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My name is Sam, I am 8 years old.  I live in Northamptonshrie with my mum and dad and my big sisters Emily and Laura.  Emily is 14, she likes playing the flute and phoning her friends.  Laura is nearly 12, she likes shopping, football and fashion and she plays the saxophone and clarinet.  She is really untidy and she spends half her life tidying her bedroom!  Maybe I shouldn't say too much about bedrooms because I get a bit of grief from Mum about my room too.  I like books and I have loads of books in my room, best of all I like the Beano.  I love watching videos especially James Bond, I want to be a spy!  I am learning to play the violin and I go to music school on Saturdays.

Me with Emily and Laura.

Me again with Dad and Laura

You can follow the links to find out more about us.  Mum and Dad are a bit boring really so they haven't got their own pages.  Dad likes cars, clothes and spending money without telling Mum!  He likes watching TV but he always falls asleep, he hogs the TV remote control and he spends hours on the phone.  Mum likes Radio 4, she even listens to it in the bathroom!  She likes cups of coffee and she reads detective stories.  Mum helps me to look after my hamsters, they are called Seth and Jemma.  Once my old hamster escaped, it went all the way upstairs and got in bed with my dad.  He yelled and stood on one leg and made my mum catch the hamster.  We all laughed at him! 

My hamster wanted to run away  when my dad frightened him !

We have a dog called Megan and a cat called Felix.  Megan is a sheepdog, but she had to be re-homed because she is afraid of sheep.  She is afraid of lots of things but she is brilliant at football!  She could play for England, she would be really good because she never lets anyone else get the ball.  Felix is black and white, he is Laura's really but mum feeds him.  Felix thinks we are his servants, he comes in and meows to be fed, then he falls asleep in the most comfortable spot he can find.  He has a lot in common with dad really!

Meow, feed me now!!!