Yeah. This is a website about my personal quests. This probably won't interest too many people, but it's a good way for me to put out my thoughts. Anyway, I guess this site is good for those of you who are my friends who would like to know more about me! ^___^

Well, I, Tasha, was born on the fourteenth of September in the year of 1986. I weighed 11 pounds 61/2 ounces when I was born. I was born with the horrible traits of Blonde hair and brown eyes. I currently weigh, oh, 105 pounds or so, I'm 5 feet five inches. My hair color is....god....what color is my hair?? Well, on the top it's like dirty blonde for about an inch, then another 2 or 3 inches of goldish-ness, then the rest is light blonde.'s brown... ?_? Niff! Oh, well! Well, I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and after being done in the hospital, I went to my home in Rio Rancho, the city that I've lived in my entire life. >.< In first grade, I was diagnosed with ADHD. During the summer of second grade, I packed all of my bags, and moved into a new house in, yet again, Rio Rancho. In third grade, I met two people who would wind up being my best friends, but I didn't like them then. That's Raeanna and Sara. In third and fourth grade, I was tested for being gifted, and have been in gifted classes since. I joined band in fourth grade playing an Alto Sax, the coolest of all band geeks play this instrument, and have been in band ever since. That's almost 7 years now! In Sixth grade, I met my very best friend in the whole world! I named her Lindsey! Actually, that's what her name was already, but whatever! She played clarinet in band and sat in front of me. During the summer my best friend became Sara Duck. In seventh grade, Lindsey and I were classified as THE bestest of friends at our school. She moved to Texas at the end of that year. I called her every other day, and her dad eventually got a job back in Rio Rancho. She was with me again for all of eighth grade, and even lived with me for 2 months! Eighth grade, I also became best friends with my once enemy, Raeanna. I also met my first real boyfriend, Kemp in eighth grade, whom I dated for 8 months. Anyway, My older sister, Jasmine, moved out that April, and Lindsey, following her, moved away later that month. The next month, my other best friend, Rei (Raeanna) moved to Oregon. Lost the three most important people in my life all in two months! That same year, in July, my boyfriend and I broke up. This was THE worst summer of my life. This was the time that I was diagnosed with rock-bottom depression. In ninth grade, I was having fun. I became very good friends with my once enemies! (that seems to happen a lot...hmmm??) One day, I tried to commit suicide, and when I DID come back to school a few days later, I met Michael Olson, this was the worst experience of my entire life. I was already depressed, and I, apparently, thought I loved him. He is a very manipulative person, and I was naive. He was always trying to get me to either have sex with him, or give him pictures of hem! Well, you know! Well, even being terribly depressed, I knew better than that, but I didn't want to lose him, so I made a HUGE mistake, and gave him "undie pics" as he called them. The next day, they were all over the school. Taped up to soda machines, doors, windows, on windshields, etc. Well, of course, since I cared about him so much, I "knew" he didn't do it, so I blamed it on his friends, and I flipped out. The next day, Iwas on my way out the door to my uncle's wedding, when I decided to e-mail him. I got an e-mail FROM him already, and read it. I went absolutely insane when I saw the words "I never liked you in the first place, and I have so much shit on you that you'll have to leave the school, so don't even think about trying to get me back". This was a complete turning point in my life. I tried to slit my wrist EVERY SINGLE DAY. I cried every single day for 2 or 3 months straight. I got put on a lot of anti-depressants. The next year, he would see me, and make fun of me, and I'd go home and cry. I still wanted him. Eventually, I realized it wasn't worth it, and I told him to shut up and that he's not a big shot or anything. He never said anything to me again, when I embarrassed him in front of his class when I said that. I see him with his girlfriend, and it still kinda hurts, but I get over it. This same year,I met up with my best friend, Sara again, and we were, once again,...well, best friends! I started dating this guy, CK, and she liked him, but never told me. She told him things that weren't true (Ie: I did "stuff" with his cousin) and he believed her, because she got all of his friends to believe it to. Then she blamed it on him. eventually, we broke up under harsh circumstances that were caused by her, but I didn't care, because she was my best friend. Then one day, she laughed at me when he said somethjng mean, and I spoke up. She called me a slut, because I kissed him, and I've not been friends with her since! Then I went out with this guy, Corey, who I had liked for almost a year. Things were tense, and he wound up really hurting my feelings when he thought I didn't like him, and was just going out with him because I could. I actually, at this point had to go to the hopsital for awhile for my attempt to take my life. I was happy, until, when the guy I really liked a lot told me he "just lost interest". That hurt me even more than ever, because of his reasons for it.