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***The Cast Of My Life***

*~*THE CAST*~*


BM Best Mate
CM Close Mate
C Casual
DC Distant Casual
VDC Very Distant Casual
OM Old Mate
NM Online Mate
F Fancy/Fancied
* Flirt with each other a lot but never comes to anything
** A Butchers where Claire, Cath and Jon work.
*** Duke of Edinburgh. Where your put into groups and sent up a hill to sleep in a tent and cook some supper noddles
**** Information may not be completely genuine.


Claire - BM. Is a nationalist, supports Rangers and likes to stick her hand up sheep's arses. Fancies Ally.

Cath - CM. Aka Ronald, About 6 foot tall,works at **the butchers, hangs around street corners. Costs 49p

Anna - CM. Is Swedish and loooovely! Is best mate's with Ksenia(see below).

Ksenia - CM.Aka Sush. Is Russian and not proud...likes to talk. Is obbsessed with lipgloss,guys and Feeder. Goes out with Beaner( aka Stuart - see "guys")

Dawn - CM/OM. Is year older and at collage. Great to talk to. Very artisitc.

Kimberley -CM/C/OM. Aka Kim. One of my oldest mates, used to be best mates back in the day. Good laugh. Is also my cousin.

Nia - C. Best mates with Kimberley. Is clever and too nice in an annoying way. Ally's ex(see "guys")

Bridie - C. Used to be quite friendly with a few years ago. As summer nears guys fancy her left right and centre but still rarely has a b/f. Used to go out with Scott(see "guys")

Kylie - C. Joint at the hip with Bridie. Quite friendly with but still don't know that well. Had/has a *thing with Colin.

Katie(M) - C. Best friends with Phillipa(see below). Get on ok but not great. Goes out with Mark, used to go out with scott (see "guys)

Phillipa - C. Spent quite a lot of time with in Art last year. Goes out with Colin(see "guys").

Faye - C. Really nice but don't know that well. Used to go out with Joel and Jim (see "guys").

Kirsteen - C. Really nice but don't know that well. Had a bit of a disastrous 16th birthday party. Goes out with Joel (see "guys")

Megan - C. In my ***DOE group. Fellow partner in the mockery of Mr Cumming (see "teachers")

Sarah - C. In my ***DOE group. Bit of a loon. Annoys Claire.

Juliet - DC. Haven't had many conversations with her in my life. Mainly know through other friends.

Gillian - DC. Ally's ex (see "guys"). Good friends with Nia.

Gemma(C) - VDC. Hardly know at all. Quite annoying, got fame from putting hand through window at Kirsteen's party.

Carol - DC. Used to be best mates with Claire...till i came along..mwhahah.

Muffin - NM. Been friends for about 2 years and great at listening to me moan! Fellow Stereophonics obsessie..and fellow "guys who work in shops" stalker. Has promised to buy me a drink someday. :-P

Kat - NM. My Merry Norfolk Elf. Really great and easy to talk to. Fellow Stereophonics obsessie and sends me great prezies. Unfortunately lives in Norfolk land but have promised to meet up one day.

Fi - NM. Phonics mate. Very "indie" and makes ace cards. Lives in Englandshire.

Susan - NM. dot commer, Rich stalker. Met at Usher Hall gig and had many classic phonics moments together. From Edinburgh but goes to Aberdeen Uni.


Mum - that woman that gave birth to me ;-)

Dad - That guy that does embarrassing dancing. :-P

Kevin - Older brother..currently at Edinburgh uni. Steals traffic cones and encourages underage drinking.

Holly - My doggie. hehe

*~*THE GUYS*~*

Ally -C/F. Aka Soup/Sexy Pants/Ally McHaggis. Used to fancy a lot but now just mates. Claire fancies him. Has reputation of asking people out but getting rejected. aw :-P

Colin - DC. Serial flirt. A bit of a prick and budding musician in band with Ally and Joel (see below). Best mates with Ally. Claire used to fancy him.

Joel - C. A bit camp and random. Obsessed with drumming and Feeder. Goes out with Kirsteen.

Jon - F. aka God. 21 years old and works with Cath and Claire.Is very up his own arse. Has a girlfriend called Julie (see "bints") Send suggestive texts when pissed. Is Claire's 3rd Cousin. Moved to Canada cus he ran out of women in Scotland.

Michael - DC. Mates with Claire. Looks like a puppy and always wants a girlfriend. fancies Claire.

Aaron - VDC. Never shuts up about England winning the rugby. Is obsessed with football and cried when England lost in Euro 2004. Used to go out with Anna until he stopped talking to her and snogged an other girl.

Daniel - F. Aka Handyman/Glen. Is in 6th year. Fancy in a passive kind of way. Nice to stare at his legs when bored.

Matthew - C. Very intellectual and opinionated. Obbsessed with Queen and Watersking.Fancies Claire.

Scott - DC/F/. Fancied for about 8 months a few years ago. Is arrogant and think's I'm weird. Claire's Cousin. Used to go out with Katie and Bridie. Once said Claire was hot, Would fancy her if it weren't for the incest. :-P

Mark - VDC Goes out with Katie.

Will - VDC. aka Man Whore. Works with Claire and Cath. Is a prick and sleeps with 13 year old girls. Fancies Claire and want's to be Jon when he grows up.

Jim - VDC. Once Fell through a roof and broke his leg. Used to go out with Faye.

Dean - VDC. Used to live on Kimberley's street when little. Had a *thing with Kim. Mates with Micheal,Ally, Scott. Moved school last year.

Tim - F. aka Tiny Tim. Was in 6th year and fancied for about 6 months. Stalked him and had about two conversations with him ever.

Alex - NM. Nice but slightly perverted at times. Argues with everyone about everything and convinced me into hating mankind.

Stuart Green - Ksenia's boyfriend. Only Ever met breifly when drunk.

Barry - F. Amazingly good looking indie boy who I 'met' at Tarland marquee. Turned out to be a bit of a knob.

Stuart M - Met at Glassel. Very drunk and very bad kisser.


Miss Sivewright - Admin. Bitch and hates children and our class.

Miss Robertson - Modern Studies. Very enthusiastic about modern studies, has the the incredible ability to start talking about something that ends up in a debate about something totally unrelated to modern studies... like boyzone. Loves her interactive whiteboard.

Mr Smith - Maths. Grumpy and thinks I will fail maths. Is probably right.

Mr Cumming - Technical/DOE. King Idiot. Looks like Buzz Light Year and doesn't know anything about anything.


JennaH - Went out with Ally for a week. Lives in town and bad mouthed Ally to her entire school. May have been a frigment of Ally's imagination.

****Julie - Jon's Girlfriend. Ugly and is secretly a :-P

Rory - Yes is a guy but near enough a woman. Pervert and really desperately wants to get laid. No girl would go near him with an extra long barge pole. Fancies Claire.

Katie (S)- Big mouthed and ugly. Sings constantly and shows off in class. Wants to be mates with everyone.

Chelsie - Hates me for no reson what so ever. Says I never smile, but is as about as happy as a depressed bunny in the rain herself.

Gorgia - Bitches about everyone, hates English people and is obbsessed with gossip.


Kelly Jones aka Randy Midget - "Evil" gap-toothed randy midget frontman of my fav band, Stereophonics.

Richard Jones aka Red Fairy - Bassist in Stereophonics. The height of all cool and the sexiest man alive.

Stuart Cable - Ex drummer of Stereophonics. *sobs* (find out more about Stereophonics)

Catronia - My boss at work.

Katrina - Claire's Auntie. Is a boss type person at *** the butchers.Only seem to meet when I'm pissed.

*~*Disclaimer*~* If you stumble upon this and think you may know me...go away. If I have insulted you..well you must smell and If I call you sexy or something just be happy and don't meantion it. If you are really really bothered about tne information stated here email me and I'll get rid of it.Thank you please.