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+ Club Created: October 2002
+ Site Launched: 4.8.04
+ Webmaster: Heather
+ Updated: 9.16.04
September 16, 2004:
Welcome back to another semester! I've finally gotten around to updating the site. Check out our events page to see what's coming up next!
Welcome to the website for Long Beach City College Circle K.

At this site you'll find information on who we are, what we do, our upcoming events, & more! Feel free to check out the site & join the club!

Circle K is a co-educational service, leadership development, and friendship organization, organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. It is a self-governing organization and elects its own officers, conducts its own meetings, determines its own service activities, and establishes its own dues structure. Its Objects include the Objects of Kiwanis. Once organized, a Circle K club continues to be sponsored by a Kiwanis club. Although the ultimate responsibility for Circle is that of the Kiwanis Board of Directors, the sponsorship function is most directly carried out by the Kiwanis club Committee on Circle K Clubs, assisted by a faculty advisor (who may or may not be a Kiwanian) designated by the college or university administration.
Feed The Homeless:
Thursday, September 16
7 - 9 p.m.
LB Rescue Mission
Chair: Richard
Meet at the phone booth by cafeteria by 6:30 p.m.

Updated the upcoming events & officers pages!

Updated the upcoming events & past events pages!

Past site updates are now found here

Site is owned by Heather. Layout designed by Heather.