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    Khath Ourng serving the Lord in Cambodia




Kampong Cham Youth Ministry

Photo Gallery

Letters to my Supporters

Dependence and obedience to God: Joseph's Story



Part 1
Our Wedding
My Beautiful Wife
Escaping Cambodia
Uncle's Plan
Uncle's Prayer
Uncle's Dream

Living in Camps


Part 2
First Mission
Uncle's Testimony
Uncles Death
Second Mission
Third Mission
Ourng Family Ministry
GOD's Power


International Teams







Uncle went to a conference with the intention to meet me:

In July 1997, uncle went to a conference in New York at Nay Yack Bible College. I was there too. My uncle who was so eager to see me, he could not wait for his church delegates to come and help him out, and had been robbed by a taxi in New York city. The robber drove off from Kennedy Airport and left him at another airport, and took all his money. Many of our conference friends were searching for my uncle, but could not find him. After searching for several hours with no hope of locating him, they rested for the night. They started again in the morning, and they found him sitting at a different airport, which I can’t recall its name.

After attending the conference for a couple days and nights, my uncle came with me to my place in Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, my uncle met some people, and they asked him to share the word of God with them. Uncle shared the word of God and gave his testimony about what God had done with his life. He said that he had asked God to let him drink one coconut fruit, which he had planted in his homeland back in Mourng. He said that he had forgotten his request since it was long ago and he was residing in Battambang city. But God didn’t forget his fulfillment to my uncle's request. So, God caused my aunt who lived in Mourng, to come all the way to Battambang city to bring us back to Mourng. There uncle had a chance to drink his first coconut fruit. I and my nephew went to our farm and picked the fruit for him. And when my uncle drank the coconut juice he started to remember his request. God had made a way to satisfy uncle’s dream. And because of this example, uncle began to trust God more and more to the point of having another dream of escaping Cambodia for the United States. I was and am glad to hear his miraculous testimony.


Kindly send any donations to: International Teams, Khath Ourng Fund, 411 West River Road, Elgin IL 60123-1570, Please make your checks payable to: International Teams, Khath Ourng Fund

Thank You for your support and prayers


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