======================================================================================== Session Start: Wed Feb 04 18:02:18 2004

Session Ident: #lesbianpalace

* Logging #lesbianpalace to 'logs\#lesbianpalace2_4.DALnet'

Cubbie1: ok folks..welcome to palace's first chan meeting for 2004

Cubbie1: topics we will cover are

Katy`: ok back

Cubbie1: explaining Sop/Aop responsibilities

* wildy123 is now known as wildy123-afk

Cubbie1: Intro to palace website to Aops/members

Cubbie1: Delegating jobs to Aops for palace website

Cubbie1: Voting on how long an Aop can be M.I.A. before begin taken off list

Cubbie1: and at end taking any ?'s, suggestions, or complaints

Cubbie1: I'd like to welcome all of our new ops and thank them for doing a great job :)

Cubbie1: I would also like to welcome again our new members

Cubbie1: for those that do not have our website

Cubbie1: https://www.angelfire.com/journal2/lesbianpalace/home.html

Cubbie1: the website is currently being updated and will be maintained by Live^Wire

Cubbie1: Sop/ Aop responsibilites:

Cubbie1: first and foremost to provide as safe as possible

Cubbie1: as chan for women

Cubbie1: to come and relax..enjoy..make new friends..etc.

Cubbie1: oversee any disagreements that may get out of hand

Cubbie1: inforce chan rules

Cubbie1: w/personal insight at times

Cubbie1: on intervention of a situation

* wildy123-afk is now known as wildy123

Cubbie1: there are no Founders for #lesbianpalace

Cubbie1: this chan is run by a team

Cubbie1: the open meetings are held because it is felt

Cubbie1: this is the best way to stay up front w/everyone

Cubbie1: and it is the aops/members that are the main pulse of this chan

Cubbie1: it is ur chan

Cubbie1: as fer the rules

Cubbie1: pretty simple

Live^Wire: #1 Age limit is 18+.. #2 No Teen or Sex Channel Logins.. #3 No Men or Male Accounts Allowed.. #4 No Soliticing, Netsex or Pic Trading.. #5 No Offensive Nicknames.. #6 No Lurking on Channel.. #7 ABSOLUTELY Clean friendly chat requested #8 We Ask That You Please Respect The Ops, They Are Here To Protect You .. #9 Respect each other, have fun!!

Cubbie1: if u feel someone is bothering u in pvt..ur options are as follows

Cubbie1: plz put the person on ignore by typing

Cubbie1: ../ignore nick

Cubbie1: if the nick is someone noone knows and u feel the chan should be made aware of this

Cubbie1: plz let an op know

Cubbie1: before we continue..we will take turns giving voice to see if anyone has anything to say or ask up to now

Cubbie1: thank u

Cubbie1: we'll start w/the members than the ops

Cubbie1: Sealiz

Cubbie1: Sealia ?

* tx-sage sets mode: +v Sealia

* Sealia has no questions

Cubbie1: thank u..buchster ?

* tx-sage sets mode: -v Sealia

* tx-sage sets mode: +v buchster

Cubbie1:we'll come back to buchster

Cubbie1: Cote ?

buchster: nope i'm good cubbie, just listening

Cubbie1: lol k hon

* tx-sage sets mode: -v buchster

* tx-sage sets mode: +v Cote^^

Cote^^: nothing thank you

* tx-sage sets mode: -v Cote^^ Cubbie1: thank u Cote...Josee ?

* tx-sage sets mode: +v Josee_Cat

* Josee_Cat sit nice and enjoy the meeting no questions here ty

* tx-sage sets mode: -v Josee_Cat

Cubbie1: thank u Josee...May ?

* tx-sage sets mode: +v May^Queen

May^Queen: How is "Respect" defined? and by who?

May^Queen: is their a line between friendly/joking (is what i mean)

May^Queen: and rudeness?

Cubbie1: if u say I am a silly ass..that is joking

May^Queen: absolutely

Cubbie1: if u say I am a fkng asshole

Cubbie1: that is rude

Cubbie1: k ?

May^Queen: for now :) definitely! Thanks for the answer

Cubbie1: :) May^Queen

Cubbie1: respect: willingness to show consideration or appreciation for someone

Cubbie1: is actually a dictionary definition ;)

Cubbie1: ok to the ops

* tx-sage sets mode: -v May^Queen

Cubbie1: Katy plz ?

Katy`: first i would like to say...cubbs....you're a fking asshole! lol j/k honey

Cubbie1: lolol

Cubbie1: anything Katy ?

Katy`: anyway.......i think we have a deceny group here......we do respect eash other and although we can have fun we can still protect the channel without thinking of it as a full time job

Katy`: you know....some people take irc waaaaaaaaaaaaay to far

Katy`: to us it is not a power trip

* el-garbou3 (~----@ has joined #lesbianpalace

Katy`: i think thats it

Katy`: ty

Cubbie1: ok thank u Katy

* el-garbou3 was kicked by tx-sage (told you no males)

Cubbie1: Live ?

Live^Wire: I would just like to remind Katy that this log will be posted on the website :)

Katy`: :)

Live^Wire: Nothing else

Cubbie1: thanks hon...Dee ?

MzDee: I'm glad to see the interest coming back in the Palace .. one thing I'd like to remind the ops of

MzDee: is the power to kick/ban

MzDee: lets not play with it

MzDee: even in fun

MzDee: it gives others the feeling of abuse of power

MzDee: We don't need power ops

MzDee: just protection at times

MzDee: And I'd like to thank Cub and Liver for the efforts so far

Cubbie1: :)

Live^Wire: :)

Cubbie1: anything else Dee ?

MzDee: And I do have ops popups/remotes if needed

MzDee: dassit

Cubbie1: thanks Dee :)

Cubbie1: tx-steer ?

tx-sage: LOL... just that I am glad to be here.....

Cubbie1: thank u..anything else ?

tx-sage: and I think the interest is growing

tx-sage: so it is good to have this meeting now

tx-sage: thats it

Cubbie1: :) thank u

Cubbie1: wildy ?

wildy123: lurking does that mean I will be getting kicked

Cubbie1: no dear lol

wildy123: lol

Cubbie1: but a good topic to cover thank u for bringing it up

Cubbie1: anything else wildy ?

wildy123: I'm cool with everything

Cubbie1: k..thanks

Cubbie1: as fer lurking..members or aops or sops for that matter

Cubbie1: lurking..isn't really considered lurking by regs

Cubbie1: so long as u aren't gone for like upteen hrs

Cubbie1: but ur nick is here

MzDee: can I add something cub

Cubbie1: of course Dee

MzDee: If your AFK

MzDee: add it to your nick but just make sure your script doesn't post some dribble every few minutes saying your feeding the chickens etc

Cubbie1: lolol

wildy123: lol

MzDee: no sence cluttering the room

Katy`: what about the sheep? is that allowed?

MzDee: dassit

Cubbie1: thanks Dee :)

Cubbie1: if anyone wishes to say anything that didn't before..plz let Live know in pvt

* tx-sage sets mode: +v Cote^^

Cubbie1: go ahead Cote :)

Cote^^: huh

Cote^^: Oh

Cote^^: I just wanted to say that I appreciate a channel where i can go talk to freinds and relax with out a bunch of bull

Cote^^: I enjoy everyone

Cote^^: that is all

Cubbie1: thanks Cote :)

* tx-sage sets mode: -v Cote^^

Cubbie1: plz feel free to comment on anything later..this isn't ur only chance lol

Cubbie1: ok voting on how long an op can be missing in action before being removed from list

Katy`: a week

Cubbie1: tx..would u plz give ppl voice so we can discuss this

* MzDee sets mode: +v Sealia

* Cubbie1 sets mode: +v May^Queen

* Live^Wire sets mode: +v buchster

* Live^Wire sets mode: +v Josee_Cat

* MzDee sets mode: +v Josee_Cat

* Cubbie1 sets mode: +v buchster

* Live^Wire sets mode: +v Cote^^

MzDee: This will be very hard to monitor

Cubbie1: oops ok

* wildy123 sets mode: +v Katy`

Cubbie1: one at a time again eh ?

* GoneAway (~me@16-119.148.popsite.net) has joined #LesbianPalace

* wildy123 sets mode: +v GoneAway

Cubbie1: lol my fault..sorry

May^Queen: do a /nickserve info

May^Queen: -e

MzDee: MIA =? gone from Dalnet?

May^Queen: or get a bot :)

* SoberOne (SoberOne@sdn-ap-014ilchicP0467.dialsprint.net) has joined #lesbianpalace

* wildy123 sets mode: +v SoberOne

* ChanServ sets mode: +o SoberOne

* Cubbie1 sets mode: +o SoberOne

wildy123: that is my job in lesbians

Cubbie1: hi Sober

buchster: how bout

May^Queen: and you do it perfectly wild :)

SoberOne: evening ladies

GoneAway: im' back

MzDee: info isn't precise any more

wildy123: wb GoneAway

wildy123: hi SoberOne

buchster: if someone is going to be gone for an extended period of time let cubbie or live know

May^Queen: hey buggie

buchster: then if they don't know it can be brought into question

GoneAway: hey boo

Katy`: or if you get a life....fill someone in

MzDee: And to me its gone from participating in the room .. not Dalnet

buchster: lolol katy

wildy123: thanks may for the nice comment

tx-sage: sory was lagged

Cubbie1: tis ok tx

SoberOne: I must be late

Cubbie1: so do we have any time limits on how long an op can be M.I.A. ?

MzDee: Spanks sober

* buchster ropes tx and tugs her along on her server :)

Live^Wire: just a half hour, sober

Cubbie1: no other suggestions ?

Cubbie1: Katy..u said 6 months to me once

* Josee_Cat raise her hand

Cubbie1: go fer it Josee

Sealia: would MIA mean without lettin someone know

Sealia: ?

buchster: a week sounds reasonable to me

Cubbie1: yes Sealia

May^Queen: dalnet deop's a peron when their nick expires, after 4 weeks, btw

Katy`: yeah, i mean 6 months in irc is a long time

wildy123: 2 weeks is good

Katy`: wildy.....gezzzzz

wildy123: lol

Live^Wire: 2 weeks means if an op goes on vacation, they lose their ops?

buchster: wildy I do good to count in single digits lol

Katy`: if we did that you're wildy123-afk would be enough

wildy123: ok

tx-sage: can they let us know they went on vac?

SoberOne: wildy wants me deopped :(

buchster: no it means just let either you or cubbie know live

Cubbie1: of course

wildy123: lol

Live^Wire: as much as some ppl believe, irc is not our life

tx-sage: 2 or 3 weeks i think.......

Josee_Cat: Cubbie1 I was an op in a room I was taking care of my mother in law then I came back in the room they had my @ gone without telling me just make sure people are tell if they are going to loose it

Katy`: i think 6 months is fair....i mean....heck show up every couple...at least you show ineterest

Katy`:> and no more closing the palace down for the summer

Live^Wire: I agree with 6 months MIA

Live^Wire: without telling someoone

SoberOne: I say we run with chanserv...4 wks unless the op has made other arrangemnts

MzDee: I think Sober is right

Cubbie1: this is being logged so if we can keep the goofing down to a lull for log sake..will be appreciated

buchster: that would be the easiest way to go, going along with chan serv

Cote^^: 4 weeks sounds fair nuff

Katy`: so what happens if you are gone 5 weeks and you come back?

Katy`: go through the whole op[ thing again?

MzDee: I'm not into bots .. lived withone in Chat for too long

Sealia: probation

Cubbie1: good idea Sealia

Sealia: 2,00:4,00)

SoberOne: if you've been a good op the whole op thing wouldn't be a prob

May^Queen: you'd lose your nick after 4 weeks anyway

MzDee: Kat if your gone that long and didn't tell anyone your interest isn't inthe room anyway

wildy123: thats right May

GoneAway: or you can have a friend you trust identify to your nick if your going to be gone longer than 4 weeks

SoberOne: right...so after 4 wks of no activity you will be deopped anyway

Cubbie1: ok..so give a raise of hands for 1 month w/no notifcation to a Sop if an op goes missing

Cubbie1: :":

Cote^^: raised

wildy123: you dont want someone get someones nick that is a aop or sop

MzDee: :::::

SoberOne: raised

tx-sage: yep

Live^Wire: ~~

wildy123: ;;;;;

* Sealia raises her hand

GoneAway: but you can give it to a Sop/Aop you trust

* Katy` raises also

Cubbie1: very true GoneAway..nas did that

buchster: 0000 :)

MzDee: Yeep stormy

wildy123: YEP

* Josee_Cat raise I guess

SoberOne: one other thing...this may have been addressed while I was MIA lol

GoneAway: I use to do that with freaky all the time

Cubbie1: May ?

Cubbie1: Cote ?

Cote^^: i was first to raise sheeesh

May^Queen: 4 weeks with chanserv is very good and not labor intensive for anyone

Cubbie1: sorry darlin

Cote^^: :(

May^Queen: chanserv does the work for you

Cubbie1: cool..so it seems one month has it

SoberOne: I dont think being here should equal popping in for 5 mins every 4 wks just to keep ones ops

Cote^^: goes and sis in corner

* May^Queen knows that problem :)

Cubbie1: yes I agree w/u there also Sober

Katy`: is that possible?? we are addicted

tx-sage: good point sober

Katy`: liek i said,....good group now

* buchster hands cote a putter, pretend it's putt putt :)

May^Queen: every so often, it might be a good idea to send a note asking everyone if they are interested in retaining their ops, and if they don't answer by the date you set up (2 weeks or so) they lose their ops

* bikytten (~l_star@modem-95.middletown.ny.fcc.net) has joined #Lesbianpalace

* wildy123 sets mode: +v bikytten

bikytten: hi

Cubbie1: good idea also May..thanks

SoberOne: in the past I've seen ops who pop into a chan for 5 mins, kick ppl then split without so much as a hello to anyone

May^Queen: anytime :)

wildy123: good idea may

Josee_Cat: << agree with May^Queen

GoneAway: but whats the ponit in having Aops if they are not going to be around? thats a waste

SoberOne: its insulting to ops who actually spend time working the channel

wildy123: hi bikytten

MzDee: I think if someone is doing the 5 min every 4 weeks to keep nick/Ops that person sould be asked if they intend on participating in the room .. and if no .. then let them know thier ops will be dropped

May^Queen: absolutely right, it's a good idea, also, in a smaller channel to schedule small meets with individual aops and discuss their intentions and the like

May^Queen: i.e. each sop could take on 3 or 4 aops and have a discussion with them

GoneAway: But if they wanted Aops it was in the intention of making the channel better.. not for popping in and out! if they aren't gonig to show up, whats the point in having Aops?

MzDee: Actuall inhere the 3 SOPs would meet with the person

Cubbie1: so how does everyone feel about the probation period ?

Cote^^: fine

May^Queen: how long is it and what are the grounds of probation?

Josee_Cat: fine with me

May^Queen: what can they not do, what can they do?

GoneAway: can't do

* May^Queen winks at GoneAway

GoneAway: Im' not good with probation.. I feel like I was let out of jail

* Aacademy_Gal (~adfadf@ has joined #lesbianpalace

SoberOne: as laid down on the website cub?

Cubbie1: well May..it was ur suggestion I believe..fill us in on ur idea

* GoneAway winks back but smiles

Cubbie1: about the do's and don't's Sober..yes

bikytten: hi wildy hugs

GoneAway: like they have a certain amount of time to prove the Sops right if they can or cant' Op or follow directions.. and if they can't, they get let go

May^Queen: i said probation?

* Sealia speaks

Sealia: i said it

tx-sage: sealia said probaion

SoberOne: we've always had a probationary period of sorts

Cubbie1: my apologies Sealia :)

Sealia: np

Cubbie1: the u go fer it lol

MzDee: Inthe past when onprobationthey had full power .. no restrictions .. and we just watched over them and guided.

Sealia: run probation for bout 4 weeks just as your time for de-oping

SoberOne: aops only recieve official op status after the majority has had the opportunity to see their work and vote on them

Sealia: let them be supervised by a sop

Sealia: go over the rules

* Aacademy_Gal (~adfadf@ has left #lesbianpalace

Sealia: be sure they understand

Sealia: have them aop atleast 2 times a week\

MzDee: We have always felt in here we op based on the person and thier blend withthe room .. not a popularity contest

Sealia: for four weeks

Sealia: 30min +

Sealia: something like that

May^Queen: how do they "work" w/o having ops?

May^Queen: i'm sorry to be asking so many questions, i just don't know how ya'll operate

Sealia: u can play with the regulations on that some

Cubbie1: np May^Queen :)

Sealia: have....

Sealia: the sop that..

. Cubbie1: normally as Sober said

Sealia: is supervising them....

Cubbie1: the ops are after a probationary period..voted in

Sealia: give them aop when they come in for that time

GoneAway: why not have babyops?

Sealia: and then only

Cubbie1: let ppl answer ur ?'s plz

SoberOne: most of what an op needs to know is posted on the website

SoberOne: the rest is manly mechanics

Cubbie1: the rest is guidance

Cubbie1: or mechanics lol ;)

May^Queen: oh oh is there a quiz??

Cubbie1: ok..so we agree on one month of M.I.A. and u are taken off op list

* Sealia done

Cubbie1: I know ppl like to play various games..trivia..t or d..etc.

* Cubbie1 looks at Dee

Cubbie1: would it be possible to get a trivia Bot in here Dee

SoberOne: if a person get permanent ops is up to the majority based on how well they perform...they can lose em the same way...via the majority for poor work

May^Queen: i see, Sober, thanks!

* Cubbie1 knocks on Dee's puter screen :": :": :":

MzDee: Ya I have a trivia bot

Cubbie1: could u plz set us up w/one in palace ?

MzDee: or someone could run one

Cubbie1: can't it be set up..where if ppl want to play trivia

Cubbie1: all they have to do is type !trivia

MzDee: yes

Cubbie1: or the like ?

Cubbie1: ok..then u're elected lolol :":Dee:":

May^Queen: will you have a limit on how much trivia is played vs. chatting time?

Cubbie1: and as fer how the trivia bot will be used

Cubbie1: getting to that May :)

Cubbie1: it should not be used to shut ppl up

Cubbie1: majority of ppl should agree on it that nite

Cubbie1: but I personally wouldn't mind at least ONE night

tx-sage: good idea like t or d

Cubbie1: w/out it..so it doesn't take over like the tv has in so many homes

buchster: we playing sex or dare one night?

Cote^^: true

buchster: errrr t or d? :)

Cubbie1: okie dokie ppl ?

SoberOne: sounds good

Cubbie1: trivia bot in..but not to replace human interaction

Cubbie1: so to spk lol ;)

tx-sage: yep

Cubbie1: I have a sounds good from Sober and a yep from tx

Cubbie1: anyone else ?

* Live^Wire agrees

Cote^^: i said yes

buchster: doesn't bother me cubbie

SoberOne: the bot should be majority ruleds as well a quick show of hands in chan will work

* Josee_Cat go for it

Live^Wire: hands up

Katy`: sure thing

wildy123: ok

bikytten: ok

May^Queen: bring the bot on for those nights of trivia and have it not here otherwise?

Sealia: yep

wildy123: yes that would be good

GoneAway: make the bot flirt

Cubbie1: lol

Katy`: no i can't take that right now

Cubbie1: ok..we will work on the bot

Katy`: lol

SoberOne: it can stay in chan...just as long ability is there to start/stop it as requested by majority

Cubbie1: thank u

MzDee: I have a flirt bot .. DBabe

Cubbie1: :":Dee

tx-sage: good idea sober

GoneAway: well bring in the flirt bot.. some ppl get lonley

Cubbie1: as for any major personality conflicts

Cubbie1: ppl here are real

May^Queen: what will happen when a lone user decides they want it to be done and turns it off?

Cubbie1: it's gonna happen

buchster: and you wanna be lonely for a bot?

* May^Queen is playing devils advocate, i just went through this issue

GoneAway: nahhhhhhh buchster

Sealia: i need to pull off for about 10 min

GoneAway: you're gonig to have problems with the trivia

* Sealia will brb

Live^Wire: May, so far, the ppl in this channel get along very well, as opposed to other channels I've been in...not sure it will be an issue in here

buchster: u just wanna see the bot's wise comments :)

Sealia: got to take son down the road

May^Queen: ok

* Sealia is now known as Sealia-afk

Cubbie1: an op can be in charge of turning bot or or off per memebers requests ?

Katy`: i can be a bot in that case

Cote^^: true live

Cubbie1: thanks Sealia

MzDee: Actually before the trivia bot didn't have a prob

Sealia-afk: brb in 10

SoberOne: we've had the bot here in the past and never had a problem

Cubbie1: true Sober

GoneAway: some ppl may want to play while others want to talk!

May^Queen: cool :)

wildy123: seeya be careful

tx-sage: majority should decide

SoberOne: then ya do a 30/30 trivia off 30 on 30

Cubbie1: and that is why I would like to have at LEAST one nite..maybe 2..w/out trivia bot being played

Cote^^: that is fair cubbie

Cubbie1: thank u Cote

May^Queen: it's a fad, they will play it a while then it will die down

tx-sage: perhaps only 1 or 2 nights with the bot

SoberOne: t or d night for one

Cubbie1: yes Sober..I was thinking that to

Cubbie1: too

Katy`: or more depending on the mood?

wildy123: yes your right may that is what happen in lesbians

Katy`: i mean it helps some os us out to have eztra fun

Cubbie1: actually..I don't really want to pick specific nites for games

Cubbie1: as many times it will depend on the moods of ppl

* Katy` just said that

SoberOne: true

Cubbie1: may want to play trivia and t or d in same nite

tx-sage: true

Cubbie1: or just for a lil while then chat and play

Cubbie1: so in the beginning

Cubbie1: I feel we can play it by ear

Cubbie1: if it gets out of hand..and we hear complaints..we will address them then

Cubbie1: how's that ?

tx-sage: ok

SoberOne: and as support is a big part of who we are...games are not always appropriate

Katy`: works for me

Live^Wire: sounds good to me

Cubbie1: yes Sober

Cote^^: ok

tx-sage: true sober

Cubbie1: now then..as I was saying earlier

Cubbie1: as for personality conflicts

Cubbie1: they will happen..these chans are made of up real ppl

Cubbie1: handle them urself is our first choice

Cubbie1: if it spills over into chan..both parties (since it takes 2)

* Trivia^^Bot (~Missy@ has joined #lesbianpalace

Cubbie1: will be dealt w/immediately

Cubbie1: thanks Dee

bikytten: bring on the bot

Cubbie1: ssshhhhh lol

Cubbie1: if there is harassing going on from one to another

Cubbie1: typing ../ignore is ur first option

buchster: can I say something?

Cubbie1: sure buch :)

Cubbie1: ?

Katy`: some time tonight buch

GoneAway: she's typing

tx-sage: thought i was lagged again

Katy`: lol

GoneAway: just don't bring personal emotions into main..

Cote^^: not everyone is speed fingers

Cubbie1: yep Cote :)

buchster: since I've been back on dalnet I've been in lesbians a couple of times and just stayed a few mins because it's a totally different mentality there. A room where there are 30-40 ppl with 20-30 of them lurking or doing whatever isn't what a "channel" is all about

buchster: shit I had to type a bit so shut up cubbie and katy lol

May^Queen: no?

Cubbie1: I didn't say anything buch dear

buchster: ok cubbie I see what you said

buchster: I apoligise :)

Cubbie1: ;)

Katy`: !

Cubbie1: buchster still has the floor

GoneAway: well buchster, you can't expect everybody to be talking in main all the time either.. some ppl perfer to speak in private... just cuz a channel is full doesn't mean they are lurking

Cubbie1: very true GoneAway

* Sealia-afk is now known as Sealia

* Sealia back

buchster: well then why lurk if you don't talk for an hr or so?

Cubbie1: and if I may add..we are here to discuss this chan..not others :)

SoberOne: thank you cub

GoneAway: thats up to the person.. I often dont speak in main, but i do in private!

buchster: I was just saying a really appreciate this channel for that very reason

Cubbie1: :":buchster:": thank uuuuuuu

Cubbie1: getting back to the personality conflicts

May^Queen: Thank you Cubbie, I was biting my tongue :)

Cubbie1: if things are brought into chan..both parties will be dealt w/quickly

Cubbie1: majority of folks here by now..are beyond young adults ;)

buchster: go ahead may, just stated an opinion is all, just as you have yours :)

Cote^^: I dont think she was attacking lesbians just using as a example

Cubbie1: what will not be tolerated ur most of ur homes..will not be tolerated here

Cubbie1: nope..buchster is not an attacker

Cubbie1: unfortunately for some poor lesbian somewhere

Cote^^: lol

SoberOne: back on target...as for personality conflicts if two ppl are arguing in main BOTH should be sent outside...it only takes one to end it

GoneAway: I know she wasn't attacking but I was defending the issuse of lurking

buchster: I don't attack anyone may

Cubbie1: yeppers Sober

buchster: easier to just walk away

* cutelilgirl (cutelilgir@PIPP-p-203-54-229-189.prem.tmns.net.au) has joined #lesbianpalace

* wildy123 sets mode: +v cutelilgirl

* cutelilgirl hi there everyone :)

Cubbie1: cutelilgirl..u will be brought up to date on meeting tonite

bikytten: hi cutelilgirl

Cubbie1: we are almost done

* Katy` blows whistle.....cubbs continue

cutelilgirl: oh

Cubbie1: I guess that is pretty much it

Cubbie1: more than willing to hear ?'s..suggestions..complaints

Cubbie1: from anyoane

cutelilgirl: shuts up

Cubbie1: anyone

* May^Queen never used the word "attack" just wanted to say that...sorry if there was a confusion there

Cubbie1: but one at a time plz..if u notice someone spking

Cubbie1: let them finish

* Katy` is keeping her mouth shut for now

* Katy` (~Eternal_@user199.net656.tx.sprint-hsd.net) Quit (Quit: Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you!)

buchster:> it's kewl may :)

buchster: truce?

* Katy` (~Eternal_@user199.net656.tx.sprint-hsd.net) has joined #lesbianpalace

* wildy123 sets mode: +v Katy`

* Cubbie1 sets mode: +o Katy`

buchster: wb katy

Katy`: not exactally what i meant Cubbie1: anything anybody ?

Katy`: lol

GoneAway: lol Katy

Katy`: was cleaning KB

Cubbie1: ok..I guess this concludes our first meeting..

SoberOne: noooo

May^Queen: sure thing buchster

Cubbie1: logs of this meeting will be posted in lesbianpalace website

Cubbie1: what sober ?

Katy`: just a note.....everything i said tonight i was being serious

Cubbie1: I hope so Katy

Cubbie1: one more time

Cubbie1: any ?'s..complaints..suggestions ?

SoberOne: I'd like the voices to send suggestions to the palace email regarding what / how they want the Aops here to behave...a standard of ethics if you will

* MzDee sets mode: +o Trivia^^Bot

* May^Queen grins

* May^Queen isn't the person to ask that question to

Cubbie1: lol May

Cubbie1: hey..send ur suggestions to the email

SoberOne: its YOUR channel and I would like to see YOUR input as to what you want

Cubbie1: honestly

Cubbie1: exactly Sober

* GoneAway pushs cute over

Cubbie1: and I seriously appreciate the show up tonite and the insight from everyone

May^Queen: well, if you please, i've been online so long that #lesbians is my way of life online these days...

SoberOne: if you have suggestions/ comments/bitches of any sort...SEND THEM IN

* cutelilgirl gets up

Cubbie1: :": Sober

Live^Wire: yes, and address them to sober

Cubbie1: May..anything else ?

Live^Wire: :)

SoberOne: lol Live

May^Queen: oh um...

May^Queen: yea

Cubbie1: :)

buchster: may I meant no offense to you or to lesbians whatsoever

Cubbie1: plz let May spk ppl

Cubbie1: thank u buchster

May^Queen: awww thanks :)

May^Queen: and i take no offense, i know lesbians isn't for everyone

May^Queen: hell, half the time it isn't even for me

wildy123: lol may

Cubbie1: anymore interruptions off this chan for now..and for sake of logging..we will close the meeting

buchster: I opped on lesbians on undernet for several years and it's the same as lesbians on dalnet. just not what I prefer is all :)

Cubbie1: anyone have anything else to say in reference to this meeting plz ?

May^Queen: but i do think that deep down our set of "rules" can be useful otherplaces

tx-sage: nope cubs

Josee_Cat: no Cubbie1

Live^Wire: nothing more here

MzDee: May isn't finished pls

May^Queen: we've been there, done that, and would be more than happy to share if anyone wanted

* May^Queen is done

May^Queen: :)

Cubbie1: thanks May^Queen

May^Queen: sorry to go off elsewhere

wildy123: cool may

GoneAway: but dont set up your rules along with lesbians.. set your own. its your channel!

Live^Wire: I agree, stormy\

tx-sage: me too

Cubbie1: lol yeah I believe we are aware of that much

May^Queen: absolutely

SoberOne: we arn't better or worse than any other channel...just different

GoneAway: i was commmenting on what Boogie said

Cubbie1: exactly Sober..thanks

May^Queen: just offering services if anyone needs/want

May^Queen: s

Cubbie1: oh..and I would like to add plz

Cubbie1: this chan is also..not a meeting place to

Cubbie1: come and bash other chans..or ppl

Cubbie1: that can be done in pvt if u really can't control urselves

SoberOne: nope that is wasted time so far as I'm concerned

Katy`: are we still loggin cubbs?

Cubbie1: me too Sober

Cubbie1: yes Katy

Live^Wire: yes katy

wildy123: i agree with that cubbie

Cubbie1: :":wildy

tx-sage: agree

Cubbie1: ok..let's show a sign of paws that meeting is overrrrrrr

SoberOne: this channel is run as a cooperative so put that time and energy

into making this a great place

Cubbie1: :":

Live^Wire: ~~

Katy`: :":

tx-sage: :":

MzDee: 5,8:":0,13(*)(*)5,8:":1 <-- Cubbie1 in Fake & Bake

wildy123: >>>

MzDee: 8,8...13,13..0,13*13,13...8,8...

MzDee: 8,8...13,13.0,13\|/13,13..8,8...

SoberOne: :":

MzDee: Hmm paws

Sealia: :":

cutelilgirl: ;';

Josee_Cat: purrrrr

Cubbie1: thanks again everyone

Josee_Cat: ;";

Katy`: can we stop loggin now? i have something to say

* May^Queen shows her paw

Cubbie1: plz visit palace website

Cubbie1: https://www.angelfire.com/journal2/lesbianpalace/home.html

MzDee: 13Official #Lesbianpalace 1home page addy is 3https://www.angelfire.com/journal2/lesbianpalace/home.html

Cubbie1: in the near future for logs of this meeting

Live^Wire: don't look for it tonight!

Cubbie1: and visit occassionally as we will be updating it constantly

tx-sage: lol live

SoberOne: rofl @ Live

Cubbie1: lol no..not tonite lol

SoberOne: oh yesssssssssss ONE MORE THING

Cubbie1: thanks everyone..log off babyyyyyyyy

Cubbie1: oh shit

Cubbie1: lolol

MzDee: Hrmmph .. I used tohave it up the same nite

Cubbie1: yes Soberrrrrr ?

Cubbie1: lol Dee

wildy123: who went to see Monster

Live^Wire: then you can put it up tonight, dee

SoberOne: thank you all for coming and a big thanks to Live for taking over as our webmistress

* cutelilgirl waves

SoberOne: ok more than one thing

cutelilgirl: <-- has

tx-sage: yes thanks LIve !!!!!!!!!!!!

Cubbie1: and keep in mind..Live may be ya'll mistress..but she IS my gf

wildy123: was it good cutelilgirl

Live^Wire: :) I can like this

cutelilgirl: it was sad wildy

Cubbie1: ;) hon

Cubbie1: Sober..make it quick

Cubbie1: log ya know lol

GoneAway: MistressLive

wildy123: she is beautiful but not in that movie

Live^Wire: sober, do you have something else for the meeting log??

SoberOne: that was it was two things not one

Cubbie1: k sober

Cubbie1: k hon..log off

Session Close: Wed Feb 04 19:20:10 2004