i'll just never comment on his xanga for a while then.

I worked at kumon again today. Alex Kruse was there. I guess maybe he went on vacation? I really don't know but i think he works at the camp now cuz i saw him with the shirt. I think he looked at me a couple of times which is at least a pretty good sign. I still really love him. No matter what happens I think i'm probably going to end up with him. I mean, isn't it a sign? sure there haven't been many coincidences but there have been a few significant ones. we've known eachother for years now. I've liked him since the very beginning all the way in elemetary school. I don't think it's a silly crush... no. *blush* maybe this will make me forget all about the other guys. siiigh. he makes me happy when I think about him. Let's just hope something actually happens next year. Hopefully he'll be in hon. bio which i would expect him to be. :) let's hope *crosses fingers* Let's hope he'll be in my class. If not, then maybe he'll be in my chem class or physics class in future years. :) I'm disappointed many times but I'm relieved other times. sighhh.