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The Original Diamond In The Rough
Monday, 15 March 2004
Being Diabetic SUKS!!!!!!!
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Another gluttonous weekend and no diabetic control! I hate being diabetic.....while dear hubby is eating his ice cream with chocolate sauce....which I dearly love, I have to pretend not to want any! While dear hubby is eating his chips and dips, I have to resist the urge to grab the whole bag out of his grasp and stuff it all into my mouth. Why can't there be any good diabetic snacks?????
I have to get a handle on this blood sugar and weight control issue. It is more than just a vanity issue. My very life may depend on it! I should be better than this. I should be bigger than this disease....I can control what I eat or don't eat...whether or not I get any exercise. Shouldn't I??? Other diabetics do it............sighhhhhhh!!!
I am gonna die a young woman with no feet, kidney failure and totally blind.....all because I could not say NO to a Chips Ahoy cookie!!!!!

God help me....


Posted by journal2/life16 at 12:51 AM EST
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Friday, 12 March 2004
WoooHoooo!!!! TGIF
This has been a harrowing week and I am so glad its the weekend!
My house has suffered with neglect this past week though since I spent so much time on the job the past week or so. my list of stuff to do has grown considerable but TONIGHT is my night to rest and play!
Tomorrow will be a day of housework, running errands, cleaning up my desk at home, etc. if it gets warm enuff I will have to get out in the yard and pick up the neighbors trash that has blown all over the neighborhood! ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! It makes me so mad that he takes no responsibility for this!
Sunday will be website day...updating my home business site and family site.....and woking on my personal home business materials! That will take all day!
And sometime in there I HAVE to find time to walk or exercise.
My weekend is all planned out for me.....sighhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Posted by journal2/life16 at 8:01 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 March 2004
Gone but not Forgotten
Whoa.......I didn't think it had been a whole month since I visited here. Sorry for the neglect, little blog!
Its getting spring like here....THANK I am trying to spend time outdoors when I can. I know that spring hasn't really sprung and I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and the snow to fly again. But I feel compelled to enjoy the spring like weather while I can.
My new job is going ok so far. I like it but I don't have high hopes of working here long-term. They have fired 4 nurses since I started there and lots of nurses are nervous about it. Rumor is that you don't have to try very hard to get fired. I am just trying to do my best and get a bit of money put back.....JUST IN CASE!!!
My beloved car rolled over and died a few weeks ago. I am still sad about that. But I had to buy a different vehicle. I have a van now....its not new but I really like it. I want to pay it off and use it as a down payment for a newer one.
I will try to come back sooner next time.....


Posted by journal2/life16 at 1:04 AM EST
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Wednesday, 4 February 2004
Life is Good....even with a busted knee!!!!!
Been a while since I posted here. Lots has happened.
Hubby and I have been doing more talking and things are smoothing out quite nicely.
I fell on the ice in our driveway Tuesday and messed up my left knee. No fractures but I have some type of soft tissue damage. ER doc said maybe some torn ligaments. I have been on bedrest for the past 2 days. Have 5 more days of limited movement. If no real improvement by then, I will probably have a MRI!!!! More medical bills. Yikes!
I have gotten a new Valentines Day gift every day this week. Its wonderful to be loved by this man!


Posted by journal2/life16 at 8:28 PM EST
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Sunday, 25 January 2004
Snow Snow Go Away!!!
Its snowing....we already have about 6 inches on the ground. Enough already!!!!! Stop anytime now!!
I have been very emotional the last few days....TOM time. Where is menopause when you need it??
Aside from the emotions, I have been feeling much better lately. I am changing for the better. My marriage is better but I am communicating more. I am gonna try to make this work and if it doesn't, then I will leave with my head held high!!! And I will survive.


Posted by journal2/life16 at 6:51 PM EST
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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
oh, my aching back.......
I worked 12 hours today and everything....not just my throbbing with pain. I am glad I am off tomorrow....I could not face going back in the morning. Even though I do really love this job. I will work on my own side business some tomorrow while I am home. I will never get it opened at this on it one day then ignore it a few weeks.
My sweet hubby and I are getting along better now...I do love him. I hope we can work things out.


Posted by journal2/life16 at 10:06 PM EST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004
Back Again
Here I am...back again. I tend to forget that this blog exists sometimes. You are probably wishing the same!!! LOL!!!
I am in a somewhat better mood than I was when I last posted here. I still have some doubts about my marriage. I know I love the man but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that we are walking down different paths in life. I want to end up somewhere totally different than he does. What we really need to do is sit down together and talk this out but I am too chicken to bring it up and he just doesn't want to talk to me. He is always too busy with something else or someone else. So eventually, he will come home and I will just be gone.


Posted by journal2/life16 at 9:05 PM EST
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Sunday, 4 January 2004
Seeking a separation already????
My marriage is only a few months old but I am ready to call it quits. I have no faith that it will work. I give...he takes....and he calls it a 50/50 relationship. I don't get anything from this relationship....and he isn't gonna get anything else.


Posted by journal2/life16 at 2:50 PM EST
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Saturday, 3 January 2004
Time marches on...
I have another *^%#$@ immune system must be shot all to hell!!!!!
I am still depressed too. Maybe I need to go see my doctor again.
I will visit again when I feel better. Hopefully soon!!!


Posted by journal2/life16 at 8:10 PM EST
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Thursday, 25 December 2003
Bah Humbug
Christmas Day......OH JOY
I am alone in the saddest sense of the word. No one cares that much about me. I try to be liked but I'm not. My husband got me nothing.....yet he has tried all day to have sex....FAT CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!
No one in my extended family bothered to call. If I don't call them, they just don't think about me. I could wait from now to doomsday before they initiate contact between us. Don't they realize how much this hurts my feelings?
Wish I could just die and get this pain over with.
I don't think I will ever try to celebrate Christmas again.


Posted by journal2/life16 at 3:13 PM EST
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