Welcome to my lair.
Most experts say you can look in to the heart and mind of someone by simply reading their journal.
So do I but my journal is not the typical journal.
My journal consists of stories I have created over the years.
Stories I once hoped to have published but have found that the publishing world is not very easy to break in to.
So I have come here to the web to let loose my stories to the public.
I have been writing since I was in the sixth grade and started sending my stories to publishers when I was 15.
Now here I am. The publishers lost might be your gain.
Feel free to read and comment on anything here.
If you hate a story email me if you love it do the same.
I accept all opinions and will not curse you out for yours(please note the story you have read).
Thanks for visiting.

By the way please don't mess with my dog Sam. He might look sweet but he is an attack dog(just kidding) Thanks!!!!!!!

ladyraven2002 got their Neopet at

If you want to send me a comment on a story just email me, I try to respond to all who comment. Good or bad. Will soon be posting a Guest Book, I promise. If you can't click on the Address it is:

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