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All About Me

So you have now found my on little piece of the net... So welcome *S* I thought that seeing EVERYONE has a webpage these days, I would join the crazy cround and make one myself.... I know such a follower..... just don't go jumping off an cliffs because I might just have to follow *L*

So what should I tell you about myself.....Hmmmmmm good question eh? Well there's one thing you can tell right off the bat.... I am Canadian (eh?) *L* I just felt like I did a beer commercial or something (though I don't drink that beer) So what should I tell you about myself? Well Im 20 years old (21 in November when I can finally drink everywhere in the world.. yay! *L*) Im in the process of finishing up college....Only one month and 4 days till finals... Yes I am counting down.... I took Culinary Management (which means Im a cook/chef) I LOVE to cook... it's my passion and though Im in school for it... most of the stuff that they've taught us we already knew.... Im sorry but spending the first month of classes chopping vegtables is a tad too basic for me *L* I live with my mom and step dad and my sister twice a week... My dad is remarried (we so won't go there) and from that they produced my two brothes... My family means the world to me (well with some exceptions) as do my friends. My friends and I are avid clubbers... every weekend we're at the same bar with the same people dancing to the same music.... Hey it's Cheers but Canadian style... where yes everyone does know our names *L* As funny as it may sound, I have met a lot of my new friends at the bar... I love the bar scene.... Everyone (usually) is just out to have fun, dance the night away and just laugh our asses off... I have so many pictures of some clubbing nights that people would be very scared to see... If only my scanner worked *sigh*

So that's it about me I guess... Unless you want me to do the whole personal ad.... I like long walks on the beach and enjoying a glass of wine with the one I love over dinner..... Gag me please... those things make me laugh!!!

So I hope you enjoy my feeble attempt at a web page *S*

BTW my spelling is HORRIBLE so bare with me *G*

Photos Part 2

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