LaOBaBiBlUe69 on October 09, 2002 @ 07:54:28 PM EST wrote: 1st wun!!
WuddaP BOI!!!!!!!! Well u shood kno diz be thas mysteriouz LaoZ shAwtieeE holDin iT dOwn In b.toWn.... So wuT yoOh bEen Up Too??? I haVen`T seEn YooH in Like hEllA whilE... MiZzIn yo KrAyZieE aZz... ThAs bOO sheiT yoOh goTtA do Der.... BuT yOoh knO yoOH alWaIse mUh frYn..... Ne WheAz.. i`MMa pEel nOw okiEz.... Buh Bai!!!!!!!!!!! MuCh luB..... NoNg SaO Sheila... LilKiNkEeGuRL on October 10, 2002 @ 02:48:27 AM EST wrote:


hEy dArE u R BeInG TaG By ThE OnE AnD OnlEe ViCkY aKa ~*LilKiNkEeGuRL*~ CaMe bY aNd tAg uR G-SpOt YeA aND i aLSo SaVeD u aS mY fReN sO HoPe u rEtUrN tHe fAlVoR aNd tAg MiNeS aItEs! kEeP uP dA gOoD WoRk! ~~*mUaHz*~~ cOnTaCt: KiNkYcHiNkYGrLi3 oR LilKrAzEeGuRL503 mUcH Luv FrUm LilKiNkEeGuRL

[+]mah payge[+] [+]guestbook[+]

AnGeLiC_LaDy_D on October 21, 2002 @ 08:46:04 PM EST wrote: hey there this be me the one n onlee Angelic_Lady_D aka:Ania!! i just wanted to hit up your page coz i`m bored :)! nice page come check mine out sometime aight n tag it if u want to!!!! well i`m out!!! Payce!!! much love to ya!! Ania XxSaoLaoSwtyxX on December 11, 2002 @ 07:40:20 PM EST wrote:
hey wussup kel? nuttin much here iunno if u still memba me but dis is Cathy...!! Well I landed on ur page somehow and decided tuh drop by and say hey and sign ur g-book....well iunno wut else tuh say...ohh yea nice page...keep it up!! ight dat be it....aim-lilswtpoosaox4u....!! *1luv Cathy* aLa0zAnGeL336 on December 30, 2002 @ 12:37:33 PM EST wrote: eh wussupz!? thanxx fo tagg`n muh page n stuffiez..juss wanted tuh come bacc n show ya some luv..hehe..anyhOoz..nice page n all datz..welpz see ya around or sumn..holluhz 1. SwirLiexGirL on December 30, 2002 @ 07:59:08 PM EST wrote: hi wassup...thanks for hittin up my page...just returnin the favor...u gotta nice page too...k PeeSe KhmaiAnGeL336 on December 31, 2002 @ 01:23:31 AM EST wrote: Holla HOlla whats up kev?? dang boi we hella miss u yo!! foreal tho...but was nice seeing u again yo cuz we forever missin u hehe...well neways take care of urself and be a good boi kay..holla back aight...much luv InNoCeNtLaoLaDi on January 01, 2003 @ 06:53:06 PM EST wrote:

->Step In2 Mai World | Lick Da GStrangThang<-

yo wudz kraccin juz rolled by yo gspot ta hit u up ya noe, and ta return da favor.... wellz gyeaz, i saved you as a homie, naw sayin. Big upz on da payge, keep it up. aiitez, lil shawty runnin low on wordz, so ne wayz holla bacc aite... payce out MaRiSa - NiTa -

BaBeLaOGrL on January 04, 2003 @ 02:18:33 AM EST wrote:
CLICK CLICK CLICK BaBySaHlUv on January 05, 2003 @ 02:50:37 PM EST wrote: wasup kevin!!!!!!!!! hehe hey wasup well i just saw dat u hitted me up iono when but yea u hitted me up ya noe ne ways how u doing and all dat goot ish??? me im aites long time no talk nikka foo haha buts its all g to da D baby B ya noe wah i MEAN? haha yea ne ways hmm i saw u on once in a while but i didnt noe who u were so i was like nah dont im him cause i dont noe him ya noe and i just figured it out from tina i think cause she was like dats kevin and im like who`s kevin and she was like u noe kevin i was like ughhhh no?? and she said something and im like OOOOOOOhhhh i noe that guy i havent talked to him in YEARS!!! haha yea sooo lookie lookie wah im doin signing ur guestbook again and probably again another time but eh wheneva yo azz is on i member to im u dont worry hopefully u wont b a stranger to me lolz oh yea nice page wanna do mine??? it sucks!!!!!!! ahah nah its koo i dont want u to not sayin u dont noe how but i just dont like peepo doin mah page ya noe just fucking it up and shit hahah yea well yo hit me up if u see me on if i dont hit u up ok??? mah sn is ladysahluv member it aites lol dont got to really just hit me up aites ne times bye -lisa- WhIt3aZnGuRl on January 08, 2003 @ 06:29:35 PM EST wrote:
Juss hittin ya up

Sup diz be da 1 n onlee whiteazngurl juss hittin up ur hot payge.I was juss hangin around aa n I found yo payge.Keep up da good werk. Don`t fo`get to return da fava n save me as friend, aiite? NE wayz....I be runnin low on vocabulary so I be out! Hollah




Holla @ Me | Scribblez Hur




BOoTayLiCiOuS_G on January 23, 2003 @ 02:43:29 PM EST wrote: yo wusupppppppp kevinnnnnn gok daym bin hella long since we talked.... i mizzed gyu bOi... hope u doin fiOne thoe... budda i shee ya round ya noe... en soLLie i ain hit up yo shiet earlier... aa triPpin lyka mofo... buh gyea.... i hit gyu up latah kayzZz... er if nah hit me up on shawtie x eL aite =P payze... up en outtie wUn LoViN tew KeVin =) ;nita SwirLiexGirL on January 27, 2003 @ 10:07:42 PM EST wrote: sup eh yo wuhz poppin? ur page looks nice...aight anyways...just bored n droppn lines everywhere so hollerrr...later XxLiLFOofOOxX on February 02, 2003 @ 01:49:44 AM EST wrote: hOLLa aT diS oNe oN aim: BaBigUhfOofOo ..oKaY oUt wUn...fUcC sLoBkS sw33tlaogurl336 on February 22, 2003 @ 10:32:03 PM EST wrote: heyyyyyyyy! Wadup? hey dis be da 1 n only victoria. jus thought i would leave ma mark in yo g-book. aight. thanx 4 saven me as yo friend. well imma bounce k. aight ho-me. bai! S3xyOn3 on February 25, 2003 @ 03:01:56 AM EST wrote: hey wassup hey i jux wanted to stop by and hit u up mann well u know who this ish maly anyways i like the way ur doin good jux remember ever time u come home call meeh on my cell u know that i got much love for ya.... LuShUz69sAo on March 09, 2003 @ 01:38:49 PM EST wrote: Kevinnnnnn :( missin U!!!! lIkea WHoAhz DayM.. I`mma write yo ahzz and send u a flicc ob meEhhhh Huyz.... i`mma be moving to GA diss SUmmer!!! i`mma miss yo ahss like whoAhz Wll.. wen u get d chance i`ll ttylz ok byezzzz Don`t FERGET to write meeh bacC if u get sumthing frum MEHH!! MUAHZZZ -sao sheila KhMyKuTi3gRl on March 19, 2003 @ 01:28:09 PM EST wrote: hey waszup!!dis bEeh LAuRie taGgin dis bOokie!!dang tha pichua tye yO wepz take kare and hOllA baCcz aite payce!!!oNeLAuRie! pLaYBoiHyPeR on April 21, 2003 @ 02:03:58 PM EST wrote: Razzzzup waddup my nigka how dat life treatin u G well holla at cha boi da team lonely G Hyper R BOoTayLiCiOuS_G on April 21, 2003 @ 09:33:28 PM EST wrote: daym homie... mizzed gyu lyke whoaaa... on da real thoe we needa getsta talkin... ben hella long... mizzed dem talkz we talked hehe... buh daym itz ben different since u was gone... gotta lot tew cechup on... juz hit me up kayz... muh aim - sillie x bootay =T weLL ill talk tew u wen i do aite... love yaz... en take care aite... muahz... --x- nita aLa0zAnGeL336 on April 24, 2003 @ 07:34:16 PM EST wrote: eh wuhz kraccn holmez..aink nothin much juss wanted tuh drop bai n ish ya knO.. nice page.. i lyke da song!! eheh..buh UmM gyeah..anyhOoz juss showin some luvin..shodee be outz..1 - lil`christina SexayXLadee on May 03, 2003 @ 11:43:06 PM EST wrote: Wassup?? hey sowwie if it took me awhile to hit you back!! but neways i met chu... that day maly had a bbq right?? welpz enuff said peash 0ut h0mi3 hit me back if ya lykes Mrs. B on May 08, 2003 @ 03:20:59 PM EST wrote: me sup pdubz, it`s yo teacher Mrs. B. This website is cool. I guess. see ya LatinLove on May 08, 2003 @ 03:25:13 PM EST wrote: !Hola! Wuz up P-man how you doin?Always smile through the good and the bad .Remember... When your not looking for love, LOVE will FIND YOU!!!!! Your Friend, Jasmin Sanchez!!!! KrAzExLiLxAnGeL on June 17, 2003 @ 04:58:04 PM EST wrote:


mah page
wassup...wassup..dis hea be dat sexy pou sao lao cumin @ u frum da 336 NorTh CaRoLiNa ya heard..n e ways..i was jus rollin round aa and came upon ur while i was hea i decided that i hit up ya bookie n kiss it pretty..hehehehe...but n e runnin outta sh*t ta say so when eva ya get da chance holla back...

dis sexy mama be out like dis


LuNaChIcDrEaMaH on June 24, 2003 @ 03:11:13 PM EST wrote: WHADDUP RASCkO Oh Muh Gosh...i stumbled unto yur now yew must stumble unto minez...hope tah see yur mark...lataz...!!! *wun* much lubz & take carez o(^_^)o YoUnGxGx7126 on June 24, 2003 @ 03:25:25 PM EST wrote: nice page homie.. minez iz shyte but o weo all good, keep it up, -KJ
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