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kylee's blog

Sunday, September 01, 2002

Here's the pics for the party

Kylee @ 1:25 PM


Today was hilarious. My sweet sixteen party. I'm old. Tear.I got really awesome gifts and got some awesome video, which by the way, is up now on the new video clip site. I think. Ya thats it now. UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS! OK anyway...I have a link somewhere around here to the pics from the party, but its 1 and I don't really want to find it. I'll post it tomorrow. My cake was awesome! omg..x-files WOOO! And gifts...I got a pizza cutter!! LOL! And a lord of the rings kite! What is up with that!! And the hobbit!! there and back again! WOO! That was what I was going to read next! And all kinds of assorted niftiness..a book about dump trucks...a candle and holder..herbal stuff..a pop tart...its all good. The clips are great too. I'm trying to save a little for the cd next year, otherwise the anxiety for it will be gone! :-D. Tomorrow is another party, this is Heather's. That'll be fun too :-D. I wanna play pool. Welp thats all for now. bye

Kylee @ 12:51 AM

> Saturday, August 31, 2002


ANNOUNCED: Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell, 27, is about to become the first Backstreet Dad, reports the new issue of PEOPLE. His wife, Leighanne, 33, is due by the end of the year. "It's a boy," Littrell tells the magazine's "Insider" column. "We were a little surprised, but it's a good time because our schedules are lightening up a little bit." No name has been decided yet.

Cuteness attack. Betcha all thought I didn't like BSB anymore. Betcha all are WRRONG. I just haven't mentioned anything about them because there hasn't been a whole lotta news :-D.

Kylee @ 10:20 PM



I am a natural story teller, and tales unfold in my mind almost without thought. I can entertain myself by reading a book that exists only in my head, which might make me seem distant from people at times.

Kylee @ 9:51 PM


How Will You Die?


Kylee @ 9:43 PM


Book Worm Meter for Kylee

Shut In 71%
29% Out Of The House
Intellectual 77%
23% Moron
High Attention Span 95%
5% Low Attention Span
Bookitude 83%
17% Book Burner
Book Worm 81.5%
18.5% Bug Stomper
Take your bookworm readings.

That's funny. hehe.

Kylee @ 9:41 PM


Man, Eminem seriously needs a new gimmick. Picking on Moby is just mean.

Its like his new thing is randomly attacking people who he knows won't fight back. And its not even remotely interesting, as you can tell from him being booed. Go back to the 8 mile Eminem.

Kylee @ 12:12 PM


Yesterday must have been a rough day in comparison to my other days because I was falling asleep watching Lord of the Rings at 10. WTF is wrong with me! So I went to bed. Yay. Yesterday I had 4 tests. That is just a crime. Spanish was easy, as was journalism. But Algebra II..sheesh. I was very surprised I knew how to do almost every problem though. Even one I had never seen before. I was proud of myself. *Pats self on back*. Chemistry. Augh. I got a B+...I suppose I really have to study in that class to get a B. Hooray. BreAnne, who didn't study or pay attention at all, managed to get an A. How does that stuff happen? Psychic? Good job bre on guessing your way to an A :). Today mom is freaking about everything, as usual. Whenever I have people over, she's always cleaning the house like a mofo and overdoing it. That's exactly why I don't have many parties. Yesterday I was vacuuming the pool (bah) and I almost fell in. Hehe. And then I was going to move these rocks out of this ancient barrel by the pool..I couldn't get a good grip on them...and the fact that there were spiders crawling all over them didn't help. I was picking up one and there was a huge mofoing black spider on it and I frickin threw it and freaked out. I thought it was dead until dad squished it and it moved. AHEHHAHEHAHAaaa. And then I got another rock. Then I tried to get another one out but when I dropped it back in, like 5 spiders moved. AHAHEHEHAHAHAaaa. I was freaking out walking in circles chanting jumping up and down and generally losing my mind. So at that point, I was like forget this and I ran away. I had no idea I was so freaked out by spiders. I felt like I was on fear factor for a minute. Now I'm the shell of the person I was before, all because of a few huge bloodsucking spiders. Sigh.

One more thing to add. Everyday after 1st period, I pass Abbie in the hallway and wave sporadically at her and she waves sporadically back. Sporadically. That's exactly what it is. Its like hand spasms. Its great.

Kylee @ 9:09 AM

> Thursday, August 29, 2002

What is up with our school's science department? It's like you have to guess at what to learn and ask questions to get all the information you need. I'm used to it all being handed to me, but this is ridiculous.

Kylee @ 5:23 PM

> Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Check THIS out

Oooh that is like the niftiest thing I've seen all month. No wait..week. Aren't my creations awesome? You still have to right click and save target as on that site though. Oh well. I love the little caps. HEHEHE.

My knee hurts. I'm glad I didn't go do dance, I bet it would be worse. Just sitting with it bent for an hour made it hut. Bad leg, bad.

Kylee @ 10:15 PM

> Tuesday, August 27, 2002

My knee is feeling better a the bonfire, I stepped in a hole and didn't twist my ankle, I twisted my whole frickin leg. I didn't even notice the pain..the bonfire was too fun. Saturday I had my leg up on my desk and it hurt to bend it. I was like WTF! Then I I was reading about it online and I think what I hurt was my ACL. They said its injured by twisting it (me) and minor injuries to it will only be noticed when it has a lot of weight or is bent and it hurts or gives out. Me again. I think the only thing I won't be able to do at dance on thursday will be a full grand plie..unless I feel like experiencing pain.

I'm doing a birthday party on Saturday. I was gonna do it on labor day but its supposed to be isolated screw that, Saturday instead. I felt compelled to have a birthday party because i'm turning 16. I plan on getting together with a couple close friends next friday to dress up and go out for once, but I felt like a needed an actual open invitation birthday party. I only turn 16 once, might as well soak it up.

Kylee @ 11:12 PM

> Monday, August 26, 2002

I know no one goes to my website, but in case they do (, I'm sorry for the lack of updates lol. I was in the middle of redoing it when SCHOOL interfered. Dangit. I just redid the videos page, but its not done. And my freakin FTP program expired again. I'm so stupid, I can't just buy a program..I have to keep dowloading free ones. Someone buy me CuteFTP Pro for my birthday which is MONDAY :-D. I don't think I mentioned that the videos from the bonfire are up too... as usual...more to come I think. Sorry if it goes down..lack of bandwidth. I need to take donations to buy space for online video! dum de dum...


*walks away*

Kylee @ 11:22 PM


"Fellowship of the Ring won the Greatest film score of all time in the UK today. You may be interested as well in the comments of the presenter He said there had been votes from across the globe. At the Classic FM station there was surprise at the overall result. They didn't expect it to win. They expected the 'Harry Potter' one to win instead. It came 14th."

Woo! That's from Also from
Halowe'en Is Only 65 Days away!

The chocolates, the candy...and the COSTUMES! This year try dressing up as your favorite ORC from FOTR with these great masks from Creep your loved ones late at night....sounds like fun!

:(! BRE! Why can't we all be lotr people? :-D. We'd be the coolest people around. Um ya. And itd be a lot easier to sit down in that costume than in a tree. hehe.

Kylee @ 4:13 PM

> Saturday, August 24, 2002

I was on ifilm after watching that commercial and I watched a 4 minute preview of a movie out this week called "One Hour Photo". DANG I wanna see what happens next!!!! We're SO going to see that one!! Description:

Sy Parrish is a lonely photo technician at the local SavMart one-hour photo counter who develops an unsettling obsession with long time customers, the Yorkin family, with whom he invents a familial connection. Starring Robin Williams.

It looks incredibly creepy. lol.
Again, you can see it on

Kylee @ 11:38 PM


Oh my gosh I just saw like...the funniest commercial I've seen in a long time...I watched it because it's banned in the UK for being too violent. I think its hilarious and scary at the same time. you can watch it here:,3699,2419581,00.html?ad_ref=top_twenty_shorts_online&cch=
I suggest you do. Its great. lol.

Kylee @ 11:24 PM


Proof I have no life:

Auto response from PyRoBaYbEz: ZzZzZz.... shhh.... sleepin
ScullysNecklace: i bet this bugs you
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beee
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep!
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: hm. ok im done now.
ScullysNecklace: more beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: beep
ScullysNecklace: done.

Kylee @ 10:17 PM


again, im having too much fun.

One time, a cop stopped me in Wellington, because I was walking out of my apartment building with the sword, and I got in the car with it. I guess it would be an alarming sight to anyone at 5:00 am seeing me walking around with a sword. But, once I told the cop what it was for, he let me go. But, I did keep the sword with me all the time. I just felt that it was part of the job description.
-viggo mortensen

lol. its like "hey he has a large 18th century sword. should i talk to him?"

Kylee @ 9:55 PM


lol. I'm having way too much fun looking up quotes...

"That piece of yak tail had a life of its own each day. After six months of it, I developed what is gleefully described as topical eczema. I sort of looked like a panda. It was red, raw and also swelled up."

lol. gleefully. LOL. haha.

Kylee @ 9:47 PM


"I loved The Goonies, and The Ice Storm for Elijah. One time coming back to New Zealand from England, I was in a hotel and jet-lagged and forgot I'd asked Sean to get me a copy of Rudy because I never saw it. And I was in tears at 4 in the morning! I called him Rudy for months after that."
billy boyd (aka merry)

I thought that was hilarious. LOL. If you've never seen Rudy, it stars Sean Astin (sam) and its basically about a guy that just wants to go on the record for playing notre dame football. or something like that, thats like the most general description of it you can have. its a good movie. you should watch it.

Kylee @ 9:46 PM


Bwa ha ha I just came up with my own hacker alias. I wish it was as cool as Neo or Trinity, but its fine. Hehe. I wanted it to be Twitch. But when I tried to make an AIM screenname for it (which is funny because hackers hate AIM and aim itself is prolly easy to hack), Twitch was taken. So I went to try to elvish word for twitch and it was taken. So I changed my hacker alias to Twitch Nymph. But I still am using elvish for it so its easier to know it :-D. So my hacker alias is RihtaWingil. Yay.

Yes. This is what I do on my days off of school. This is why they MAKE US GO TO SCHOOL. Otherwise we'd waste our lives.

Kylee @ 3:16 PM


This is a rant and a half lol.

"I tried to make a decent loaf of bread..but it turned out evil! EVIL I SAY! I made it in my breadmaker and it was an overly wet sticky mass so I decided to take my life in my own hands and added some wheat gluten and flour. Little did I know that it would become this oversized hulk that pushed on the lid of the breadmaker wishing to suck poor helpless denizens into its evil mass. When the baking was done it was crispy looking on all sides but gooey in the center and the part that touched the top. I decided to take it out and put it in the oven to try and finish it off or at least try to kill it before it destroys the town and makes me its bitch. "

Kylee @ 1:03 PM


Kylee @ 12:59 PM


Sorry for the sparseness of updates. I had a chem test yesterday which I got a B on. Yay.Thursday night it stormed like a mofo and I got to dance ballet in the middle of it. It was awesome, you should all try it. Last night was the bonfire and it was a good one :-D. Of course, not nearly as good as say...april12..but good. It was a really nice night for a raging fire. I got there early, just the only people who were there had left, so I road around with DJ on the back of a truck. IT was fun lol. Then derek and cory have this obsession with going off road, so we road around in his jeep with nic following us for a while. That was interesting. Then when people started to get there, various things occured...derek, cory, tyler, abbie and jennifer all left forever to go to the mcdonalds diner (haha to people who dont live near me and havenever seen one) for food, and the rest of us duct taped cayce and breanne to the table. And dj (he's like 4) violated cayce and breanne..we poked them with sticks and tickled them. Then they lifted up the table they were on and they were hanging upside down. I had a fricken vision when I saw cayce! *Two Towers flashback..the end..with frodo and shelob...*. I was like WHOA there. LOL...the only person I knows what I mean would be sarah and she didnt even see it. Or maybe no one that has read the end of the book will get it unless I post a picture. Anyway, the fire was really really hot...there was a bit of truth or dare...consisted of nic drinking something really gross and tyler and cory running around with no shirts on. Oh ya, and someone had a couch in the back of their truck and we were sitting on it while people jumped on us. I'll post video later. I also took my camera to school for the heck of it... pics are here

Kylee @ 12:58 PM


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