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Jess's Journal

May 24, 2003 Mood: Pretty Good Subject: I have desided to start my journal again Its been awhile, last time i had a journal it was january 30th and with livejournal. I will eventually go back to them this will just be my temporary one! I have to work today which sucks the big one. I will be lifegaurdin for this place but im not certified yet so today im jsut checkin badges. It a senior citizen place for 55 and older and it a piece of shit out so i will be doin nothing although they have an indoor pool. Last night went to the mall with chris steph and chrissie it was fun i like buying things for myself..... what did i buy.... a pair of really comfortable pants, a tank top, and a rufio shirt. I have like a million surveys that i took a while ago that didnt put ne where casue i didnt have a journal! i was gonna put them here but for some reason i cant make spaces it sucks i gotta find out how! Goin back to livejournal as soon as i delete all the previous entries.