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Stuff about me

Hi guys Not really sure how many people are going to find this webpage, but after reading so many online diaries of other people, and finding it so motivating, I am stumbling around at the moment trying to sort one out for myself. Luckily these people are making it pretty easy for me, but bear with me if stuff goes a bit weird now and then! Hopefully having this diary will keep me on track and accountable - please kick me in the butt if I dont update as often as i should. A bit about me - I am a 27 yr old girl living in Auckland, New Zealand. I work in the travel industry and love it. I have a passion for painting and photography, and am doing a bit on the side (!!) at the moment which is earning me a bit of extra cash. Always nice! I am engaged and have just bought my first house, which we are in the process of renovating to sell. I have always been slightly overweight, but during my last year in London (spent 4 yrs there) I put on a stack of weight, mainly due to a love of Guinness, that I just cant seem to shift. I have been on and off the weight watchers programme for the last 18 months, and today I added up the amount of money I have actually spent on meetings and it was amazing. So.... we come to today, when I am committing to do something about it. Well, actually what Im probably going to do is just keep going as I am - not too bad, not too good - until Monday night when I am going to rejoin with a friend of mine, and then go hard from there. Honesty for you! OK, see you Monday night after weigh in - hopefully by then I will have figured out alot more about this website stuff and you may actually be able to navigate round this site! Take care Jo