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Krystal's blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

New record: shortest time going out with somebody...
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Sweet dreamsMarilyn Manson
One week... that is how long Peter and I went out before he decided that he "didn't have time" for a girlfriend. I would have been fine, if it weren't for the fact that:
one) This girl named Brittany (his ex, apparently) came up to him after school and was a little too friendly with him
two) I had gone to a movie with him Sunday.

This makes me wonder, did he like me when we went to the movie? If yes, then wouldn't that mean he still likes me now... If no, then that means that he would have lied to me. And there's is nothing I value more than honesty. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if he's ignoring me or if he just coincidentally never talks to me. Ever.

But oh well, I've learned the hard way not to bother trying to save something. By then, it's already lost. This thought brought me back to the fact that nobody (guy wise) likes me, or has liked me, for that matter, for more than a little while (less than a week?) I just don't like loose ends that make me think.

This has been the worst week ever; and it's not even half-over yet. Monday I had a ton of homework. And Peter and I broke up. And then today I forgot my math notebook (with all my homework in it) at home. My math teacher decided to check homework and didn't believe that I had it at home, so she's going to phone my parents tonight. I would be freaking out now if my parents were home for the night ... *hehe* they are out because it is my daddy's birthday. I still have a ton of English homework because it was due today but I couldn't finish it so I'm turning it in tomorrow. I also haev to get my parents to sign something saying that they understand that I did not complete a major assignment. English is so gay. I think that this is all I should say for now. I'm writing this during my "homework breaks" (ten minutes every two hours...) and my break is up. I should that I should end this now though, so bye
K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 8:15 PM EST
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Monday, November 14, 2005

Now Playing: Wild west showBig and rich *heart*
Okay so yesterday:
Yesterday was my sister's 16th birthday. My grandparents came over and ya it wasn't too cool but whatever. I lived through it; mostly by going upstairs on MSN =D I went to Kelsey's yesterday, too. Then she came over. I got cake, though, as a highlight of my night.

Okay so first off, I was happy from the beginning. Geography, was pretty good. Saw the end of Twister (aww so cute!) and in English nothing happened much, good or bad. Lunch was so awkward; Kate, Michelle, Allegra and Erin were acting so wierd. Peter sat down near me and then they all ran away and just instances like that. After school, Peter and his friend came near my locker and then his friend sort of ran away. Allegra asked me to go down the E stairwell instead of the L one and I wasn't really going to until Peter said "ya, come, I'm going this way" ... so the three of us went down and were talking and then Allegra stopped at Lama's locker. peter and I kept walking, but I had to go downstairs to the music basement to meet some people. He started coming down with me, but I think he had to leave. So I stopped moving and we started talking and then he asked me out =D (I obviously said yes...) and ya that is why I am happy today it has been such a good day =D

Krystal posted this at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, November 19, 2005 2:37 PM EST
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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sorry I havn't written for a while...
Now Playing: BoyfriendAshlee Simpson
I havn't had the time to update here too much. First off, the OC is amazing I am so glad it has started!!
Okay well in the football league our school totally won! Finals 22-2 against Colonel By. =D
Okay about the guys/gossip/drama. Well um let's see. Michelle has been sick lately =( Luckily she still comes to school alot, but it's not cool. She might have mono or something, she had to get blood tests. She still likes ... someone.

Erin told me who she liked, I didni't tell anyone, she might not even like him anymore. But I'm pretty sure she does, because I mentioned that he was acting very ... suggestively ... around me and she got all mad.

Last night was my sister Cassie's 16-birthday surprise party. It was hott ... until I got kicked out (they were playing a game and they needed even numbers, so I had to leave) I knew I was going to get kicked out, too. My sister Kara got another tatoo. It's a Shakespeare quote from Romeo and Juliet. It's pretty, and covers like the rest of her back.

I might go to the park later today with Kelsey. But that all depens on whether or not I clean my room ... which I shall do right now. So bye

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 3:11 PM EST
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005

This Tuesday wasn't so hott ... but fun times with Michelle today =)
Now Playing: Confessions of a broken heartLindsay Lohan
Wow this is an amazing song ... Lindsay Lohan though *shudders*
Okay so let's backtrack here...

Friday night the dance was pretty good. The music was better than the JMSS one...

Saturday was amazing... so fun! House of Wax was awesome ... although not everyone thought so lol. I was scared, though! Most of the guys weren't though. What got their attention was Paris Hilton's strip-scene =| but I think it went well ... and I got poitive comments on Monday. Slash the weekend on MSN. Anyways, ya I had so much fun, alot of things happened. Michelle and Mark definitely spent alot of time together, too...

Monday I went trick-or-treating =) I went out as Tinkerbell with Kelsey, Jessica, Katherine and Emily. We went to Rachel's house, Janssa's hosue (and saw Janessa!!) and ya we went all over basically.

Today was okay; I was sooo hyper in English =) Lmao Michelle and I had soo many laughs. Lunch was fun, although I didn't feel wanted for football. I came home and added Peter on MSN and we started talking. Bring You Child To Work Day is tomorrow ... I'm going with my dad (my mom is on french training) and I dunno how fun it will be. But it probably will be; or at least, I will make it be.

Haha I had the best times with Michelle on MSN and at shool today =) Zomg, I swear we could've passed for drunks in English today. Lmao. We started writing who likes who all over everything ... Allegra likes this guy named Ian so we said Ethan (a guy in English) cuz they sound alike and then wrote that all over our English evaluation sheets (that we turned in), I wrote Michelle Logana Todd's crush all over her arm, and she did the same to me (only she wrote it small on mine, and with a little bunny ... in a burrow...)

So excited; ANTM tomorrow, the OC Thursday!! YAY!

Well I have got to go; only a billion hours of reading for English. Bye.


K r y st a l x o

Krystal posted this at 9:39 PM EST
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Friday, October 28, 2005

Life is so random...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: I'm so aloneChristine Evans
I don't even know how to explain what has been going on; I'll start from last wednesday, when I went to Nathan's after school with Ryan and Jacob. It was fun, and later I was talking to one of them who said something semi-heartbreaking to me. I was talking to Jacob, too, who asked me to the dance tonight. Well, I am going with Leila and Janessa and Erin (the reason why it was Kelsey earlier is because Kelsey, Leila and I said we'd go to all our dances together, but Kelsey couldn't make it and I wanted to ask my friend Janessa =D )So anyways, I told him that I'd be going with some friends from other schools, so I was going anyways ... And so now we are going together ... awkward, I know. But it's okay; as long as he gets that we are friends, I'm all good.

Unfortunately, I got a real look at life in the bus today from Nathan and Mark, I felt so bad about myself. I don't think I had ever hated myself more than I did at that instant ... and it wasn't even true, really, what I'd said.

Today I'm listening to advice Ryan gave me; something I never would have guessed happening.

I'm so nervous for tonight ... I don't know how anything is gonna turn out. If it ends up badly then Saturday night will just be terrible.

Today was costume day at school today, but I left my hat on the bus! And I had just bought it last night, and I'm sure my mom is gonna freak at me. Sometimes I think of how different it would be if I had gone to McCrae, but I'm more glad I came to MHS ... although I do miss you all =(

Things with the guys don't seem to be improving at all... I went from being asked to play football at lunch to being asked not to play to not even being asked not to play, but just sitting on the bleachers watching knowing that I am not wanted. I feel somewhat avoided during school hours, but then the strangest things would happen (to my advantage =D ) but, then again, on MSN I don't talk to them much anymore either. I guess tomorrow night will help me out alot. Why the heck are people (guys, mostly) so confusing?

Well,I should go now, think about ... life. Yes, and decorate. Oh yes, because I am in such a decorating mood...

Oh well, on the plus side, the OC starts in six days -- less than a week!

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 3:53 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 28, 2005 11:12 PM EDT
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

9 days till the OC =)
Now Playing: My MichelleGuns n' roses
In case you couldn't read the title, 9 more days until the OC is resumed! Well anyways ... lol. Geography, I have a test on topographic maps on Thursday. Bleh. English, I have homework tonight. Writing 15 questions from chapters 19-21 from To Kill a Mockingbird. Sounds fun. And I have to make a presentation on the CSA (Confederate States of America) tomorrow. Football today was pointless ... I mean, there were so many random people there so basically the game consisted of like 25 people running into each other, 20 of which who did not know anything of the game, in the rain. I left early, because it was just that retarded. I kinda told a bunch of people who somebody likes ... including the guy ... but whatever. It was fun. And funny. Health was pretty boring; we watched a movie (the continuation from yesterday) about the risk of us becoming drug addicts. I have a "very low risk" which is good ... cuz I don't plan on ever being a druggie. Lol. Math was ... the usual. Except Ryan didn't annoy me as much today as he normally does. Hhe. The bus home was great ... everyone was actually talking today =) I don't like it when everyone is quiet, it's so ... awkward. Apparently somebody likes me ... lol but it awsn't much of a surprise to me because everybody loves and is obssessed with me ;) JK!

Saturday I went to ValueVillage with Janessa. Lmao! I got a shirt and part of my Hallowe'en Costume ... I'm not even sure if I'm going out this year ... I have to phone Kelsey and find out. Not to mention that I have to remind her of the dance this Friday (which we are both going to with Leila!)

Sunday I did comunity service for my mom...

Monday (Yesterday) Not too much happened. In health we started our new unit -- Decision Making =| Bleh. On the bus home I sat beside Mark. I got somebody really mad at me for that ;) Heheh. Oh ya, I had a very ... intersting (that's the only word I can think of to describe it) conersation with Nathan last night, too. While talking to Erin about the conversation with Nathan. While on the phone with Allegra. While trying to listen to my parents yell at me. While my music is blaring. That was interesting... really confusing too.

As I mentioned earlier, I am going to the dance on Friday ... which means I have to remember to buy a ticket (well, two actually. One for Leila...) tomorrow, and remind Erin to buy two (one for her and one for Kelsey.) This Saturday, I am going to a movie (I hope) and then I am having some people over from my classes for the evening. It's going to be great ... stay up late Friday, be busy all Saturday ... Homework all Sunday ... Hallowe'en Monday ... Then back to regular. Well, as I have homework to do, I think I should go. Not to mention, I am starving.

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 8:30 PM EDT
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Friday, October 21, 2005

Awesome game, Merivale
Now Playing: Comfortably numbPink Floyd
Wow I havn't written in this for a few days ... sorry. I am so happy, I have like practically no homework for the weekend =) unfortunately I'm kind of busy all day Sunday, though. I think I'm going up to the Gatineaus with my family ... not sure though. After school today was so much fun. I watched the football game with Nathan, Jacob, Wilder, Peter and Jeremy. Although I barely know Peter and Jeremy ... oh well. We went to Loeb's and bought chips to eat during the game. I bought most of it so I got the most of them; God, I havn't had chips for like ever! Oh ya, back to the game, we won! Against the first place team (we were 2nd) which means that we are now first. I bussed home with Nathan, and for part of the way, Jacob. I got home at 6:45 (ish) and my mom got mad me. I did phone and tell my parents that I'd be staying after school to watch the game, and they didn't even notice when I wasn't home at 4:30, even though I normally come home at 3 ... but whatever. I need to clean my room tonight ... which was covered in clothes =S now I only haev a pile of papers to organize ... which isn't really that necessary, right? Lol, well I think I should go finish my room ... I'm not allowed out of the house until my room is clean, so ya.

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 10:46 PM EDT
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tuesdays go well ... it may become my new favourite day of the week =)
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Paint it BlackKalan Porter
Wow, my computer just turned off and then back on =S wierd. Anyways... bus was on time today =) I like the bus. Home is better than to school though, we normally have sucky conversations on the way to school. I felt very special on the bus home today ... the only bad part was when Ryan asked me who my past boyfriends were. God, some of them I seriously hated to admit. But hopefully tomorrow everyone will have forgotten that ... except I know Ryan won't. Oh well, he can think whatever he wants of me. I'm in desperate need of the 3rd GossipGirl book... I need to read it. Those books are so good! Gym was so pointless today ... we did nothing for the first 40 minutes ... literally. We sat in the MatRoom on top of exercise balls, without doing anything. It was retarded. Math was okay ... nothing happened... just took notes and crap. I have a bit of geo. homework, and quite a bit of English. Mrs. Morris (English) is kind of ... annoying. GAH! I was going to stay after school and watch the football game but 1) it was raining; 2)it didn't sound as much fun; and 3)I wouldn't be able to take the 675 bus home. Lol. Overall today was actually very good ... nothing bad happened except for one incident on the bus, but that will blow over. I'm sure they've forgotten it now =). Well, I've got to go ... homework awaits me. Why does highschool have so much more homework than Cedarview did?

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 3:38 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 21, 2005 10:46 PM EDT
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Typical Monday
Now Playing: WonderwallRyan Adams
This morning, I swear I thought I missed my bus ... but no, it just turns out that it was 20 minutes late. But I decided after waiting 10-15 minutes that I should ask my dad for a ride to school, so i didn't even get to ride the bus to school. And Mondays I have to stay after school, so I still couldn't ride it! I have so much homework tonight ... alot of English. And quite a bit of math too =( On MSN tonight I helped Nathan with his French ... and I talked to Rachel and Liza, complaining about the English and asking Rachel about a part I didn't understand. I went to Cedarview today. I saw David, Ben and Jed. And Michelle, but she tried her hardest to run away from me. I talked to Ben and David, but by the time I saw Jed he had to leave soon. But I still talked to him too. I thought I had his CD, but it turns out I didn't -- which is good, because I don't think I'd ever be able to actally give it to him. I talked to Mme. Lafrance, and then went outside with Erin and Alexa to see Janessa and Marcus. It was nice to see Janessa again ... it seems like forever! I did see her last Thursday, but it was when she was in a car and I was waiting at a bus stop. She did not see me. The self-defense class was so much fun -- I almost passed out! Lol. He was heavy though, and I couldn't get him off of me that easily. Well, I stayed up until 11 doing my stupid English ... which techincally isn't completely done, but oh well. Bedtime. Goodnight.

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 11:02 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 21, 2005 10:47 PM EDT
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Sunday, October 16, 2005

=( Confused
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: The real Slim ShadyEminem
Okay, I know this might sound like I'm a nutcase, but I couldn't care less. Sometimes I think like everything is against me. Like I washed my laundry today but I left out my cold water wash (jeans, ect.) and within that cold water wash was my new American Eagle shirt that I got last Friday and I've only worn it once. Well, my dad decided to be nice and do my cold-water wash for me, and I was happy cuz he remembered to actually put it on cold water, but for some reason, a pair of jeans that I had washed about a billion times before bled, and stained my new shirt, plus two other shirts of mine. I've been trying to get the stain out, and one of the shirts is fine. Unfortunately, they are white and light pink, so I'm not sure how well they will get free of the dark-blue stains. And I know this sounds very ... girly, but it's more than just that. My mom got mad at me, and it seems like we're always fighting. And everywhere I look, something just remind me of how much of a screw-up I am. And I was talking last night on msn to someone and he had to get off the computer so I sent him and e-mail and he answered and god I don't even know how I felt about it, it just seems so confusing. And I really need to calm down, cuz this really isn't that bad, but for some reason I've been taking everything super-seriously lately and it is so wierd. Like at my sister's party, I had to leave and I started crying and I don't know why. I'm not sure if I even got the right homework from this girl in my English class. And I don't really talk on msn to anyone in my english class ... I much prefer real-life. The phone can be confusing sometimes, but it's good too =) And this guy in my math/geo. classes is annoying me so much. Like, things he'd say to me that he really shouldn't. God tomorrow in gym that human-punching-bag will become my new best friend. I think I should go in the hottub and relax a little. Or maybe I should continue reading my GossipGirl book... it's good. Ya, I think I'll do that.

K r y s t a l x o

Krystal posted this at 5:47 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 21, 2005 10:49 PM EDT
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